format a date sting php

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08 Jan 2020
2// Assuming today is March 10th, 2001, 5:16:18 pm, and that we are in the
3// Mountain Standard Time (MST) Time Zone
5$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");                 // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
6$today = date("m.d.y");                         // 03.10.01
7$today = date("j, n, Y");                       // 10, 3, 2001
8$today = date("Ymd");                           // 20010310
9$today = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day');     // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
10$today = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.');   // it is the 10th day.
11$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");               // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
12$today = date('H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h');     // 17:03:18 m is month
13$today = date("H:i:s");                         // 17:16:18
14$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");                   // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (the MySQL DATETIME format)
17/*d	Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros	01 to 31
18D	A textual representation of a day, three letters	Mon through Sun
19j	Day of the month without leading zeros	1 to 31
20l (lowercase 'L')	A full textual representation of the day of the week	Sunday through Saturday
21N	ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (added in PHP 5.1.0)	1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
22S	English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters	st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j
23w	Numeric representation of the day of the week	0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
24z	The day of the year (starting from 0)	0 through 365
25Week	---	---
26W	ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday	Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year)
27Month	---	---
28F	A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March	January through December
29m	Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros	01 through 12
30M	A short textual representation of a month, three letters	Jan through Dec
31n	Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros	1 through 12
32t	Number of days in the given month	28 through 31
33Year	---	---
34L	Whether it's a leap year	1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
35o	ISO-8601 week-numbering year. This has the same value as Y, except that if the ISO week number (W) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. (added in PHP 5.1.0)	Examples: 1999 or 2003
36Y	A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits	Examples: 1999 or 2003
37y	A two digit representation of a year	Examples: 99 or 03
38Time	---	---
39a	Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem	am or pm
40A	Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem	AM or PM
41B	Swatch Internet time	000 through 999
42g	12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros	1 through 12
43G	24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros	0 through 23
44h	12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros	01 through 12
45H	24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros	00 through 23
46i	Minutes with leading zeros	00 to 59
47s	Seconds with leading zeros	00 through 59
48u	Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2). Note that date() will always generate 000000 since it takes an integer parameter, whereas DateTime::format() does support microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds.	Example: 654321
49v	Milliseconds (added in PHP 7.0.0). Same note applies as for u.	Example: 654
50Timezone	---	---
51e	Timezone identifier (added in PHP 5.1.0)	Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores
52I (capital i)	Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time	1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise.
53O	Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) without colon between hours and minutes	Example: +0200
54P	Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3)	Example: +02:00
55T	Timezone abbreviation	Examples: EST, MDT ...
56Z	Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.	-43200 through 50400
57Full Date/Time	---	---
58c	ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5)	2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
59r	» RFC 2822 formatted date	Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
60U	Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)	See also time()
