php get day from date

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showing results for - "php get day from date"
09 Feb 2016
1$timestamp = strtotime('2009-10-22');
3$day = date('D', $timestamp);
01 Aug 2020
1// Prints the day
2echo date("l") . "<br>";
23 Nov 2017
1// get day of month php
2// Method 1; some server not work, I had check php 7.3.24 not worked, php 7.3.8 worked
3cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year)
4echo (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 2, 2020)); // => 29
6// Method 2;
7function days_in_month($month, $year) {
8    // calculate number of days in a month
9    return $month == 2 ? ($year % 4 ? 28 : ($year % 100 ? 29 : ($year % 400 ? 28 : 29))) : (($month - 1) % 7 % 2 ? 30 : 31);
12// Method 3;
13echo (date('t', strtotime('2020-02-1')));	// 29
30 Sep 2019
1// how to check the day of any date in php?
3//Our YYYY-MM-DD date string.
4$date = $request->start_date;
6//Convert the date string into a unix timestamp.
7$unixTimestamp = strtotime($date);
9//Get the day of the week using PHP's date function.
10$dayOfWeek = date("l", $unixTimestamp);
12//Print out the day that our date fell on.
13$day = $date . ' fell on a ' . $dayOfWeek;
27 May 2018
1You can use the date function. I'm using strtotime to get the timestamp to that day ; there are other solutions, like mktime, for instance.
3For instance, with the 'D' modifier, for the textual representation in three letters :
5$timestamp = strtotime('2009-10-22');
7$day = date('D', $timestamp);
9You will get :
11string 'Thu' (length=3)
12And with the 'l' modifier, for the full textual representation :
14$day = date('l', $timestamp);
16You get :
18string 'Thursday' (length=8)
19Or the 'w' modifier, to get to number of the day (0 to 6, 0 being sunday, and 6 being saturday) :
21$day = date('w', $timestamp);
23You'll obtain :
25string '4' (length=1)
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timestamp phpget day name of day in phpphp get the day base on timestampphp date number of dayhow to get yester day date in phpday number php datehow to find one day prior in phppurpose of 3c 3fphp echo date 28 27l js 5cof f y h 3ai 3as a 27 29 3b 3f 3echeck day with timestam phpfind efficient working day and time phpcurrent date phpphp get number day in monthget hour phpphp get this month datesphp display data for the dayhow to check days in a month php datephp get day of week from datedate prints but returns 0 phpget part of a day based on time phpphp get day from date