format date in php

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29 Jan 2020
1To convert the date-time format PHP provides strtotime() and date() function. We change the date format from one format to another.
4<? php.
5$currDate = "2020-04-18";
6$changeDate = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($currDate));
7echo "Changed date format is: ". $changeDate. " (MM-DD-YYYY)";
20 Jan 2017
1date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
05 Feb 2017
2// Assuming today is March 10th, 2001, 5:16:18 pm, and that we are in the
3// Mountain Standard Time (MST) Time Zone
5$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");                 // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
6$today = date("m.d.y");                         // 03.10.01
7$today = date("j, n, Y");                       // 10, 3, 2001
8$today = date("Ymd");                           // 20010310
9$today = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day');     // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
10$today = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.');   // it is the 10th day.
11$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");               // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
12$today = date('H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h');     // 17:03:18 m is month
13$today = date("H:i:s");                         // 17:16:18
14$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");                   // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (the MySQL DATETIME format)
17/*d	Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros	01 to 31
18D	A textual representation of a day, three letters	Mon through Sun
19j	Day of the month without leading zeros	1 to 31
20l (lowercase 'L')	A full textual representation of the day of the week	Sunday through Saturday
21N	ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (added in PHP 5.1.0)	1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
22S	English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters	st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j
23w	Numeric representation of the day of the week	0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
24z	The day of the year (starting from 0)	0 through 365
25Week	---	---
26W	ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday	Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year)
27Month	---	---
28F	A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March	January through December
29m	Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros	01 through 12
30M	A short textual representation of a month, three letters	Jan through Dec
31n	Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros	1 through 12
32t	Number of days in the given month	28 through 31
33Year	---	---
34L	Whether it's a leap year	1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
35o	ISO-8601 week-numbering year. This has the same value as Y, except that if the ISO week number (W) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. (added in PHP 5.1.0)	Examples: 1999 or 2003
36Y	A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits	Examples: 1999 or 2003
37y	A two digit representation of a year	Examples: 99 or 03
38Time	---	---
39a	Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem	am or pm
40A	Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem	AM or PM
41B	Swatch Internet time	000 through 999
42g	12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros	1 through 12
43G	24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros	0 through 23
44h	12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros	01 through 12
45H	24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros	00 through 23
46i	Minutes with leading zeros	00 to 59
47s	Seconds with leading zeros	00 through 59
48u	Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2). Note that date() will always generate 000000 since it takes an integer parameter, whereas DateTime::format() does support microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds.	Example: 654321
49v	Milliseconds (added in PHP 7.0.0). Same note applies as for u.	Example: 654
50Timezone	---	---
51e	Timezone identifier (added in PHP 5.1.0)	Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores
52I (capital i)	Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time	1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise.
53O	Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) without colon between hours and minutes	Example: +0200
54P	Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3)	Example: +02:00
55T	Timezone abbreviation	Examples: EST, MDT ...
56Z	Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.	-43200 through 50400
57Full Date/Time	---	---
58c	ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5)	2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
59r	» RFC 2822 formatted date	Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
60U	Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)	See also time()
21 Oct 2019
2  // To change the format of an existing date
3  $old_date_format = "20/03/1999";
4  $new_data_format = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($old_date_format));
14 Jun 2017
1$originalDate = "2017-03-08";
2$newDate = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($originalDate));
21 Apr 2017
1$myDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $dateString);
2$newDateString = $myDateTime->format('d-m-Y');