07 Aug 2017
2  // To change the format of an existing date
3  $old_date_format = "20/03/1999";
4  $new_data_format = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($old_date_format));
09 Jul 2016
1# From a date Object:
2date_format ( DateTimeInterface $object , string $format )
4# From the current time
5$dateTime = new \DateTime(); 
6// or pass a string or int ->`DateTime($date_time)`
7$dateTime->format('y-j-d H:i:s T'); #print ex: 21-2-02 16:00:01 PST
9# Or a quick one-liner:
10date('g:i A m-d-Y', strtotime($date_time)); #print ex: 2:00 PM 02-02-2021
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different date formats in phpfecha date phpfull date format phpphp date 2ftimephp format current datephp format existing date from stringformat string to create date phpphp echo date with formatformat time 28 29 phph 3as 3ai phpdate format 28 29 in phpdate 28 29 php formatphp datetime format with tphp date wjs format date dd 2fmm 2fyyyyphp date format constantsphp forma format datephp date 25b 25e 2c 25y type a messagephp format date functionphp date time fornatphp date 28ymd 29php show date formatphp date 28 29 diffrent formetdate php date month yearfoamat a date using phprecuperer la date du jour en phpget format date in php codehow to format in phpphp dynamic date formatdatetiem phpformat date di phpdate format 0 phpphp mdate how to modify datetime format to date month year format in phpphpexcel date format phpdate formate c phpphp date format function from a datey m d format in php format phpphp date format 28 29formating sql time phpphp format dattephp date computer formatphp date 28 29php date date formatsphp date nphp datd formatphp dateformat format format any date format phpphp date iso 8601change php format timephpformat datedate format in php month namephp get date formatfotmating date with phpsql date and time format phpphp string formatformat date php strdatedatetime php netstandard datetime format phpdate php formatsget time in standard datetime format in phpformat speciefied date in phpdatetime 28 29 phpdate format on phpget word monday phpphp date format listdate format php fjyformat month as a number phpget sysdate in php as varchar2 date phpphp datetime 3a 3aformatphp full date date formats with timezonehow does datetime work in phpdatetime format string phpphp new datadate format php month day yearhow to make datetime in php formatwhich is the format phpjavascript date formatphp get date formatphp time formatsconvert to format date phpphp date format datetimedate in php format 5clist of php date formatphp date methodphp format date from stiringphp date format and resultsphp docs date formatformat a date sting phpphp datetime create from formatphp date manualphp date today as stringphp format existing datedate format php variabledatetime datetimedate formates phpphp format string to look like a datephp universal date formatphp format sql datestandard date format phpphp format datetime to datetime format in phpphp date format justdate 28ymd 29php print month formatutc short code for phpphp 24date 3eformate datephp date year month dayhow to write php date in date name formatd phpdate formatting in php in phpformat date from sql phpphp datetime tphp code to format datephp nowphp get datetime formatstring to date php formatgetday in full letters phphow to convert datetime in date phpdattime object to format date phpphp date format option lth in date format phpdate 28 22h 3ai 3as 22 29get actual date phpphp formate date timeiso date format phpphp date format stringphp create date from string formatedphp date and timedateformat phpdate format week phpdate example phpphp date codes formatdate php format datetimephp date tome formatphpexcel date formatbest way to format a date in phpphp date 28 29 formatshow to reformat php date y m dphp date to stingphp string datetime to date formatephp format date cphp date time functionphp string formatphp and sql date formatphp get date formatted stringformatted string in phpget date ymdhis phpdate string format phpdatepicker in php formget current date string phptime format phpformat date from datetime phpstr to time 28 27 22 24purchasedate 22 27 2c 27 25y 25m 25d 25h 3a 25i 3a 25s 27 29 2c phpphp format tdate timephp date format day onlynew date phpdateformat in phpdate format in php 25ichange format date usa month text phpdate formate function in phpchanger le format d 27une date phpdate 28 27y 27 2c 24date 29 3bdmy in phphow to format a given date in phpformat with 22 7b 7d 22 phpall date format in phpformat date php mysql optiondatetime timehie date format phpphp time format just month day yearnew datetime php from