time to string in php

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showing results for - "time to string in php"
23 May 2016
3$date new DateTime('2000-01-01');
4echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
13 Jan 2016
2$date = '27/06/2020, 04:42:43 PM';
3$date = str_replace('/', '-', $date);
4echo date('F j, Y, g:i a',strtotime($date));
6// output : June 27, 2020, 4:42 pm
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datetime format phpphp to string dateconvert date to string in phpdate converter to string phphow to convert datetime to string phpphp datetime format hours and minutesphp get timestamp from day month yearphp from date to string how do i set time to a string in phpdate time to string phpphp time 28 29 to stringphp get date time stringcurrent timestamp in php to strstringphp timestamp to date stringtime to str phpphp current time to stringconvert datetime object to string phpphp convert datetimeformatter function phpphp date formattingdatetime to string php no timenew datetime php to stringchange date time to string phpdo something chech two week phpphp datetime 2f to php convert date to stringtotimephp date as stringstrtotime format datephp dateto stringstrtotime his in phpphp conversion date to stringphp datetime to string examplesdate convert to string phpphp get right date if its 32php convert datetime object to stringphp time 280 to stringdatetimr format phpconvert string to time 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