php first letter capital each word

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showing results for - "php first letter capital each word"
24 Aug 2018
3$foo 'hello world!';
4$foo = ucfirst($foo);             // Hello world!
6$bar 'HELLO WORLD!';
7$bar = ucfirst($bar);             // HELLO WORLD!
8$bar = ucfirst(strtolower($bar)); // Hello world!
Ana Sofia
11 Mar 2019
1$foo 'hello world!';
2$foo = ucwords($foo);             // Hello World!
4$bar 'HELLO WORLD!';
5$bar = ucwords($bar);             // HELLO WORLD!
6$bar = ucwords(strtolower($bar)); // Hello World!
8//With custom delimiter
9$foo = 'hello|world!';
10$bar = ucwords($foo);             // Hello|world!
12$baz = ucwords($foo, "|"); 
28 Oct 2019
1$upperCaseSentance=ucwords("i do not feel good");//I Do Not Feel Good
24 Jan 2020
13 Apr 2018
2	This only Capitalizes words in a string that are entirely alphabetic 
3    and other words are made UPPERCASE
4    Works well if you have a string  of words containing a mixture
5    of English words and part codes etc
7$words = explode(" ", $originalString);
8$finalString = "";
9	foreach($words as $word) {
10		if(ctype_alpha($word)) {
11			$word = ucfirst(strtolower($word));
12		}
13		else {
14			$word = strtoupper($word);
15		}
16		$finalString .= $word." ";
17	}
18echo rtrim($finalString);
29 Sep 2018
1echo ucwords("hello world");
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capitalize first char phpcapital word all in phpevery word begin with uppercase phpphp all uppercaseucfirst php meaninghow to use ucwords in php in arratphp camel case stringuppercase first character phpphp change first character of every word to uppercasephp strtoupper first characterphp upper first lettercapitalize first character phpphp upper caseuppercase only first letter phpconverter word the first letters in capital letter phpphp first letter uppercase rest lowercasecaptalize first letter phpcapila first letter in phpphp capitalise first letter of string onlyucwords 28 phpfirst chart upper phplatter capitalize phpphp ucfirst each wordphp only first letter uppercaseconvert names to camel case in phpcapitalise a letter phpucworduc wordhow to capitalize first letter in phpphp function to make first letter capitalproppercase phpcapitalize first phpcapitalise first letter phphow to convert word first letter capital phpphp convert string first letter uppercasecamel case phpphp upper firstmake a string first character uppercase in phpphp capital letters functionphp make first character uppercaseuppercase the seconde word phpucfirst word firtststring uppercase first letter phpfirst capital letter php fucntionmake every word capitalized phpphp and capitalize first two lettershow to convert php string to all capital lettersall letter to capital phpget uppercase letters phpfirst case capital phpphp make every word start with capitalcamelcase in phpmake every first letter capital in phpphp first letter of stringphp capitalize first letter of each wordhow to capitalize first letter in word phpphp each word first letter lowercasephp sentence caseall words first character capitalize in phphow to make second word capital in phpphp ucfirst 28 29php string ucfirstucfirst 28 29 phpfirst letter capital in word phpphp uc all wordcheck small or capital letter phpphp first capitalfirst character capitalize phpall capital letter in phpfirst character capital in phpphp uppercase first letter of stringphp capitalize every first lettermake a first string letters uppercase in phpmake first letter of every word capital phpcreate a function in php that will take input string as a sentence and return the first character of each word in a sentence convert first letter of sentence to capital in phpcapitalize first letters phpphp capitalize first letter of every wordphp make string uppercasephp make string all uppercaseuc first letter phpucfirstword in phpphp capitalize lettercapital first letter in phphow to make all capital letters in phpphp format to regular caseinitupper in phpall words of a string capital in phpphp string uppercase first letter of each wordphp 1st letter uppercasehow to make first and second word capital in phpphp first letter of each word uppercasecapitalize in phpphp capitalize all wordshow to uppercase first character phpcamel case in phpuppercase first later phphow to make my string the first letter to be upper case phpcapitalize all words php ucwords 28 24row 3ename 29 28 24row 3elast name 29 how to uppercase the first letter in a variable phpphp uppercase only first letter of every wordphp upper first letter of wordcapitalize first letter of a word phpmake the first word of every sentence uppercase phpphp uppercase first charmake every first word