first name of string php

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showing results for - "first name of string php"
04 Feb 2018
1$firstStringCharacter = substr("hello", 0, 1);
06 Jan 2017
1$words = explode(" ", $string);
3$firstname = $words[0];
4$lastname = $words[1];
5$third_word = $words[2];
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first name phpget first 2 letters from string phpget first 4 characters of a string in phpphp get first 8 characters of stringphp get first two characters of stringfind first letter of string phpfirst character of string usig phpget first four characters of string phpphp get first letter from variablehow to get the first letter phpprint only some characters of a string in phppphp get first 10 chars of stirngphp first word of stringsubstr 28 phpget first 5 char string phpfirst char string phpget string first character phpphp get the first 3 letters of a stringphp get first name onlyphp get first namecut characters off phpsubstring last 4 characters phpphp only print beginning of a stringphp substring from character to characterphp first name number in stringfirst character phpget first 30 characters string phpphp get first element of stringsubstr in phpfirst character from string phpphp find first letter in stringphpl slice string valuehow to take the first characters before the a certain character in phpget the first 10 characters of a string in phpphp check first letter of stringget the first 3 letters of a string phpsubstr on second dot phpshow first char of words phpslice php stringget first 4 chars of string phphow to get first 4 chracter from a string in phpfirst letter string phphow to get the first letter of a string in phpphp cut stringphp get the first stringget first char from stirng phphow to get the first character of a string in phpstring get first character phpfrom string get he first value phpget first 50 char string phpfirst character in string phpphp get first x characters of stringget letter phpfirst to letter phpphp string only n characterssoft array by first character phpphp get first word in stringphp to get first character from stringphp take first element of stringphp select first characterphp sub stringphp str splicefirst characters phpget first letters of string phphow to get first 10 characters from string in phpget first word from 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phpget the first character of a string in phpfirst letter phphow to get first letter of a string in phpget first 4 characters of string phpphp find string rangesubstr 28 24string 2c 0 2c 24len 29string sub phpget first character phpcut length of string phpfirst letter of a string phpget first 100 character of string in phpphp only pick first letter from stringfirst 3 characters of string phpget first character from string phpget only first 100 char from string in phpstrstring phpphp substr first 2 and last two characterslaravel first letter of stringphp get first letter from nameget first 100 characters string phpphp first string char substrget first word of string phpget first substring phpget the first element of string phpreturn substring phpget first 10 characters string phpfirst char of an str phpphp now 28 29 substringget first name from full name in phpdisplay first letters from full name phphow to print string first letter phpcompare first 4 characters of string in phpget the last two characters in a string phpphp reduce length of stringget first 10 chars of string in phptext size in phpsubtr phpphp get chars in specific charactershow to get string first character in phpphp first letter from stringget first 4 character in phpget the first letter of the word a string phpphp get 5 first letters of string php check first character of stringphp get string qithout first chrphp how to get first charc as varphp get string without first characterphp slice string by characteronly show first few characters on website phpphp get 5 first characters of stringphp get first 3 string character of stringphp get first character of string every wordsubstring php from end to caractercheck first letter of string phphow can get firstr caractewr in string using phpphp get only first characters of the stringphp slice from chardisplay first letters phpphp first char of a stringphp string character at positionsubstring php endphp get first character of paragraphphp give string the first 10 characters of stringphp 24 get shows only first letter of stringminus in php substrhow to get first 2 digits of string phpphp how to get first char as varphp get only first word from stringget the first character of a word in phpget first two characters of a string in phpphp get string first letterphp substirngget first 16 charcter from string on phpphp from parameter get first 4 charshow to select only the first 2 characters of a string in phpstring get first 4 characters in phpphp get string 2b php first char of stringhow to find first character in a string in phpget first 3 charatcers of string phpselect 5 first character from string phpsubstr first charactertake first 4 characters from string phpphp get the first 5 words from stringfirst 2 letters of string phpphp substr from endfirst chars of string phpphp select from stringphp fetch the first character of a stringphp first character isphp subtract string by onesubstr brackets phpget the first letter of a string phpget 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stringright letters after 2f phpreturn the first character in a string phpsubstring first character phpphp get 100 first charactersubstr get first character phpphp str first number of charactersphp