string first letter uppercase php

Solutions on MaxInterview for string first letter uppercase php by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "string first letter uppercase php"
08 Apr 2018
3$foo 'hello world!';
4$foo = ucfirst($foo);             // Hello world!
6$bar 'HELLO WORLD!';
7$bar = ucfirst($bar);             // HELLO WORLD!
8$bar = ucfirst(strtolower($bar)); // Hello world!
10 Nov 2020
1ucwords("hello world"); // Hello World
2ucfirst("hello world"); // Hello world
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first character of string uppercase phpupper first letter phpcapitalize text with phpfirst letter capital in word phpphp capitalize only first letterphp string uppercase first lettersphp string ucfirstphp cap first lettercapitalize first name of string phpphp capilatixe first letter in stringfunction to uppercase the first letter phpfirst char uppercase hppphp string uppercase first letter of each wordphp each first letter uppercasefirst caps phpupper case fist letter in phpconvert only first letter uppercase in phpmae strng uppercase phpcapitalize first letter in word phpphp function to capitalize first letterphp function for capitalize first letterhow to check if first letter is uppercase php formevery word first letter uppercase phpphp first character of string uppercasephp capitalize stringcapital first latter in phpphp make first letter capitalphp only first char uppercasecapitalize first letter php of every wordphp capitalize first letter of stringuppercase first letter in sentence php phpphp first letter capitalmake every first letter of word capital phpphp uc firstphp change first character to uppercasephp capitalise first letter of stringfirst letter to upper case phphow to set uppercase first word using phpstring capitalize phpphp make first character uppercasefirst letter capital word phpphp uppercase every first letterphp uppercase first characterstring first character upper in phpmake first letter of each word capital phpevery first character is capital in phpphp find capital letters in stringphp first letter uppecasehow to use php to capitalize first letter of a string if all in uppercase in php check if first character is uppercasephp word first letter capitalwrtie php function starts uppercasephp make first letter of word uppercasecapital letters php 22russian 22 first letter uppercase phpuppercase first and second letter phpstring capitalize first letter phpcapital letters in phpfirst character uppercase phpphp string to uppercase first letterphp all letters in capitalfirst character capital in phpphp string lower case first lettercapitalized latters phpcapital letter in phpphp to uppercase first letterphp check first caracter of a string as uppercasehow to convert first character of all the words uppercase using php 3fstr to first letter uupercase in phpchange upper case every word in first letter phpphp normalize string first uppercase then lowercasephp sentence casehow to capitalize first character in phpuppercase every first letter of word phphow to put the first letter in capital phpuppercase in php first lettermake every letter capital phpfunction to capitalize first letter of words in phppreg match only first letter capital letters phpstring first letter uppercase phpphp change case of first letterupper letter phpuppercase first character phpuncapitalize first letter phpphp convert first character to uppercasephp capitalize first letter of every word php 7uppercase character in phpall capital letter phpphp code for capitalizemake sentence first letter uppercase other lower case phpcapitalice phpprint capital letters in phpfirst char to uppercase phpcapatilize first letter phpuppercase first letter in each word phpphp upper first letter of every wordcapital each word in phpstr to letter capital in phpphp code to print the first letter as uppercasephp first letter capital each wordcapitaliza the first letter in phpphp make all first letters uppercasehow to capitalize thefirst letter in phpmake first word uppercase phpstarting letter uppercase in phpsentense case phpfirst character must be a uppercase letter phpto upper first char phpfirst chart upper phpphp first carachter capsucupper in phpall letter to capital phpfist char to upper phpphp make first letter of each word upper case stringphp first char upperstring first letter capital phpphp only first letter uppercase for the sentencewhich of the following string function is used to make a string 27s first character in uppercase 3f in phpphp capitalize first charfirst word capital of string in phpphp uppercasemake the first letter of the first word uppercase phptake capital letter in phpcapital in first word phpphp all capital to ucfirstphp caps first letterfirst letter capita phpchange the first letter of each array to capital phpphp first uppercasephp first letter capital of textupcasefirst phptouppercase phpphp first letter bigfirst later capital phpuppercase first later phpsentence qword first word capitalize phpcapital letter first word in phpfirst word capitalzie in phpphp capitalize every firsat letteruc first letters phpphp capitalize first letter of each sentenceconvert first letter from string to capital letter phpcapitalize first char phpcapitalize first letter or word phpall the characters capital phpphp strtoupper first charactercapitale firsy phpfirst letter capitalized phpupper case first word phponly first character capital in phpupper case first letter each wordk phpuppercase for all char phpphp get caps first letter in stringcapital first character phpphp start with uppercasephp ucl first uppercasemake first letter uppercase phpphp variable uppercase first chphp uppercase first letter phpfirst