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phpconvert date to data date format in phpphp datd formathow we can date formate in phpdate 28 27y m d 3ah s s 27change variable date format phpphp y m d formathow to change date time format in phpstring chnge dateformat phpdate in mysql query phpphp date format examples with week dayphp mysql datephp format time onlyfunction of date like sep 07 year can 27t display in php string in variablephp datetiem formatphp format time with day of weekphp format date from stiringphp change format of datetime objectphp data formatsphp function to change date formatchange date formate 2f to in phpdate format l with for phpphp mysql datetimestamp php formatphp f j 2c y 3fphp sql date formatphp date format displaydate format variable in phpdate format php mysqlphp date and time lettersphp date sudate format php keep stringdate 28 22y 3am 3ad h 3ai 3as 22 29 3bformat value in phpphp date 28 29 mysql formatdate format change phpget current date string phphow should be change date format in phpjmy phpformat string date to date phpdate time format in phpmysql php datetimedate format in mysql in phphow to change format on date phpchnage date format in phpphp function today datehow does mysql return datetime to phpdate php formatsdate php format stringsformat date for database phpphp format date inputphp format datephp new datephp now 28 29date in php formatdate 28 29 format for th st phpphp datetime format to ymdphp datet formatdate reformat phpdate format with time in phpformat date in date function phpphp change date format from inputted dateformat date in php from mysqlphp full datemysql formate php date php nice date formatphp new data format stringdate and time format in phpphp date stringdate 28 22y m d 22 29formatting datetime phpdate format in php databasephp date format option ldate manual phpphpdate formatphp date formate functionformat date field phpformat date time to date in phpphp is date formatformat sql date phpphp dtae to stringphp datefromformatdate 28 29 pgpphp change variable date formatformatdate in phpphp convert dataphp string formatphp format date 28 29fotmating date with phpphp dataformat cmysql insert php timestamp in datetimefieldelevated th in dates format phpphp date format datetimephp date computer formatformating dates in phpphp format timeephp datetime databasecreate from format date php 2bchange datetime phpformat date sql server by phpphp date unix timestampphp mysql timemysql datetime object phphowto change date format phpphp data atual formatadadatetime mysql phptransform date phpdate format d m y in phpchange date string format phpchsnge date format phpj m y date phpdateforma in phpget day of week from date phpphp style timephp time format functionrow date format phpphp date this monthephp 24 datemysql datetime is not working in phpthe date phpdatetime php formatdatepicker in php formdatetime php formatsdatetime 3e format phpdate format us phpphp date from stringdates format phpphp format date time stringreplace format date phphow to format in phpphp date monthphp date format 29date formatting in php in phpphp format display of datetimephp new datetime with formatchange dates to 2f phpphp date format keys 5cphp custom formatdate formats in php datephp datetime format tablephp date timestamp formatphp date h 3am 3ashow to get date format from datetime format in phpphp date 24 hour formatmdate in phphow to change to date and time format when displayed phpphp formatting datephp date format h 3aiphp date annotationapache php default date formatphp change datetime formatdatetime object to string phpphp code for datetime mysqltime format in php of stringphp docs date formatphp date format 25 hoursphp support 5 digit dateall datetime display format in phpformat in php datedate formate in phpchange date phpdate formate phphphp date format yearphp date format fonctionphp data formatesphp date fromtphp convery date stringdate format in php month namephp show date formatusa format date in phpformate a date phpjs format date dd 2fmm 2fyyyyhtml input date format phpphp mysql insert datetimeformat date php datephp code for date formattingphp date formtphp date formatsphp date 28 29 diffrent formetdate format php fjyphp formato datephp limit date to specific datewhats the date format phptime to date phpphp echo datetimephp new time formatmysql datetime to date phpdate as phpfrom date to datetime phpdate example phpphp get formatted datedatetime formating phpconvert to format date phpformat date php from stringphp datetime mysqlphp format date from date stringformat string date phpphp date set formatphp save date value on date changedate time to date phpphp change date formatelaravel carbon parse formatphp format hourphp dateformat u optionformat data in phpdate php format tstring date format in phphow to change date format in day month year in phpdate format php timeis date format phpdate format francais phpdate time php mysqlformat dat phpphp convert datetime to date formatconverting date format in phpdate m d y phpdate format php a stringphp format datetime to datephp new datetime formatphp get date format from another strins valuephp mysql datetime to datatimephp year actualp c3 a8hp change date formatphp date time formatphp mysql datetime formatformat any date sql format phpphp date format d mphp date today as stringdate format php sqlhow to chang edate sequence in hpphow to modify datetime format to date month year format in phphow to change date and time fromat in phpdate format phpphp formatted datetime to datetimephp get current day and monthphp chnage date formatchange date in phpchange the format of date in phpphp date h i s mphp datetime format d 2fm 2fyformata data com phpphp date long formatdate format phdatabase datetime format in phpdate 28 29 phpphp to format datephp date year formathow to format a given date in php to the desired formatchange date object format in php date ymdjs date to php datetimephp to change a date formatdate in php mysqlconverter dados datetime em string phpphp convert datetime to datedate 28 29 php day and hourdate time formate phphow to change the standared format of datetime input in php php date to string formatphp date format safull number to date phpphp created at date formatyymdhis phpdata format in phpreturn date format phptransform created at php into datesql datetime php formatedit date format phpphp change date format on a stringphp date functionsdateform phphow to chande date format post methodphp variable date typetime format change in phpphp date time for sqldatetime php mysqlphp date format changedate time in php mysqlphp date from y m dphp date format optionsphp datetime format functionphp insert datetimephp datetime