reverse string java

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showing results for - "reverse string java"
03 Sep 2019
1public class ReverseString {
2    public static void main(String[] args) {
3        String s1 = "neelendra";
4        for(int i=s1.length()-1;i>=0;i--)
5            {
6                System.out.print(s1.charAt(i));
7            }
8    }
09 Apr 2019
1// Library approach
2public static String solution(String str) {
3	// StringBuilder is not thread-safe, use StringBuffer
4	return new StringBuffer(str).reverse().toString();
7// DIY approach
8public static String solution(String str) {
9	char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
10	for(int i = 0, j = str.length() - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
11		char ch = chars[i];
12		chars[i] = chars[j];
13		chars[j] = ch;
14	}
15	return new String(chars);
03 Nov 2018
1String string="whatever";
2String reverse = new StringBuffer(string).reverse().toString();
20 Aug 2019
1// reverse a string using reverse() method of StringBuilder class
2class ReverseUsingReverseMethod
4   public static void main(String[] args)
5   {
6      String str = "Hello world Java";
7      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
8      // append string to StringBuilder
9      sb.append(str);
10      sb = sb.reverse();
11      // printing reversed String
12      System.out.println(sb);
13   }
14 Feb 2018
1String str = "Hello";
2String reverse(String str){
3  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
4  sb.append(str);
5  sb.reverse();
6  return sb.toString();
14 Apr 2017
1String rev = new StringBuilder("Your String").reverse().toString();
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reverse substring javareverse words in a string java 8use for loop to reverse a string in javastr reverse javaprint a string backwards javareverse stirng javasubstring java reversegenerate reverse string in javastring problems in javarevarse string in javastring reverse function source code javareverse statement in javareverse a parameter string javainbuilt function in java to reverse a stringreverswing a strin in javahow to write reverse of a string in javahow to reverse a string by parts in javareverse string in java funreverse javastring reverse in java using for loopenter the string to reversereverse a character array in javareverse a sting javareverse string java 5cjava program to reverse a string vs pythonreverse string javareverse letters of a string in javareverse a striong in javareverse words in a string in javareverse a string program in javaprogram to reverse a string in java without using functionreverse string naveen javapublic void reverse 28string index 29reverse a string in java usiniter through the word array and create a new text string containing the words added in reverse order javahow to reverse string as a array in javastring reverse javawrite a function to reverse a string in javareturn a string in reverse order javareverse a string array in javareversse com javastring java reversereverse the string in javareverse fun in string in javareverse of string in javahow to reverse case of a string in javatreverse a string methodrecverse stringreverse the word in string in javareverse string function jvareverse string using while javajava code reverse stringflip string javajava reverse text in javahow to revers string in javahow to reverse sort a string javareverse letters in a string javajava program for string reverseis there any function in java to reverse the stringreverse char array javahow to display a string backwards javahow do i reverse a string in javahow to reverse a string in jareversing a string in java in a methodhow to reverse array in javareverse string in jjavareverse method in stringreverse a string using charat in javareverse text in a string javareversiong a string in javareverse the order of a string javahow to reverse a string in java using reverse functionhow to invert a string in javastring class reverse method in javareverse a srting in javareverse string in java using built in functionjava code to reverse a stringprint string backwards javareverse queue javastring reverse 28 29 in javado string has reverse method in javareversing letters of a stringhow to think to reverse string in javareverse of a string in javareverse string java len 2java revers stringreverse scanner javainbuilt reverse string method javareverse a string in javareverse methods javato reverse a string in javastring reverse in javareverese a string javajava reverse methodhow to revert a string java reverse string javafunction for reverse string in javareverse a string in javasreverse string by words in javareverse string fn java 5chow to reverse a java stringhow to reverse the string in javajava reverse stringreverse string in havareveres string javastring to reverse javareverse string java functionhow to get a string in reverse javainbuilt function for reversing a string in javahow to invert string in javahow to reverse a string in an array javahow to get backward of string javareverse string java