reverse string array java

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showing results for - "reverse string array java"
02 Jun 2020
1String rev = new StringBuilder("Your String").reverse().toString();
13 Apr 2018
1//java program to reverse array using for loop
2public class ReverseArrayDemo 
4   public static void main(String[] args) 
5   {
6      int[] arrNumbers = new int[]{2, 4, 6, 8, 10};  
7      System.out.println("Given array: ");  
8      for(int a = 0; a < arrNumbers.length; a++)
9      {
10         System.out.print(arrNumbers[a] + " ");
11      }
12      System.out.println("Reverse array: ");
13      // looping array in reverse order
14      for(int a = arrNumbers.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) 
15      {  
16         System.out.print(arrNumbers[a] + " ");  
17      }
18   }
19 Aug 2017
1// reverse a string using ByteArray
2class ReverseStringByteArray
4   public static void main(String[] args)
5   {
6      String input = "HelloWorld";
7      // getBytes() method to convert string into bytes[].
8      byte[] strByteArray = input.getBytes();
9      byte[] output = new byte[strByteArray.length];
10      // store output in reverse order
11      for(int a = 0; a < strByteArray.length; a++)
12         output[a] = strByteArray[strByteArray.length - a - 1];
13      System.out.println(new String(output));
14   }
19 May 2018
1import java.util.Arrays;
2public class ReverseStringArrayInJava
4   public static void main(String[] args)
5   {
6      String[] strHierarchy = new String[]{"Junior Developer","Senior Developer","Team Lead","Project Manager","Senior Manager","CEO"};
7      System.out.println("Given string array: " + Arrays.toString(strHierarchy));
8      for(int a = 0; a < strHierarchy.length / 2; a++)
9      {
10         String strTemp = strHierarchy[a];
11         strHierarchy[a] = strHierarchy[strHierarchy.length - a - 1];
12         strHierarchy[strHierarchy.length - a - 1] = strTemp;
13      }
14      System.out.println("Reversed string array: ");
15      for(int a = 0; a < strHierarchy.length; a++)
16      {
17         System.out.println(strHierarchy[a]);
18      }
19   }
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