php uppercase

Solutions on MaxInterview for php uppercase by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "php uppercase"
19 Mar 2017
1//string to all uppercase
2$string = "String with Mixed use of Uppercase and Lowercase";
3//php string to uppercase
4$string = strtoupper($string);
10 Aug 2016
1$lowercase = "this is lower case";
2$uppercase = strtoupper($lowercase);
4echo $uppercase;
16 May 2016
2/* There is a function in php wich convert all string to uppercase */
4  echo strtoupper("Hello samy! how are u ?"); 
6// output :   HELLO SAMY! HOW ARE U ?
28 Apr 2019
1ucwords("hello world"); // Hello World
2ucfirst("hello world"); // Hello world
19 Nov 2018
3$str "Mary Had A Little Lamb and She LOVED It So";
4$str = strtoupper($str);
22 Jun 2016
1$lowercase = "this is lower case";
2$uppercase = strtoupper($lowercase);
4echo $uppercase;
queries leading to this page
what function will change a string to every uppercase 3f phphow to convert lowercase to uppercase in phpcapitalize first char phpfirst to upper phparray to uppercase phpphp change text casecapital word all in phpget uppercase phpphp all uppercasehow to convert text to uppercase in phpphp str to upperhow to text upper case in phpphp strtoupper first characterphp change to uppercasephp upper first lettercapitalize first character phpphp upper caseuppercase only first letter phpphp ucasephp all upper caseuppercase n phpdecapitilise variable phpstr to upper phpphp switch casecapila first letter in phptext transform capitalize phpstring with or without capital phpfirst chart upper phpsentense case phpphp strtoupperphp make text uppercasewhy uppercase variable in phpconver to uppercase phphow to capitalize first letter in phpphp type array of uppercasephp to uppercase functionformat text upper lower phpcapitalize first phpcapitalise first letter phpstring capitalize in phpuppercase array phpphp all caps wordsphp strtouuperphp capital letters functionstring uppercase php php to string uppercasestring to all caps phpphp make uppercasemake all uppercase php stringphp convert string from all caps to capitalizedall letter to capital phpget uppercase letters phpevery word first letter uppercase phpfull capital letter in phpto upper phplower to uppercase in phpto capital phpphp capitalize first letter of each wordphp sentence casephp convert to uppercase and exclamationustrupper phpphp change string to uppercaseucuppercase in phpupper character in phpphp 1st letter lowercasephp first letter capitalzedletters should be uppercase in phpupercase first letter phpphp first capitalall capital letter in phpfirst character capital in phpin php how to make string to uppercasealpha numeric to upper case in phpconvert text to capital phpphp lowercase uppercasephp capital to small letterphp capitalizationphp uppercato upercase phpfunction to convert a string to uppercase in phpconvert string to caps in phpphp make string uppercasesttoupper phpphp make string all uppercasephp downcaseconvert string into non capital letters phpphp mayusculas stringphp rtrim string to number of charactersstr to upper in php shows 2520make uppercase phpcapitalize first letter in string phptouppercase phphow to capitalize cyrillic in phpall caps phpturn into uppercase phpchange to upper latter in phpphp change first character to uppercaseuppcercase in phphow to make first and second word capital in phpphp change sting to capsconvert uppercase in phpreturn first character to capital in phpcapitalize in phpstrto upper phpuppercase string phpto caps phpconvert capital letters phpuperscase a string in phpdisplay uppercase phpphp convert capital letters to smallupper case pghpphp strtouppperuppercase function in phpphp uppercase and excmation point functionis string upper case phpconvert name from small letter to capital in phpconvert first letter uppercase phpstr toupperuppercase in php first letterconvert to capital phpcapitalize string in phpuppercase php array convert to capital in phphow to convert lowercase letters to uppercase in phpcomplete sentence in uppercase letter phpstring upper in phpphp primera letra mayusculaphp uppercasaphp all chars uppercasephp capital casephp text uppercasehow to capitalize in phpstr caps phpphp uppercase stingstr to upper phpphp variable uppercase firsttext transform uppercase phpupercase phpphp to uppercase charphp string first casephp variables in uppercasephp uppercase 3d 3dall