php get first character of each word

Solutions on MaxInterview for php get first character of each word by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "php get first character of each word"
12 Nov 2018
1$firstStringCharacter = substr("hello", 0, 1);
04 Oct 2016
2    function get_avatar($str){
3        $acronym;
4        $word;
5        $words = preg_split("/(\s|\-|\.)/", $str);
6        foreach($words as $w) {
7            $acronym .= substr($w,0,1);
8        }
9        $word = $word . $acronym ;
10        return $word;
11    }
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parts of a string phpphp get character from string at positiontake first from string phpcut string from text phpphp string character at positionphp get 10 words from stringphp str first number of characterssubstr startfrom left phpstring get first 10 characters phpget firt letter in string pphget string from some word phpfirst char string phpphp get first element of a stringphp get 4 first charactersphp end stringsubstr brackets phpget the first element of string phpphp get first 3 charsphp get first letter of the second wordget first string value in phpsubstr php functionfirst two characters of string phpphp copy string from positionstart and end of string in phpphp start a string with a specific letterphp string only n charactersphp first character of stringphp get first word from stringphp echo substr examplephp substr last 4first 4 chars of a string phpphp get the first 3 letters of a stringfirst word from a string in phpphp get first word in stringphp string second characterphp get first 3 string character of stringphp 24 get shows only first letter of stringget only first letterof string phpget the first characater of a string phpcut length of string phpcheck first character of string in phpphp get first x characterssubstr 28 24string 2c 0 2c 24len 29check first string phpphp string char atget the first two characters in a string phpphp substrphp find string rangephp check first character of stringphp substr from startphp get first character of a stringget first letter phpphp get first character of paragraphphp get first letter of a stringphp get first four charachters in stringphp string get first x characterssubstr phpphp from parameter get first 4 charsphp get string afterhow to get the first letter of a string in phpprint first characters of words in string phpfirst char in string phpphp get char from stringphp string slicephp slice from charphp substring array returnget first word of string phpphp get the first letter of a stringget first two characters of string in phpselect right letter phpright string phphow to get the first character of a string in phphow to select first letter of string in phpstring get first 4 characters in phpget first character in string phpsbustrphp get first x words of stringget first 5 char string phpphp get stringamount of positions in a variable phptake first 10 char phphow to get the first letter phpcompare two first letters phpphp get first letter of wordprint only first 30 character of string in phpsplice string phpphp first 4 characters of stringphp new function for slicing wordsphp now 28 29 substringphp str starting for lengthnette get first letterget the first letter of a string phpget word first character in phpshow only first word from string phplaravel string get first letterget 1st letter from string phpphp str splicephp select first 2 characters stringhow to get first letter in phpget first 3 characters in sring phpchange first letter of string phphwo to get first letter in a string phpphp find out last scring after slassphp string firstfirst value of string phpfirst name of string phpphp get first n chars of stringphp string first x charactersphp take the first 8 characters of a stringcheck the first letter of a string phpkeep only a part of a string phphow to get first 5 characters of a string in phphow to get the first letter of string in phpphp find first letter in stringshort string phpphp cut off characters after max langhtmatch first two wletters of a word phpfirst element of string phpphp return a char in stringget first char of string phpget part of string phpphp display string first 2 characterssubstrphpmodal recieves only first character of string phpphp make first letter of each word stringcheck first character of string phpphp get string from positionphp first characters of stringget first letter of work phpphp get 5 first letters of string get only the first name from a string in phpfind first letter of string phphow to get only first letter from string in phpphp get substring from tophp first string charphp substcut string phpphp string first 10 charactersphp string truncatephp first letter in stringfirst 2 letters of string phpsubstr get first character phpget first off chrector in phpphp cut out 5 part of string afterfirst character of string phpphp get first letter from first worddisplay first letters from full name phpgrab first letter of string phpsubstr on second dot phphow to get first letter of a striing using phpphp string get first 10 charactersselect first char in string phpsubstr offsethow to get first character of a string in phphow to display first character of a string in phpget1st 0char fro string phpsubstring first letter phpphp get the first 4 characters of a stringfind first character in phpphp returns first word in stringget substring of string from point till end in phpsubstr php from endphp character at 2get first 4 characters of value phphow to get first 10 characters from string in phpstring get first character phpget only first character string phpget characters in string phppphp get first 10 chars of stirngphp first char of stringget first character of each word in string phpphp give string the first 10 characters of stringletter in string phpreturn just 3 letter substring phpphp get first character of string phpfirst char from string phpphp substryphp first 100 characters of stringminus in php substrlaravel first letter of stringget first four characters of string phpphp get 1st letter of stringsubstr 27 28 27 phplaravel get first character of stringhow to get first 2 digits of string phpget first letter of string phpget first 4 characters of a string in phpfirts letterof a string phpget first n character of string phpphpl slice string valueget the first chars in string php substring phpphp get first character of stringget first ten char from string phpphp take first element of stringfind first letter in string phpfirst character of string in phpphp first x characters of stringget the first word of a string phpphp get first letter od string in variableget first words in string phpget first 5 characters string phpshow just part of text phpphp get first charactersubstirng in phpreturn the first character in a string phpget the first cracter of string in phpphp get first 2 characters of stringcheck first character on string phpfirst 2 characters of string phpphp get only first letter of stringget 1st character of string phpunshift first character of string in phpphp first letter of string 5cstr positon sub strphp substring first 2 charactersphp 8 get first character of stringphp check if first x characters of a string is equalphpreturn first 8 characters of a stringselect string 1 in phpget first 4 letters phpfirst 3 characters of string phpfirst charactersa of a string phpphp first letter from stringtwo chracaters in phpphp sub str until endget the first string phpget character from string in phpcharacter at phpget the first charector in phpphp get character from stringphp first length of stringphp get part from stringphp substring first charcut string from right phphow to get first string value in phpget letter phpfirst char in phpphp check first letter of stringphp get first character of every wordfirst letter of object name phpphp echo portion stringphp get first element in stringlaravel get first letter on stringget first 100 character of string in phpphp find string first charactertring substring phpphp subst string part with anotherphp get only the first letterphp get first 8 characters of stringget first 10 characters string phpcheck first 3 characters of string are letters phpphp get string qithout first chrphp subtrsphp pop one character from stringprint only some characters of a string in phpsubstrget the first element of a string phpget the first leter of name phpfirst character of string usig phphow can get firstr caractewr in string using phpsplce string phpsubstring from char phpphp get first 10 characters of stringphp subtringphp het the first 2 characters in a stringsubbstrget first part of string phpfind first letter of string in array phpget first char phpphp get string first characterphp only first letter of stringphp subtract stringphp first characterget first word from string in phpretrieve first 3 char phpphp how to get first char as varphp extract string from stringselect str 1 in phpecho substr phpphp get first character of each word