php get day number

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showing results for - "php get day number"
10 Sep 2016
1$timestamp = strtotime('2009-10-22');
3$day = date('D', $timestamp);
01 Nov 2020
1// Prints the day
2echo date("l") . "<br>";
31 Nov 2017
1$datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat('YmdHi', '201308131830');
2echo $datetime->format('D');
4// or 
6$date = new \DateTime();
7echo $date->format("D");
27 May 2017
1// get day of month php
2// Method 1; some server not work, I had check php 7.3.24 not worked, php 7.3.8 worked
3cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year)
4echo (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 2, 2020)); // => 29
6// Method 2;
7function days_in_month($month, $year) {
8    // calculate number of days in a month
9    return $month == 2 ? ($year % 4 ? 28 : ($year % 100 ? 29 : ($year % 400 ? 28 : 29))) : (($month - 1) % 7 % 2 ? 30 : 31);
12// Method 3;
13echo (date('t', strtotime('2020-02-1')));	// 29
13 Jan 2017
1$today = date("d");
2//Can Convert TO Int
queries leading to this page
php date get day name by full datephp get past day dateget dayname in phphow to display date with month 2cday name in phpphp to show day and timeget date from day value number phpphp date get dayphp get month day by numberdate function weekday of today phpphp get current datephp year month day and timephp date to day of weekphp get todays year 2c month 2c dayphp end of month and dayfind day by date phphow are php get dayget full name of day in phpphp month nowday name from date in phpgiven the year 2c month 2c day get date of the month phpday of the week php dateformat month in phpcall day phpphp get current day formatphp current dayphp which day from the date givenget date php month lettersphp day to weekdate days and get date in phpday in date phpdate php 3e 3dphp today datephp current monthphp get day from stringdate 28 22h 3ai 3as 22 29 3b is js or phpphp month numberget wday number phpphp date long day nameday number in phpget day from date using phpphp get current day as numberphp get day namehow to date full name of day format in php parametr for date functiondate day phpweekday of today phpdate 2b day phpphp date time fornatget day in php using numberphp get date of the daysget month of date phpget day from given date phpdate y m d in phpget the first day of the month phpphp display weekdaysphp get today dayphp grab day from dateshow days of current month phpdate in phpdate 28 27h 3am 3ai 27 29php get month of a dateget day in month phpphp date 27w 27php data format day namephp get day of month from datephp date year month day hour minute secondget next day date in phpphp date function show month in numbersphp get current day of monthphp date get week daymonth and date function in php date format php day month yearphp weekday name shortnameget name and number of today phpget day in frensh from date phpget the day in date phpphp get day month year from timestampphp get weekday number from datephp code find dayget week day in phpget day in a date php date 28 22g 3ai a 22 29php input date to day namephp get day from date to current datephp datetime day nameget day time and year in phpin php get current dayphp 2fdatime get dayhow to get present day in phpget month and year from date in phpday number from date phpmonth date year format phpphp get day in datephp get timestamp year month and dayfirst day of month date phpphp datetime getdayphp get first day of monthphp carbon get dayphp date show day nameget date day number from date phphow to get day out of date in phpphp get day number in monthhow to get day from date function in phpget full day name from date in phpphp get weekday from datehoe to get month from date in phpphp new datetime get name of dayphp day datephp find out current dayphp number to day namehow to get day from date in phpday in full in phpphp date get month and dayhow to find day in phpget month from date using phpphp get day month year ago from timestampdate format php days nameyear function in phphow to get day in number phphow to know a number of day month date phpphp get current day numberphp get day from datew3schools php datephp date day namephp get number of day of yearphp dayjs and php datehow to get first day of month in phphtml tags in date format phpget day full name from date in phphow to view day name in phpget weekday to start and end date phpphp get date of the dayphp get year month and dayget day from date phpphp month number of daysphp evary day for current weekget month from a date in phpphp get full name from datehow to get day phpth after 4 date phpday number phpphp list days of monthday number fromd date phpget month from php datephp date convert with day namedet day from date in phpget day of a month phpcal days in month in phpget year and month in phpday day phphow to get day of a date in phphow to find day from date in php get days of a month phpget day of date phpphp get day number from timestampphp year month dayphp current day month yearphp datetime get dayget current day phpmonth get phphow to get day from datetime in phpdays of month phpphp day month year hour minutephp get full month name from datedate phpphp how to get day from datephp sunday 3d 1php date how many days i