tyepes and field in typegraphql

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23 Jun 2019
2class Recipe {
3  @Field()
4  id: string;
6  @Field()
7  title: string;
9  @Field()
10  ratings: Rate[];
12  @Field()
13  averageRating: number;
20 Aug 2018
1`const MovieType = new GraphQLObjectType({
2  name: 'Movie',
3  fields: () => ({
4    id: { type: GraphQLString },
5    adult: { type: GraphQLBoolean },
6    backdrop_path: { type: GraphQLString },
7    belongs_to_collection: { type: BelongsToCollection },
8    budget: { type: GraphQLInt },
9    overview: { type: GraphQLString },
10    popularity: { type: GraphQLInt },
11    poster_path: { type: GraphQLString },
12    production_companies: {
13      type: new GraphQLList(CompaniesType)
14    },
15    genres: {
16      type: new GraphQLList(GenreType)
17    },
18    release_date: { type: GraphQLString },
19    tagline: { type: GraphQLString },
20    title: { type: GraphQLString },
21    vote_average: { type: GraphQLInt },
22    vote_count: { type: GraphQLInt }
23  })
26const CompaniesType = new GraphQLObjectType({
27  name: 'ProductionCompanies',
28  fields: {
29    id: { type: GraphQLInt },
30    name: { type: GraphQLString },
31    logo_path: { type: GraphQLString },
32    original_country: { type: GraphQLString }
33  }
36const GenreType = new GraphQLObjectType({
37  name: 'Genre',
38  fields: () => ({
39    id: { type: GraphQLInt },
40    name: { type: GraphQLString }
41  })
44const BelongsToCollection = new GraphQLObjectType({
45  name: 'BelongsToCollection',
46  fields: () => ({
47    id: { type: GraphQLInt },
48    name: { type:  GraphQLString },
49    poster_path: { type: GraphQLString },
50    backdrop_path: { type: GraphQLString  } 
51  })
queries leading to this page
graphql array of stringsid 21 graphqlmeaning of 21 in graphqlschema definition languagegraphql schema definition languagegraphql schema requiretype graphql fieldgraphql query list of stringsgraphql list typehow to declare nested fields schemas in graphqlgraph ql default graphql schema for usagegraphql double typenested types graphql schemaschema id idresolve inputobjecttype from graphqlreferencetypegraphql define query nameonlytypes graphqlgraphql schema types fileis graphql id scalar intgql or typegraphql object typetype id variable graphqldefine nested types graphql 22graphql 22 double type type input in graphqlenschema and graphqltype de graphqlgraphql list of typesgraphql schema language or andgrapqhl types floatgraphql ne 3a truestring in graphqlgraph ql type querygraph ql schemaobligatory field graphqltype graphql mutationtype query long graphqlgraphql enumnested schema in graphqlgraph ql type mandatorydefine graphql object types to act as entry point in schemagrapql object in fieldwhats entity type in graphqldefining query graphiql interfacegraphql type fieldsgraphql object vs fieldschema graphql examplegraphql type ornested types graphqlgraphql types numberstruct to scalar graphqlbest way to define graphql schemagraph query schemaarray type graphqlgraphql schema examplegraphql schema nested object arrayschema nested examples graphql awsarray schema graphqldate in graphqlhow to define graphql schemagraphql string typegraph ql not getting correct typegraphql schema first nestjsgraphql object types as entry pointtypegraphql number arraygraphql scheme argsgraphql type for anygraphql schema languagejavascript graphql schema type by nameschema graphql example in armpitgraphql define type oroption field in object type graphqlset something as unique in graphqlgraphql field typesid type graphqltype annotations graphql errorgraphql define typehow to define 2types in an array in graphql schematypegraphql array with typegraphql id scalargraphql matchcase in graphql schemagql number typegraphql nested objectgraphql schema or type gql object typegraphql string 21graphql type to graphql schemagraphql type objectgprahql schema arrayinteger in graphqlurl graphql typegraphql objectlogical or while defining output types in graphqlgraphql map vs listgraphql email typegraphql schema string and graphql querygraphql schema booleangraphql schema or example graphql