formatphp short date functionsdatetime datephp format date for sqldateofrmat phpphp date value formatphp full date time format to datephp format 25timephp echo date php format timeformat php stringphp date formatting a dateget full date phpdatatime in phpdisplay data if date phphow to get a datetime format phptoday dat date in phptime format in php of stringdate 28 29 pgpphp get format of datedate create from format phpphp format sql datetimeformat a date from sql phpphp current date short stringphp set format datephp value to input datetime formatdate time sql format phpphp date string formatphp new datedate format function in phpdatetime form of date in phpdatetime formatphp datetime to strphp datet format php 7php string format to date formatdate php format tclass datetime phpdate 28 27y m d 3ah s s 27get datetime as format phpphp code for date formattingphp format dtaeusa format date in phpfmy date format phpopml date format phpphp timetostrphp create date with formatphp get daysdata 28 29 phpfull number to date phpphphp format date stringphp datetime standard formatphp date monthphp date format stringsformat 28 27c 27 29 phpdatetformat phpdatetime object phpphp date stringdatetime en phpformat 28 22 25a 22 29 in phpreccuperer la date phpphp create date from string formatphp dataformatphp support 5 digit datephp formate datetime y m d phpphp date formatphp datetime function php time format date timephp set the date formatdate function php full yearphp format date a given dateoutput of php date methoddate format functions in phpconvert date format phpphp datetime format 5cphp format date timestampphp date formatphp datephp data atual formatadam in date format phpformat datetime to year in phpphp reformat the dateformat a date in phpphp calendar str format code clockphp formato datedatatime time phpformat date ohophp timestamp format datepghp date formatdatetime 28 29 3edate phpshow date php by lettersphp date formatedate php sql formatdate format datetime phpphp fate formattedformat datein phpdate 28u 29 phppattern 5e 2830m 7c1h 7c24h 29 24 in phpphp format date in languageformating date in phpphp is date formatphp net datephp raw date formatget datetime in format phpphp create date formatphp date format vphp formate a date that is a stringphp date format examples with week daydate format text phpphp format timestampphp convert database datetime to stringformater une date phpphp get date by formathow to format time 28 29 to date phphow to get formatted date and time in phpecho date french fuseau horaire phpdate time function in phpdate day php 24date 3eformat 28 22d 22 29datetime class php format datetime stringdate time format phpdatenow phpphp time format functionphp format date time stringphp date 28 27y m d 27 29how function php use for format dathow to change the standared format of datetime input in php php datetime examplephp display date day month yearphp format datedate format sql phpphp full datedate format with t phpphp format date lphp date time format 25aphp date 28u 29formatted date in phpdifferent date format phpphp us date time formatmake a date format with phpdate 28 27d 27 29fromat date phpyear date format phpformat 28 29 phpphp date returns past timephp format timeeformat date lphpfrom date to datetime phpphp date 28 29how to format a date in php to the desired formatreference of all date format in phpfunction type date phpphp display data formatdate php functiondate in formater phpphp datetime day of the weekphp date our formatphp date to string with day month year and timecreated at date format in phpphp format string to datephp datetime reformatformat a datetime string in phpphp date format from stringphp date and time lettersphp correct dateformating dates in phpphp year from datephp datenow with formatdate pattern phpdate format h 3c 3fphp echo date 28s 29 3f 3edateformat j 2fm 2fa phpformat date heure phpformat the date in phpformat date php fran c3 a7aisphp created at date formatget day of week phpphp dateformat u optionsql php date formatphp format date variablephph date formatphp format date from timestamp with timezonephp calendar str format code hourphp format date php datetime datetimephp format date arraycreate from format date php 2bdate format inphpiso new date php formatphp get current time stringdate 28 29 format in phpdate php format minutephp format datewphp format dobdate format php yphp date all formatsformat date time in phpphp get date using year as basephp date 28 29 formatphp style timedatetime phpphp data formatdate time formatting phpphp date object formatdate convert format in phpdatetime method in phpphp date 28t 29date chenge format