implode and explode in php

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showing results for - "implode and explode in php"
29 Jun 2018
1    $str = "Hello, kinjal, how, are, you";
3    // it will convert string to array
4    $s1 = explode(",", $str);
5    echo "<pre>";
6    print_r($s1);
22 Sep 2019
2<body bgcolor="pink">  
3<h3>Implode Function</h3>  
5$arr=array ('I','am','simple','boy!');  
6echo implode(" ",$arr);  
7$str="I am simple boy!";  
8print_r(explode(" ",$str));  
11 Mar 2017
1$arr = ['Thor','Captain America','Iron Man'];
2echo implode(', ',$arr);
3// "Thor, Captain America, Iron Man"
26 Aug 2020
2$str = "Hello world. It's a beautiful day.";
3$split = explode(" ",$str);
4$hello = $split[0];
5$world = $split[1];
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