format with tphp datetime format cto date phpphp date and time formatdate format in php php format another datephp template the date phpphp datetime formatshow to change the data formate in phpphp format date change date format for data from db using phpchange date format in array phpphp format datetimefind data format in phpdate mont phpphp string to date and change formatphp created to format datephp dte formatphp date fomatphp change date format in a stringdate now phpphp sql date noxphp formate date timephp time formate format 28 29 in php sql datetime format phpdate fromat conversion in php date format 2bphpdate format functions in phpphp format datetime from mysqlphp datetime to mysql datephp mysql change date formatchange data formate in phpphp format dattehow to get date format change into string phpdate 28 22l 22 2c 24date 29 phphow to reformat php date y m decho date format phphphp format date from timestamp with timezoneis html and php date the same formatformat time 28 29 phpchanger format date php stringphp date to mysqlmysql date to php timephp convert date string formathow to format date in phpchange date format of date in phpphp format datetime stringphp format any dateforma date phpphp date year month dayformat date time in phpphp date format sqlformat date from datetime phpfunction php datephp format day format phpchange date and time format in phpphp forma format datephp time to datephp mysql dateformat 2a 40see http 3a 2f 2fphp net 2fmanual 2fen 2ffunction date phpchange date formatae phpphp manual dateformat 28 29 in phpmaking date to be in date format phpphp new date from format full date with timezonephp change date ormatedate format in phdatephphow to fetch date time values from database in date time format in phpphp full date with dayphp format date o formatphp format lettersformat date to year phpphp date formatting a dateecho date to page in phpnew php datephp date vs mysql datedaye in phpdate time format phpphp get date year month datemysql date format from phphow to set time format in phpphp is value datephp form date formatfmy date format phpday format phpphp option 10 ans datestandard date format in phpset date fromat phpdate 5c format in phpformat the date in phpphp time format listhttp 3a 2f 2fphp net 2fmanual 2fes 2fdatetime formats phpphp create date from format stringset date fromat php in wordtphp date format constantsphp chenge date formatth date in php dateformat th high dates format phpphp 3 digit daydate 28ymd 29date formart phpnew datetime with format phpphp format datewphp minute formatdate formatter phpphp datetime from string formatmake a date format with phpphp change datetime object formatformat date ohohow i can change date format of datetime in phpmysql date format phpphp default h in date format if none providedphp datetime format listphp date formatime php formatdate time sql format phpformat datetime in phpphp format timeformat string datetime phpphp change date time formatreformat date phpphp get datetime formatcustom php data timephp change datetme formattingphp day formatphp dateinterval formatphp datye format unixtimephp convert to date formatphp datetime formatphp format datejavascript display datephp change format of date stringchange datetime format phpdate function php formatphp format datatime day phpdatae phpdisplay date format in php mysqldatetimepicker format phphandle date format phpphp format date el lettrephp convert to date to stringchange settings of php date formatphp change format datetimedate 28 22y 2fm 2fd h 3ai 3as 22 29 phpchange varible date format in phpget datetime to only date phpphp cahnge format datephp formate date to sqlphp convert date formatphp input date chage formetconvert date format by phpchange display date phpformat 28 29 phphow to format date phpstring to date php formatphp date format functionsformat dates phpphp date format 20091208t040000zphp date 28 29 formatdatre format phpdate format in php change 27h 3ai 3as 27 vs h 3as 3ai time formatjour en phpphp full date date formats with timezonephp date display formatphp format sql datetimedata php formatdate formating in php in phpchnage date format in php dby m d format in phpdate phppattern 5e 2830m 7c1h 7c24h 29 24 in phphow to convert datetime in date phpphp formate date take h m sphp format mysql datephp format date with datetimechange date format php from databasephp date format 5dphp date part this yearphp raw date formatdate field phpconvert data php 3eformat 28 27f 27 29 3bchange date format not number in phpphp date format cphp net datephp date iso 8601date 28 29 php formatconvert date in specific format in phpphp date 28 29change format db datetime phpth in date format phpphp get date from iso datephp choose date formatphp date format from databaseecho format date phpdate format in mysql phpphp string date formatformat date en phpget full date phpfinction to format date phpformating sql time phpphp function to format sqlphp datetime to stringformat a string date phpdatetime mariadb phpphp get date formatted stringchange time format phpchange format datetime phpphp format date for sqlhow to change date formate in phpdate 28 29 format in phpd phpdate 28 29 format phpdate char format phpphp new datetime object formatdisplay data if date php 3c 3fphp echo date 28 22 h 3a i 3a s a 22 29 3b 3f 3e jquery custom date formatdate 28y m d 29php datetime to sql datetimephp print date in formatdmy in phpphp myql datephp datetime format lettersdate format c phpconvert format date phpphp format date from mysql datetimephp code change datephp format aphp date time formatesphp datetime sql to datetimephp date wcustomizing php time format based on location usa europephp date nformats dates phpphp monthsql format datetime phpget date format phpdate 22h 22 phpin php how to change date formatchanger format heure phpshow date number phpphp get now datephp display database date and timenew date format phphow to change date format in php mysql php mysql date querymodify format date phpphp date format rd and stformater date phpphp m 2fd 2fy horis date formatconvert dates in phpphp format current