phpdatetime drfault format phpphp datetime from formatdate actuel phpday format phpdate format us phpphp date in string formatthe date phpphp full date time formatdate format create in phphow to convert date in fjd formate in phpdate and time format in phpphp date from string formatphp datetime format why i php table date formatr print date format phpphp date format ndate 28 27i 27 29 3eformat 28 27f 27 29 3b 21d im format php datetimedate formats phpphp date h i s mformat php date timephp time formatphp date format secondsdate format l with for phpphp date formatsphp dateformdata format phphdate time 2b date time phpphp date formatyhow to format time to date phpdate fromat h 3ai j m yphp string datechange date and time format phpformat string date in phpset date fromat php in wordttake sysdate as sting in phpformat date in date function phpy m d date format in phpnew date phophp format date from variablenow date phpdate 28 29 php day and hourdesired date in pgpconverter dados datetime em string phpphp custom date formatformat a get to date phpformat date time to date in phpformat datetime phpphp date timestamp formatformat string date to date phpdate 28 22y 3am 3ad h 3ai 3as 22 29 3bsql php datetime formatphp to format datephp m 2fd 2fy horis date formatdates format phpphp format codesdates in phpdate today in phptime format php datephp date format full datephp date formats iso 8601415045 date format phpdata formate phpphp minute formatphp formater datedate format php d 2fm 2fyphp full date ymdhphp date format subtractphp default h in date format if none providedformata data com phpdate to format phpphp time 28 29 formatphp date now formatphp us date formatphp get current date romania datephp date format datephp format hourphp nice date formatdatre format phpphp format dateshow to format time string phpphp date to stringphp create datetime format format datetime object phpget date with format in php datedate time long format phpphp get formatted datephp convert datetime to stringphp date format yeardate format 2bphpphp format current timestampformat datetime in phpphp date from format stringdate format in phpd m y format phpdate format n 2fj 2fyhow to format dates in phpphp datetime y m d h i sdate php formatingphp formatdate format php l with capitaldatetime datephp foramt datephp format to show all 4 year digitsdate time phpphp now 28 29php limit date to specific dateformat date variable phpdate from format php 2a 40see http 3a 2f 2fphp net 2fmanual 2fen 2ffunction date phpphp datefromformatphp month number formatdisplay datetime in phpphp formatted datetime to datetimedate format method in php php date formatphp date format displayrequired 7cdate format 3aymdhiesql date format phpphp get date from timestampphp date netphp date format month and yearstyle the date in phpphp get format date from db value used dateget time h 3am from date time variable in phpphp datetime format yearformat php y m d phpdate format r phpis date format phpdatetime example phpformat date variable in phphow to format the date in php print date format phpdate format php a stringphp get date format from stringle format phpfunction date phpphp date format tableformat codes for the date function phpphp jphp year actualreturn date with a t in phpphp ddatej m y date phpphp day of monthphp format datatime full date format in phpphp variable date typeget date ymdhisformat 28 29 phpformat 28 27m 27 29 phpsql time format in phpphp format string dateaccepts a 2c b 2c c 2c date and prints below the results together with the current date phpformats dates phpphp dateformartdate as phpphp datetime operationsdate in format phpphp time format listphp date formaphp datetime classesshow date number phpdatetime objectphp date format 5ddatetime 28 29 in phpdatetime function in phpphp receive date and format 3fphp date all formatphp date from y m dphp format time onlydate format day in phpdate format francais phpphp datetime 3a 3aformat 28 29php date conversionphp print datetimedate 28 22y m ddate format phpday formate in phpphp date object from formatphp option 10 ans datetime php formatget local date format phphow to day in php date formatdate formate phpdisplay date format in phpdatetime php format phpforma date phpreformat date string phpphp date h 3am 3asphp datetime to stringphp cahnge format date format 28 29 in phpphp fromat datephp string in date formatphp datetime formatephp date this monthehow to convert date format phpdate formant phpphp date 2b hoursa 24t phpphp get day stringhow to get date in date format in phpphp fordatedate 28h i s 29 phpdate 22h 22 php formatdate field phpdate month in phpphp format date