capitalized phpfirst letter capitalise in phpcapitalize string in phpucwords in phpfirst letter caps in phpphp string camelcase 5cu c 23 stringphp word seperatorphp string camel caseucwords phpphp cap first letterphp all chars uppercasehow to make name to latter sentence phpphp text uppercasephp capitalise first letter of stringphp variable uppercase firsthow to capitalize letter in phpphp capital all first letter after spacecapitaliza the first letter in phpphp string first caseucwordsconvert first small letters to capital letters in phpphp uppercase all letter of each wordtext capitalize in phpupper case first letter each wordk phpcapitalize each word first letter phpucupperfirst string capitalize phpphp capitalize each wordfirstcase phpevery word caps phpucwords 28 29 in phpmake first character uppercase phpcapital each word in phpfirst letter uppercase and the rest lowercase in phpphp proper casehoe to change to uppercase for the firt caracter phphow to convert a text to all caps in phpwhat is usfirst in phpupper only first letters phpstring capitalize first letter phpphp lower first letterphp does string contin only uppercase lettersphp capital letterhow to make a word upper case in phpfirst letter uppercase phpcapital in first word phpall first letters uppercase phphow to take first letter of each word in phpphp str replace and uppercase first wordphp capitalizerucfirst php 7only first character capital in phpphp capitalize first characterphp uc wordsphp to camelcasecapitalize first letter phpphp str to camelcasephp ucwords firstonly first letter capital phpucwords 28 29 in laravel collection for uppercase but for lower case which methodphp strpos of first upppercase lettercapitalize string phpphp capitalize first charphp make first letter capital for each wordlaravel ucwordsfirst letter of word uppercase in phpphp capitalize all words in a stringphp text ucfirsttrocat string phpthe first word is capitalized in phpphp string first letter uppercasephp convert string to capitalphp uppercase 1st lettercapital first letter of each word in phphow to convert sentence into first capital letter of strong text in phpcaptialise first letter phpphp string capitalize first letter of each wordcapital letter phpuc words in phpcapitalize words phpphp upper case first letterprint capital letters in phpphp function to make string first letter capitalphp make first letter of each word upper case stringphp string in uppercaseuppercase start of each word phpmake first character in a word uppercase phpcamelcase phpphp words capitalizedcapitalletter phpcapitalize word pgpturn uppercase the first letter phpphp check first caracter of a string as uppercaseuppercase all first letter word phpmake text first letter capital phpletters to capital in phpwords start with capital and others small in phpphp uppercase all first lettersfirst letter of each word uppercase phpphp everysecond letter of string uppercaseclass name with the first character in uppercase phpphp capitalize first letter of string with periodphp ucfirst every wordconvert first letter to uppercase phpcapitalised first word phpcapital letter in phpphp string to capitalize all wordsbuilt in function to change the first letter in a word to uppercase in phpphp cucfirst for each wordcapitalize first word phpshow just first letter capital in phpcapital letters in phpphp uppercase the first letterfirst letter uppercase in phpphp make first letter uppercaseucwords 28 24url 29php array first letter uppercasehow to captilize each word in phpcapital first letter phpphp first letter uppercase of each wordtitlecase phpfintion of ucwords in php make first letter of each word capital phpfunction onroll cgst20 uc words does not existphp words initcapuppercase first letter each word phpsentence format phpphp first letter capital each wordshould variables start with capital letter or lower case letter in phpphp find all capital lettersword first letter capital phpstring to camelcase phppreg match only first letter capital letters phphow to capitalize a word phpmake every first letter capital phpphp every word uppercasephp string words capitalizecapitalice phpliquid capitalize each worduppercase first letter phplowercase first letter php1st letter capital in phpphp set first letter capitalfirst word capital phpfirst char to uppercase phptouppercase phpconvert first char to upper case phphow to upper only first character string in phpput the first string in uppercase phpucfirst all words phpstring first letter capital phpcapitalize every word phpphp constant uppercasehow to lowercase first letter phpconvert to capital letters in phptransfer a string all uppercase letters in phpphp upperase first wordfunction