js capitalize first letter of each word

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showing results for - "js capitalize first letter of each word"
20 Jan 2016
1//capitalize only the first letter of the string. 
2function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
3    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
5//capitalize all words of a string. 
6function capitalizeWords(string) {
7    return string.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
12 Sep 2020
1function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
2  return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
5console.log(capitalizeFirstLetter('foo bar bag')); // Foo
08 Nov 2017
1const lower = 'this is an entirely lowercase string';
2const upper = lower.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lower.substring(1);
22 Jan 2020
1const uppercaseWords = str => str.replace(/^(.)|\s+(.)/g, c => c.toUpperCase());
3// Example
4uppercaseWords('hello world');      // 'Hello World'
11 Oct 2016
1const str = 'captain picard';
3function capitalize(str) {
4  return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
7const caps = str.split(' ').map(capitalize).join(' ');
8caps; // 'Captain Picard'
26 Apr 2018
1const titleCase = title => title
2    .split(/ /g).map(word =>
3        `${word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()}${word.substring(1)}`)
4    .join(" ");
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javascript make a string uppercase first letteronly first letter capital jsjs ffirst char uppercasemake the first letter as uppercase in jsjavascript first lerr capitilisejavascript capitalize wordlstring capitalize jsconvert small letters to capital letters in javascripthow to change the first letter to uppercase in javascriptcapital lette jsformat string by changing capital letters in jsjavascrip capitalizonly first letter capital in javascriptjs capital first leeter of stringcapatilize the first letter of the stringcount uppercase letters in string javascriptfirst letter captial jsjs string is capitaljoin string on capitalize jscapitalise each word javascriptmake text capital in jshow to convert starting letters of words of a sentence to uppercase in jsto capitalize jsjs return uppercase letterturn string to uppercase on first letter jsjavascript uppercase first characterhow to capitalize every first letter jsjs make all letter capitalcapitalize only first letter of string 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capital jsjavascript first letters upper case stringput first letter uppercase js change the first letter of each word to uppercase in the string jsvue console log every single letter in a string javascript to sentence casejavascript first character of string to uppercasejavascript first upperacsehow to capitalize first letter of a string in javascriptjavascript first letter upper casehow to make first letter of string uppercase in javascriptjs is capital lettercapitalizes first letter javascriptjs first letter lowercasejavascript first letter of a stringjavascript make first letter lowercasejavascript to capitalizeconvert first letter capital in a frase javascriptfirst letter of each word uppercase javascriptfind first uppercase letter string javascripthow to make first sentence capital jsjavascript uppercase first letter or stringregex capitalize first letter of each word javascriptsentence capitalization javascripthow to display first letter of name in javascriptjavascript string 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javascriptcapitalize all first letters javascripthow to make 1st letter capital in vuejsjavascript function to capitalize each stringcapitalize the first letter of each word in a string using javascript using recursionfunction name will capitalize in jsfirst char uppercase javascript burjavascript capitalize first letter of each wordjs uppercase first lettersjs how to have first letter capitaljs uppercase first letter onlyput firs letter in uppercasecapitalize frist letter jshow to make my string the first letter to be upper casejavascript capitalize first letter of each sentencejs parse text string first letter capitalwrite a js function that takes one argument 3a a sentence 28string 29 this function capitalizes the first letter of each word in the given string and return the result upper case string jshow to make capital strings jstypescript first letter uppercasedisplay with first letter capital jscapitalize first letter and last letter javascriptchange first char to uppercase 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javascriptjavascript to capitalize wordsjavascript capitalize first from all uppercase lettersjs make first leter of varuiable uppercasejs make first later capsfirst latter upp case jscharat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 js uppercase first letter rest in lowercasejavascript string first character to uppercaseto uppercase first letter javascripthow to convert first letter of string to lowercase in javascripthow to change uppercase to lowercase and capital first letter in javascriptmake every word in a string uppercase jscapitalizing first letter of every word in a string as a functionhow to capitalize the first letter every word in a string in javascripthow to make first word capital javascriptmake first word capital jsjavascript de capitalizejs put first letter of a string to uppercasenode first letter uppercasefirst letter is