how to learn python

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showing results for - "how to learn python"
Juan Esteban
30 Sep 2019
1  ===== Links for reading ====
11#Interactive tutorial
33Python Crash Course
34Head-First Python
35Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
36Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
37Programming Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming
39#Forums, Discussion
52 If it helpful, upvote me! Thanks ~
29 Jul 2016
2Great foundation for basics 
05 Jun 2016
1# Heya! Let me teach you the basics.
2print("Hello, World!") # Look, your Python hello world program!
3x = "y" # Set global variable x to a string, "y"
5import MyModule # Imports a module called MyModule.
7#Use powershell, cmd, bash, etc and run:
8pip install MyModule # Installs MyModule!
10def MyFunc():
11  # My Code!
13# Comments start with a hashtag and work for 1 line. multiple lines can use """ at the beginning and """ at the end.
15# Thank you!
07 Sep 2019
1Watch Programming with mosh on youtube
2Or if you just need help go to stack overflow or w4schools
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