get first value from stringget first 12 character of string phplocate position of a string e2 80 99s first character phplaravel get first letter on stringsubstr startfrom left phpcheck first 3 characters of string are letters phptake first character string phpget first letter of string array phpshort string phpphp get only first 10 characters from string end with textfirst name from phpsubstring modifiers phpphp show only first stringslice string phpphp get first 10 words from stringget first later of string in phextract string from string phpsubstr length 20 char maxget first character in a string in phpphp get first word of stringfirts letterof a string phpphp cut off characters after max langhtget first character of each word in string phpphp get left part of stringfirst element of string phpget first letter from string phpphp portionphp get first letter of a stringphp cut out 5 part of string afterget first char string phpphp substr first characterphp substrinphp get 4 first charactersphp get first n chars of stringphp print first character of stringphp string firstsubstr php functionsplce string phpphp get first 10 characters of a stringcut string from right phpget first 4 characters of a string phpphp string find firstget first 20 characters string phpphp complete truncate year stringphp get first char of each wordsubstr 27 28 27 phpwhat was the first name of phpphp get first charc of paramteretake first from string phptrim string php at indexphp first two chars of stringphp extract 2 first caract of stringfirst char from string phphow to take first character from string in phpdisplay only 10 characters and in phpget first letter of work phpkeep only a part of a string phpphp get the first word of a stringtake first character to word in string phpget the first chars in string php php take the first 8 characters of a stringget first element of a string phptake first 3 characters of string phpphp substring first charphp get first char of array valuephp select first 2 characters stringphp subtringphp get string from positionsubstr first character phpphp get the first letter of a stringfirst letter of string in phpmodal recieves only first character of string phpcheck first caracter phpphp get first letterphp get string offsetphp returns first word in stringphp get first 8 letter of stringchange first letter of string phpphp first string caracteresubstr from the beginningsubsr phpphp get first character of a stringphp string first letter of a stringget only specific string out of string phpphp subtstrget first 10 char of string phpphp get the first letter of the wordphp get first html element from stringphp string 1st characterhow to get first 4 characters of a string in phpprint first characters of words in string phpsubstring php characterphp cut string after x charactersphp first charphp get first letter od string in variablephp substget first name phphow to get first letter of string in phpphp string leftget first 2 characters of string phpextract first character from string in phpsubstring in php post variablephp get first x charactersphp substr omitting last elementget first letter php laravelphp reduce string to 6 charactersphp get string first characterphp get first character of string phpphp first letter in stringsub string only show first character in stringcheck first character of string phpphp now 28 29 3esubstring 28 29php check first character in stringhow to get the first character of a string phpphp get first lettersshow first character 2b php 7letter in string phpget first 5 characters of string string phpphp clip string to lengthhow acces a part of strig in phphphp get 1st letter of a namephp regex devide fullnametake string from index to index phpphp return substring from index 23 to end minus 4 charactersget string from some word phpphp cut str start endread first line of txt phpphp get the first 5 characters of a stringphp if field is certain number characterstake length of start string phpreturn first element of array phpphp string charatphp string get first 10 charactersstring get first 10 characters phptake the first letter of a string in phpshow just part of text phpphp substr exampleselect right letter phpstring php get the first lettersphp take first 5 characterssubstr bring 7 with one character phpfirst letter of object name phpget the first word of a string phpphp first part of the stringphp find a word with first letter in stringphp echo first 10 characters of a stringget first letter string phphow to get only first letter from string in phpphp cut off stringreduce string length phpphp get first character phpstring slice php 7php get only x first characterphp leftget string first word character phpprimeros caracteres string phpfirst letter of name phpfirst name of string phphow to get first 5 characters of a string in phpphp get first word from stringget first 3 characters of string phpget first two characters of string phpget firt letter in string pphfind first character in string phpphp to get first character of a stringhow to print the first ten letters of a string phpphp get first letter in stringget the first characater of a string phpfind character in first phpphp first string getphp string first 10 charactersfirst string php 5cphp first letter of string 5cphp get character from stringget first char in string phptake first letter phpphp substr 28 29 functionsubstring phpget first 4 letters phpget first n character of string phpstr splice phpsubstr bring string 7 with one character phpstring first character in phpget part of string phpphp start a string with a specific letterphp string slicephp strleftget 