characters in capital to small letters in phpuppercase built in function phpcapital in phptext capitalize in phpuppercase for words phpall caps php functionfirstcase phplowercase to uppercase in phpuppercase lowercase in phpphp strupperphp uppercase stringphp variable in uppercasehow to upper case in phpchange from all caps to sentence case in phpupper case convert phpphp convert to capital letters and excamation pointhow to convert a text to all caps in phphow to make first character of string uppercase in phpphp string function uppercasephp string upperupper only first letters phpphp lower first letterfirst character of string touppercase in phpphp string lowercase uppercase number generatorphp does string contin only uppercase lettersphp caps first letters in stringhow catch caps letter phphow to make a word upper case in phpphp capital letterin php which is the method to convert into uppercaseecho uppercase phpall uppercase in phpfirst letter uppercase phplower case to upper case in phpmake characters uppercase in phpphp string mayusculasphp capitalizermausculas phpuppercase pphphp capitalize first characterphp variable string to upper convertstrpos capitals phpcapitalize first letter phpconverting strings to uppercase in phplowerstring to upper phpuppercase in php functionphp turn underscore small letters to capitalscapitalize string phphow to convert all strings to higher case phpphp header turn to uppercasefirst letter of word uppercase in phpphp uppercase accentphp uppercase to lowercasephp string first letter uppercasephp string to capital letterphp string replace capital letters into lowercasephp convert string to capitalphp string to capsphp sting to upperphp lower to uppercasecapital letter phphow ot uppercase string in phpphp lower case to upper casephp upper case stringphp make first letter of each word upper case stringphp string in uppercaseupper string vietnam phpphp text capitalizeconvert lowercase to uppercase phpstr upper phpphp make text capitalchange to capital letters phpuppercase phpgchar uppercase phpconvertir mayusculas phpphp string to capital first letterphp rtrim commatransform uppercase phpstrupper phpupperfirstchar in phpuppercase character phpminusculas phpput text uppercase phpisupper phpuppercase phhpletters to capital in phpphp first character capitalphp string to capitalizehow to convert lower case to upper case in phpphp truncate stringarray e strtoupper phpphp everysecond letter of string uppercasephp string to uppwephp capitalize first letter of string with periodstring replace in php and transform to uppercaseconvertir string a mayusculas phptopupper phpcapital letter in phpfirst latter capital in phpuppercase function phpconvertir primera letra de string en mayuscula phpphp array uppercasehow to capitalize text in phpmake a string 27s first character uppercase phpfirst letter uppercase in phpphp get string uppercasephp fitst letter uppercasephp make first letter uppercasephp first letter uppercase of each wordupper case function phpphp variable full uppercasereplace uppercase with uppercase phparray uppercase phphow to convert array elements to uppercase in phpphp uppercase accent caracterfunction convert string to uppercase phpstring to capitalize phphow to convert word to uppercase in phpphp upper functionis upper in phplower to uppercase phpphp convert to capital lettersphp find all capital lettersphp uppercase functionphp function uppercase filterphp uppercase iiimake every first letter capital phpphp first string letter to uppercasecapitalice phpphp string only uppercase lettersuppercase first letter phpcapital first letter phpphp text in all capital letterlowercase first letter phpphp set first letter capital1st letter capital in phpphp str upperhow to fix php 24reference no 3d strtoupper 28 24 post 5b 27reference no 27 5d 29 3bphp caps first letterhow to upper only first character string in phpphp normalize string first uppercase then lowercasephp string to floatconvert a string into uppercase phpcapital letter to small letter phplowercase and uppercase together phpphp make all first letters uppercaseupper string phpphp get all upper charactersphp upercasconvert to capital letters in phpphp string uppercaseconvert only first letter uppercase in phpfunction to capitalize first letter of words in phpphp mayusculasphp make all words uppercasephp capitalize first letter of every word