tic tac toe python

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08 Jun 2017
1#Tic Tac Toe game in python by techwithtim
3board = [' ' for x in range(10)]
5def insertLetter(letter, pos):
6    board[pos] = letter
8def spaceIsFree(pos):
9    return board[pos] == ' '
11def printBoard(board):
12    print('   |   |')
13    print(' ' + board[1] + ' | ' + board[2] + ' | ' + board[3])
14    print('   |   |')
15    print('-----------')
16    print('   |   |')
17    print(' ' + board[4] + ' | ' + board[5] + ' | ' + board[6])
18    print('   |   |')
19    print('-----------')
20    print('   |   |')
21    print(' ' + board[7] + ' | ' + board[8] + ' | ' + board[9])
22    print('   |   |')
24def isWinner(bo, le):
25    return (bo[7] == le and bo[8] == le and bo[9] == le) or (bo[4] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[6] == le) or(bo[1] == le and bo[2] == le and bo[3] == le) or(bo[1] == le and bo[4] == le and bo[7] == le) or(bo[2] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[8] == le) or(bo[3] == le and bo[6] == le and bo[9] == le) or(bo[1] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[9] == le) or(bo[3] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[7] == le)
27def playerMove():
28    run = True
29    while run:
30        move = input('Please select a position to place an \'X\' (1-9): ')
31        try:
32            move = int(move)
33            if move > 0 and move < 10:
34                if spaceIsFree(move):
35                    run = False
36                    insertLetter('X', move)
37                else:
38                    print('Sorry, this space is occupied!')
39            else:
40                print('Please type a number within the range!')
41        except:
42            print('Please type a number!')
45def compMove():
46    possibleMoves = [x for x, letter in enumerate(board) if letter == ' ' and x != 0]
47    move = 0
49    for let in ['O', 'X']:
50        for i in possibleMoves:
51            boardCopy = board[:]
52            boardCopy[i] = let
53            if isWinner(boardCopy, let):
54                move = i
55                return move
57    cornersOpen = []
58    for i in possibleMoves:
59        if i in [1,3,7,9]:
60            cornersOpen.append(i)
62    if len(cornersOpen) > 0:
63        move = selectRandom(cornersOpen)
64        return move
66    if 5 in possibleMoves:
67        move = 5
68        return move
70    edgesOpen = []
71    for i in possibleMoves:
72        if i in [2,4,6,8]:
73            edgesOpen.append(i)
75    if len(edgesOpen) > 0:
76        move = selectRandom(edgesOpen)
78    return move
80def selectRandom(li):
81    import random
82    ln = len(li)
83    r = random.randrange(0,ln)
84    return li[r]
87def isBoardFull(board):
88    if board.count(' ') > 1:
89        return False
90    else:
91        return True
93def main():
94    print('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')
95    printBoard(board)
97    while not(isBoardFull(board)):
98        if not(isWinner(board, 'O')):
99            playerMove()
100            printBoard(board)
101        else:
102            print('Sorry, O\'s won this time!')
103            break
105        if not(isWinner(board, 'X')):
106            move = compMove()
107            if move == 0:
108                print('Tie Game!')
109            else:
110                insertLetter('O', move)
111                print('Computer placed an \'O\' in position', move , ':')
112                printBoard(board)
113        else:
114            print('X\'s won this time! Good Job!')
115            break
117    if isBoardFull(board):
118        print('Tie Game!')
