write to file php

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showing results for - "write to file php"
23 Feb 2020
1$myfile = fopen("newfile.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
2fwrite($myfile, "Content to write to file");
06 Apr 2017
1$myFile = "testFile.txt";
2$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
3$stringData = "Bobby Bopper\n";
4fwrite($fh, $stringData);
5$stringData = "Tracy Tanner\n";
6fwrite($fh, $stringData);
24 May 2019
1// if not file is there then automatic create and write inside it.
2$fptr = fopen('myfile.txt','w');
3fwrite($fptr,"i am writing file in this\n");
4fwrite($fptr,'writing another line.');
14 Apr 2019
2$myfile = fopen("file_name.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
3$txt = "Hello world\n";
4fwrite($myfile, $txt);
5$txt = " Php.\n";
6fwrite($myfile, $txt);
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