array flat php

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showing results for - "array flat php"
03 Oct 2018
1$c = ["a" => ["x" => "X", "y" => "Y"], "b" => ["p" => "P", "q" => "Q"]];
6    [x] => X
7    [y] => Y
8    [p] => P
9    [q] => Q
20 Jul 2017
29 Jun 2017
1$a = [[10, 20], [30, 40]];
2$b = [["x" => "X", "y" => "Y"], ["p" => "P", "q" => "Q"]];
9    [0] => 10
10    [1] => 20
11    [2] => 30
12    [3] => 40
16    [x] => X
17    [y] => Y
18    [p] => P
19    [q] => Q
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