120while True:
121    answer = input('Do you want to play again? (Y/N)')
122    if answer.lower() == 'y' or answer.lower == 'yes':
123        board = [' ' for x in range(10)]
124        print('-----------------------------------')
125        main()
126    else:
127        break
18 Oct 2019
1def tic_tac_toe():
2    board = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
3    end = False
4    win_commbinations = ((0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8), (0, 3, 6), (1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (0, 4, 8), (2, 4, 6))
6    def draw():
7        print(board[0], board[1], board[2])
8        print(board[3], board[4], board[5])
9        print(board[6], board[7], board[8])
10        print()
12    def p1():
13        n = choose_number()
14        if board[n] == "X" or board[n] == "O":
15            print("\nYou can't go there. Try again")
16            p1()
17        else:
19             board[n] = "X"
21    def p2():
22        n = choose_number()
23        if board[n] == "X" or board[n] == "O":
24            print("\nYou can't go there. Try again")
25            p2()
26        else:
27            board[n] = "O"
29    def choose_number():
30        while True:
31            while True:
32                a = input()
33                try:
34                    a  = int(a)
35                    a -= 1
36                    if a in range(0, 9):
37                        return a
38                    else:
39                        print("\nThat's not on the board. Try again")
40                        continue
41                except ValueError:
42                   print("\nThat's not a number. Try again")
43                   continue
45    def check_board():
46        count = 0
47        for a in win_commbinations:
48            if board[a[0]] == board[a[1]] == board[a[2]] == "X":
49                print("Player 1 Wins!\n")
50                print("Congratulations!\n")
51                return True
53            if board[a[0]] == board[a[1]] == board[a[2]] == "O":
54                print("Player 2 Wins!\n")
55                print("Congratulations!\n")
56                return True
57        for a in range(9):
58            if board[a] == "X" or board[a] == "O":
59                count += 1
60            if count == 9:
61                print("The game ends in a Tie\n")
62                return True
64    while not end:
65        draw()
66        end = check_board()
67        if end == True:
68            break
69        print("Player 1 choose where to place a cross")
70        p1()
71        print()
72        draw()
73        end = check_board()
74        if end == True:
75            break
76        print("Player 2 choose where to place a nought")
77        p2()
78        print()
80    if input("Play again (y/n)\n") == "y":
81        print()
82        tic_tac_toe()
04 Jan 2017
1board = ['-', '-', '-',
2         '-', '-', '-',
3         '-', '-', '-']
4gameplay = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
5def display_board():
6    print(board[0] + '|' + board[1] + '|' + board[2])
7    print(board[3] + '|' + board[4] + '|' + board[5])
8    print(board[6] + '|' + board[7] + '|' + board[8])
10def win_check():
11    # Row Check
12    for col in range(7):
13        if board[col] is board[col+1] is board[col+2] == 'X':
14            print('You win')
15            return True
16        if board[col] is board[col+1] is board[col+2] == 'O':
17            print('You win')
18            return True
20    # Column Check
21    for row in range(3):
22        if board[row] is board[row+3] is board[row+6] == 'X':
23            print('You win')
24            return True
25        if board[row] is board[row+3] is board[row+6] == 'O':
26            print('You win')
27            return True
29    # Diagonal Check
30    dia = 0
31    if board[dia] is board[dia+4] is board[dia+8] == 'X':
32        print('You win')
33        display_board()
34        return True
35    elif board[dia] is board[dia+4] is board[dia+8] == 'O':
36        print('You win')
37        display_board()
38        return True
39    dia = 2
40    if board[dia] is board[dia+2] is board[dia+4] == 'X':
41        print('You win')
42        display_board()
43        return True
44    elif board[dia] is board[dia+2] is board[dia+4] == 'O':
45        print('You win')
46        display_board()
47        return True
49def play_game():
50    i = 0
51    if gameplay[i] == 1:
52        board[val] = 'X'
53        gameplay.pop(i)
54        res = win_check()
55        if res is True:
56            return True
57        else:
58            display_board()
59            inval()
60    else:
61        board[val] = 'O'
62        gameplay.pop(i)
63        res = win_check()
64        if res is True:
65            return True
66        else:
67            display_board()
68            inval()
71def inval():
72    global val
73    val = int(input('Choose the values from 0 to 8'))
74    try:
75        if val<=8 and val>=0:
76            for item in range(9):
77                if item == val:
78                    res = play_game()
79                    if res is True:
80                        break
81                    break
82        else:
83            print('Enter Valid Input!!!!')
84            inval()
86    except TypeError:
87        print('Enter Valid Input!!!!')
