convert python to js online

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showing results for - "convert python to js online"
30 Feb 2019
1>>> import js2py
2>>> f = js2py.eval_js('function f(x) {return x + x}')
3>>> f(2)
5>>> f()
7>>> f(f)
8function f(x) { [python code] }function f(x) { [python code] }
05 Jan 2018
1let test = [];
22 Nov 2019
1def numberOfSubArray(arr):
2    data = {}
3    n = len(arr)
4    maxAmount = 1
5    for i in range(1, n + 1):
6        for j in range(i):
7            s = sum(arr[j:i])
8            if s not in data:
9                data[s] = [i - 1, 1]
10            elif data[s][0] < j:
11                data[s][1] += 1
12                if data[s][1] > maxAmount: maxAmount = data[s][1]
13                data[s][0] = i - 1
15    return maxAmount
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