capitalized jshow to upper case first letter in each word javascriptjs maj first letterjavascript string first letter small and middle latter capital 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to make 1st letter capital in vuecapital letters jsfirst letter lowercase javascriptupperfirst jscapitalize letters javascriptjs capitalize first letter of each word in stringcapitalize firast letter of each string in an arrayjavascript function to capitalize the first letter of each word in a stringjavascript capitalize wordocapital first letter jsjs uppercase first letter of stringfunction uppercase first letter javascriptfirst capital in sentence jscapitalise the first letter of a word javascriptjavascript function capitalize first lettertext transform capitalize javascriptnodejs first letter uppercasefirst and second word to uppercase in javascriptjs string format lowercase with first letterhow to capitalize first letters in a string jsin js 2c the first letter of the text is capitalizedjavascript inline capitolizationfirst character of string javascript to upper casewhy do we capitalize things in javascriptfunction names lowercase words that takes a mixed array as inputhow to make 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stringjavascript uppercase first letter of each word in arrayjavascript function to capitalize stringjavascript replace with capital and small lettercapitalize the first letter in a string in an array jshow to make first letter of string uppercase in jshow to get the first letter of first two words in sentence using javascriptupper case first later jshow to make first letter to capital case in jshow to change first letter of word to upper case jswrite first letter at uppercase javascriptcapitalice jsnode js first letter of every word to uppercaseupper scale first letter javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter prototypeppercase first letter of each wordmake string capital javascriptstring to uppercase first letter javascripthow to convert the string first letter to upper case in javascriptycapitalising strings in javascriptmake string first character small string jsjavascript first luppercasehow ti uppercase letter in jsjavascript uppercase a stringjavascript capitalise first 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wordsjavascript capitalize first letter arraycapitalize first letter of each word in jscapitalize first letter typescripthow to convert all uppercase to first letter upercasehow to properly captilise something in jsfirst character in upper case jshow to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string in javascriptcapatalize 1st letter jsto capital letters jsmake the first letter oin a string capitallised jsstring first letter lowercase jschange text to upper case in javascriptcapitalize the first letter of each word in a string using javascripthow to start a first letter alone always in capital letters in input fieldhow to put uppercase in the first letter javascriptjavascript first word in string uppercasejs only first char of string tro upperconvert 1st letter to uppercase in javascriptcapitalize first letter first word of sentence javascriptcapitalize first letter of very word in array javascriptcapitalize the first letter in each word in a stringjavascript convert every first 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stringcapitalise first letter of string javascripthow to look over capital words in javascript lowercase after first letter in jshow to capitalize first letter in word javascripttypescript convert first letter to uppercase 22function capitalizevowels 22 javascripthow to ignore capital letters in javascriptwhen do you use capital letters in javascriptcapitalize the first letter of each word jscapitalize all words in string using javascript 5cuppercase the first letter of a string using javascript 2fjavascript convert string to first letter capitalcapitalize first letter javascript regexcapitalized functions javascriptcapitalize every word in a sentence javascriptuppercase first letter of a stringjavascript capitalize 3rh lettercapitalize first letter in array javascriptmake first elements capital letter in jshow to make first letter capital java scriptcapitalize first letter function in javascripthow to make first letter of word capital in javascriptcapitalize in javascriptcapitalize 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capitalizedupper first jsjs full name first letter capitalizecapitalize first letter tshow to capitalize letter in jsjs upper case first letterfirst word of each word capital jshow to make capital jshow to capital in javascripthow to select the first letter in javascripthow to uppercase first word in javascriptonly first letter uppercase javascriptcapitalize entire string javascriptcapitalise in jscapitalize first letter of first word javascriptfirst letter to lowercase javascriptjavascript function name capital letterjs give letter capitalcapitalizing first letter of every word jsfor each word jsusing forms make the first letter of each word in a string capitales6 cap first letterfirst letter big javascriptjs first letter uppercase methodall words first letter capital jsfirst character of string to uppercase javascripthow to make first character capital in jsfurst uppercase only jsjs capitalize stringsconvert string start to capitalize javascriptjavascript convert text to 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firstletter