12 first characters of string phptake first 12 letter of a string phpphp get only first 10 characters from stringget first 3 chracters of string phphow to get first letter of a striing using phpget first characters of string phpstring slice phpphp get substring from stringphp return first character of stringretrieve first 3 char phpselect string 1 in phpget first letter phpget string from 0 to index in phpfirst word from a string in phpget the first cracter of string in phpget first charctor in string phpphp get first 3 charshow to bring a string in 2 in phpget first 10 string phpdisplay full name of first charcter in phpphp 7 substrphp get first character of every wordphp string first symbolsphp get first character from stringget a part of a string phpphp only first namestart and end of string in phpphp get stringphp end stringonly display part of string phpget first words in string phpphp substr first lettersubstring first letter phphow to get the first four letters in a string in phpcheck the first character of a string phpfirst character in a php stringtake first 10 characters string phpphp string second characterget the first word from a string phpphp rightphp get from string partphp get the first n characters of a stringshow first char of string phpfirst char of string phpphp univoquely shorten stringphp code to extract tail end from a stringphp return substring from index 23 to endphp echo first letter of stringcharacter at phpphp only first 4 characterstake first 3 characters from string phpphp substring from stringhow to check the first character of a string in phpphp variable 3d first in stringphp echo first 3 characters of monthphp get first char in all strings in araystring cut phpphp first 100 characters of stringreturn 10 strings phpget first 4 string phpphp get the first 6 letters in a stringthe first 4 characters in a sting phpget part of string from letter phpget first letter of name phpphp crop one character from rightget 7 no letter into string phptwo word first character in php gethow to get first letter in phpsubstr from endget string from php string php get 3 alphabet of stringfind first letter of string in array phpshorten string phpphp get first from rightphp string only first characterget first element of string phpsubstr php from endphp substr from end of stringphp sub str until endphp get first letter of wordhow to get first letter of word in phpphp start string at index 3how to get the first character of string phpphp get first letter of each word in stringphp find string first characterphp get first 3 characters of stringphp check if first x characters of a string is equalhow to get numbrs of letters from line phpstring show only 2 char in phpphp get first twi caractersget first letter of stringphpget first eltter phpphp get the first character of a stringphp string first 5 characterscut string from text phplaravel get first character of stringphp cutphp truncate stringhow to get first letter of a name in phpcheck string first character phphow to take first 2 symbols phpphp get first letter of stringcheck first string phpphp substringextract first 4 characters from a string in phpphp get first index of stringphp first 4 characters of stringi get 3f inside the string for some character in phpphp substr 28 29subbstrlaravel string get first letterphp get the first x char of a sentencephp get 10 words from stringsubstring from char phpfirst character of the name phpwhat is the first character in a php stringphp first 10 chars of stringmatch first two wletters of a word phpget first 4 letters of string phphow fetch first two character of string in phpget first 3 characters in sring phptake first 10 characters from string phpphp get first word in stringphp first x characters of stringphp string first characterfirst character of string in phpget first part of string phpget character from string phpphp find first time in stringphp set first element of stringphp get first element in stringname first letter get in phpphp return a char in stringphp show first 10 characters stringget first two characters of string in phpget first letter of string phpfind first letter in phpphp substr first 2 charactersget first std element phpget first string value in phpcharacters in string in phpprint only first 30 character of string in phpsubstrphp first 5 characters of stringphp find out last scring after slasssbustrphp substr last 4 charactersextract first name from full name in phpphp substr return falseget substring without knowing value phpphp cut after character lengthfind first letter of string array phpphp string first 4 charactersget first ten char from string phpget first 9 cahr of string phphow to get first 5 characters of a string using phpsubstirng in phpget the first n letter of a string phpshow only 2 first letter phphwo to get first letter in a string phpup the first letter of a string phpphp string char atphp string check first characterget first character string phpenable nbstyring phpfind first letter in string phpsopy substring phpphp get first 6 characters of stringphpreturn first 8 characters of a stringphp get first letter ofphp substrphp first letter of stringphp get first 2 characters of stringget first 10 char of strin phpselect first characters of string phplet only first character phpphp get 1st character of a stringphp get character from string at positionget first 10 letter phpget first letter of string in phpget first char of string phphcheck first character on string phpget integer before character phpgetting first character form string phpsubstr on method name phpphp select first character of stringget first