to capitalize first letter of words in phpconvert only first letter uppercase in phpto upper case first letter phpucfirst all wordsphp uppercase every wordphp capitalize first letter of every word php 7convert small letter to capital phphow to capitalize each word in phpucwords laravelphp function capitalize first letterphp capitalize every firsat letterphp ucfirst all wordsphp make each element firs tletter uppercasdeucwords 28 29php first char uppercasephp capitalise first letterphp built in function for making first letters capitalcapitalize all words in phpfirst character uppercase in phpphp string with first letter uppercasefirst char capital phpphp convert string to camelcasephp upper first letter of each wordphp first letters capscapital case phpphp uppercase each wordupper first cacharter in phpcapitalize the first letter of every word phpphp ucfirsthow to uppercase every word in a frase phpphp first letter uppecasetitle format string phpphp capitalize first letter of each word php 7implode if capital wordphp str capital all first lettersfirst letter every word uppercase phpphp uppercase after dashchange the word from upper case to just the first letter in phpphp string capitalizehow to make first later capital in php codeignitersentence qword first word capitalize phpphp first letter of the word in uppercasephp word first letter capitalphp uppercase ffirst char uppercase phpset first character of key to uppercase phpphp check if first letter is uppercaseuppercase method for only first letter in a word in phpcaptilize first letter phpphp title stringphp place char after capitalphp check if first character is uppercaseu 2ccap string phphow to make all word first letter capital in phpphp sentencecasecapitalize the first letter of the text in phpcamelcase first letter uppercase phpcapitalize text with phpwhich of the following php function converts the first character of each word to uppercaseponer primer letra en mayuscula en phpphp first capital letterucfirst word in phpfirst upper case phpphp each word first letter uppercaseto convert all the first character of each word from the string assigned to the variable 24authordetails to capital letters phpphp string tilt casephp capitalize only first letter of wordshow to capitalize words in phpphp first letter of each wordsphp first character of string uppercasefirse lowercase wit first capital in phpphp capitalize first letter onlyupword in phpphp proper case transformucwords in laravelphp make text lowercase with first letter uppercasefirst letter to uppercase and the rest t lowercase phpphp all words capitalcapitalize each word phpfirst ever letter capital in phpmake first letter capital phpphp capitalize first letterphp change first letter to uppercasephp every word start with capitalcapitalize word phpmake a sentence all uppcase in phpphp first letter capitilizecapitalize php wordshow to covert word into capital letter in phpunppercase first latter phpphp capitalized casefirst alphabet capital in phpphp proper case functionall php customized wordscapitlize words phpcapital latter to ucfirst case phpevery word capitalized in phpphp each word uppercasedecapitalize first letter phpphp uppercase wordsignore lower case and upper case in php 2c just match the words in phpucfirst in phphow to check for capital letter in phpfunction to make every first letter capital in phptransform uppercase into underline phpphp sentence only first letter uppercasemake string capital to camelcase phpphp capitilaze all wordsdisplay name in capital letters in phpphp lowercase first uppercasecovert first char uppercase phpphp proper case stringphp uppercase first letter in sentencecapital first word phphow to capitalize first letters of each word in phpcapitalise each word in phpcheck if first letter is capital phpwhich of the following string function is used to make a string 27s first character in uppercase 3f in phpstr camelcase phpphp to first to upperphp capital each wordphp first upper caseput the first letter in uppercase phphow to make the first character in uppercase in phphow to capitalize the first letter of a word in phpcaptialize first letter phpfirst caps string phpevery first word capital in phpfirst letter upper phpphp first letter of string uppercasechange first alphbet to upper case phpall letters to capital phpphp string all uppercasehow to first word capital in phpphp is capital letterphp uppercase first letter each wordstart with capital sentence phphow to first letter capital in phpphp capatalize first lettermake first letter uppercase phpthe first letter lowercase in phpcapitalized latters phpuc wordsphp code to capitalize first lettercheck if first letter is uppercase