88        inval()
15 Nov 2019
1import time
2import sys
4TITLES = "    A   B   C\n"
5INIT_BOARD = "| / | / | / |\n"
6A, B, C = 4, 8, 12
7# creates the game board
8board = [f"{x} {INIT_BOARD}" for x in range(3)]
9user_turn = ""
10taken = True
11winner = False
12turn_number = 0
13# keeps the score and determines what symbols will be used
14SYMBOLS = ["x", "o"]
15winner_save = [list(x * 3) for x in SYMBOLS]
16score = {symbol: 0 for symbol in SYMBOLS}
18# does all the logic to the game
19class logic:
20    def __init__(self, ctx, turn, win_template):
21        self.ctx = ctx
22        self.turn = turn
23        self.template = win_template
25    # check if 3 of the same symbols are in a line
26    def winner_check(self):
27        # initializes the list containing the rows. rows 0, 1, and 2 are created
28        win_check = [
29            [board[c][x] for x in range(4, len(board[c])) if x % 4 == 0]
30            for c in range(3)
31        ]
32        # adds the values for every possible row to the list
33        for x in range(3):
34            win_check.append([win_check[c][x] for c in range(3)])
35        win_check.append([win_check[x][x] for x in range(3)])
36        win_check.append([win_check[x][c] for x, c in zip(range(3)[::-1], range(3))])
37        # determines if someone has won
38        for x in win_check:
39            if x in self.template:
40                print(f"{self.turn} wins!")
41                keep = True
42                break
43            keep = False
44        return keep
46    # updates the spot value of the given input. ex: input = A1, spot A1 will be occupied by the player
47    def take_spot(self):
48        append_board = board[int(user[1])]
49        append_board = "".join(
50            [
51                append_board[x] if x != eval(user[0]) else self.turn
52                for x in range(len(append_board))
53            ]
54        )
55        return append_board
57    # checks to see if a spot on the board is already occupied
58    def spot_taken(self):
59        board_ctx = board[int(self.ctx[1])][eval(self.ctx[0])]
60        check_spot = True if board_ctx in ["o", "x"] else False
61        if check_spot == True:
62            print("spot already taken :/ try again")
63        return check_spot
66# takes the location input and checks if it exists
67def input_check():
68    slow_print("location- \n")
69    ctx = input().upper()
70    all_input = [x + str(c) for x in ["A", "B", "C"] for c in range(3)]
71    if ctx in all_input:
72        pass
73    else:
74        while ctx not in all_input:
75            slow_print("invalid location, try again\n")
76            slow_print("location- \n")
77            ctx = input().upper()
78    return list(ctx)
81# takes an input and prints it smoothly to the console
82def slow_print(inpt):
83    for x in inpt:
84        sys.stdout.write(x)
85        time.sleep(0.01)
88slow_print(TITLES + "".join(board))
90# determines what symbol will go first
91while True:
92    slow_print(f"{SYMBOLS[0]}'s or {SYMBOLS[1]}'s?- \n")
93    user_turn = input()
94    if user_turn in [SYMBOLS[0], SYMBOLS[1]]:
95        slow_print(f"{user_turn}'s first!\n")
96        break
97    else:
98        slow_print("incorrent input try again!")
