showing results for - "javascript method to see if item exists in array"
11 Jun 2019
1 var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange", "Papaya"];
3    // Check if a value exists in the fruits array
4    if(fruits.indexOf("Mango") !== -1){
5        alert("Value exists!")
6    } else{
7        alert("Value does not exists!")
8    }
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check to see if a value exists in an array javascriptfind item exist arrayjavascript check item exists in arraycheck if id exists in array javascriptcheck if value present anywhere in array javascriptverify if an element is in an array jscheck if a specific element exists in array javascriptexist in array javascriptarray is exists javascriptexists array javascriptjavascript array check if element existjs exists in arraysee if a value exists in arraycheck value present in array jsindex exists in array jscheck if a value is in js listcheck if element exyst in arrayhow to check if number exists in array javascriptarray exists javascriptcheck if array value existshow to check item exists in arrays jshow to check if an item in an array is a number javascriptjs if exists in arrayarray value exist checkjavascript exist on arrayhow to check if value already exist in array in javascriptcheck if a element is present in array javascriptcheck if a value exists in an array get that value 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