convert js to python online

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showing results for - "convert js to python online"
17 Jan 2017
1>>> import js2py
2>>> f = js2py.eval_js('function f(x) {return x + x}')
3>>> f(2)
5>>> f()
7>>> f(f)
8function f(x) { [python code] }function f(x) { [python code] }
26 Nov 2018
1const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
2const mongo_username = process.env.MONGO_USERNAME
3const mongo_password = process.env.MONGO_PASSWORD
5const uri = `mongodb+srv://${mongo_username}:${mongo_password}`;
6const client = new MongoClient(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true });
03 Sep 2018
1const express = require('express')
2const app = express();
3const port = 3000
5app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Yo boi!!'))
7app.listen(port, () =>
8console.log(`Your app is listening a http://localhost:${port}`)
23 Apr 2019
1function slowestKey(keyTimes) {    
2  // Write your code here
3  const makeChar = num => String.fromCharCode(num + 97)    
4  const map = []
5  for(let i = 0; i < keyTimes.length; i++){
6      if(keyTimes[i - 1]){
7          map.push([keyTimes[i][0], keyTimes[i][1] - keyTimes[i - 1]	 [1]])
8      }
9        else{
10	    map.push([keyTimes[i][0], keyTimes[i][1]])
11    }    
12    map.sort((first, second) => second[1] - first[1])
13    return makeChar(map[0][0])}
30 Aug 2019
1[x].match( / \ [ ] \ ( { } \) | \ ( \ [ ] \) | { \ ( \) \ [ ] } / g ) )
12 Oct 2018
1var print_hist = function(image, poly, title){
2  var options = {
3    title: title,
4    fontSize: 20,
5    hAxis: {title: 'DN'},
6    vAxis: {title: 'count of DN'},
7  };
9  var histogram = ui.Chart.image.histogram(image, poly, 30)
10      .setOptions(options);
12  print(histogram);
19 Apr 2020
1function jsfuckdecode(text) {
2	var jsFuckText = text;
3    //console.log(jsFuckText);
4	var start = jsFuckText.indexOf("()");
5	var len = jsFuckText.length;
6	try {
7        var result = '';
8		if (jsFuckText.length > 3 && jsFuckText.slice(len - 3) == ')()') {
9			var txt = jsFuckText.substring(0, len - 2);
10			result = (/\n(.+)/.exec(eval(txt))[1]);
11		} else if (jsFuckText.substring(0, 2) == '[]' && start >= 0) {
12			var txt = jsFuckText.substring(start + 2);
13			result = document.getElementById("plaint_jsfuck").value = (eval(txt));
14		} else {
15			result = document.getElementById("plaint_jsfuck").value = (eval(jsFuckText));
16		}
17        return result;
18	} catch (e) {
19		return "error input";
20	}
02 Jul 2017
1const Responses = require('../common/API_Responses')
2const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
3const SNS = new AWS.SNS({ apiVersion: '2010-03-31'})
5exports.handler = async event => {
6    console.log('event', event)
8    const body= JSON.parse(event.body)
10    if(!body || !body.phoneNumber || !body.message){
11        return Responses._400({message: 'missing phone number or message from body'})
12    }
14    const AttributeParams = {
15        attributes: {
16            DefaultSMSType: 'Promotional'
17        }
18    };
20    const messageParams = {
21        Message: body.message,
22        PhoneNumber: body.phoneNumber,
23    };
24    try {
25        await SNS.setSMSAttributes(AttributeParams).promise();
26        await SNS.publish(messageParams).promise();
27        return Responses._200({message: 'text has been sent'})
28    } catch (error) {
29        console.log('error', error)
30        return Responses._400({message: 'text failed to send'})
31    }
16 Sep 2016
1const FS = require("fs");
2var Thu_muc_Media = 'Media';
3var Thu_muc_Du_lieu = 'Du_lieu';
4var Thu_muc_HTML = Thu_muc_Du_lieu+"\\HTML";
5var Thu_muc_Nhan_vien = Thu_muc_Du_lieu+"\\Nhan_vien/";
6var Thu_muc_Quan_ly = Thu_muc_Du_lieu+"\\Quan_ly_Chi_nhanh";
19 Sep 2019
1function coppie(a,b){
2  var c=[];
3  for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++){
4    for(var j=0;j<b.length;j++){
5      if (a[i]==b[j]){
6        c.push(a[i]);
7      }
8    }
9  }
10  return c;
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