warning prop classname did not match server material ui

Solutions on MaxInterview for warning prop classname did not match server material ui by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "warning prop classname did not match server material ui"
16 Jan 2018
1import React from 'react';
2import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document';
3import { ServerStyleSheets } from '@material-ui/styles'; // works with @material-ui/core/styles, if you prefer to use it.
4import theme from '../src/theme'; // Adjust here as well
6export default class MyDocument extends Document {
7  render() {
8    return (
9      <Html lang="en">
10        <Head>
11          {/* Not exactly required, but this is the PWA primary color */}
12          <meta name="theme-color" content={theme.palette.primary.main} />
13        </Head>
14        <body>
15          <Main />
16          <NextScript />
17        </body>
18      </Html>
19    );
20  }
23// `getInitialProps` belongs to `_document` (instead of `_app`),
24// it's compatible with server-side generation (SSG).
25MyDocument.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
26  // Resolution order
27  //
28  // On the server:
29  // 1. app.getInitialProps
30  // 2. page.getInitialProps
31  // 3. document.getInitialProps
32  // 4. app.render
33  // 5. page.render
34  // 6. document.render
35  //
36  // On the server with error:
37  // 1. document.getInitialProps
38  // 2. app.render
39  // 3. page.render
40  // 4. document.render
41  //
42  // On the client
43  // 1. app.getInitialProps
44  // 2. page.getInitialProps
45  // 3. app.render
46  // 4. page.render
48  // Render app and page and get the context of the page with collected side effects.
49  const sheets = new ServerStyleSheets();
50  const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage;
52  ctx.renderPage = () =>
53    originalRenderPage({
54      enhanceApp: (App) => (props) => sheets.collect(<App {...props} />),
55    });
57  const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx);
59  return {
60    ...initialProps,
61    // Styles fragment is rendered after the app and page rendering finish.
62    styles: [...React.Children.toArray(initialProps.styles), sheets.getStyleElement()],
63  };
queries leading to this page
material ui use different classname if error propnextjs material ui 5 prop classname did not matchprop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a 22muiavatar root muiavatwarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match materialuimaterial ui nextjs prop 60classname 60 did not matchwarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match material uiwarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match nextjs material uiwarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match material ui nextjsnext js material ui error prop 60classname 60 did not match material table prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a 22muibuttonbase warning prop classname did not match server material uireact dom development js 3f61bb 3a67 warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match material uiwarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a 22makestylesprop 60classname 60 did not match server client material ui v5next js materil ui warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match serverreact dom development js 3f61bb 3a88 warning 3a text content did not match material ui typographynext js material ui warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3aprop 60classname 60 did not match material ui nextjsmui prop classname did not matchreact dom development js 3a67 warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match material uiprop class name did not match server client material uireact dom development js 3a88 warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a 22privatetabindicator warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a materia uinext js mui warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match mui nextjs warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match warning prop classname did not match material uimaterial ui 5 nextjs prop 60classname 60 did not matchwarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a next js material uiprop classname did not match material uiprop classname did not match server material uiwarning prop classname did not match server material ui nextjsnextjs materialui prop 60classname 60 did not match material ui error prop 60classname 60 did not match material ui warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match servermaterial ui ssr prop 60classname 60 did not match nextjs material ui 5 prop 60classname 60 did not matchclassname did not match server material uiprop classname did not match in materialnext js ui material warning prop classname did not match server clientwarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a 22muibox root muibox root 12 22 client 3a 22muibox root muibox root 2warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match material uinext js material ui prop 60classname 60 did not match classname did not match server material uimui next warning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3awarning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a material ui nextjsmaterial ui classname did not matchprop classname did not match material ui nextjsnextjs mui prop 60classname 60 did not match material ui prop classname did not match servermaterial ui prop 60classname 60 did not matcharning 3a prop 60classname 60 did not match server 3a 22makestyleswarning prop classname did not match server material ui