python tutorial

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showing results for - "python tutorial"
21 Jun 2018
1#Simple console program
3x = input('Enter a value: ')
04 Jan 2019
1print ("Hello, Python!");
03 Feb 2019
1print("Hello World");
3variable = input("What is your favorite corn flavour");
7for i in range(4):
8  print("This will happen 4 times");
11  print("This will run forever and will crash terminal");
16 Jul 2019
1This is a very good free python tutorial:
25 Nov 2020
1print("Hello, World!")
31 Nov 2017
1# printing hello world in python
2print("Hello World")
3# adding 2 numbers
4num1 = 10
5num2 = 20
6print(num1 + num2)
11 Jul 2016
1Python is really a great language, isn't it?
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