first day of month php

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showing results for - "first day of month php"
07 May 2020
1$first_day = date('Y-m-01');   $last_day = date('Y-m-t');
21 Jul 2019
2    // First day of this month
3    $d = new DateTime('first day of this month');
4    echo $d->format('jS, F Y');
15 Nov 2019
1//get first day of the current month 
2$start = date("Y-m-1 00:00:00");
3//get current date of the month
4$end = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
6//query data for the current month so far
7$query = $this->db_model->run_query("select column_1, column_2 from table where date_column BETWEEN '".$start."' AND '".$end."'");
23 Jan 2017
1$config_month  = 1;
2$config_day = 1;
4$new_expiry_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + $config_month, 1 + $config_day, date('Y')));
queries leading to this page
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