mohtbnget day of month phpget total day in month phpphp datetime at the of the dayphp get dateget hour phpdate 2b day in phpget the day name of the date time in phpphp date 28 29 get dayget day name from selection date in phpdate 28ymd 29 in phpphp date show day of the weekget day from date php datetget month and year from date phpphp echo date 28 27y m d 27 29php todayphp get day from intdates in phpday by day from date phpdays short name in phpphp cal days in monthphp datime get daylong day in phpphp month in fullget time of day phpget current day number phpphp get current day in numberhow to extract the month in given date phpphp datetime get day of monthphp get number days in monthphp date full month namedate php last day of the monthhow to get date month phpmake date given the month date year phpphp day of datespecific date in phpphp get time of dayphp date dayhow to get days of month phpphp get year monthphp date h i sphp get day examplelearn date phpphp check day of dategert the day by certain date phpphp datetime get day indiceget current date in phpphp date to month namecurrent day day date and month data in phpstring date to day month year phphow to get month frome date in phpphp month short nameday 2c long date in phpget name opf today phpphp get today daty nameget date from day name in phpday and date in phpget today 27s date phphow to get numaric day from date function in phpphp date to day namephp get current daydate today in phpget the first day of the month using phpday to month phpget day form date in phpphp date format day namephp get datetime dayphp now 28 29 3edayofweekphp number dayphp how to display month and dayday name phpphp second day of monthphp date get full day namephp get month from dateget the day from date phpphp numeric day of weekphp what day is ithow to get day number of the month in phpphp date b parametercomplete day name in date functin in phpget the date for specific day in phphtml output time 7cdate 3a 27y m d 27name of today phpdate format php month nameend of december date phpphp get index of dayconvert date to day name phpphp monthdate with th php date 28 29php days in specific monthphp date week day titlehow to print day from a date using phpdisplay day in phphow to check the day of any date in phpget all days of month phpget month year from date phpphp get now dateget days in month phpphp current formatget date day month phpphp date get monthcurrent date in phpphp get day from datetimeday of the month php calendarget day name from date phpphp date format minutes without leading zerosecho date 28 22 g 3ai a 22 29php day and date php codephp get complete daydate 28 27h 27 29 phpphp date format full day namehow to get the current day in phpget day name from php datedate h i sdate in php in dayphp display day and full datedate function in phpphp get day name from numberphp date month do not get 0 before datedatetime day name phpphp current datephp get day name from datedayname php datetimehow to get a day from date in phpget current day with date phpphp date show week namephp get day ofdate php get dayfind day from date in phpget day from number phpphp date month namephp get day name of numberget day php datehow to get the day value from a date in phpphp date get day namephp get the dayphp create date day month yeartoday day and month name and year phpfind current day in phpgetting day phpphp date lettersphp total days in monthphp date y m d hmsphp getdate wdayget current day with phpphp get weekdayphp todays datedate and time in phpphp time get daysphp echo year month dayphp get day from date sql queryhow to get day value from timestamp phpphp get number day in monthwhy day to date in phpdate month year format phpget day from timestamp phpget day ofyear phpdate value in phpdate time formatting phpdate time add extra zero phpwhat day week was phpget current day of the week phpphp show dateget day as int phphow to get the day of date in phpymdhms phpphp date day numberget day or night from date in phpget day month and day from date phphow to get day name in phpdate format datetime with day fullname in phpphp date j f ydate format php l day in week listday from date phpdate to get month in phpgetday phpphp day number of yearget all day of month phpday months year phpshow day in date phpcalendar with am and pm html phpcheck day of the week phpphp current day numberphp datetime get day numberfind day in phpreturn month from date phpphp date get day numbercheck day of week phpdate 28 27l 27 29 sundayhow to get current date in phpphp date how to get dayshould i use php todayget day from given date in phpget all days in month phpget day of week from date phpget only day from given date in phphow to get the day in phpformatkeywords 28 29 in phpphp echo day of the weekpart of a day based on time phpdate get day in phpphp date ymd hmsget day number from day name phpcurrend date in phpphp date todayphp days in monthphp get full day from php date 3c 3fphp echo date 28 27l js 5cof f y h 3ai 3as a 27 29 3b 3f 3ecurrent day date in phpget day in date phpget day month and year from date in phpdate to day in phpphp get dayday of week phpphp 5cdatetime getdayphp datetime get day as int 24dayname in from date in phpcurrent day phpcheck day of date phpphp get day and