update or delete on table 22model 22 violates foreign key constraint

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showing results for - "update or delete on table 22model 22 violates foreign key constraint"
24 Oct 2019
1ERROR: update or delete on table "attachment" violates foreign key constraint 
14 Sep 2019
1has_many :comments, dependent: :delete_all - just automatically delete them when the user is deleted
3has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy - like above, but call #destroy on each comment instead of just deleting directly in the db
5has_many :comments, dependent: :nullify - don't delete comments when the user is deleted, just null out their user_id column
queries leading to this page
pg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22movies 22 violates foreign key constraint 28pg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails 5e78cd340a 22 on table 22groups 22 29update or delete on table 22employee 22 violates foreign key constraint 22employee super ssn fkey 22 on table 22employee 22foreign key violation update or delete on table 5c 22company order 5c 22 violates foreign key constraint 5c 22fk order 5c 22 on table 5c 22company orderstagupdate or delete on table violates foreign key constraint postgres pg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a insert or update on table 22users 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22results 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22publications 22 violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table 22company 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22account 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk6g20fcr3bhr6bihgy24rq1r1b 22 on table caused by 3a org postgresql util psqlexception 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22 22 violates foreign key constraintsql insert or update on table 22options 22 violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table 22scantist library 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table users violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table 22 22 violates foreign key constraint 22 22 rails on table 22 22 detail 3a key is still referenced from table 22 22error 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22 violates foreign key constraint queryfailederror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint foreignkeyviolation 3a insert or update on table 22forum post 22 violates foreign key constraint 22forum post personality id fkey 22update or delete on table 22venues 22 violates foreign key constraintpostgres update or delete violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on tablesequelize error update or delete on table 5c 22places 5c 22 violates foreign key constraintpg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key cerror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on tablein postgresql sequelizeupdate or delete on table categories violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails 1e86d9c4ec 22 on table 22books 22update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint 22employee super ssn fkey 22 on table 22employee 22update or delete on table 22 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails afa9afc72b 22 on tableupdate or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on table error insert or update on table violates foreign key constraintinsert or update on table violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22status 22 violates foreign key constraint 22likes statusid fkey 22 on table 22likes 22update or delete on table 22entries 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails 6eb862c86b 22pg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint pg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22authors 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails 53d51ce16a 22 on table 22books 22 detail 3a key 28id 29 3d 2825 29 is still referenced from table 22books 22 sqlalchemy error 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on table detail 3a key is still referenced from tablepostgresql defer constraints violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22orderdetails 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table violates foreign key constraint update or delete on table 22model 22 violates foreign key constraintpostgresql update or delete on table 5c 22places 5c 22 violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on table is still referenced from tableinsert or update on table violates foreign key constraint postgrespostgres sql delete violates foreign key constraintpg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails ad8f6027f0 22 on table 22venues 22sqlalchemy error 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on tablepg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22authors 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails f44b1e3c8a 22 on table 22comments 22 detail 3a key 28id 29 3d 2814 29 is still referenced from table 22comments 22 update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint railserror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint 22fk9c26h75aibu2bfmrua7nnfk0g 22 on table 22account 22error 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint pg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22employees 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails b3dbc1fb3e 22 on table 22reviews 22 detail 3a key 28id 29 3d 288 29 is still referenced from table 22reviews 22violates foreign key constraint update or delete on tableupdate or delete on table 22 22 violates foreign key constraint on table 22 22 detail 3a key 28id 29 3dis still referenced from tablepg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22customers 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails 0d349e632f 22 on table 22invoices 22update or delete on table 22product 22 violates foreign key constraintpg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key update or delete on table 22categories 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails 1e86d9c4ec 22 on table 22books 22update or delete on table 26quot 3bvods 26quot 3b violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table categories violates foreign key constraint update on table violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 5c 22users 5c 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22service registrations 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails afa9afc72b 22 on tableupdate or delete on table 22vods 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22 22 violates foreign key constraint 22 22 on table 22 22error 3a insert or update on table 22options 22 violates foreign key constraint 22options option type fk 22update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint postgresqlupdate or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on table 22employee 22update or delete table violates foreign key constraint how can i solve this errorfixture alice update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint is still referenced from tableerror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on table error 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint 5c 22 on table postgresqlupdate or delete on table 5c 22courses 5c 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete violates foreign key constraintpg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a update or delete on table 22categories 22 violates foreign key constraint 22fk rails 1e86d9c4ec 22 on table 22books 22update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on table 22group 22update or delete on table 5c 22tablename 5c 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key constraint 22update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint 5c 22fk contas 5c 22 on table 5c 22accounts 5c 22 22update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint sqlalchemypg 3a 3aforeignkeyviolation 3a error 3a insert or update on table 22categories 22 violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint 5c 22 on table update or delete on table violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table 22 22 violates foreign key constraint 22 22 on table 22 22 detail 3a key is still referenced from table 22 22update or delete on table 22list 22 violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint on table detail 3a key is still referenced from tabledelete on table 22results 22 violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint 22order sets steak id fkey 22 on table 22order sets 22update or delete on table violates foreign key constraint postgresserror 3a update or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key constraint queryfailederror 3a update or delete on table 22item 22 violates foreign key constrainterror 3a update or delete on table 22users 22 violates foreign key constraintupdate or delete on table 22model 22 violates foreign key constraint