100# brings all the functions and logic together
101while True:
102    outcome = "None"
103    while winner == False:
104        # keeps track of the amount of turns to determine if the outcome is a tie
105        turn_number += 1
106        if turn_number == 10:
107            slow_print("Tie!\n")
108            outcome = None
109            break
110        # takes spot input and brings the spot_taken logic together to determines==
111        # whether a spot is already occupied
112        while taken == True:
113            user = input_check()
114            init = logic(user, user_turn, winner_save)
115            taken = init.spot_taken()
116        ctx_board = init.take_spot()
117        board[int(user[1])] = ctx_board
118        slow_print(TITLES + "".join(board))
119        user_turn = SYMBOLS[0] if user_turn != SYMBOLS[0] else SYMBOLS[1]
120        taken = True
121        winner = init.winner_check()
122    # makes sure the point is given to the winner by inverting the current user_turn
123    if outcome == None:
124        pass
125    else:
126        score[SYMBOLS[0] if user_turn == SYMBOLS[1] else SYMBOLS[1]] += 1
127    slow_print(
128        f"Scores: {SYMBOLS[0]}-{score[SYMBOLS[0]]}, {SYMBOLS[1]}-{score[SYMBOLS[1]]}\n"
129    )
130    slow_print("Would you like to play another (Y/N)?- \n")
131    repeat = input().upper()
132    if repeat == "Y":
133        winner = False
134        board = [f"{x} {INIT_BOARD}" for x in range(3)]
135        turn_number = 0
136        continue
137    else:
138        break
24 May 2019
1def slant_check(matrix,P1,P2):
2    empty_lst1 = []
3    empty_lst2= []
4    lst1 = []
5    lst2 = []
6    x = len(matrix)
7    v = len(matrix) - 1
8    t = 0 
9    g = 0
10    n = True
11    while n:
12        for i in range(x):
13            if matrix[i][i] == P1 or matrix[t][i] == P1:
14                empty_lst1.append(matrix[i][i])
15            if matrix[i][i] == P2 or matrix[t][i] == P2:
16                empty_lst2.append(matrix[i][i])
17        while v >= g:
18            if matrix[g][v] == P1:
19                lst1.append(matrix[g][v]) 
20            if matrix[g][v] == P2:
21                lst2.append(matrix[g][v])
22            t -= 1
23            v -= 1
24            g += 1
25        if len(empty_lst1) == x:
26            return True
27        if len(empty_lst2) == x:
28            return True
29        if len(lst1) == x:
30            return True
31        if len(lst2) == x:
32            return True
33        return False
34def vertical_check(lst,P1,P2):
35    for i in range(len(lst) - 2):
36        for j in range(len(lst)):
37            if lst[i][j] == P1 and lst[i + 1][j] == P1 and lst[i + 2][j] == P1:
38                return True
39            if lst[i][j] == P2 and lst[i + 1][j] == P2 and lst[i + 2][j] == P2:
40                return True
42    return False
43def horizontal_check(lst,P1,P2):
44    for i in range(len(lst)):
45        for j in range(len(lst) - 2):
46            if lst[i][j]== P1 and lst[i][j + 1]== P1 and lst[i][j + 2]== P1 :
47                return True
48            if lst[i][j]== P2 and lst[i][j + 1]== P2 and lst[i][j + 2]== P2 :
49                return True
50    return False
51def find_grid2(place,lst):
52    for i in range(len(lst)):
53        for j in range(len(lst[i])):
54            if place == lst[i][j]:
55                return lst.index(lst[i])
57def find_grid1(place,lst):
58    for i in range(len(lst)):
59        for j in range(len(lst[i])):
60            if place == lst[i][j]:
61                return lst[i].index(place)
63def print_lst(lst):
64    for i in range(len(lst)):
65        for j in range(len(lst[i]) - 2):
66            print(lst[i][j],'|', lst[i][j + 1],'|', lst[i][j + 2])
67            print('----------')
68def tic_tac_toe():
69    lst = [[1,2,3],
70           [4,5,6],
71           [7,8,9]]
72    P1 = 0
73    P2 = 0
74    counter_loop = 0
75    _ = 0 
76    new_lst = [1,2]
77    while True:
78        P1 = input('Player1 select "x" or "o" ? (Type in x or o):\n').lower()
79        if P1 == 'x':
80            print('Player2 is now "o"!\n')
81            P2 = 'o'
82            break
83        if P1 == 'o':
84            print('Player2 is now "x"!\n')
85            P2 = 'x'
86            break
87        else:
88            print('Try Again\n')
89    print_lst(lst)
90    while _ < len(lst): 
91        for i in range(len(lst[_])):
92            if counter_loop == 9:
93                print("Tie!")