phpconvert first letter to upprcase in phphow to convert string and uppercase first letter phpphp capitalize every wordphp lowercase first lettermake first letter of a string uppercase phpcapitalizes first character string phphow to select word first letter and do it capital in phpconvert string first letter capital phpstring first letter uppercase phpupper first character phpphp convert to camel casecreate first capital of word phpfirst letter to upper case phpphp method to uppercase every first letter of wordsphp first letter from underscore capitalizecapitalize word in phpsentence case phpphp uppercase every first letterphp csmelcseall string capital phpphp first character uppercaseuppercase first letter php every wordphp variable to title casetake capital letter in phpconvert first letter to uppercase in phpphp to first letter of string uppercaseuppercase first latter phpphp print string with capital letteraassoative array to uppercase phpphp str uppercase first letterstring first character uppercase phpfist letter upper case phpfirst uppercase phptoupper the first letter of a char in phpfirst upper casse phpphp every word ucfirstuppercase everything but first letter phpstring to uppercase first letter phpvariable to capital letters phpphp change to uppercase first letteronly first character uppercase and other lowercase phpphp uppersaes first lettermake the first letter of the first word uppercase 2c phpphp what is capitl letterlowercase the first letter phpucfirst function in phpevery first letter capital in phpphp ucfirst examplephp ucwords all words capitalreduce first letter phpconvert camle case to space phpphp capitalize first letter of varphp capilatixe first letter in stringhow to convert sentence into first capital letter of stringtext in phpmae strng uppercase phpcapitalization in phpphp capitalize firstphp uppercase first characterhow to make the first latter string uppercase in phpfirst letter in uppercasein phpphp functions to capital first lettercapitalize string in php laravelhow to trim string in phpuppper case to proper case phphow to make string uppercase in phpfirst character in sentence uppercase phphow to capitalize the second word phpall words capital phpcapital letter word in phpstring uppercase word phpphp change every word start with capitalphp first lette rto uppercasephp ucwordsphp match word in string with uppcase with lowecasemake first character uppercase in phponly first letter uppercase phpfirst word capital in phpphp set first char to uppercasephp is ucfirst a methodset first letter to uppercase phpphp code for capitalizephp all letters in capitalphp to upper first letteruppercase first letter in each word phpupper case first word phpfirst letter upercase phpcapitalize first letter phophp string capitalize first letterphp uppercasefirst character upper phpstring to pascal case phpphp format text first letter capitalcapitalize phpphp evey first word capsuppercase php first letterhow to set capital letter to the first letter in a tag li phpphp string to pascal casephp small letter to capitaltarget capital letters phpphp convert first letter to uppercasephp proper capitalizationphp firstletter uppercaseconvert first letter from string to capital letter phpphp word uppercasemake firat letter upcase phpalways make a string first word capital phphow to make string capital in phpucfirst or ucwordsfirst caps phpcapitalize each words in phphow to put the first letter in capital phpcapital first character phpphp change first character of string to uppercasephp each wod first character uppercasephp uppercase first lettercapitalize first letter php functionphp stringpose of first uppercase letterphp function which will capitalize all the first letters of each word all letters capitalize phpphp string capital first letterphp string first letter upperphp code for uppercaseword first character uppercase phpfirst letter to upper phpphp string first letter uppercase for each worduc words 28 29fonction native php first letter uppercasephp uppcase first letterphp how to covert text to uppercasephp first letter ippercasephp only first letter uppercase for the sentencemaking a string uppercase in phpfirst letter capital phpphp capitalizdmake the first letter of the first word uppercase phphow to convert first character in string uppercase to lowercase in phphow to make a first latter capital using phpupper every word in phphow to change first letter capital in phpupper first letter phpcapitalizing the first letter php inbuilt functionhow to cinvert a word in sentence case in phpfirst character uppercase php1st latter capital in phpt converts the first letter to capital lette phpphp all first letter uppercasemake