timestampphp date format function from a datephp datetime datetime formatphp full date time formatdate php function formatphp specific formatphp change format of datetimeecho date french fuseau horaire phpget format of date phpoutput of php date methodstring to format date phpuse php datetime to convert format of existing datephp changer le format d 27une dateformat date in phphall format date in phpphp date formartmodifier le mois d une date phpformat 28 27c 27 29 phpdate string format phpformat php echo date with decdate time formatting phpconvert time format phpdate php formatingphp set the date formatformat 28 29 phpphp db datephp reformat the datedate 28 u 29 in phppghp date formatphp format date variablechange date format with time php mysqlphp convert database datetime to stringphp datetime all formatsphp date format ymdphp js date 28 29 formatphp datetime 3a 3aformatphp datetime reformatdate and time formate in php date phpdate foemat chnage date format in phpdate format php with st and rd thiso date format phpdate formatting phpconvert date to another format phpedit format date and time in phpphp short date functionshow to change date format phpchange date format php from tophp display date day month yearphp change date input formatphp date format write hphp datye formatget actual date phpdate object to string in phpchange dateformat phpphp in date time formts change display date format phpformattime phpphp formats format datetime object phpdatetime formats phpus date format phpconvert time format in phpformat date phpphp set format datecurrent time in 4 hour format phpget datetime as format phphow to change date format in phpdate change format to consult in mysql phptime formate in php php date formetphp create from date formatphp create date with formatdate formate change in phphow to change a date formate of an string in phpreccuperer la date phpdate format in phphow to change date string format phpformat 28 27m 27 29 phpphp weekdayget date ymdhis phpfromat date phpphp date convert formatphp reformat datesql time format in phpphp mysql date timephp date returns past timegetday in full letters phpphp date format 28php complete datephp date formatformat date representation phpdate 28 29 in phpdate format r phpsql date and time format phpdate format in phpisrael date format change phphow i change date format in phpphp day of monthformat a date in phpdate forma phpdate function phpphp dataformatphpmanual format datin php date formatphp date all formatchange data format phpphp datetime format optionsphp change date format from string 1970changer date format phpreformat a date phpphp change to date date 28 27y m d 27 29date formatting in phpphp string mask day yeary m d date format in phpknow the format of the date in phpphp convert date valuephp receive date and format 3fchange date format in sql query phpdate current phpdatetime formate phpdate formate phpphp format date in languagephp date from string formatformat given date phpphp formatdatetimecreated at date format in phpphp date format day onlyphp format date itadate formate change using phpata date format in phpwhat field type is date in phpphp date month numberphp custom format date stringphp date format for mysqlphp date functions all date formatsdsiplay datetime without t phpformat c date phpdate 28 27l 27 29 phpphp get current date romania datephp get date formateddate formate php changechange the date formate in phpdate and hour phptime format in phpphp date format mdyget sept 22 2c 2020 as date format phpphp datetime y m d h i sphp date as momentumphp use date in mysqldate format from string phpphp format date string to stringphp new date change formatlist of php date formatphp format daeget time h 3am from date time variable in phpformat date php strdatephp format date formatdate in php format 5cchange date format from string phpphp print date formatformat a date from sql phpphp string formathow to modify date time format in phpphp time formatting time zonephp date formate changephp date format referencephp date format examples with day namephp date formatgtingphp calendar str format code hourconvert date in phpdate php format minutephp date formstphp date format dayphp dateformat format php get date stringphp datetime format monthtake sysdate as string in phpformat date from sql phpphp date format secondsdate manual phpwww php net e2 80 ba manual e2 80 ba function date phpdate 28 string 24formphp date object formathow to change the time format phpd m y format phphow to change format of date in phpphp date format dphp datetime mysql formatdate time php formatphp us date formathow to change date format in registration page using phpdate format phpphp change date and time format iso new date php formatdate compare phpchange date formate in phpphp date format 28 27m d y 27 29date format conversion using phpupdate format date phphow to format php datephp date for mysqlphp date mysqlhow to set formate change of date in phpphp date format defaultdate 28 27y m d 27 h i s 29standard date format phpphp format sql datephp date format 28 29year date format phpphp format existing datephp datetime day of the weekformat 25a phpphp date 28 29 d 2fm 2fy h 3aiphp datetime format stringphp get y m d of mysqlchanger le format date phpphp year of datedatetime format change phpphp get date in this formatphp format date lformat data phpphp date 3ephp new datetime from formatchnage datetime format in phpcreatefromformat phpphp format 25timedate format types phpphp month formatphp date 28 29php date to stingtimedata string to format in phpdate funciton in php8php fate formattedphp get date nowphp date now formatphp date 28t 29date fromat h 3ai j m yphp format string to datedate display format in phpget datetime in format phpdate format hphp fromat datedate php format datetimechange date for formate in phpformating a date phphow to reformat date phphow to set format of date in phpphp display data formatphp calendar stringdate 28 22y m dphp echo day of weekstandard datetime format phpdate mysql phpphp format date mysqlphp format current datephp date from mysqlget date ymdhisphp