how to check the day of any date in php

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showing results for - "how to check the day of any date in php"
05 Feb 2016
1$timestamp = strtotime('2009-10-22');
3$day = date('D', $timestamp);
27 Oct 2017
1// how to check the day of any date in php?
3//Our YYYY-MM-DD date string.
4$date = $request->start_date;
6//Convert the date string into a unix timestamp.
7$unixTimestamp = strtotime($date);
9//Get the day of the week using PHP's date function.
10$dayOfWeek = date("l", $unixTimestamp);
12//Print out the day that our date fell on.
13$day = $date . ' fell on a ' . $dayOfWeek;
17 Jul 2018
1// function
5echo "There was $d days in October 2005";
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to check the day of any date in php