as database stringphp date format 20091208t040000zphp minute number of the weekformat sql date phpfinction to format date phpformat string php 24heure 3d date 28 27h 27 29 3b php 5day type phpphp datetime formatsdate m d y phpdate format 28 29 phpphp date create from formatdatetimes phpdate format php hphp date correct formattime format for phpphp date time to datephp date display formatdatetime to date string phpphp display database date and timedatetime in phpphp datetime format codesjquery custom date formatfunction of date like sep 07 year can 27t display in php string in variabledatetime to format string phpphp format date a variable and monthdata and time format in phpphp sql date noxphp yeardate php format hdate compare phpphp date format h 3ai 3asget today date phpphp format date mmmtime datetimecreate format date form string od date phpdate to string phpconvert date object to string php date formatin phpdate 28 27y m d 27 h i s 29php date format with timezonedate 28 29 in phpcan php date be echoed as stringdate and time in phpphp datetime format sqldatetime 28 29formatar data phpdate manual phpchanger format heure phpphp specific formatphp date and time daydate format in php date format for phpphp date timephp dattimephp string to formatted date20210329 to date format phpphp new datetime object formatdate 28 27y m d 27 29php specific day timestampphp date format convertphp date variablephp create datetime from formatted stringphp date as momentumphp formate a string to dateformat from date phpphp date day stringdate char format phpdate format to time phpformat date php from stringformat function in phpphp format to datephp formatar datadate php format stringphp datetimedatetime object in phpdate 28y m d 29php datetime datetimephp standard date time formatformat given date phpphp get month and day from date todayphp date format timestampphp formatdatephp date format codesdate formatphpphp date custom formatwhat field type is date in phptoday 27s date in numbers phpphp date 2b secondsphp date month numberphp datetime object to stringformat 25a phpphp sql time formatphp date function formatphp date variable formatphp format time stringphp date from string d m ydate format php keep stringhow to use datetime phpphp 7 date formatedate function phpprint date phphow we can date formate in phpdatetime with format phpphp format date string to stringdate formatter phpphp formato dataphp date functions all date formatsformat c date phpphp print date objectformat date with phpphp date format datetimeformat date in phpcustom php data timeshow date format in phpymd phpphp datetime format just datephp datet formatphp formatdatetimeformat timestamp phpphp date time objectget sept 22 2c 2020 as date format phpphp format variable datephp date format referencedate time with phpphp date and time formattinghow to format a date variable in phpphp time date formatdate format phphformat time in phptime date phpphp time formatting time zoneapache php default date formatnew date format phpphp format datetime sqldate format php datetimephp echo format datedate 28 27c 27 29 mean in phpdata format in phpphp time to datephp time format datetimephp string to date formatecho date to page in phpphp change date format to display day month yearphp get date from iso datephp string date formatphp form date formatphp echo day of weekphp how to format datetimephp datetime object format php date format with scoredate format a string in phpday 5cdate format in phpphp reformat datedatetime format phpnew date php formatphp is value datephp create date from formatphp date format defaultphp created to format datemysql datetime format phpphp format date inputdsiplay datetime without t phpdaye in phptime format from string phpphp format datetimeformate date phpphp get date stringphp date c formatphp date full month function php datedatetime 40 phpformating a date phpphp get time in nice formatdatetime m c3 a9thode format phpstandard date formats in phpphp dataformat cphp date format languagecustomizing php time format based on location usa europedate 28 29 options php 24datetime php formatdate 28 c time 28 29 29 phpformat data in phpt in date 28 29 php datetime datetime phptimestamp example value phpdate 28 29 format for th st phpshort date to date format phpphp date to format stringdate 28 27y m d 27 29 3bphp date just get tiomephp date and time day thphp date format sahow to format a date in phpphp function datephp date format exampleswant date in format phpreturn date format phpdatetime datetimephp format a datecreated at date format phpphp date time object formatconver date format in phpformat 28 27y m d 27 29date