date format datetimedate 28 29 format in php with timephp what datetime formatmysql php datetymedate format php functiond 2fm 2fy g 3ai a format to datetime object jsdate 27f 27 what is itupdate date format in phpdate format php monget date in format phpmysql date format to phpmysql datenbank php 23date change format phpreform php dateformat date y m d phpdate format php yformat date with phpphp datetime format just datechange format of a date in phpdate formate function in phpphp date methodformater une date en phpfchange date format phpphp format date from databasephp get today dateformat de date phpdatetime format change in phpdatetime convert phpdatetime formatphp set format for datetime objectdateformate change phpdate formats in php 5cformat date php writeconvert date format in php to full date yyyyphp format date from date objectdate php date month yearphp datetime format change examplephp format date with tphp date select m from n procedurephp string format to date formatdate time long format phpphp datetime format hours and minutesday date format in phpmysql php datephp format date stringtypes of date format in phpphp formato datadate php function 3eformat 28 29date format to time phpphp sate formatphp format date mmmdate formates phpphp date format and resultsphp datetime format 5cdate and time format change in php20210329 to date format phpformat the date 28 29 phpphp create date from string formatphp date convertph p date format stringdate year phpchange formate of datetime phptimestamp example value phpdate 28 27c 27 29 mean in phpdate 28 27i 27 29php format date timestamphow to format dates in phpget sysdate in php as varchar2php format date from stringdate format us phpdate in php formatsphp date function format with timephp convert datefecha date phpchange format of a date phpdatetime sql in php 3eformat 28 27j 27 29php date 2b hoursformate date inphp change php format timeformatted date in phpchange the format of date c 23mysql php date formatphp year from dateformat sql datetime in phpphp date 28 27y m d 27 29convert sql time to datetime with phpchanging date format in phpphp date input format changedate format php from stringphp date formate examplesphp foramt datephp get date from timestampphp date from formatmysql datetime format phpphp date create format cphp format timestampdate format in php for monthreturn only y m d h date with sqlchange date format string phphow to format time string phpphp format string to look like a dateformat date and time in phphow to convert date in phpconver date format in phpmysql date time in phpdateformat j 2fm 2fa phpphp datetime to strphp formate date from variablephp date format 2b1change date format php mysqlphp format datephp format tdate timedate format to database phpphp date day stringphp change date string formatdatetime format mysql phpget date in php with format with mysqlphp print month formatmysql datetime in phpphp mysql datetime valuedate format options phpdatetime php insert mysqlsql datetime format phpstring format in phpphp date and t formatiinghow to change the format of time in phpphp d 2fm 2fy 27y m d 27 phpdate 28 c time 28 29 29 phpphp change format of date stringdate formag php timestampdates in phpphp time 28 29 formatphp date codes formatmysql php datetime for databaseformat php date timedesired date in pgpcode for change date type using phpdate in format in phpphp change sql date formatphp datetime format codesphp date formats iso 8601date format datetime phpphp date for mysql datetimephp date time format 25adate php fran c3 a7aisphp date 3eformatnew datetime format phpget day of week phpphp date format 28 27i 27 29formatted date phpphp datetime standard formatecho date formetephp get time in nice formathow to change the format of datetime input in phpphp date format datechange date format php with month and yearphp insert datetime into mysqlphp format date cphp date time formatsphp date formatedphp date format languagephp date with formatdate today in phpformat date with variable phphow to show date format in phpmysql php data formatdateformat in phpphp nowsql date phpformat string date in phpstring date format phpphp datetime sqlhow to change format of time in date with time phpphp date format change functionsphp format string datechange the date formate in php useing date timeformat date lphpphp sql where datetime 3e 24datetime php formatphp datetime format from stringwe want date and time using php from mysqlphp date ymddate php format stringphp date format frm toreverse date format in phpphp time date formatphp format datetime objectphp formater datephp date to stringphp change datetime format based on different formatformat date mysql phphow get datetime format of sql in phpphp how to change date formatdatetime drfault format phpdatetime phpget datetime php formatphp datetime to date formatephp date 28y m d 29php date function to change date formatcurret datetime in php mysql clear date formatting phpdatetime 3a 3aformat phpphp format variable datephp date format toolphp changer format datehow to convert date from one format to another in phpdate format change in phpphp dynamic date formatdate formate c phpphp how to format datetimehow to change the date format in phpformat 28u 29 date time in phpdata format php shroten datecan php date be echoed as stringdattime object to format date phptake sysdate as sting in phpcreate from format date phpphp change date format to displaydate 28 27d 2fm 2fy h 3ai 3as 27 29 nowchange date format phpphp date display formatscreated at date format phpphp convert datetime to stringphp date format full datephp format date languagedata format phpphp new dataphp datetime for sqlhow to add sql date to a datetime phpdatetime mssql phpmysql datetimedate in format phpphp changing date formatphp format to show all 4 year digitschange php date and tiem formatformat date fucntion in phphow to convert custom format date in phpphp date format from dbdate php functionphp format date for mysql datetimehow edit the date in phpchange time format in phpphp date formatformat with 22 7b 7d 22 phpconvert data format in