in javascriptjs choose letter in string to capitalizeconvert string to capitalize javascriptjavascript turn every word first letter to capital letteres6 uppercase first lettercapital letter shift to first position in jsjavascript convert first letter to uppercase and get first letteronly first letter lowercasecapital letters in javascriptjs capitalize first letter of a stringconvert element to capital string javascripthow to make a word capital letters jsfind capital letters in string javascriptnodejs make first letter uppercasejavascript auto capitalizefind next capital letter javascriptjs start work with upper casejs first word letter uppercasecapitlize first letter of word javascriptdetect a capital letter jsjavascript capitalize letter after spacejs font case to first letter capitalcapitalise in javascripthow to capitalize 1st letter in jscapitalizing every other letter in javascript stringuppercase first letter javascript es6javascript function capitalize all words in a stringhow to join the first letter of each index in jsconvert any string into uppercase in javascripthow to make string capitalize in javascripthow to capital in js pure first letter of wordfirst letter should be capital in javascriptjavascript convert capitalizeupper case to first letteruppercase a string in jsfunctino to upcercase first letter js js function capital letterjavascript to capital lettersget all capitalized words jsall letters to uppercase javascriptcapitalize for strings in javascripthow to uppercase 1st letterhow to force capitalize first letter javascriptwrite a js program to convert fitst letter uppercase in sentence in jsjavascript touppercase of first letterjavascript capitalize first letter of every word in a string functionhow to make first word capital of each sentence in javascriptjavascript string upper first lettercapital letter array javascriptcapitalise 28 29 jscap string typescriptchange first letter to capital javascriptmake 1st letter in string capitaljavascript capitalize all first lettersjoin javascript all letters capitalizedcapitalize all letters jsfirst character of string uppercase javascriptfirst word capital in jscapitalize non capital letters javascriptjavascript touppercase first stringjs change the first letter to uppercaseuppercase the first characterjavascript function capitalizeconvert first letter of a string to uppercase in javascriptjavascript program to convert the first letter of a string into uppercaseuppercase to word longer than 3 letters javascriptjs set first letter string uppercasejavascript how to uppercase all wordhow to make capitalize in javascripthow to first character uppercase in jsonly uppercase first laterjavascript word capitalizejs set first letter uppercasein javascript s should be capitalcapitalize first letter of each word javascriptjs string prototype capitalizejs set first letter to uppercaseuppercase first letter jcapitalize a string in javascript each wordhow to check if first letter 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letter of each wordjavascript convert string to first letter capital for each wordfirst letter uppercasejsjs givestring leading capitalhow to convert first letter to lowercase in javascriptwrite a javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper casecapitalize the first letterjs capitalize first letter of each word in a multiword stringon first letter uppercasefisrt letter upper jsjs change first letter to lowercasecapital case javascriptjavascript convert first letter to lowercasespecific word first character javascript is uppercasehow to capitalize first word in javascriptcapitalize first char jsjavascript uppercase to capitalizejs title make first letter uppercasehow to convert first letter in uppercase in javascriptjavascript string return first character uppercasejavascript change first letter to uppercasesubstring uppercase javascriptfirst letter to upper case string jsupper first char jscharacter to uppercase javascriptjs capitelize the first letterhow to capitalize the first letter in string jshow tomake particular letter of a string capital in javascriptuppper case first letterall capitalcases in javascriptkep the first letter uppercase in javascripthow to make each word start with capital in javascriptfirst alphabet of name in upper case jsmaking first letter for sentence capital in javascriptfirst letter uppercase node jsset capitalize in jsmake first letter of each word capital in javascriptfirst letter capital in string javascriptmake first letter capital in array javascriptfirst letter of each word capital nodemake fissrt letter capital of the stringcapitalize first letter es6javascript uppercase first letter of all worldsjs text capilizees6 capitalize first letterjavascript capitalizing only first letterhow to capitalize first letter in javascript of each word in a stringjs language capitalizejs uppercase first characterjs capitalizeuppercase words javascriptcapitalize first letters javascripthow to uppercase a string in javascriptcapitaize in jscapitaloze stirg jsjquery capitalize first letter of each wordcapitalize letter jshow do you make the first letter of the string in an uppercase 3f in javascriptdoes js touppercase keep accentshow to get first letter of string in caps jsuppercase to capitalize jstranform string to capitalize in viewfind capital letter in string javascripthow to make first letter in caps in jsfirst letter capitalizedsplit string capital letter capital