format php monphp format dayhow to format data of any format in phpdate fphp new datetime with formatphp date 28 27y m d h 3ai 3as 27php date suformat string in phpphp print date in formatformat date phpconvert datetime phpphp display date formatphp format date itaphp custom format date stringphp get date year month datephp create date from format stringphp time format sqlphp sql date formatphp date 3eformatdate format c phpformat date h 3ai 3asphp datetime format from stringusing datetime to new format phpdata format php shroten datedate format in phdate 2ftime format phpdate and hour phpphp date format 29format a date phpdate php function formatdatetime format in phpphp formate datephp format date with datetimephp format stringann c3 a9e phpdate format php date format 29php datetime databasedatetime class phpphp date format exampleformater une date en phpphp date part this yearphp date formartphp date format optionsphp now typephp date format keys 5cformat in phpdays or month php api formatformat datedate phpdatetime format phpformatting date in phpformat date and time in phpphp datetiem formatphp date functionsdate php function 3eformat 28 29date formats in php datephp get now datephp create date in formatdateif phpdate formay on phpphp date format of januaryformat date from string phpdate format php with st and rd thnew datetime with format phpsql time format phpformat phpphp date with formatchange time format phpsql datetime format phpd m y php format with minutesyear phpphp date fromat week shortphp change time formatdate u phpphp format string to 5b 27h 27 5ddate format php functionphp date format date in phpphp 24date 3eformatphp date format from databasestring date format in phpphp f j 2c y 3fphp format date formatday in php timedate format phjmy phpphp new 5cdatetime formatphp get date nowget the date php formatformat date fucntion in phpdate ymd his phpformat date string phpget date text phpdisplay date format phpformat date fr phpdate 28 22y 2fm 2fd h 3ai 3as 22 29 phpelevated th in dates format phpphp date fomatprint a specific date in format phpformattime phpphp date format 28 27i 27 29php datetime format why i used for minutephp string mask day year17th date in phpphp formate date from variablephp formatting dateuse php datetime in php classdate formate in phpformat datetime sql phpformat date time phptime to date phpphp formatted datephp sate formatphp date day formatphp new formatto date phpphp date time formatesphp date format examples 25rdate 28y 2c m 2c 0 29format a local time 2fdate php php format lettersall datetime display format in php php chake date formatformat date in phphdatetime 3a 3aformat phpnice format php datehow to write out dates in phpphp week number of yearreform php datephp 3e date 28m 2fd 2fy 29 after an yearphp date formaatphp date year formatphp datetime all formatget year phpphp date including datephp date f 2c o 2c y 2c dmysql php date formatdate formats in phpformat dat phpdatetime 3e format phpphp datetime format to ymdphp format date stringphp datetime format lettersphp date format write hformat date to year phpphp datetime format monthphp date and t formatiingformat dattime phpformat for date in phpphp datetime sql to datetimeformatdate phpdate 28 22y m d 22 29php date functionphp get date format from datecreate from format date phpphp full date formatphp date month and daydate 28 27h 3am 3ai 27 29timestamp php formatdate format from string phpphp y m d formatformat 28 29 in phpdate formating in php in phpann c3 a9e en phpm in date format in phpphp new date from format full date with timezoneapache php default date format 4 digitsphp datetime to date formatedate php format stringsphp date formatformat time phpphp date format rd and stphp new date formatphp print date formatphp change datetime formatphp get iso datephp date format 25 hoursphp date long formatphp default date format sql datetime format phpdate format phpdatetime mktime phpdatetime method phpphp date 28 29 d 2fm 2fy h 3aiphp date time formatphp format date o formatnew datetime formatphp american date formatphp datetime format functionget date format phpata date format in phpdate year phpphp 3 digit dayphp formatsdate time format in php th high dates format php date format phpphp date ymd hiscustom time format phpdatetimepicker format phpphp datetime formattingphp new datetime formatphp what datetime formatphp date format charactersformat dattime in phphow to format phpdatetime display format in phpformat date php dateformat value in phpformat to date phpphp format date with t 7b 7bdate 28 27y m d 27 29 7d 7ddate in format in phpget day of week from date phpphp date