1<!DOCTYPE html>
4<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- ensures the character encoding -->
5<meta name="keywords" content="give a short or mid description about the content keywords of your website">
6<meta name="description" content=""give a short or mid description about the contents of your website">
7<meta name="author" content="write the name of the author of the webpage">
8<meta name="refresh" content="50"><!-- writing this code will make sure the browser refreshes after every 50seconds -->
9<meta http-equi="refresh" content="5; url="write the url of your website"><!-- writing this code, the browser will automatically redirect to the given page after the provided time , in this case it is 5seconds -->
10<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><!-- this makes sure that the webpage is supported on all devices -->
1<!DOCTYPE html>
4<meta charset="UTF-8"><!-- ensures the character encoding -->
5<meta name="keywords" content="give a short or mid description about the content keywords of your website">
6<meta name="description" content=""give a short or mid description about the contents of your website">
7<meta name="author" content="write the name of the author of the webpage">
8<meta name="refresh" content="50"><!-- writing this code will make sure the browser refreshes after every 50seconds -->
9<meta http-equi="refresh" content="5; url="write the url of your website"><!-- writing this code, the browser will automatically redirect to the given page after the provided time , in this case it is 5seconds -->
10<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><!-- this makes sure that the webpage is supported on all devices -->
1<!-- meta tag defines about the metadata in an html document, meta tags
2 always go inside the head tag .It is typically used to specify
3 page description, character set, keywords, author of the document
4 and viewport settings. The information we store in the meta tag
5 are not displayed directly in the website but are read by the bots
6 of the browsers and using this our website will be positioned in
7 the search list of the search result. To rank our website, the keyword
8 content most importantly should be 'search engine optimised'(S.E.O).
10 -->