94                break
95            place_grid1 = input('Where would Player 1 like to place? : ')
96            if int(place_grid1) >= 10 or int(place_grid1) <= 0:
97                print('Try Again')
98                place_grid1 = input('Where would Player 1 like to place? : ')
99                break
100            place_grid = int(place_grid1)
101            counter_loop += 1
102            inner_index1 = find_grid1(place_grid,lst)
103            outer_index1 = find_grid2(place_grid,lst)
104            lst[outer_index1][inner_index1] = P1
105            print_lst(lst)
106            if horizontal_check(lst,P1,P2) == True:
107                print("Player 1 wins!!")
108                counter_loop = 9 
109                break
110            if vertical_check(lst,P1,P2) == True:
111                print("Player 1 wins!!")
112                counter_loop = 9 
113                break
114            if slant_check(lst,P1,P2) == True:
115                print("Player 1 wins!!")
116                counter_loop = 9 
117                break
118            if counter_loop == 9:
119                print("Tie!")
120                break
121            place_grid2 = input('Where would Player 2 like to place? : ')
122            if int(place_grid2) >= 10 or int(place_grid2) <=0:
123                print('Try Again')
124                place_grid2 = input('Where would Player 2 like to place? : ')
125                break
126            place_gridy = int(place_grid2)
127            counter_loop += 1
128            inner_index2 = find_grid1(place_gridy,lst)
129            outer_index2 = find_grid2(place_gridy,lst)
130            lst[outer_index2][inner_index2] = P2
131            print_lst(lst)
132            if horizontal_check(lst,P1,P2) == True:
133                print("Player 2 wins!!")
134                counter_loop = 9 
135                break
136            if vertical_check(lst,P1,P2) == True:
137                print("Player 2 wins!!")
138                counter_loop = 9 
139                break
140            if slant_check(lst,P1,P2) == True:
141                print("Player 2 wins!!")
142                counter_loop = 9 
143                break
144            if counter_loop == 9:
145                print("Tie!")
146                break        
147        if counter_loop == 9:
148            break
150        _ += 1
03 Apr 2019
1class Grid:
3    def __init__(self):
4        self.__grid = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
5        self.__score = 0
6        self.turn = 1
8    def check_location(self, x_index, y_index):
9        if self.__grid[int(x_index) - 1][int(y_index) - 1] == 1 or\
10           self.__grid[int(x_index) - 1][int(y_index) - 1] == 2:
11            return False
12        else:
13            return True
15    def display(self):
16        lineVal: int = 0
17        print("0 1 2 3")
18        for i in self.__grid:
19            lineVal += 1
20            print(str(lineVal), end=" ")
21            for k in i:
22                print(str(k), end=" ")
24            print()
26    def place_counter(self, x_index, y_index):
27        if self.turn == 1:
28            self.__grid[int(x_index) - 1][int(y_index) - 1] = 1
29            self.turn = -1
30        else:
31            self.__grid[int(x_index) - 1][int(y_index) - 1] = 2
32            self.turn = 1
34    def reset_grid(self):
35        for i in range(len(self.__grid)):
36            for k in range((len(self.__grid[i]))):
37                self.__grid[i][k] = 0
39    def victory_check(self):
40        for l in range(1, 2):
42            for i in range(len(self.__grid)):
43                if self.__grid[i][0] == l and self.__grid[i][1] == l and self.__grid[i][2] == l:
44                    return True
45                if self.__grid[0][i] == l and self.__grid[1][i] == l and self.__grid[2][i] == l:
46                    return True
47                if self.__grid[0][0] == l and self.__grid[1][1] == l and self.__grid[2][2] == l:
48                    return True
49                if self.__grid[0][2] == l and self.__grid[1][1] == l and self.__grid[2][0] == l:
50                    return True
53def collect_place():
54    return input("Please enter a location: ")
57placingGrid = Grid()
58while True:
59    placingGrid.display()
60    x_pos = collect_place()
61    y_pos = collect_place()
62    if placingGrid.check_location(x_pos, y_pos):
63        placingGrid.place_counter(x_pos, y_pos)
64    else:
65        print("Invalid location")
67    if placingGrid.victory_check():
68        print("Well done")
69        placingGrid.reset_grid()
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