transpose a matrix in python

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showing results for - "transpose a matrix in python"
12 Aug 2019
1>>> a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
2>>> a
3array([[1, 2],
4       [3, 4]])
5>>> a.transpose()
6array([[1, 3],
7       [2, 4]])
8>>> a.transpose((1, 0))
9array([[1, 3],
10       [2, 4]])
11>>> a.transpose(1, 0)
12array([[1, 3],
13       [2, 4]])
04 Nov 2017
1matrix = ((0, 1), (3, 4), (6, 7))
2#Transpose matrix from 3x2 to 2x3
4matrix_transpose = tuple(zip(*data))
8((0, 3, 6), (1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8))
21 May 2018
2import numpy as np
4arr1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
6print(f'Original Array:\n{arr1}')
8arr1_transpose = arr1.transpose()
10print(f'Transposed Array:\n{arr1_transpose}')
26 Feb 2018
1import numpy as np
3A = [1, 2, 3, 4]
4np.array(A).T # .T is used to transpose matrix
17 Apr 2018
1M = np.matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
17 Oct 2017
1arr = list(list(x) for x in zip(*arr))
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