vuex use state in action

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showing results for - "vuex use state in action"
Juan José
12 Jun 2017
1// If you want to use state in action when using Vuex store
2// all you need is to add 'state' next to commit in curly bracket '{ }'
4// Exapmle:
6someAction({commit, state}){
7            axios.get("" + state.version )
8            .then((response) => {
9                commit('champions', {
10                    champions:
11                })
12            })
13            .catch(function (error) {
14                console.log(error);
15            })
16        }
25 Aug 2018
1actions: {
2  actionName ({ commit, state }, payload) {
3    console.log(state)
4  }
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