first letter jshow to return a sentences with first letter of each word capitalized javascriptcapitalize every first letter javascript regexfirst letter array javascript uppercasehow to do capital letter jsjs capatalize first lettercaptitalize jsjavascript first letter is capital other lowercasejavascript capitalize words javascript capitalize wordtfirst letter capatalize jshow to select first character to be upper in javascriptjs add upper case to first lettertext to capitalize in jshow to capitalize every word javascriptucfirst 28 29 jsjavascript second word capitalizejavascript uppercase first letter of all wordshow to uppercase letter in a string javascripthow to make string capital only first letter in javascriptconvert first letter of string to uppercasehow to capitalise first letter in javascripthow to make first letter of string upcase capitilize jstwo word capital in jsnodejs first char uppercasejs capitalisze first letterjavascript set first character to uppercase2 write a html javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case make first letter capital in javascriptfunction camel 28string 29 7b return string charat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 2b string slice 281 29 3b 7dcaptitalize first letter javascriptwrite a javascript function that takes a paragraph or sentence from an input field to perform the following 3a i make the string 27s first character of all the words to uppercase ii print each word 27s position and its length first letter capital function in jshow to access the first letter of a string in js combine to uppercasemethod to capitalize the first letter of stringseparate words by capital letter javascriptmake first letter capital javascriptstr capitalize jsjs first letter to uppar casehow to capitalize all words in javascripthow to validate first letter capital in javascriptfor of to uppercase next character javascriptcapitalize first letter javascriptconvert small letter to capital in javascripthow to make sentence capital jscapitalise a string in jscapitalize jascapitalize all letters in words jsvascriptlowercase with first letter capital javascriptjs auto capitalizejavascript first letter capitalform capitalize first letter jsjavascript how to capitalize first letter of each wordconvert text into capitalize in js first letter lower case in jsfirst letter in capitalhow do i write first character inj uppercase in javascriptstring javascript capitalizename should have first letters capitalized java scriptmake first letter of first word uppercase javascriptmake first letter uppercase typescriptmake first text capitalize jsjavascript word first letter uppercasefirst char capital javascriptauto non capitalize letter with javascripttext to upper case jsjs check first letter uppercasetext transform first letter uppercase javascripthow to convert make first word capital in jsmake the first letter capital javascriptjs string capitalize each wordmake one character uppercase jsjavascript string capitalizationjavascript capitalize first letter of a word nearcapitalize function built in javascriptchange letter to uppercase in jscapalize first letter with js javascript char to uppercasejas capitalicechange initial value of string to capital letter in react jsfirst letter capitar jsuppercase first letter only jsjavascript convert first character to lowercasewhat function to use in javascript to capitalizejavascript function that takes a string and transforms it to upper case only for the first letter 2c and in lowercase for the rest of the stringjs uppercase stringhow to capitalize first letter in python in listhow to decaptilize in jsto uppercase first lettersentence case first letter javascripthow to capitalize the first letter in string javmaking first letter capital in jsshow to convert first letter of a string to uppercsenode js capitalize stringfirst upper case jsfirst letter capital of paragraph jscapitalize first letter of each word js using mapcapitalize the first letter of every word in model nodemake each element of array with first letter capital in javascript 6is the a function to capitalize a letter in javascriptjavascript capitalize the first letter of each word in a stringhow to capitalize letter in javascriptfirst name capital letter javascripthow to make first word uppercase string javacriptfunction make a string 27s first character to uppercase javascript only capitalize first lettercapitalize first string in javascriptes6 function to capitalize lettershow to make first character uppercase in javascripthow to make small letters into capital letters and capital into small letters jshow to make first letter capital in javascript stringchange first character to uppercase in javascripthow do you change a string to only uppercase in javascripthow to change first letter to uppercase in javascript1st letter uppercase in jscapitalize 2b javascriptcapitalize first letters of string javascriptcapitalize string javascript es6how to capitalize a string in javascript using getfunction return first letter capitalizedtypescript string first letter uppercaseto capital case javascriptonly uppercash first letter tyepscriptuppercase character in jsmake the first letter of string capitalconvert string to capital jscapitlize first letter of each word javascripthow to convert first letter of string to uppercasejavascript capital letterscapatalize letter at index javascripthow to make 1st letter uppercase in javascriptarray of string