words title case phpfirst letter capital php functionstr to first letter uupercase in phpphp only first letter uppercase for the centestitle string in phpphp first word letter capitalcptalize first letter phpmake every first letter of word capital phphow to capitalize only the letter in a string in phpphp all capital lettersphp upercase allucworfsevery first character is capital in phpcapitalize each word first character phpcapitalize name in phpphp ucwords not iiiphp first letter estrapolatehow to capitalize thefirst letter in phpphp to capitalize each word in a sentencecheck for capital letter phpucfirst and capital word words in phpphp convert to camelcaseucwords refactor phpphp the first letter capitalphp convert first character to uppercasemake string uppercase phpuc first letters phpphp small first letterphp substr make first letter capitalizedfirst letter in php capitcalcapital letters phpwords start with capital in phpfirst charsafcter uppercase phpfirst capitalize phpcapitalize a string in phpphp convert title case to camel casephp function to capitalize first letteruncapitalize first letter phpchange the first letter of each array to capital phplowercase all but first letter phpucword in phpphp string uppercase first letterfirst character of string capital phpphp uppercase first letter phpcapitalise each word phpphp first letter uppercasephp format to name casejs first letter uppercase phpphp capitalize each letter in a wordphp preg match capitalize the first letterfirst letter capitalization phptext uppercase phphow to capitalize a string in phpuppercase letter phpphp variable uppercase first chto upper first char phpphp string upper first letterphp capitalize only first lettercapitalize first letter php of every wordfirst character in uppercase phptitle case in phpfirst wrod capital and then all in small phpphp first letter uppercapitalize each word in phpmake first capital phpphp first letter to uppercasecapital letter first word in phphow to capitalize the first letter of a string in phpdo only first latter capital in phpfirst letter capitalized phpmaking first letter capital phpcheck if first letter of string is uppercase phpphp firt letter capital rest lowercaseucwords and ucfirsthow to use php to capitalize first letter of a string if all in uppercase in php uppercase first letter after dothow to make all letter uppercase all letter in phpcaptablieze first letter phpphp string to camelcaseuppercase method for first letter in a word in phpcapitalize first letter in string in phpphp string to proper casestr capitalize phpphp titlecasephp string title casephp capitalize wordsfirst letter to uppercase phpphp string first letter capitalhow to convert first character of all the words uppercase using php 3fcapitalize first letter of string phpuppercase first letter of each word phphow to check if first letter is uppercase phplphp capitalize first letterphp add capital to first leterphp ucase first letterphp only first letter capscapitalize a string phpevery first letter of word capital in phpmake first char is capital in phpphp set all words in capitalphp title casechange first letter to caps using phpphp first uppercaseuppercase first letter of string phpcapitalize first letter javascript phphow to capitalize first character in phpcapitalize 1st letter in phpphp remove from string and capitalize first letterupper first string phpstring to camlecase phpphp capitalize 1st letteruppercase the first letter in phpuppercase each word phpuppercase the first letter phpphp uppercase all wordscharacter in capital letter in phpphp to uppercase first letterphp get capitalized words in regexcapatilize first letter phpcapitalize the first letter in phpphp first latter capitalphp make the first letter uppercase of a wordphp first letter capitalphp to capitalizehow to convert string to capital letter in phpreturn the first element of string in upper phpphp first character of string to uppermake first word uppercase phpphp capitalize fist letter of each wordphp all word first letter capital1 st letter in capital in phpstrtoupper first letter phphow to get only upper case in phpphp first letter lowercasecapital letter first each word phpcapitalize word in sentence in phpfirst character of string uppercase php1st letter capital of every word in phpconverting string to title case in phpfirst word capital of string in phpucfirstwords in phptake first character in studly phpwhat is work of ucfirst function in phpfirsrt letter capital in phpphp capitalise first letter of each wordphp make first letter capitalname for capital letters phpupper case in phpstr first letter upper in phfirst word uppercase phpphp capital first letter of each