formattinghdate create format phpphp format date 28 29php convert datetime to date formatformat data phpdate format options phpphp time and date formatphp echo datetimejs date to php datetimephp parse date from string formatdate format letter php date ymddate format php exampledate formate y m d in phpformat database date phptime date in phpdate format us phpphp get date formatedformatted date php 3ctime datetimecreate date from format phpmettre au format date phpdate formag php timestampjour en phpphp date from stringphp date annotationdatetime phpdate show year first phpdate object to string in phpphp get date in this formatget date in format phpdate and time formate in phpreformat date phpphp full date with dayphp net date exampleformat date php writeget today 27s date 2c day name 2c month in php date 28y 2c l 2c j 2c 29format date in php php weekdaycreatefromformat phpis html and php date the same formatworphp date formatphp format display of datetimeformat value to date phpdatetime object to string phpdatatime phpphp date guidephp date 28y m d 29php date time formatsdatabase datetime format in phpdate manual phpwww php net e2 80 ba manual e2 80 ba function date phpdate 28 string 24formphp string format datephp change date time formattingformat php echo date with decphp date reformatphp month formatformater la date en phpdat formatin phphow to format date phpdate format phpdatae phpdate 28h 3ai 3as 29 phpphp datetime format tablephp datetime formatphp date set formatphp format 28 29date in database format php 27h 3ai 3as 27 vs h 3as 3ai time formatphp complete datephp set format for datetime objectformat php datephp date format timeformat date time with phpphp set variable to current date timenew datetime phpphp to date stringphp datetime 5ctypes of date format in phpphp date 3ephp get today datephp datetime now formatphp dateinterval formatphp date formate functionphp date format with timestampchamp date integer phpphp datesvue format dateconvert date to another format phpphp formt dtecustom time php functiondate change format to consult in mysql phpformat date php usa php format time with day of weekdate php w zphp sql datetime formatphp date formatedformat date y m d phpcahgne date format in phpclear date formatting phpphp date patternphp all date formatephp date return valuephp date timephp date ymdphp date format uphp time and datetimephp code to extract date in a particular format from the databaseth date format in phpformat sql date php datetimedate 28 29 format phpphp dte formatall php date formatphp date format dphp now 48 hoursstring date format phpstandard date format in phpdate 28 u 29 in phpphp documentation dateformate the date inj phpphp datetime objectphp date format examples with day namecurrent time in 4 hour format phpphp echo date as stringformat date php 5php date optionsphp actual datephp date format with 000php format time from variablephp date format timezonedatetime datetime datetodays date in numbers without format php all format date in phpformat date in php from stringformat date php echotime formatting phpphp monthdate formatting phpdate time in phpget datetime php formatmonth digit date phpphp calendar stringformat string date phpformat date phphdate format h 3ai 3as php 3eformat 28 27j 27 29datetime formating phpphp format date mysqlphp date format d m 24date format phpphp date format functionsth date in php dateformatphp date fromn y m dphp date valuesphp template the date phpget date in php with formatin php how to change date formatphp manual datephp date short month 2c day 2c yeardatetime format with t in phpdate reformat phpphp format any datedate 28 27n 27 29 phpphp date format ymddisplay date and hour phpdate current phpnew datetime format phpreformat a date phpformat the date phpphp date formatesphp date to string formathow to format php datephp data formatterstring to format date phpphp date format m 2fd 2fyphp all date formatsget current date phpphp formatphp date format 28 27m d y 27 29month full phpphp convert datetime to datephp time datephp get date format from another strins valuephp date get formatformat a string date phpphp how to format date stringphp datetime format stringin php date formatphp date formetdate 5c format in phpphp date format h 3aidate format ymd phpphp format date el lettreformat for time in phpformater une heure phpphp format date from stringphp custom formatformat the date 28 29 phphow to format date in phpmake date in format phpphp date formatgtingphp handle any date formatdate month format in phpphp date formatingdate 28 22l 22 2c 24date 29 phpphp date format 27 25m 2f 25d 2f 25y 27date 28 29 format in php with timephp