php 7php upper casaetransform to uppercase phphow to make all words caps in phpconvert a string into uppercase in phpuppercase a string in phpupppercase phpphp make each element firs tletter uppercasdephp code to print the first letter as uppercasephp string to uppercase examplephp first char uppercasephp capitalise first letterto uppercase phpbuilt in functions in php for uppercasephp upper first letter of each wordphp start with uppercasemake all upper case phpcontains uppercase phpphp string function capitalize first lettertoupper case phoupper case text phpuc upper phpupper first cacharter in phpchar to uppercase phpstring lower to upper in php capitalize the first letter of every word phpphp ucfirstmake uppecase phpstring first character upper in phpmayusculas phpchange to uppercase phpphp first letter uppecasehow to convert uppercase in phpphp str all capstoupper function phpuser given string to uppercase in phpphp function uppercasephp small caps functionphp d upercasephp string capitalizephp string isupperphp to string first alphabet capitalmake all characters maj phpfirst char uppercase phpstr uppercase phpphp array make uppercaseuconvert to upper case in phpmake capital first letter phpconvert string to uppercase phpphp first letter bigphp upcaseconvert case to upper in phpchange string in capital usin gphpupper case to lower case phpphp uppercase letterin can type both alphabets caps or small phpphp check if first character is uppercaseconvert all to uppercase phpphp make all uppercasehow to make all word first letter capital in phpto sting phpphp uppercase firt lettertext capitalize phpupparcase phpcapitalized string in phpuppercase to sentence case in phpcamelcase first letter uppercase phpphp initial capsconvert text to uppercse in phpuse php all small capital lettersupppercase in phptouppercase in phpstr to capital letter in phpupper case in php php first character of string uppercasephp suppercasecase upper phpphp to uppercaehow to convert lowercase string to uppercase using php 3fphp neglect uppercasefirst letter is capitalized php php capitalize stringphp lowercase or uppercase stringmake first letter capital phpchange string to uppercase phpupper and lower case in phphow ot cpautalizei n phpphp capitalize first letterphp change first letter to uppercasestrtoupper 28substr 28md5 28time 29 display numbers onlymake first alphabet capital phpstrtoupper php meaningtoupper in phpsting to upper in phpphp uppercase textphp uppercase methodstrtoupper 28 29php to uperhas uppercase phpconvert lower to upper case phpcapitalize all letters in php uppercase phpconverto uppercase phpuppercase a string phpphp switch upper and lowercasephp code to display as upper case letterstouppercse 28 29 phpphp uppercase wordsstrtoupper function in phpignore lower case and upper case in php 2c just match the words in phpconvert string uppercase phpphp first char to upperphp convert uppercase caseucfirst in phpconvert into small case phpphp lowercase first uppercasephp to upper caseconvert touppercase phpstring to all caps sibratided by underscore in phpphp uppercaaseoppercase phpto uppercase string phpstrtoupper in phphow to capitalize first letters of each word in phpcheck if first letter is capital phpstring to upper phpphp function return uppercasephp to first to uppermpstring to uppercase phpphp swtich case to resolutionput the first letter in uppercase phpupper case casting phpstr tot upper phphow to string in upper case in phpphp covert to all upperhow to do all caps in phpphp uppercase all valuesto uppaer in phpstring to caps phpphp first letter of string uppercasephp string all uppercasestring in uppercase in phpphp string firts letter upperforce uppercase in phpstrtoupper phpfirst leter to upper phpphp strng to uppercaseupper text phpucupper in phpcapital letters to 2f phpphp convert to upper casephp lowercase first letterphphp uppercasephp set upercaseuppercase separate underscore phpset all chars to uppercase phpmake first letter of a string uppercase phpphp code to convert lowercase to uppercasephp communicate with upper textphp set first letter uppercasestring first letter uppercase phpupper first character phpphp upppercasechange to upper case in phpstring to uppercase phpphp upperall uppercase phpfirst letter to upper case phpphp ufcfirstcreate cap with phpsignature capital letters phpmake a first string letters in phpphp