hoursdate 2bhour in phpphp day of week namemonth days in phpphp get monthcount the day from date phpphp date what day is itphp get year and monthphp date monthphp date without leading zerodate get month phpphp date weekday numberphp function return datephp month full nameget day from string phpphp get day of the weekdata php0 day phpphp today namephp display day name from datetime fieldphp date name of monthget currenct day in phpdisplay the date of today phpdate php get day of monthdate php short day of weekphp data functionsget day name from date in phpphp date in jsphp month day listphp day of yearphp date day of weekuse the correct date function to output the weekday of todayphp datetime get day as textphp date 28 22z 22 29get full month name in date phpget day from date in phphow to know day from date phpmonth in short phpdisplay current day date and time phpphp write full month name from dateget date name in phpget number day in month phpget current day and time in phpdate functiontoday phpphp all days of monthget part of a day based on time phpphp get day of monthget time 28 29 by date month year in phpget day from date php datetimephp days this monthget a month in date phpphp extract day from datefinding day from date phpphp get the day using calendarphp get day of datephp date retrun dayphp get month from datetimephp get day part from string datephp date in monthphp get current day namephp date 28 29 dayphp get the day of a dateday 28date 29 php get day name from day number phpfetch day from date in phpget day name in phpget date number from date in phpphp get day from datehow to get month from the date in phpphp get time and datephp return day of weekhow to get the time of a day in phpphp get day of weekphp put date in session go to next weekday id to day name in phpphp week number of monthyear short form in phpphp date day of the yearphp get this day 3c 3fphp 24i 3dnew datetime 28 29 3b echo 24date 3eformat 28 27l 2cf 2cjs 2cy 27 29 3b 3f 3e php date of todayphp convert date format month namefull month in phpphp find day from datehow to get day from year month and day in phphow to declare date in phpphp echo date of the dayphp number of day in yearphp echo datephp day in yearphp get month first dayget day from url in phpphp get first day of the monthphp date format month namephp get full day of given dataday number php datephp name dayget the month of the date time in phpfull week name get in date format phpphp get todays daydate inphpdate 3c 3d3 month in phpphp get date one month from nowphp get the day part from date stringget day and month name in words phpmonth 28 29 in phpphp day codesphp today day namephp which day of datedate php get days in monthphp get last day of monthtime date php codeget today day name in phpphp day name from date as input from calendarnew datetime php get year month dayhow to get day month and year from date in phpget name of day from current time phpdisplay date phphow to get current day in php from dateget all day number phpecho server date phpphp dayshow day name three letters in date phpphp date name of dayphp get day name from datetimedate php parametersphp get day from datetime 24days 3d cal days in month 28cal gregorian 2c 24month 2c 24year 29 3bdate parameters phpget month and year in phpget month from date in phphow to get dayname in phpphp date format week dayphp return dayarray month extension phpphp get month with dayget month from date phpdate of print code html phpget date 1 month later phphow to get day name from date in phpphp get date monthget day number 28in the year 29 period of time phpdate 28 27l 27 29 phpcurrent day number in phpdate atom in date function phpfinding which day it is phpget day of month phpget day by date in phpphp get month dayday from database phpphp get day number datephp get month datetimeget day in phpvar of date in phpphp number of day get first day of month phpphp get today 27s day numberget day number from date in phpget day name of day in phpday from date in php 24day in phpphp date of the dayphp date 2b value dayphp get full day of given dateecho 24day 3d date 28get date of given day phpnow date phpphp get full month nameday and month name in phpweek name in 3 letters phpphp number of days in monthdays in current month phpphp get date day nameget number of day phpphp get current month and yearphp get date from day numberphp get day in yearget day from php dateget date 2b days phpphp get day month yearget day number from name phpshow day name three latter in date phpphp week numberphp get current month number without zerophp get name of the daydate 28h 3aia 29getday from date in phpreturn day of the date phpfull month date phpphp month 28 29get second day of month in phpget this date of day phpget past day from date in phpphp date days of monthphp how to get day number from a datephp get dayscheck the day of a date with phpphp first day of monthdate get day phpphp date monthnameget day of date in phpphp get day number 2b day in date phpphp get this month datestime format in php month namecurrent day number date phpphp get the day from a dateget current day in phpgiven month name get the days in phphow to get full day name from date in phpphp get day int from datephp get today 27s datephp get day number from