letter captial in string in phpphp function to change first letter to lowercasemake every first letter capital phpfirst alphabet capital in phpcapitalize first character phpcapitalisation case letter phpupper first character phphow to use capital letter in password in phpphp uppercase only first letterfirst letter lowercase phphow to capitalize first letter in phpput the first string in uppercase phpmake first letter capital phpphp first letter of each word uppercaseuppercase letter phpword first character uppercase phpphp code to capitalize first letterphp string first character uppercasehow to capitalize only the letter in a string in phpphp uppercase the first letterfirst capitalize in phpprint first later in capital and other small phpphp function to upper case first letter of every wordstr to upper for first char phpuppercase first lowercase other phponly first letter capital phpuppercase letter first alphabet phpcreate first capital of word phpcapital letter word in phpfist letter upper case phphow ot cpautalizei n phpall capital letter in phpmake a first string letters in phpmake text first letter capital phpstr to upper and ucfirst in phpphp to string first alphabet capitalconvert first small letters to capital letters in phphow to make a first latter capital using phpphp ucl first uppercaseupper php firstphp upper first lettermake string uppercase phpucfirst word in phpfirst letter upper cse phpstart with capital sentence phpfirst upper case phpevery word first letter in caps in phpphp first upper casephp text capitalizefirst word capital phpcaptilize first letter phpphp string capital first letterphp string with first letter uppercaseupper only first letter phphow to make all word first letter capital in phpphp first letter from underscore capitalizehow capitialize only first letter in phpphp make each element firs tletter uppercasdephp upperase first wordmake first letter upperc case in phpphp find all capital lettersfirst letter is capitalized php only first letter uppercase phpphp capitalize beginning of stringfirst leter to caps phpphp capitalize first leterphp the first letter capitalphp first letterfirst latter capital in phpphp toupper first characterhow to make first character of string uppercase in phpstr to first letter uppercase in phphow to change first letter capital in phphow to convert string to capital letter in phphow to first letter capital in phpcapitalizes first letter of each word phpmake all letters capital in phpphp string first casephp preg match capitalize the first letterfirst letter uppercase phpphp string first letter uppercase underscoremake a first string letters uppercase in phpmake first letter of a string uppercase phpmake a string 27s first character uppercase phpphp function which will capitalize all the first letters of each word capitalize first letter of string phpphp string all uppercasefirst character capitalize phpphp capitalize first letter of varphp first latter capital eacch wordphp first latter capitalphp capitalize and lowercasemake the first letter of the first word uppercase 2c phpphp first char to upperfirst charsafcter uppercase phpphp stringpose of first uppercase letterphp uppercase firstupper case first letter phpphp change first character of string to uppercasemake a string capitalised by one letter phplowercase first letter phpfirst letter in uppercasein phpconvert first character to uppercase in phpto upper case first letter phphow to covert word into capital letter in phphow to check if first letter is uppercase phpuppercase first letter in phpphp variable uppercase first characterphp capitalize letterphp is capital letterhow to convert word first letter capital phpfirst letter uppercase in phphow to uppercase the first letter in a variable phpphp ufcfirstmake capital first letter phpchange the word from upper case to just the first letter in phpphp string to capital first letterphp uppercase first letter of linehow to capitalize first letters of each word in phpupper first cacharter in phpmake the first letter of every word capital phpfirst char uppercase phpfirst letter in php capitcalphp first letter to uppercasefirst capital phpcapitalize first phpphp make first letter uppercasephp all capital lettersphp uppercase only first letter of every wordfunction to make every first letter capital in phpcapital letters to 2f phpfirst character to uppercase phpuppercase the first letter in phpfirst caps string phpfirst letter to upper phpphp make string uppercaseuppercase first letter phpphp upper firstphp capitalizecapital first letter phpcapital letter php stringname for capital letters phpclass name with the first character in uppercase phpfirst letter to uppercase phpphp uppercase first letterphp small first letteruppercase first latter phpphp add upper case on first letterphp first lette rto uppercasephp first letter uppercasehow to make the first latter string uppercase in phpmake first alphabet capital phpfirst letter of word uppercase in phphow to trim string in phpphp to lowercase except first letterphp make all word first letter capitalphp capatilize stringcapital latter to ucfirst case phpcapital first letter of each word in phpphp string capitalizecapitalizes first character string phpcapitalize first letter in string in phpphp string first letter uppercase for each wordphp first word letter capitalphp change sentence in the stringphp capitaluzefirst char upper phpphp first capital letterphp capitalize first letter of each word php 7make the first word of every sentence uppercase phphow do i make the first letter of a string uppercase in php 3ffirst letter capital php functionconvert first letter to capital in phpphp make text lowercase with