convert all character to capsall string capital phpphp first character uppercaselaravel php convert first character to upper casephp firt letter capitalcapitalize text phpphp strtoupper in pythonphp code to print first letter capitalphp to first letter of string uppercasephp str uppercase first letterfirst uppercase phpcaptial functuon phpstring first character uppercase phpmake upercase string phpconvert small letter to capital in phpfirst upper casse phptransform all string to uppercase in phpphp convert string to uppercasephp string firstlette upperphp convert uppercase to lowercasephp case uppercasephp lowercase to uppercasestring upper case phpupper function in phpall letter in caps in phpphp capilatixe first letter in stringmae strng uppercase phpuppercae phpto capitalize case phpstrinto upppercase phphow to uppercase letter after 2f in phpphp capitalize firstmake upper case phpstring to uppercase in phpphp string to uppercasecapitalise first letters phphow to make string uppercase in phpall words capital phpphp function with parameter capitalphp string toupperstring uppercase word phpchange character to capital phphow to show all text in uppercase in phpphp conver mayusculasphp caps letterphp ucwordsphp sql does i need uppercasefirst letter captial in string in phpla segunda letra mayuscula en phpall letters in capital in phpuppercase phpconvert string to upper case phpmake first character uppercase in phpset first letter to uppercase phpstring upper phpcapitalize 28 phpphp string replace capital letters into small letters and underscorephp str to upperphp upper stringis php in all caps or notphp t upper casephp uppercase accent characterphp string capitalize first letterto uppcercase phpphp uppercasefirst character upper phpuppercase php first letterphp 2b uppercaseconvert small to capital in phpphp change to capitalizeconvert to capital letters phpcapitalize phparray in upper phpuppercase all in phpstrtoupper 28 29 phpuppercase character in phpcapitalize php stringupper case string phpphp str to upper caseuppercase letters phpconvert first letter from string to capital letter phpphp upperwaseupper keywork in phpphp uppercase allhow to convert all char to uppercase in phpphp strtoupper and mb strtoupper 28 29mb strtoupper in phpphp word uppercasephp uc firstconvert caps to sentese case phphow to make string capital in phpstr to upper in phpphp capitalisephp to uppereupcase in phphow to convert to uppercase in phpchange string from llowercase to capitallize phpstr replace lower to upper case phpcapital first character phpuppcase phpphp uppercasewforce caps lock phpphp uppercase first letterfirst leter to caps phpphp string first letter upperphp text transform uppercaseconvert letters to uppercase phpphp code for uppercasephp string first letter uppercase for each wordtext uppercase in phpphp to capsconvert to uppercase in phpfunction to convert string in form to uppercase phpphp first upperphp how to covert text to uppercasephp is uppercasephp all to uppercasemaking a string uppercase in phpto capitalize phpstr contains capitals phpconvert into capital letters in phpturn the string to uppercase in phpstring toupper case phpuppercase php variblefirst letter capital phpphp convert to upperphp touppercassehow to uppercase string phpstrtoupper for first char phphow to get capital letter in phpcapital phpuppercase letter phpfirst letter capita phparray to upper phpphp change all letters in a string to uppercaeupper first letter phpstrtupper phpphp to uppercase commandall caps in phpfirst character uppercase phptto upper php1st latter capital in phpupper to lowercase in phpconver to uppercase in php php str upperphp full capsuppercase phpphp value to upper caseconvert text toupper case phphow to convert string to first letter capital in phpstr uppercase in phpsearch for uppercase in phpphp uopercastropupper 28 29 phpstring to change capital letters in phpstring uppercase in phpcptalize first letter phphow to capitalize string in phpuppertext phptext capitalize with phpphp str uppewrphp upercase allinit cap in phpcapital words in phpevery first character is capital in phpphp capitalmake all upercase in phpwhat does strtoupper do in phpphp set to upperphp mb str to upperhow to capitalize thefirst letter in phpphp string uppercase first lettersphp make all values in array uppercasephp convert to all capsmake string uppercase phpa lot