showing results for - "using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported"
14 Sep 2017
1Install xcode: npm i xcode --save-dev
2Edit the plugin file locally plugins/cordova-plugin-firebase/scripts/ios/helper.js
3Add var xcode = require("xcode"); on top
4Then in the same file, just remove this line var xcode = context.requireCordovaModule("xcode");. You must find two occurrence of this line.
queries leading to this page
using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load itcordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22path 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it cordova build ios using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supportedusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22fs 22 is not supported failed to install 27cordova plugin crosswalk webview 27 3a cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22fs 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it ordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported c3 a7ailed to install 27cordova plugin firebase 27 3a cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supportedusing requirecordovamodule 27 27 to load non cordova module fs 27 27 is not supportedusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22fs 22 is not supportedusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22glob 22 is not supported using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it 27cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22path 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it failed to install 27cordova plugin firebase 27 3a cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it using 26quot 3brequirecordovamodule 26quot 3b to load non cordova module 26quot 3bxcode 26quot 3b is not supportedusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supportedcordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it ordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported cordova plugin opentok using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported 3a cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supportedusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22path 22 is not supportedcordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it for open tokusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22fs 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load itcordova plugin opentok cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supportedusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported using requirecordovamodule to load non cordova module fs is not supportedfailed to install 27cordova plugin local webserver 27 3a cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22elementtree 22 is not supported using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22elementtree 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it using requirecordovamodule to load non cordova module q is not supportedfailed to install 27cordova plugin firebase 27 3a cordovaerror 3a using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supportedusing 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22q 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported instead 2c add this module to your dependencies and use regular 22require 22 to load it using 22requirecordovamodule 22 to load non cordova module 22xcode 22 is not supported