first letter uppercasephp first letter capitalzedphp first letter uppercase functionmaking first letter capital phpcapitalize 1st letter in phpfirst capitalize phpcaptialise first letter phpphp capitalise first letterconvert first letter uppercase phpphp capital letter firstcaptialize first letter phpphp uppercase to ucfirstphp small letter to capitaluppercase everything but first letter phpreturn first character to capital in phpphp first letter of string uppercasestrtoupper first letter phpcapitalize first letters phpphp set first letter capitalcapitalize every first letter php1st latter capital in phpdecapitalize first letter phpphp lower first letterphp variable uppercase firstfirst char capital phpcapital first word phphow to select word first letter and do it capital in phpcaptablieze first letter phpphp make only first letter capschange first letter to caps using phpuppercase first letter of each word phptransfer a string all uppercase letters in phpcapitalize first letter of a word phpphp upper first letter of each wordstring with first word capital phpcapitalizing the first letter php inbuilt functionstring with first work capital phpfirst character upper phpall letter in capital in phpcamelcase first letter uppercase phpmake first character in a word uppercase phpphp to capitalizephp first letter uppercase of each wordwhen string entered returns capital letters in php formsuppercase method for first letter in a word in phpconverter word the first letters in capital letter phpphp check if first letter is uppercasemake a char uppercase afteer an other chars phpfonction native php first letter uppercasephp only first letter capscapitalize first letter phpto capital letters phpphp first capitalcaptalize first letter phpphp how to capitalize the first letterphp all word first letter capitalfirse lowercase wit first capital in phpupper only first letters phpfirst letter upercase phpphp to first letter of string uppercasephp array first letter uppercasephp ucase first letterphp first character capitaldisplay name in capital letters in phpphp first character of string to upperphp capital first lettercapitalize first letter in string phpcapitalize first letter of word in phpphp upper first letter of wordcapitalize phpphp get first char uppercasephp is char uppercasephp print string with capital letterphp letter transform firstphp make string all uppercasefirst letter capital of every work in phpphp 1st letter uppercaseuppercase php first lettercapila first letter in phphow to make first and second word capital in phpphp first letter uppercase rest lowercasephp str capitalise1 st letter in capital in phpphp lowercase first lettermake first capital phphow to make all capital letters in phpuppercase the first letter phpfirst character in uppercase phpphp make first letter capital of setence1st letter capital function of phpphp capitalize first letter of each wordphp capital first letter of each wordphp capitalize to letterchange first alphbet to upper case php1st letter capital in phpphp first character uppercasetrocat string phpphp make first letter lowercaseset first character of key to uppercase phpcapitalise first letters phpphp make first letter uppercase wordpressconvert first letter of sentence to capital in phpphp function to capitalize first letter of every wordfirst letter caps in phpfirst ever letter capital in phpfirst two letters capital in phpevery first letter of word capital in phpphp capitalise first letter of string onlyhow to make the first character in uppercase in phphow to capitalize first letter in word phpupper first string phpupperfirstchar in phpphp capitalize every first letterfirst letter capital of every word in phpfirst word uppercase phphow to capitalize the first letter of a string in phphow to make string uppercase in phpphp uppercase first letter each wordphp string upper first letterupper first letter in phpcapitalise a letter phpunppercase first latter phpcapitalize the first letter of every word phpall letters to capital phpmake firat letter upcase phpcapitalize the first letter in phpcapitalise first letter phpphp string capitl only first character uppercasefirst letter capital in phpphp capital letters functionmake every first word capitalized phpuse php small capital letterscapitalize first letter pghphow to set capital letter to the first letter in a tag li phphow to make first later capital in php codeigniterconvert small letter to capital phpcheck if first letter is capital phphow to first word capital in phpphp name of first letter is capitalphp str capital all first lettershow to convert sentence into first capital letter of strong text in phphow to print all first letter capital in phpphp format text first letter capitalreturn the first element of string in upper phpphp first letter ippercasefirst letter uppercase php functionmake first letter of string uppercase phpthe first letter lowercase in phpphp ucfirstphp make first letter capital of sentencephp uppercase first letter of stringset first letter to uppercase phpfirst character of string touppercase in phpphp text in all capital letterhow to capitalize 1st letter in php string 27convert first char to capital phpphp capitalize all first lettersmake first character uppercase in phpucfirst phpcapitalize the first letter phpphp string capitalize first letterphp string function capitalize first letterphp sentence only first letter uppercaseevery word first char in caps in phpphp to capitalise first lettercapitalise phpfirst letter in uppercase phpfirst letter upper in phpcharacter in capital letter in phpstring function for first char uppercase phpphp capitalize firststr capitalize phpfirst capital letter php fucntionphp