error code 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint

Solutions on MaxInterview for error code 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "error code 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint"
15 Jun 2017
1Try this if are data in one or more tables from foreign key references
2set foreign_key_checks=0;
4Else it is a problem in forign key parameters (references parameters)
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error 3a error 1215 3a cannot add foreign key constraint 281215 2c 27cannot add foreign key constraint 27 29error 1215 3a cannot add foreign key constraint1215 2c 27cannot add foreign key constraint1215 3a cannot add foreign key constraintgeneral error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constrainmysql error code 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraintmysql general error 1215 cannot add foreign key constrainterror code 1215 3acannot add foreign key constraintgeneral error 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint1215 cannot add foreign key constrainterror code 1215 cannot adda foreignkey constrain mysql1215 cannot add foreign key constrainterror in query 281215 29 3a cannot add foreign key constraintmysql 231215 cannot add foreign key constraintgeneral error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint 22mysql 1215 cannot add foreign keymysql error 231215 cannot add foreign key constraintgeneral error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint 22 29 231215 cannot add foreign key constraint in table import in php myadminerror 1215 28hy000 29 at line 146069 3a cannot add foreign key constraint1215 cannot add foreign key1215 2c 27cannot add foreign key constraint 27 231215 cannot add foreign key constraint mysqlerror code 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint 231215 cannot add foreign key constraint phpmysql error hy000 1215 foreign keygeneral error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constrainterror code 3a1215 cannot add foreign key constrainterror 1215 3a cannot add foreign key constraint 291215 3acannot add foreign key constraint for querygeneral error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint 28sql 3a alter table1215 cannot add foreign key constraint mysqlgeneral error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add constraintmysql error in query 281215 29 3a cannot add foreign key constrainterror code 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint 231215 cannot add foreign key constrainterror code 1215 cannot add foreign key constraintsqlstate 5bhy000 5d 3a general error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraintgeneral error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint the sql being executed wasmysql error 1215 3a cannot add foreign key constraint 5d 3a general error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraintartisan general error 3a 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint 231215 cannot add foreign key constraint sql1215 cannot add foreign key constraint mysqlerror code 1215 cannot add foreign key constraint