php rearrange array

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showing results for - "php rearrange array"
19 Jan 2020
1$array = array_values($input);
25 Jul 2016
1// array sort php
2$room_details = array(
3      "2020-09-27": [
4                {
5                    "content": "how are you",
6                    "detail_id": "1",
7                    "time": "17:57:28",
8                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:28",
9                    "width": "0",
10                    "height": "0",
11                    "type": "1",
12                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
13                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
14                    "position": 2
15                },
16                {
17                    "content": "I am fine, thanks",
18                    "detail_id": "2",
19                    "time": "17:57:45",
20                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:45",
21                    "width": "0",
22                    "height": "0",
23                    "type": "1",
24                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
25                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
26                    "position": 2
27                },
28      ],
29	 "2020-09-24": [
30                {
31                    "content": "how are you",
32                    "detail_id": "1",
33                    "time": "17:57:28",
34                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:28",
35                    "width": "0",
36                    "height": "0",
37                    "type": "1",
38                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
39                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
40                    "position": 2
41                },
42                {
43                    "content": "I am fine, thanks",
44                    "detail_id": "2",
45                    "time": "17:57:45",
46                    "chat_time": "2020-09-24 17:57:45",
47                    "width": "0",
48                    "height": "0",
49                    "type": "1",
50                    "distance_time": "26 days ago",
51                    "avatar": "uploads/MemberImage/20200922-1436-image-5f699b536f438-0.png",
52                    "position": 2
53                },
54      ],
59// result
60// array sort php
61$room_details = array(
62      "2020-09-24": [
63                ...
64      ],
65	 "2020-09-27": [
66               ...
67      ],
25 Jan 2020
1function rearrange_array($array, $key) {
2    while ($key > 0) {
3        $temp = array_shift($array);
4        $array[] = $temp;
5        $key--;
6    }
7    return $array;
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