data format timedate 28 29 phpphp date format from datephp datetime from string formatd 2fm 2fy g 3ai a format to datetime object jsphp get date in formatphp datetime atphp format dataformat a date string in phpphp format monthhow to fetch date time values from database in date time format in phpphp data formatesphp date formate examplesformat date ymdformat dates phpdate in php formatmilitary date format phpformat date for database phpthe php date 28 29 function is used to format a date and 2for a time php format dateformat date string for phpdate formating in phpdate display format in phpphp format atime format in phphow to get date format from datetime format in phpformat date in date class phpdate format variable in phpphp date select m from n procedurephp get the actual date in formatdate php fran c3 a7aisformat date to phpdate 28 27l 27 29 phpphp datetime format hours and minutesphpdate formatphp iso 8601 formathow to format a given date in php to the desired formatphp date 3e 3c 3fphp echo date 28 22 h 3a i 3a s a 22 29 3b 3f 3e formatar datas phpphp datetime all formatsstroto date format phpdate formatting in phpphp time format cdate format specifiers php get format of date phpphp date 28 27h 27 29datetime php formatphp datetime format optionsphp format date brasilphp current dayphp date and time formatphp date format functiondate time formate phpdatetime dateformat t phpphp date get daydate function php formatformat datetime object phpdate 28 27d 2fm 2fy h 3ai 3as 27 29 nowphp datetime 3eformatdate format in php databaseformat date object phpdate time format year phpdatephpphp datetime classdate 22h 22 phpphp new datetime formatlist format date phpphp date time custom typephp datetime variable formatdate format php from string datetimephp d 2fm 2fyphp dateformatyymdhis phpmysql formate php date short year php date 28 27d m yydate now phpphpmanual format datsql format datetime phptransform date phpphp format date timetimedata string to format in phpphp code to format date and timeday phpformat date en phptake sysdate as string in phpdate formats in php 5cphp format date for mysql datetimephp new data format stringstring format in phpformat date representation phpdate day format phpdate format in phpdate format with time in phpget datetime to only date phpphp function to format sqlphp date format with tphp 24 datephp get current day and monthphp new datetime from formatdate php now 3a 3a datemdate in phpphp day formatfind data format in phpphp date format dayphp date time formatehow to format date in php from mysqlcredit mutuelating an event on a date phpphp datye formatphp date nophp dataf ormattingformater date phpdate mont phpdata php formatphp date formatterecho format date phpphp date format examplesphp date format cchange datetime format in phpphp date with month and year stringphp dtae to stringsql datetime php formatavoir la date en phpformatting datetime phpphp create from date formatwhat is t in date format phpphp date format0date format php 25php datetime 3eformatdate time php formatformat date string in phpphp datye format unixtimephp format date from date stringhow to date format in php 27y m d 27 phpphp date function format with timephp date h msstring date to datetime phpformate date inphp modifier le mois d une date phphow to change date format in phpphp year of datedate and time format phpdmy phpdatetimephp datetiemnew php datepost of date phpphp format 28 29 datephp format date languagephp date format sqldate in php formatsphp date from formatphp format daeconvert date into f j 2c y formatdatetime php ardata format phpdate php formatdateformat php y m dphp date 3eformat 28php date formattingdate format php sqlphp format datephp date fromtphp function today dateformatting date phpphp display yearphp format format datehow to represent date of date is it 27s not available in phpdatetime format uwhats the date format phpphp date format 28data format phpphp date 24 hour formatdate 27f 27 what is itformat any date sql format phpformate date in phpformat de date phpphp format date from date objectphp formate date take h m sformat date phpformat php datetimeformat date field phpdate time to date phpdate format in php for monthdatabase to php date formatus formate date in phpphp changer le format d 27une datedate funciton in php8php date format display time in 12php date format mdyformat string datetime phpformating a new datetime object phpphp date format toolphp 3d 3d datetimedate format y m d h 3ai 3ashow to show date format in phpphp get nowdate formate phphdatetime formate phpdate format php stringphp date format 2b1php new time formatformat a date sting php