how to reverse a string in java

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showing results for - "how to reverse a string in java"
31 Jan 2020
1public class ReverseString {
2    public static void main(String[] args) {
3        String s1 = "neelendra";
4        for(int i=s1.length()-1;i>=0;i--)
5            {
6                System.out.print(s1.charAt(i));
7            }
8    }
16 Apr 2020
1// Library approach
2public static String solution(String str) {
3	// StringBuilder is not thread-safe, use StringBuffer
4	return new StringBuffer(str).reverse().toString();
7// DIY approach
8public static String solution(String str) {
9	char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
10	for(int i = 0, j = str.length() - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
11		char ch = chars[i];
12		chars[i] = chars[j];
13		chars[j] = ch;
14	}
15	return new String(chars);
08 Jul 2019
1String string="whatever";
2String reverse = new StringBuffer(string).reverse().toString();
07 Apr 2019
1// reverse a string using reverse() method of StringBuilder class
2class ReverseUsingReverseMethod
4   public static void main(String[] args)
5   {
6      String str = "Hello world Java";
7      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
8      // append string to StringBuilder
9      sb.append(str);
10      sb = sb.reverse();
11      // printing reversed String
12      System.out.println(sb);
13   }
26 Jan 2019
1String str = "Hello";
2String reverse(String str){
3  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
4  sb.append(str);
5  sb.reverse();
6  return sb.toString();
30 Jan 2018
1String rev = new StringBuilder("Your String").reverse().toString();
queries leading to this page
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string class inverting stringhow to write string reverse in javastring reverse method in javawrite program to reverse a string in javareturn a string in reverse order javareverse a sstring in javahow to reverse a string iin javareverse letters in a string javastrgin reversereverse string javareverse a string in java without using inbuilt functionjava how reverse stringreverse in string javajava reverse string inputhow to reverse a part of sub string in javahow to get the reverse of a string in javastring reverese function in javaflip string javareversename reverse stringhow to revverse a string in javahow to reverse a string in java with using reverse functionreverse a string in java using reverse methodhow to reverse a stireng javahow to make a string backwards javajava string reversed 28 29how to reverse string lettersjava reverse methodhow to print an input backwards in javastring reverser javajava substring backwardsjava string reverse methoditer through the word array and create a new text string containing the words added in reverse order javatreverse a string methodstring reverserwrite a method to reverse a string in javareverse function in javareverse words in string javareverse a string java functionprint string reverse in javahow to reverse a stringin javjava reverse arrayshow to reverse string in javajava reverso stringstring rev function in java reverse in javarevarse string in javareverse a sting javareverse character array in javareverse a string in java string builderget reverse of string javawhat is the easy way to reverse a string in javareverse the characters in a string javarevert text on a string javareverse javajava reverse numberjava quickly reverse stringjava print string backwarsds programeasy code reverse javajava function to reverse stringwrite all the functions to reverse a string javawhat is the best way to reverse a string in java 3fjava string reverse functionjava string reverse using strrevreverse a string in java using for loophow to get the reverse of a stringinvert a string javahow to get backward of string javajava program for string reversejava reverse string using for loopreverse a string using sbrstringreturn reversed array string in javahow to print a char backwards in javawrite a program to reverse a string javajava string reverssereverse string java len 2reverse a string array in javahow to reverse a string javareverse sting javareverse string code sample in javaprint a string backwards javamethod to reverse a string in javareverse 28 29 is method of string class in javahow to print a string reverse in javastring reverse javasreverse words in a string java 8enter the string to reversewap to reverse a string using the inbuilt reverse 28 29 method in javajava method for reversing stringreverse the stringhow to reverse a sr 3dtring in javareverse string in java using built in functionreverse all letters in a string javareverse string code in javajava code for reversing the string and for concatenation of two stringsreverse methods javareverse method of string in javajava how to revert a stringcreate a method to reverse the stringjava string reverse programreverse string java apcsahow to reverse a string array in javahow to print reverse string in javahow to make a new string and add letters from the old one reversedhow to reverse a string in java