schemagraphql idgraphql schema exmaplegraphql example schemadefining schema graphqlgraphql type idgraph ql query tylestwo different types in grapql schemagraphql float typemutation schema graphql returngraphql id requiredgraphql constantsgraphql named fieldstring 21 graphqlgrapql typesnest with graphqldefinir type en graphqlgraphql required fieldsgraphql nested querydata types graghqlemail type in graphqlsample graphql schemagraphql field type html htmlelement responsejavascript graphql schema type same typegraphql 5bstring 5dto be a graphql schema graphql add type nameoption fields in graphql schemahow to know the graphql field object typegenerate type query and type modelconnections in the schemagraphql schemagraphql schema typegraphql nested typesschema 7b query 3a query 7d query not type graphql file examplegraphql deeply nested schemagraphql schema object namegql boolgraphql numberschema definition language examplesgraphql api with schema and query examplerequired primite to support graph qlgraph ql data objectnumber in graphqlstring in grahqldata types in graphqlgraphql enumerationgraphql schema 7c typegraphql text typegraphql schema with complex object typegraphql object in fieldgraphql datetypegraphql string typestype graphql descriptiondocument graphql schemagraphql type namesschema graphql 40functionqraphql type querycreating query schema graphqlgraphql schema and graphql querygraphql type listgrapql schema data typesgraphql schema error definitionlist of graphqlschemagraphql schema and query gqlgraphql if type isgraphql field dategraphql schema optional returngraphql use locationdata for all type in graphqlor operator gql schem 2cagraphql mixed types schematype graphql schemagraphql mandatory listhow to get vlue in graphql as shema namegraphql schema arraygraphql string objectgraphql schema any typegraphql type definitiongraphql object type to shemegraphql gql schema mutation typegraphql gql type arraygraphql arraygraphql connect different schema typesany type graphqlhow to get the graphql type of fieldgraphql schem aarraygraphql tupesnestjs graphql generate schematype id in graphqlgraphql array typegraphql schema objecthow to define types in graphql schemagraphql query typetyped xqeurygraphql number typereturn types graphqlgraphql nested subscriptions schemahow to define schema with object type idgraph ql data type objectgql chemagraphql create a type and a list of that typegraphql query example for schemagraphql embedded typegraphql server 40typesany type in graphqlgraphql sdl schemadata types graphql objectdata types graphqltypegraphql fieldgraphql any typestypes graphql 3f schema graphqltype any graphqlgraphql stringgraphq schemagraphql inline typetype graphql field return typegraphql structured daeaid graphqltype id graphqlgraphql schema enuminput in graphqlgraphql schema examplesdatatype any for a filed in graphql 5buser 21 5d 21 graphqltype graphql emailgraphql associationsgraphql schema graphqlhow to define types in an array in graphql schemagraphql schema typeshow to write number types in graphqlgraphql server typeshow to define any value in graphql types 5bstring 5d graphqlis schema mandatory for graphqlis defining graphql schema mandatorygraphql type definitionsnested schema graphqlgraphql numericgraphql type querynested schema design in graphqlgraphql schemasgraphql date typegraphql type numbergraphql model typesoption field in objecttype graphqlhow to design nested compleceted schema in graphqltypes of graphql serversgraphql order typeqraphql type of anygraphql array type typegraphqlhow to define nasting out data type in graphqlgraphql id stringdefine graphql typehow to read graphql schemasdl graphqlgraphql documentation schemagql data typesgraphql how to query arrays uniongraphql list type graphqlgraphql schema types outputgraph ql typeidentifier error graphqlgraphql schema nested objectgraphql id 21graphql dictionary typegraphql shemaall type in graphqlgraphql unionsgraphql on typehow to give graphql arg typegraphql any typegraphql boolean typegraphql required 21graphql native typesin graphql schemagraphql schema double nested object array 22string 21 