while loop php

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showing results for - "while loop php"
17 Mar 2020
2	$a = 0;
3	while($a<=5){
4    	echo $a."<br>";
5      $a++;
6    }
7  ?>
15 Feb 2019
3$i 0;
4do {
5    echo $i;
6while ($i 0);
26 Jan 2020
4    #loops execute code a set number of times
5    /*
6    Types of loops
7    1-For
8    2-While
9    3-Do..while
10    4 Foreach
11    */
13    # For Loop usually use if you know the number of times it has to execute
14    # @params -it takes an init, condition, increment
15    #for($i =0;$i<=11;$i++){
16    #echo 'Number: '.$i;
17    #echo '<br>';
18    #}
19    #While loop
20    # @ prams - condition
21    #$i = 0;
22    #while($i < 10){
23    #    echo $i;
24    #    echo '<br>';
25    #    $i++;
26    #}
27    # Do...while loops
28    #@prapms - condition
29    /*$i = 0;
30    do{
31        echo $i;
32        echo '<br>';
33        $i++;
34        }
35        while($i < 10);*/
36    # Foreach  --- is for arrays
38    # $people = array('Brad', 'Jose', 'William');
39    #     foreach($people as $person){
40    #     echo $person;
41    #     echo '<br>';
42    # }
43    $people = array('Tony' => 'tony@example.com',
44        'Jose' => 'jose@example.com','William' => 'William@example.com');
46     foreach($people as $person => $email){
47        echo $person.': '.$email;
48        echo '<br>';
01 Jan 2017
1while(true) {
2 // Infinite Loop
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