datedatetime day of month phpdatetime get month phpphp days of monthhow to get day from a date in phpphp from date get day numberphp 24dayget the month datetime phpphp date including dateget day of any date in phpphp get a month and year from a dateget day number phpcurrent day name in phpphp get days passed in this monthhow to get day name phpdisplay the date in phpfind day by date in phpdate prints but returns 0 phpget date phpcount how many days 2c months phpget month date phpget dat ein phpget only day from datetime in phpphp get month name of a datephp get day from timestampget only day from date phpdate get day number phpget year month day from time phphow to update date wise day name in phphow to get day name in php datephp date day name fullget day month year phpget day from php datetimehour 28 29 phpget day name from number phphow to convert date into dayusing phpphp daytime days in monthtake day from timestamp phpdate time in phpcal days in month phpphp find day in stringget only day number of date in phpget the day from php datephp date number of dayhow to get current day in phphow to get month from now 28 29 in phpget days from date phpdate 28 22n 22 29 in phpphp 22h 22 meaningphp get day from datehow to find current day in phpphp day name todayhow to find current day phpget month phpget days in phpfunction to get the day for today phpphp date number day of yearhow to get year month in phpget day based on date phpday formula in php extract day from date in phpphp display data for the daydate 3e 3d3 month in phpstrtotime php hour first day of the monthhow to get day before of date phphow to get yester day date in phpdate of the day phpphp get day ago from datetimephp get day from date variabledate day in phpget day in given date phpcheck the day phpphp get current day timestamphow to get full day 2c date and year in phpphp get date of daysfind day from date phpphp get current dayhow to get day for date phpdate in php day in fuillget this day date phpbreak date php to get year month and dayhow to get day on date in phpcurrent month days in phplist days of the month phpphp get number day from datephp date js f yday of week in phpdate his pm phpmonth name format phpmonth name php datehow to get day number from date in phpget full month name in php date functionphp date time datephp get todayhow to get day in number in phpget specific day from date phpget day number of a date phpphp time return day month year from datetimedate w3c php exampleget name of the day in phpcurrent date phpphp timestamp zphp get the day base on timestampusing php date find dayget day 2cweek 2c month number 28in the year 29 from a date phpphp get month and day from date todaydate 28 27w 27 29php date format full month namephp gettimeofdayhow to get current day name in phpday of year phpget day number from date phpmonth in short date phpget today 27s date in phpcurrent date in words phpecho date and month format php monthhow to get the current day in the month php date year in phpphp get month from timestampdate format php example day namehow to get the day from a time function in phpphp function timestamp to date and timeget the day fro php datehow to get day month and year from php timestampcurrent day in phpshow day name in phpphp date get day month yeatr stringwhat day is phpday name function in phphow to get the month in date time value in phpphp date get day of monthdate 28 29php day nameget word monday phpphp get day from date in numberphp date tagphp datetime get monthphp get day name from timestampphp echo date of dayhow to get the day and month from a date in phpdisplay time from date with phpphp get day number of the weeksecond in php datedate 28 27u 27 29 in phphow to get the day number form date in phpphp calculate daydate get day of the month phphow to get day name from date in php 3fget day name phpphp day month yearget today date phpphp date month yearpurpose of 3c 3fphp echo date 28 27l js 5cof f y h 3ai 3as a 27 29 3b 3f 3efull day in php dateget datetime php mydayhow to get day month and year date from post in database in phpfirst day of month in phpget day of the week phpphp month of current datetake day 2cweek and month from timestamp phpdatetime get day phpphp day from datephp datetime get days of monthday in phpdatetime to day month year in phpget the day from date in phphow to get day at date in phphselect 4 day poer month phpday name in phpphp week day of datedisplay month in php dateget date of first day of month phpget current day code in phpphp get day of yearphp get day number from day nameget day phpphp date methodphp date day and monthdate day phpphp get days of the monthphp format day of the weekphp get today datephp day of the week namedate to day in phphow to get the one month from the actual day phphow to get date using day name in phpget total day by month in phpdate 28 27w 27 29 in phpcreate date from year month day phpphp get today daynamephp get date from datetimeget day from date string phphow to get date month in phphow to get day in phpdate format month name phpdate to day phpphp get day after specific dateget day and month phpget the first day of month phpphp now dayofweekphp get month and year from datephp day name from dateget date of month phpphp get day number