phpphp input date formatphp string date format changeupdate date format phpday type phpphp format date from sql datedate converter php format to php dateformat date object phpphp create datetime formatphp format 28 29php ddatephp get nowphp format stringhow to represent date of date is it 27s not available in phpphp mysql date formatdatetime php format phpphp date format cont changephp sql date typephp date change formatphp calendar str format code clockdate 28 27y m d 27 29 3bphp date format dat namephp get iso datephp date and time daychange date format in words phpphp format date from mysqlphp convert date fomrattime format in phpphp function convert datephp date 3ephp change date format from stringphp time formatschange format date php php change format 24date 3eformat 28 22d 22 29php datetime format sqldatetime format string phpphp date 3eformat 28date 28 27h 3ai a 27 mysql phpphp format a datedate format php datetimephp get date formatphp datetime for mysqlphp date time formatephp date format vs mysql date formathow to show date format mm dd yyyy in phpformater une heure phpphp change to date formatdate format php month day yearformat date phphdateif phpdisplay datetime in phpnice format php datecustom time format phpconvert date 2f phpformat date string for phphow to change the datetime format in phpfunction in php to chnage the date formatchange format date phptransform date with seconds format phpphp datetime format sql datetimeget date of datetime mysql phpall php date formatphp datetime 3a 3aformat 28 29how to format a given date in phpphp date manualphp date format charactersphp date format justformat date php 5format datetime to year in phppost of date phpconvert date yyyy mm dd to dd 2fmm 2fyyyy in phpget date in php with formatphp convert unix timestamp to datephp create date in formatphph date formatchange date format using phpdate show year first phpphp mysql datetime to formatformat date time phpphp time to mysql datetimesql date format phpfull date format phpdate day format phpdate to format phpphp time formatchange format date usa month text phpphp format format datedate in database format phpsql time format phpdate format phpth date format in phpformat dateconvert date format hours phpdate format on phphow to format time 28 29 to date phpformat a date string in phpphp format monthtime format for phpdisplay date format in phpphp date format0set time formate in phpformat string phpphp formate datedate time formats in phpnow date phpphp chnage date formatephp datetime object to stringecho date formate change phpformat date in phpdate format php mysqlchange date fromat in phpdate format n 2fj 2fydate format php l with capitalphp date valuesphp format date arrayget the date php formatphp function to get date from datetime formatstring date to datetime php17th date in phpphp time format datetimeformat month as a number phpphpexcel date format phpdate from mysql to phpstr to time 28 27 22 24purchasedate 22 27 2c 27 25y 25m 25d 25h 3a 25i 3a 25s 27 29 2c phpdate format in php functionphp yearchange datetime format in phpnew date phpphp format date a variable and monthymd phpdate formatphpdifferent date formats in phpphp date mysql formatphp time and date formatprint a specific date in format phpphp formate a date that is a stringphp change system dateget year phpchange date time format in phpdate 28 27y 27 2c 24date 29 3bfunction change date format phpchange date format inphpdate format with phpphp date format codeshow to date format change in phpformat database date phpformat a local time 2fdate php date on php gives error when entering in database with varchar columnphp date variable formatdateofrmat phpphp string datetime to date formatem in date format in phpdatetime format phpphp dataf ormattingphp new datetime formatformat to date phpphp datetime all formathow to convert date format in phphow to format a date variable in phpphp date object from formatbest way to format a date in phpphp date 28 27h 27 29return date with a t in phpphp display date formatformat fdate phpfiredatabase where datetranslate date formats in phpdate format 0 phpphp datetime change dateformat 28 27y m d 27 29recuperer la date du jour en phpphp change date format to display day month yearh 3as 3ai phpphp modify date notationfunction type date phpdate format php hformat the date phpphp date tiem formatphp minute number of the weekformat a get to date phphow to date format in phpget today 27s date 2c day name 2c month in php date 28y 2c l 2c j 2c 29php full date time format to datephp date month and dayday formate in phpphp date 28u 29php value to input datetime formatdate 28 29 in php formatphp date 28ymd 29formatar datas phpformat date php mysql optionphp date formattingh php chake date formatphp string to formatted datephp get month and day from date todayconvert date phpmysql datetime phpdate format phphhow to write php date in date name formatset date format in php stringphp date format of januaryphp date format timechange date format in php dd 2fmm 2fyyyyhow to change date formate phpformat date string in phpphp now typedmy phpphp formate datetime change date formatted in php echoget word monday phphow to change the formate of datre and time in phpphp get date using year as basephp date format vhow to format a date in php to the desired formatchange date fromart in phpphp format date functionchange the format for a date phpphp modify datehow to change date format to string in phpphp chanage date formatformat php dateformat 28 22 25a 22 29 in phpchange date in string phpphp formatdatedate format a string in phpphp string format datechange the format of date in php sqlphp time format just month day yearphp date formatphp changr date formatphp date format from stringphp datetime format why i used for minutehow to write out dates in phpphp format time from variableget today date phpchange date formate in phpaccepts a 2c b 2c c 2c date and prints below the results together with the current date phpphp format dobphp get day stringconvert php date formath 3ai a date format php changeconvert a date format in phpformatar data phpdatetime