img tag

Solutions on MaxInterview for img tag by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "img tag"
27 May 2020
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3   <head>
4      <title>HTML img Tag</title>
5   </head>
7   <body>
8      <img src="/html/images/test.png" alt="Simply Easy Learning" width="200"
9         height="80">
10   </body>
10 Jan 2019
1<img src="img.jpg" alt="alt" width="100%">
26 Sep 2020
1<img src="the source image's url" alt="the image's description">
07 Aug 2016
1<img src="img.img" alt="" height="" width="">
28 May 2016
1<img src="photo1.png" alt="">
26 Mar 2017
2<title>Image Upload</title>
4  body {
5    margin:0px;
6  }
8  .center {
9    display:inline;
10    margin: 3px;
11  }
13  .form-input {
14    width:100px;
15    padding:3px;
16    background:#fff;
17    border:2px dashed dodgerblue;
18  }
19  .form-input input {
20    display:none;
21  }
22  .form-input label {
23    display:block;
24    width:100px;
25    height: auto;
26    max-height: 100px;
27    background:#333;
28    border-radius:10px;
29    cursor:pointer;
30  }
32  .form-input img {
33    width:100px;
34    height: 100px;
35    margin: 2px;
36    opacity: .4;
37  }
39  .imgRemove{
40    position: relative;
41    bottom: 114px;
42    left: 68%;
43    background-color: transparent;
44    border: none;
45    font-size: 30px;
46    outline: none;
47  }
48  .imgRemove::after{
49    content: ' \21BA';
50    color: #fff;
51    font-weight: 900;
52    border-radius: 8px;
53    cursor: pointer;
54  }
55  .small{
56    color: firebrick;
57  } 
58  </style>
64   <div class="image-upload-one">
65     <div class="center">
66       <div class="form-input">
67         <label for="file-ip-1">
68           <img id="file-ip-1-preview" src="">
69           <button type="button" class="imgRemove" onclick="myImgRemoveFunctionOne()"></button>
70         </label>
71         <input type="file"  name="img_one" id="file-ip-1" accept="image/*" onchange="showPreviewOne(event);">
72       </div>
73       <small class="small">Use the &#8634; icon to reset the image</small>
74     </div>
75   </div>
77  <script>
79    function showPreviewOne(event){
80      if( > 0){
81        let src = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
82        let preview = document.getElementById("file-ip-1-preview");
83        preview.src = src;
84 = "block";
85      } 
86    }
87    function myImgRemoveFunctionOne() {
88      document.getElementById("file-ip-1-preview").src = "";
89    }
91  </script>
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