
Solutions on MaxInterview for tbufdataset by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "tbufdataset"
22 Jun 2019
1 if FileExists('demo1.bds') then
2    BufDataSet1.LoadFromFile('demo1.bds')
3  else
4    with BufDataSet1 do
5      begin
6        CreateDataSet;
7        Append;
8        Fields[0].Value := 'One';
9        Fields[1].Value := 1;
10        Fields[2].Value := 1.2;
11        Append;
12        Fields[0].Value := 'Two';
13        Fields[1].Value := 2;
14        Fields[2].Value := 2.3;
15        Append;
16        Fields[0].Value := 'Three';
17        Fields[1].Value := 3;
18        Fields[2].Value := 3.4;
19        Append;
20        Fields[0].Value := 'Four';
21        Fields[1].Value := 4;
22        Fields[2].Value := 4.5;
23        Post;
24        SaveToFile('demo1.bds');
25      end;
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