characters of a string phpstrpos first phpphp character at 2get the first charector in phpget only a part of string phpget first four characters in string phpfirst non character php php get first 3 chars of stringstr positon sub strsubstr character ignore phpphp get first chars of stringhow to get first word from string in phphow to take the first letter of strings in phpphp substryget substring of string from point till end in phpsubstrwords phpcut string phpphp subtrsphp new function for slicing wordsphp take first charssubstring php examplelaravel php get first letterfind first character in phphow to get first string value in phpfirst letter string name surname phpget first 6 characters of string in phpphp get first part of string before characterphp get part from stringaccess first letter of string phpphp get first four charachters in stringget string character phpget first letter from first and last string phpthis was the first name of phpget first letter in string phpget string from character to character in phpphp get first letter from first wordcheck first char of string phphow to get the first letter of a string phpphp string subget 1st character of string phpphp chart atget first char of string in phpphp first letter stringphp get first character stringphp get string from characterphp str starting for lengthcheck first char in string phpriht string phpreturn just 3 letter substring phpcheck is at first php stringfind first position of character in string phpphp get first char of stringphp subst string part with anotherphp get first string characterphp get chars from stringtake out first letter in the string phpphp check first char on stringtake the first characters of a string phpphp get first 5 characters of stringsubstr in a specific word phpfirst to characters phphow to return the first character of a string in phpget first character in string phphow to get first letter of string phpphp string splice from beginning and endphp get first 8 charsget first character of word phpphp splice stringget the first leter of name phpphp take first character of stringphp get first 4 characters of stringget first letter from first and last name phpget name first word phpget get first character of string phpstring first character phpfirst n char of string phpphp get first letter of nameend of string phpamount of positions in a variable phpphp get the first 4 characters of a stringphp string first x charactersphp get first element of a stringhow to get first character of a string in phpphp subtract stringphp get char from stringstring first char phpphp cut string to characterphp get 1st letter of stringselect first char in string phptake value of first character phpget first 5 characters phpget 1st letter from string phpphp get string value of a stringselect str 1 in phpphp get first charphp get substring from tophp if first character isget first letter of a string phphow to display first character of a string in phphow to get first letter from string in phpcheck the first letter of string phpphp first character of stringphp first 10 characters of stringsubstr offsetphp first string characterphp variable get first characterget the first element of a string phpphp first part of stringphp extract string from stringget first character of string phpphp first characters of stringfirst word of string phpphp string trim lengthphp first 3 chars of stringphp get first name from full nameget first word from string in phpsubstr first character in phpfirst leter ok a string in phpphp get first word of the stringphp get last 3 characters of stringget the first 4 characters of a string phpphp get first charicter phpget string first letters phpsplice string phpphp get the first x charactersphp string get last 3 charactersfirst char in string phpshow only first charcetr of the string phpphp get first 5 words from string phpget character from string in phpecho substr phpphp grab first character of stringget first index of string phpphp get 1st char of stringfirst char of a string is phpcheck first character of string in phpget first letter of word in string phpphp string truncateget first string from text phpsubstr the first letterget only the first name from a string in phptake first x chars phpphp get only the first letterphp echo substr exampleselect character next cama with phpget the first string phpget first and second char from string phpphp get first characters of stringget 2 chracters from a string phpphp take first word from stringhow to get first 7 string from a long string variable in phpphp find first characterfirst 28 29 in string phpget first value from string phpnette get first letterphp cutoff stringfirst letter of string phpphp get first 3 letters of stringcompare two first letters phpfirst two characters of string phpphp get the first 3 characters in a stringphp truncate string php7firstname phpstring substring phpphp take part of stringprint first letter of string phpphp substr string posfirst charatere phpthe first letter phpphp how to select the first letter of a stringphp first two characters of stringhow we extract 1st latter in phpphp cut string on characterget first word in string phpfirst char in phpprint out a two letter string in phpsubstr phpreturn only first letter string phpget letters in phpget first x characters of string php laravephp substring array returnphp get only first letter of stringphp string get first nameget characters in string phpphp get string aftersubstrphpget first 7 characters in string phpphp sget first letter of stringphp het the first 2 characters in a stringget first char of string phpfirst name of string php