wordstring capitalize phpphp letter transform firstfunction to uppercase the first letter phpphp ucwords but uppercase in arrayhow to use capital letter in password in phpconvert first character to uppercase in phphow to make first letter capital in phpmake first letter of string uppercase phpcapitalize a letters in a words phpphp check capital lettersentence each word uppercase in phpphp only first char uppercaseuc wordswrtie php function starts uppercaseconvert small letters to capital letters in phpuppercase letter in phpphp capitalize beginning of stringstr to letter capital in phpuse php small capital lettersupper only first letter phpphp uppercase only first lettercapitalize first letter pghpfirst char uppercase hppphp capital first letterfirst letter capital of every word in phpstring with first work capital phpall the characters capital phpphp alle uppercaseuppercase first letter of every word phpphp capitalcaseupper php firstphp capitalize first letter of stringphp how to capitalize the first letterfirst letter upper cse phpfirst letter capital word phpcapitalize all first letters phpucfirst used for phpmake the first letter of every word capital phpstr to first letter uppercase in phpphp function to captilzae first letteruppercase letter first alphabet phpphp normal caseupper case first letter phpsentence fiest word upper case in phpmake string capital phpstring 27s first character uppercase phpcapitalize every first letter phpphp first to upperuppercase every first letter phpmake first letter capital in php 22russian 22 first letter uppercase phpucfirst word phpcapitalize first letter of each word phpphp text to uppercasephp output string with uppercase first letterstarting letter uppercase in phpphp string function first word capital phpphp make first letter lowercasehow to make first letter capital and rest small in phphow to capital the first letter in phpstring with first word capital phpmake all letters capital in phpphp does true need to be capitalizeduppercase after space phpfirst letter capital in phphow to make first character of each word in uppercase in phpphp make first letter capital in stringcapitalize only first character of first word in a sentence in phpphp uppercase to ucfirstucwords 28 29 phpupper first case every letter in phpfirst word capitalzie in phpphp capital letter firstcapital first latter in phpphp string to uppercase first letteruppercase first character of array of strings phpphp capitalize all lettersphp mixed case to all lowerphp uppercase first letter of linephp capitalize wordphp capitaluzeucfirst ucwords phpphp capitalize all first letterscapitalize first letter of each word in a string phpphp each first letter uppercasetocamelcase in phpall capital letter phpuc word phpfirst letter in uppercase phpuppercase all letters in phpfirst letter of every word uppercase phpuppercase first lowercase other phpponer en mayuscula primer letra en phpcapitalizes first letter of each word phpcapitalize the first letter phpcapitalize every word in a sentence phphow to uppercase one letters in word phphow to uppercase one letter in word phpphp string name first letter uppercasephp capitalizephp capitalize each word in stringphp camelcasetitle case phpupercase first letter php of every wordcapitalize first letter after a br phpphp to capitalise first letterphp uppercase firsthow to convert the other letters to lower case and maintain the first letter as uppercase in phpuppercase first letter in phpconvert string to capital letters phpwhen string entered returns capital letters in php formschange lower first case of each word uppercase phpevery word capital in phplower first letter phpcapitalize every single word string phphow to all uppercase in phpfirst letter upcase phpphp uppercase first letter of each wordcapitalize first letter in word phppphp title caemake capital of sentence in phpphp first letter to upperupper case fist letter in phphow to capitalise text in phpstr to upper for first char phpucwords laravel 7php capitalized first lettersphp toupper first charactermixed case string phpfirst letter upper in phpucfirst in textbox in phpphp make first letter of word uppercasephp to lowercase except first letterphp variable uppercase first characterucfirst phpphp proper casingphp only first letetr uuppercasephp first word uppercasehow to check if first letter is uppercase php formfirst character to uppercase phpphp add upper case on first letterfirst letter in capital in phpall letter in capital in phpmake sentence first letter uppercase other lower case phpphp first letter of word uppercasephp first letter of each wordget first capital char phpcapital each word phpphp first letter capital each word