of names strtoupperphp str to uppercasecapilize and lowecase phpcapital letters phpall capital phpucase in phpfirst charsafcter uppercase phpphp uppercase array valuesconvert any uppercase to capitalize in phpstrtotoupper phpphp function to capitalize first letterphp srttoupperuncapitalize first letter phpchange the first letter of each array to capital phpcapitalize all letters phpphp string uppercase first letterstring php to uppercasephp function which will convert a string to uppercasephp uppercase first letter phparray uppercase letter phpphp first letter uppercasefont change caps in phpsting to upper phpall capital in phpconvert string to capital phpstring upper case in phpjs first letter uppercase php 27 2f 5cb 5cs 2b 24 2fe 27 3d 3e strtouppertext uppercase phpphp preg match capitalize the first lettermake all characters uppercase phphow to capitalize a string in phpphp is upper casephp to uppercase wordphp variable uppercase first chchange to small caps in phpfirst capitalize in phpcapitalize first letter php of every wordfirst character in uppercase phpphp capitalize only first letterphp ceilphp uppercphp first letter upperhow to set uppercase first word using phpwhy use uppercase for php queryupper in phpphp letter capitalmake character uppercase phpphp capitalize and lowercaseuppercase class phpphp fierst uppercasecaps in phpphp first letter to uppercasephp to upper case and exclamation markphp to uppercasephp str capitalisedo only first latter capital in phpfirst letter capitalized phpphp small into capitalphp capitalize textcheck if first letter of string is uppercase phpphp how to return string in capital letterspasar la primera letra a mayuscula phpconvert string to all caps phptp upper phpto capital in phphow to make all letter uppercase all letter in phpcaptablieze first letter phpphp force capshow to convert lower case to upper in phpstr capitalize phpfirst letter to uppercase phpto uppercase in phpcapitalize first letter of string phplower to upper in phpcapitalise in phpstring to capital phplphp capitalize first letterphp add capital to first leterchange string to lower case in phpphp ucase first letterget upper words from string phpuppercase in phpphp data to uppercaseconvertir texto a mayusculas phphow to make uppercase in phparray in uppercase in phpis uppercase phptext to upercase phptransform a string all uppercase letters in phpupper case phpphp upper casephp string to upperstrupperp phptransform all string to capitalize in phpsee upper and lower in a char phpminuscula phpheader auto convert to caps in phpphp uppercase sintrchange first letter to caps using phpphp first uppercasestring to upper in phpconvert string to uppercase in phpphp toupper stringconver all to all caps phpstr to uppercase phphow to capitalize first character in phpuppercase to sentance case in phpupper first string phpphp toupperconvert uppercase phpstrtoupper 28 28string 29 24row noughtsphp stirng uppercaptial phpphp uppercaseletterphp changing work to uppercasephp upperacseconvert uppercase to capitalize in phpstr upper all phpuppercase the first letter phpphp uppercase all wordschange to uppercase in phpfirst char upper phpfungsi php upperconvert word to uppercase in phpphp to uppercase first letterstrupper in phpcapitalize the first letter in phpstring variable to uppercase phpto upper in phparray to uppercase phpphp to capitalizephp first letter capitalhow to convert string to capital letter in phpconvert to upper case phpconvert all letter to capital phpfunction php in uppercasephp uppercase first letter in stringphp capitalize first letter of each sentenceupper cas in phpphp convert to uppercasehow to capitalize 1st letter in php string 27upcasefirst phpuse strtoupper in php functionstring function to capitalize string in phpphp capitalise stringhow to get only upper case in phpmake a string all caps phpphp get first char uppercasestr touppercase in phpfirst two letters capital in phpphp capital wordupper phpstrupercase phpphp code to convert to small letterfirst character of string uppercase phpstr upper phpchanging to upper case in phphow to echo uppercase in phpphp convert all capital to smallcapital letter in first word phpphp to upperphp variable to uppercasechanging value to upper and lower case phpstr to upper and ucfirst in phpphp convertir a mayusculasvariable in upper case in phpuppercase php stringphp make first