22 graphqlgraphql id type as namestring or number both in shema in graphqlapollographql nested schemagraphql define any typegraphql relatedto typegraphql float doublegraphql typing a list of intshow to set graphql schema for object typesquery graphql schemagraphql nested typedefsgraphql type anygraphql show schemagraphql long typearray of type graphqlgraphql primitive typeshow to make nested schema in graphqlgraphql on typegrpahql inputgraphql specify collectiongraphql typesgrapqhl schema examplegraphql scalar typesgraphql data types listtypes for graphqlspecify file in graphql schemaquery type array for graphqlgraphql datatypesgraphql shapeschema graphql optionalgraphql operations schemagraphql query specify name typegraphql type query gqlgraphql return typesgraphql query variable typesgraphql list of timegraphql is every model an entry pointgraphql learn schematypedefs text graphqlgraphql type array of stringsgraphql number schemagql typesgraphql follow typegraphql type for doublehow to define a number in graph ql schemagraphql types datatypegraphql schema querygraphql schema field typesgraphql nested type schemahow to write graphql schemadate schematype graphqlgraphql typegraphql schema array of strings jsgraphql schema data typesgraphql sdl examplegraphql enumstype graphql querygraphql schema and graphql query exampledefaults graphql schemaschema graphql examplegraphql to stringgraphql add type namescalars graphqlgraphql schema variablesgraphql double floattyepes and field in typegraphqlgraphql return typegraphql object type any type valuescalar point graphqlnested graphql schemasare graphql schemas tables 3fmodel can be defined only once in graphqlhow to match characters in graphqldefining a graphql schemagraphql query typesdate schema type graphqlgraphql 40model field typesgql schemaschema in graphqlgraphql data typesgraphql idmention an object in graphql schemacan i pass floats into my graphql typedefsgraphql nested data examplesgraphql type definitions string or more fieldstype graphql rootgraphql gql idapi definition to graphql typesgraphql different schemasgraphql schema listtype in graphqldoes graphql 15 2 gives type definitionsgraphql integeruse of schema in graphqlgraphql create referenced objecttype query graphqltypes in graphqlgraphql 5bstring 21 5d 21graphql integer typegraph ql listgraphql sdltypename graphql precise queryschema graphqlcommon schemas in graphqlgraphql variable typesgraphql typesgraphql 21 symbolgraphql tpye idgraphql 5bstring 21 5dtypegraphql field typestype graphql array of stringsgraphql input typegraphql type object anyways to define a schema with graphqlgraphql what is a schemagraphql schema nested tree objectgraphql create nested datagraphql type textgraphql schema fieldgraphql doubleschema graphqlgraphql id typegraphql schema model to graphqlgraphql sclar id vs intgraphql schema bangtype maybe graphqldata type in graphqlgraphql nested schemaassociations graphqltypes in grapgqlgraphql schema example files graphql map examplesdefine constant graphqlgraphql query schema return orinput in graphql schema returns 5bobject object 5dgraphql schema creation intgraphql trypesgraphql date schemagraphql schema graphql queryinput types in graphqlgraphql list of object typetypegraphql arraygraphql string 5b 5dgraphql object type anyfields graphqlgraphql type query nesteddefine schema graohql and use in root graphql schema and querywhat 27s meaning graphql 21after typegraphql schema query examplegraphql types floatgraphql schema and query examplesgraphql array typesobject in graphql schemagraphql schema array of objectshow to type an argument in graphql as an arraygraphql query variables built in typesgraphql number typesgraphql schema associationsgraphql or typegraphql entire schema optionalgraphql nested query examplegraphql listgraphql schemeschema and graphqldata type graphqlgraphql nesteddouble in graphql schemacreate graphql type syntaxgraphql specific string typegraphql type integergraphql boolean examplegraphql any object typegraphql shared scalarfield type graphqlhow to define model for nested schema in graphqltyepes and field in typegraphql