php reverse array

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showing results for - "php reverse array"
15 May 2018
1$array= array(1,2,3,4,5);
2$reversedArray = array_reverse($array);
11 Jun 2020
1foreach(array_reverse($array) as $var) {
2	echo $var // Will show in reversed order
28 Feb 2017
3$input  array("php"4.0array("green""red"));
4$reversed = array_reverse($input);
5$preserved = array_reverse($inputtrue);
11 Jun 2020
12 Sep 2016
2$i_arr = ["html", "css", "javascript", "php", "vue", "react"];
4echo "<pre>";
6echo "</pre>";
8$reverse = array_reverse($i_arr, false);
9$preserve = array_reverse($i_arr, true);
11echo "<pre>";
13echo "</pre>";
15echo "<pre>";
17echo "</pre>";
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