first letter to upperdo only first latter capital in phpcapitalize first letter of each word phpphp first letter lowercasephp convert first letter to uppercasestring first character uppercase phpphp capatalize first letterphp capitalisephp string first letter uppermake first character uppercase phpfirst letter updatecase phpcapitalize text phpmake string capital phplowercase the first letter phpphp uppercase first letter in stringfirst letter upper phpphp evey first word capsfirst letter capital string phpphp first letter of stringmaking a string uppercase in phpphp first character upperfirst letter uppercase and the rest lowercase in phpphp uppercase first letter of each wordmake first char is capital in phpphp string first character lowercaseget first capital char phpphp caps first letters in stringhow to make my string the first letter to be upper case phpfirst letter capitalise in phpt converts the first letter to capital lette phpcapitalised first word phphow to convert php string to all capital lettersphp firt letter capitalcapitalise in phpphp uppercase 1st letteruppercase first character of array of strings phpcapitalize first letter javascript phpfirst to upper phpcapitalize only first character of first word in a sentence in phpphp function to captilzae first letterfirst letter of every word capitalized phpstring uppercase first letter phpinit cap in phpall first letters uppercase phpucfirst in phpphp uppersaes first letterfirst uppercase phpphp string uppercase first letterphp convert to first letter only capscapital letter phpphp string first letter uppercasestrtoupper for first char phpphp first letter uppercasephp capitalise first letter of each wordcheck if first letter of string is uppercase phpfirst letter of each word uppercase phpfirst word capital in phphow to get only upper case in phpfirst character of string capital phpphp first to upperphp only first letter uppercase for the centesphp check capital lettercapitalize first word phpphp strpos of first upppercase letterphp firstletter uppercasecheck if first letter is uppercase phpuc first later string phpphp first upperphp string capitalize first letter of each wordphp first word uppercasehow to capitalize in phpphp function for first capitalized lettercheck small or capital letter phphow to convert the other letters to lower case and maintain the first letter as uppercase in phpfirst letter capitalization phpphp make first letter capital in stringstring to uppercase first letter phphow to uppercase first character phpphp code to print first letter capitalcapitalize string phpphp how to return string in capital lettershow to convert string to first letter capital in phpturn uppercase the first letter phpphp string firstlette upperphp capitalize first letterphp convert first letter of each word to uppercasejust first words case phpalways make a string first word capital phpphp only first letter uppercasephp capitalized first letterswords start with capital in phphow to capitalize letter in phpphp function to make string first letter capitalphp get first word from string capitalizephp to upper first letterphp function to make first letter capitalhow to convert sentence into first capital letter of stringtext in phpcapital letter in first word phplatter capitalize phpphp first letters capsphp substr make first letter capitalizedphp change first letter to uppercasejs first letter uppercase phpfirst letter to uppercase and the rest t lowercase phpsentence format php1st letter capital of every word in phpfirst letter of string uppercase phpconvert string first letter capital phphow to capital the first letter in phpphp capitalize first letter onlyucfirst and capital word words in phpmake first letter capital in phpuppercase every first letter phpturn 1st letter capital phphow to upper only first character string in phpfirst letter of string to uppercase phpphp first string letter to uppercaseuc first letter phpmake capital of sentence in phphow to make string capital in phpphp 1st letter lowercasephp first letter of the word in uppercasehow to make first letter capital in phpphp all chars uppercasephp change first character of every word to uppercaseuppercase only first letter phpphp uppercase first charcptalize first letter phpupercase first letter phpphp set first char to uppercaseuppercase method for only first letter in a word in phpphp only first letetr uuppercasefirst leter to upper phpphp add capital to first leterfirst letter of every word uppercase phplaravel php convert first character to upper casefirst wrod capital and then all in small phpcapital first letter in phpwhich of the following php function converts the first character of each word to uppercasephp all first letter uppercasephp set first letter uppercaseshow just first letter capital in phpstr first letter upper in phfirst string capitalize phpcheck for capital letter phpfirst upper casse phpphp str uppercase first letterlower first letter phpput the first letter in uppercase phpfirst character uppercase in phpphp first char uppercasephp upper case first letterfirst letter in capital in phpphp uppercase first letter of each word in phpphp capitalize first letter of string with periodphp capital letterconvert first letter to uppercase phpphp first letter upperfirst letter capital phpstring with only first letter uppercase phpfirstcase phpvariable to capital letters phpfirst letter capital with phpphp capitalize first charactermake a string first character uppercase in phpfirst word capital in sentence phphow to check for capital letter in phpcomplete sentence in uppercase letter phpfirst character in sentence uppercase phplphp capitalize first letterstring first letter uppercase php