form of date in phpchange the date formate in php from am to valuephp date format with scoredate format specifiers php sql php datetime formatformat php datetimeformat time php mysqlnew date php formatconvert date format phpturn date to right date phpconvert date fromat phpphp current date short stringphp data formatphp format datetime for mysqlphp comvert and save date formatwhen i change date how to get the date value in php php date netphp date ymd hischange date format with datetime phpt in date 28 29 php php formatar dataphp date format changedwhen i date change date value change php php date get daydatenow phpphp change date format to phpphp get current time stringphp string to date formatphp format datetime sqlhow to display date format in php pdoconvert date formate in phpget mysql time format in phpformat timestamp phpphp us date time formatchamp date integer phpformat date in php from stringphp reformat a datehow to get a datetime format phpphp current dayphp date format with 000new datetime php from formatopml date format phpphp date format 27 25m 2f 25d 2f 25y 27php date time object formatphp echo date mysql date phpphp date 2b secondsdate u phpphp date mysql datetimedate time format php mysqlphp week number of yearshow date format in phpphp universal date formatphp date time fornatdate format in phpformat time in phpphp date changephp date format tableformater une date phpformating date in phputc short code for phpphp format dtaephp change the date formatformat datetime phpdata format phphedit form date and time in phpall date format in phpdate format types in phpphp date change formateformat datetime object phpday in php time php date formatphp date format h 3ai 3aschange format datetime in phpnew date phodatetime function in php mysqlann c3 a9e phpformat speciefied date in phphow to format date in php from mysqlformat date variable in phpdata format phpdob to change date format in phphow to format data of any format in phpdat formatin phpformat php y m d phpfunction date phpphp formatted datephp date formaatphp print date objectchange date and time format that is displayed in phpphp date time mysql formatget time in standard datetime format in phpdate 28y 2c m 2c 0 29convert date format in phpphp string in date formatdate format php 25all format date phpfull date format in phpphp format date as database stringchanges date format in phpdays or month php api formatm in date format phpdate 28 27n 27 29 phpphp format 28 29 datedate format php stringdate format week phpphp date reformatdate formatiing in phpmake date in format phpphp formatmilitary date format phpphp replace datephp get format of datephp sql time formatstring datetime to mysql dateime format phpmonth full phpphp and sql date formatphp date time custom typeformat for time in phphow to get date in date format in phpphp date create from formatphp date format examples 25rchanging date formats in phpphp change mysql date formatphp date from format stringhow to change the format of date input in html and phpthe php date 28 29 function is used to format a date and 2for a time date format change class phpget date with format in php datephp formate a string to datetime formatting phpformat date di phpphp date format display time in 12change date formate phpphp new datetime for mysqldate formant phpphp date variablephp date string formatphp code to format date and timejs convert date to formatget date text phphow to make datetime in php formatchanger format date dans phpformat date fr phpdate 28h 3ai 3as 29 phpformat date php from datephp date get formatphp sql datehow to change date format in php from mysqlphp function to get date from datetime formatephp convert format dateformat value to date phpchange date format in phpphp new formatphp datetime formet for mysqlphp date format date in phpformat phpphp display yeardate format php examplephp custom date formatphp format time stringphp rearrange date formatmettre au format date phpchange 2f to in date phpphp date function formatphp jphp how to update datephp database formathow to change the date formate phpchange date fromat phpphp convert daetmysql datetime for phpchange date string format for another phpphp date formatingformat in phpchange date format in php date objectphp datetime to mysql datetimesql php date formatphpformat date 7b 7bdate 28 27y m d 27 29 7d 7dphp datetime format for mysqlphp change datetime format issuerequired 7cdate format 3aymdhieformat dates in array phpphp datetime variable formatphp date format with timestampphp dateformnew datetime formatdata and time format in phpget current date phpformat php date for mysqldatetime sql phpphp datetime from formatmysql datetime php datedate formay on phpwhat is t in date format phpphp date format uphp data formatterphp datetime format why i change function for date time format in phpphp get date formatphp standard date time formatformat date php echoformat date from string phpphp set variable to current date timechange format of date in phpphp date formatphp format string to 5b 27h 27 5ddata formate phpy m d phpdatetimepicker php mysqlhow to day in php date formatdate format change phpformat a date phpdate format method in phpphp change date format d 2fm 2fydate format php variablephp sql datetimephp default date formatphp date tome formatphp datetime formattingphp date c formatphp format datesformate the date inj phpchange date i 5dformat into time phpchange date format with time in phpformate date phpyear phpmysql datetime stamp phpphp data format timechange format of date phphow to set formate change of date in php from mysqlchange the date fomat in phpphp date format changerle format phptransform date format phpformat date variable phpdate create format phpphp change date format timedate conversion phpdatabase change date format in phpphp specific day timestampphp change date format languagedatetime format for sql in phpd m y php format with minutesphp date format examplesphp code to extract date in a particular format from the databasedate format y m d h 3ai 3asdate formating in phpphp date format listphp date with month and