h 3ai 3as explode in php by 22 3a 22

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showing results for - "h 3ai 3as explode in php by 22 3a 22"
03 Jul 2020
1$colors  = "red,blue,green,orange";
2$colorsArray = explode(",", $colors);
13 Apr 2020
1$duartion = explode(":","12:23:34");
2$duration_hour = $duration[0];
3$duration_minute = $duration[1];
4$duration_second = $duration[2];
6echo $duration_hour." ".$duration_minute." ".$duration_second;
27 Aug 2017
3// Example 1
4$pizza  "piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 piece5 piece6";
5$pieces = explode(" "$pizza);
6echo $pieces[0]; // piece1
7echo $pieces[1]; // piece2
9// Example 2
10$data "foo:*:1023:1000::/home/foo:/bin/sh";
11list($user$pass$uid$gid$gecos$home$shell) = explode(":"$data);
12echo $user// foo
13echo $pass// *
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