letter capitalupper case in phpfirst word uppercase phpphp uppercase all lettersphp capital first letter of each wordchange into lowercase phpphp letter transform firststring capitalize phpfist char to upper phpphp uppercase a stringphp minusculas a mayusculasset uppercase phphow to make first letter capital in phpsend string big character in phpcaps phpphp capatilize stringall upper case phpstrtouupper in array wrds phpphp to upercaseconvert small letters to capital letters in phpreplace ext uppercase with lowercase phpstr to letter capital in phpphp string tilt4 casephp touppercaseuppercase letter in phpcaps format phpfirst char uppercase hppstr toupper replace stringphp capital first letterstring with first work capital phptext touppercase in php 27php alle uppercasestrtoupper 28 29 in phpphp change sentence in the stringstrtoupperphp change case all capsuppercase all string in phpphp capitalize first letter of stringhow to uppercase in phpconverting string to uppper case in php1st letter capital function of phpphp string all capsphp to uppercase emthodstr turn to capital letters phpconvert lowercase to uppercase in phptext uppercase in php 27strtoupper 28 29 in php explanationtoupper phpupper case first letter phpmake string capital phpupper first letter in phpphp make all capsphp first to uppercapitalise phpall caps string phpmake first letter capital in phpphp convert to first letter only caps 22russian 22 first letter uppercase phpcapitalize first letter of each word phpphp text to uppercasephp to upercasephp convert text to uppercaseucase phpcapital string in phpstarting letter uppercase in phpconvert to caps phpphp all capshow to convert all character to uppercase in phpphp function to change first letter to lowercasephp string is uppercasephp code to replace lowercase to uppercasestring with first word capital phphow to make upperccase of string in phpphp string to upper casecapital string phpphp minusculasfirst letter capital in phpto uppcase phpphp all caps functionphp make first letter capital in stringcapitalize only first character of first word in a sentence in phpphp change case of first letterhow to fix php 24referenceno 3d strtoupper 28 24 post 5b 27referenceno 27 5d 29 3bphp convert to small casephp string in uppercase inside htmlall uppercapp phpphp capital letter firstphp convert string to capital lettershow to make capital ltter to fitst latter capital other small in phpphp capitalize all lettersphp make text all uppercasecappitalize string in phpfirst letter updatecase phpcovert string to all uppercase in phpphp uppercase in stringupper and lower case character phpto upper case phpupercase function phptext upper case phpstrtouppercase in phpchange string to uppercase in phpupper case letter phpmayusculas minusculas phpfirst letter in uppercase phpuppercase all letters in phpuppercase php codeuppercase first lowercase other phpphp convert variable to uppercasecapitalize the first letter phphow to convert string to all uppercase phpphp convert upperstrtouppercase phphow to convert string to uppercase in phpupcase phpphp capitalizephp change uppercasequery strtoupperphp capitalize to lettercapitalizae text in phpphp convert uppercasephp to capitalise first letterphp uppercase firsthow to convert the other letters to lower case and maintain the first letter as uppercase in phptransform string to uppercase phpconvert string to capital letters phpupper function of phpphp array function uppercasewhen string entered returns capital letters in php formsphp strisuppercaseupper letter phptext upper phpstr to upper when null phpphp capshow capitialize only first letter in phpphp make text capitalizephp array to uppercasehow to all uppercase in phpstr to uppercase in phpphp str uppercasephp conver a letter in upper csephp uppercase first letter of each wordcapital case in phpcapitalize first letter in word phpphp first letter to upperphp uper casehow to capitalise text in phpstandardise to all caps display format phpphp uppercase full strinfsplit string by capital letters phpstr capital phpphp make first letter of word uppercasephp check string uppercasephp to lowercase except first letterucfirst phphow to check if first letter is uppercase php formhow to create text uppercase phpphp uppercase cedilleuppercase to lover case phpconvert to uppercase phpget first capital char phphow to any upper alphabet phpphp uppercase