what is a global state 3f

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27 Jun 2020
1let space = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil)
2let doneButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: buttonTitle, style: .done, target: self, action: #selector(doneButtonAction))
3let cancelButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: cancelTitle, style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(cancelButtonAction))
4let barAccessory = UIToolbar(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, height: 44))
5barAccessory.barStyle = .default
6barAccessory.isTranslucent = true
7barAccessory.barTintColor = .blue
8barAccessory.setItems([cancelButton, space, doneButton], animated: false)