year stringphp date in mysql formatus formate date in phpdate format 28 29 in phpphp date value formatavoir la date en phpdatetime format phpdate in formater phpphp month number formatmysqldate function phpdatetime format with t in phpphp datetme formattingphp create date from formatphp all date formateconvert the date format in phpphp datetime format mysql insertphp date 28 29 formatschange the date format in phpdate format not working php mysqlday format in phpphp datetime from mysql datetimetoday dat date in phpphp actual datedate 28u 29 phpformat sql date php datetimereformat date string phpphp date format mysqlphp date conversionworphp date formatphp date format string 24date format phpphp new 5cdatetime formatformat datetime sql phpdate convert phpdate formatin phpformat date time with phpphp date correct formathow to format time to date phpphp date format setphp format dataphp with sql datetimelist format date phpdate pattern phpchange dateformat in php to php timestamp format datedate format sql phpphp date short month 2c day 2c yearphp full date ymdhphp to mysql date formatformate date in phpphp date format examplesphp get date in formatstroto date format phpformat datein phpphp date formatterdatetime format in phpphp datet format php 7date actuel phpformat any date format php 24heure 3d date 28 27h 27 29 3b php 5php date fromn y m ddate php format hformat date php usa today 27s date in numbers phpchange date format of output request phpformat date ymddatetime create from format phpsql database date format php errordata 28 29 phpdate 28 22h 3ai 3as 22 29php date format from datephp echo format datephp date formatedate day phpphphp format date stringdate 28 29 options phpphp current date object change formattodays date in numbers without format php date ymd his phpphp chaneg date formatphp format date 27p 27date 28h i s 29 phpdate time in db phpdate fphpdate format changereturn the format of the date 2bphpphp fordatephp date our formatjavascript date formatday 5cdate format in phphow to increase the date in php format methodformat date heure php 3a 3a datephp change time formatphp time format cconvert to date format phpmonth digit date phpphp get the actual date in formatreference of all date format in phpformat date h 3ai 3asedit datetime format phpphp datenow with formatdatetime to date string phpphp 24date 3eformatdate format h 3ai 3as phpa 24t phpphp change format date of stringhow to change string in to date format in phpdatetime mysqlphp datetime from mysql datephp datetime formatedateformat phpdatetformat phpphp date all formatsphp date nophp date format with tphp date and time day thusing datetime to new format phpconvert date to custome format date in phpphp datetime format yeardate 28 27d 27 29set date format in phpdate convert phpphp mysql server datephp date timeformat date string phpphp date full month php date format m 2fd 2fyphp net date examplephp get dayschange the date format from 2f to phpphp date format change examplephp format date brasilphp date f 2c o 2c y 2c dphp code to format datehow to change the current date in phpphp date and timephp date guideget local date format phpphp code to change date formatphp dateschagne date format in phphow to change date format in php date function php full yearphp format date from variablephp date 28 27y m d h 3ai 3as 27how do i convert to date phpdate format with t phpwhere in php code to change date formatphp date formateshow to change date format from database in phpphp date including datephp date optionsdate format php date format 29date php formattime and date in form phpchange date and time format phpformat string to create date phpdate create from format phpphp date h msphp date formphp get date by formatconvert datetime phpphp datetime now formatdate month in phpdate from datetime sql phpphp mdate date format create in phpphp iso 8601 formatmyql date format phpmysql time format phpformatting date phpstyle the date in phpphp date string format changephp date to format stringformat date to phphow to change the formate of date and time in phpformat from date phptime format php datephp mysql date format changephp date formatyphp formt dtedate time in sql sent from phpphp 3e date 28m 2fd 2fy 29 after an yeardatetime with format phphtml date format phpphp time format sqlphp format date in stringdate chenge format phpphp date fromat week shortcreate date from format phpshort year php date 28 27d m yyshort date to date format phpdate convert in phpformat date php fran c3 a7aisconvert date time format in phpchange the format of the date in phpphp to date stringhow to change date format in input using phpphp date format month and yearphp date format functiondate month format in phpphp date date formatsphp get format date from db value used datephp date format timestamphow to change into date format in phpphp date custom formatdate php sql formatphp now 48 hoursconvert date object to string php php change datetime format issue when month date year formatphp date time to datedate format ymd phpphp time format date time415045 date format phpphp correct datephp date day formatformat date phpformat time phpphp full date formatphp documentation datephp timetostrhow to change date and time format in query phpdifferent date format phpcahgne date format in phpphpexcel date formatphp date format conversionformat codes for the date function phpphp date and time formattingdate php nowdate convert format in phpdate format day in phpphp function datecredit mutuelating an event on a date phphow to format the date in php show date php by lettersphp to format date m 2fd 2fydate to string phpdate from format phpdate format function in php 3c 3fphp echo date 28s 29 3f 3emysql date time format phpchange format php datephp datetime format changehow to format phpphp datetime object format date conversion in phpphp date format with timezonephp date format examplephp date format n 21d im format php datetimedatabase to php date formatdate time format year phpphp format date timeformater la date en phpdate format text phpmysql datetime to phpphp echo date as stringformat date in php