toast react

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showing results for - "toast react"
20 Jul 2019
1// toast in react
2// create toast.js component
4import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
5import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';
9const options = {
10  autoClose: 2000,
11  className: '',
12  position: toast.POSITION.TOP_RIGHT,
15export const toastSuccess = message => {
16  console.log("Hello0 success toast")
17  toast.success(message, options);
20export const toastError = message => {
21  toast.error(message, options);
24export const toastWarning = message => {
25  toast.warn(message, options);
28export const toastInformation = message => {
29, options);
32export const toastDark = message => {
33  toast.dark(message, options);
36export const toastDefault = message => {
37  toast(message, options);
40// wherever in need that toast use like this 
42import { toastError, toastSuccess } from "./Toast";
43toastSuccess("User successfully registered");
44toastError("User is not created try again");
26 Jul 2017
1import { ToastProvider } from 'react-toast-notifications';
2import { Snack } from '../snackbar';
4const App = () => (
5  <ToastProvider
6    autoDismiss
7    autoDismissTimeout={6000}
8    components={{ Toast: Snack }}
9    placement="bottom-center"
10	appearance: 'success',
11    autoDismiss: true,
12  >
13    ...
14  </ToastProvider>
24 Aug 2019
1npm install react-native-simple-toast --save
2react-native link react-native-simple-toast // only RN < 0.60
3cd ios && pod install
María Alejandra
19 May 2017
1<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
2<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
queries leading to this page
react native react native simple toastreact native toast webimport 7b toast 7d from 22react toastify 22 3breact toast conatinerreact js toast exampletoast in reactraect toastreact native toast messagetoast in react nativeandroid toast in react nativetoast show react nativehow to create toast in reactreact toastr importreact native simple toasthow to import toast in reacttoast module react nativereact native toast message exampletreact naive toastreact native toastifytoast ui reactimport 7b toast 7d from 22react toastify 22how to add toaster in react jstoast library react nativereact js toaster 27react native simple toastreactnative toasttoastr npm in reactimplementing toast in reactreact native toast modulehow to use toaster in react jstoaster react nativetoastr js reactrender toast reacttoast in ios react nativeusing toastr in reacttoastandroid in react native with conditionsreact toasticreating a toast message for android in react nativereact toast messagetoastr react jstoastr js 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