write a python program to read an entire text file

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showing results for - "write a python program to read an entire text file"
01 Aug 2020
1price = 33.3
2with open("Output.txt", "w") as text_file:
3    text_file.write("Purchase Amount: %s price %f" % (TotalAmount, price))
01 Sep 2018
1# Program to read entire file
2import os
3PATH = "H:\\py_learning\\interviewsprep"
5def file_read(fname,mode='r+'):
6    try:
7        with open(fname) as txt:
8            print(txt.read())
9            print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>')
10    except FileNotFoundError:
11        print("check file existance in current working directory i.e : ",os.getcwd())
12        print('provide file existance path to PATH variable')
13    finally:
14        pass
06 Oct 2019
1#for reading and writing data in a text file with python
2#First you must have a file Open or create a new file have it loaded in memory.
3# Open function to open the file "MyFile1.txt" 
4# (same directory) in append mode and 
5file1 = open("MyFile.txt","a") 
7# store its reference in the variable file1 
8# and "MyFile2.txt" in D:\Text in file2 
9file2 = open(r"D:\Text\MyFile2.txt","w+") 
11# Opening and Closing a file "MyFile.txt" 
12# for object name file1. 
13file1 = open("MyFile.txt","a") 
16# Program to show various ways to read and 
17# write data in a file. 
18file1 = open("myfile.txt","w") 
19L = ["This is Delhi \n","This is Paris \n","This is London \n"] 
21# \n is placed to indicate EOL (End of Line) 
22file1.write("Hello \n") 
24file1.close() #to change file access modes 
26file1 = open("myfile.txt","r+") 
28print "Output of Read function is "
29print file1.read() 
32# seek(n) takes the file handle to the nth 
33# bite from the beginning. 
36print "Output of Readline function is "
37print file1.readline() 
42# To show difference between read and readline 
43print "Output of Read(9) function is "
44print file1.read(9) 
49print "Output of Readline(9) function is "
50print file1.readline(9) 
53# readlines function 
54print "Output of Readlines function is "
55print file1.readlines() 
59# Python program to illustrate 
60# Append vs write mode 
61file1 = open("myfile.txt","w") 
62L = ["This is Delhi \n","This is Paris \n","This is London \n"] 
65# Append-adds at last 
66file1 = open("myfile.txt","a")#append mode 
67file1.write("Today \n") 
70file1 = open("myfile.txt","r") 
71print "Output of Readlines after appending"
72print file1.readlines() 
76# Write-Overwrites 
77file1 = open("myfile.txt","w")#write mode 
78file1.write("Tomorrow \n") 
81file1 = open("myfile.txt","r") 
82print "Output of Readlines after writing"
83print file1.readlines() 
87Output of Readlines after appending
88['This is Delhi \n', 'This is Paris \n', 'This is London \n', 'Today \n']
90Output of Readlines after writing
91['Tomorrow \n']
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