first letter to capitalize javascriptcapitalize first letter of each word js in single linejavascript string capitalize all wordshow to capitalize every word in javascriptupper case first letterjs starts with uppercasecapitalize all words javascriptone letter capitalize jsstring to uppercase first lettercapital first letterset capitalize jsfirst letter tuuppercasehow will you capitalize the first letter of string 3fcapitalize the first letter javascriptcapitalize something in jsset word first character to uppercase javasriptjs capitalize first letteruppercase first letter of string jsturn first letter of a word to upper case jsstring to capitalize javascripthow to capitalize first letter with filter javascriptnode js first letter uppercasecapitalize the first letter pagraphy in javascriptfunction to capitalize first letter in jsjavascript replace first character to lowercasemake string start with capital javascriptupercase first 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javascriptcapitalize in java scriptjavascript make uppercase first letterfirst character uppercasecapitalize in jscapitalize first letter in string jsjavascript capitalize wordsyjavascript capitalize first letter of variablefirst letter capitalize in javascriptjs word to uppercasecapitalize first letter name javascripthow to make all letter capital in javascriptjavascript how to capitalize letterwrite a javascript function that converts the first letter of every word to uppercasejavascript capitalize first letter of sentence don 27t change otherjs capitalise first letter of wordfunction to capitalize all letters javascriptjavascript capatalise first letter of stringcapitalize first letter in input javascriptcaptalize first letter jsmaking everyword first letter capitalized javascriptjavascript capitalizr first laterjavascript convert first letter of string to uppercasetocapitalize javascriptjava script capitaliye first charfirst letter capcital in javascriptjs first char to uppercasefirst char caps jsjavascript capitalize all letterjavascript string to capital casehow to capitalize first letters in word javascripthow to capitalize every first letter of words in a string javascriptwrite a javascript function that takes a paragraph or sentence from an input field to perform the following 3a i make the string 27s first character of all the words to uppercase ii print each word 27s position and its lengthfirst letter capitalized jscapitalize first letter of each word in a sentence javascriptcapitalise string in javascriptuppercase js stringhow to lowercase after first letter in jshow to uppercase the first letter jsjavascript uppercase first letter javascriptjavascript uppercase first letter of stringconvert to uppercase method in string javascriptjavascript uppercase letterjavascript capitalize wordsuhow to make every text capitalize in string javascriptcap first letter of stringjavascript capitalize first letter in stringuppercase first letter of every word javascriptjs string first letterjavascript text capitalize first letterhow to convert first letter in word to uppercase in nodejsjs ucfirstfunction to capitalize first letter in javascriptmake the specific word in the string to uppercase javascriptjs to put in capital letteris there a capitalizemethod in jshow to cap first letter in javascriptcapitalize sentence jsnodejs uppercase first letterhow to type first letter capital in javascriptcapital letters words javascriptjavascript convert first letter to captiolwe e2 80 99ll look at how to convert text to title case 28the first letter of every word capitalized 29 javascriptfirst letter capital remaining small in javascriptjs change 1st letter to uppercase 28 29javascript uppercase firstjavascript create a function that takes in an array of objects and returns a sentence about each person with their names capitalized how to do first letter capital in jscapitalizing the first character in a string javascrpituppercase entire string jscapitalize string in jsjavascript string first letter lowercaseupdatecase first letter javascriptjavascript string starts with uppercasehow to capitalize all words javascriptword uppercase javascripttouppercase 28 29 only first lettertouppercase 28 29 first letter capitaljavascript how to turn the first letter of a string into a capitalfirst letter upper javascriptwrite a javascript program to capitalize the first letter of each word of a given stringformat string first letter uppercase javascriptjavascript string first letter uppercase other lowercasejs change first letter to uppercasejavascript capitalizationjavascript to uppercase first letterjs capitalize 28 29javascript capitalize the first letter of a stringfirst later capital jsmake every word begin with capital letter javascriptmdn capitalize first letter capitalize javascriptconvert in capital letters jshtml force first character to be a specific characterthow to make first letter uppercase in javascriptjs how to capitalize first letterjs uppercase first letters from arrayjavascript change string to uppercasejavascript make string first letter capitaljavascript capitalize first letter of wordsfirst letter to uppercase jsjavascript string to first letter uppercasejavascript function capitalize first letter of each wordstring first letter capitalizecapital case stringjavascript convert first character of string to uppercaseconvert first letter of the string to uppercase javascriptfirst letter of string capital in javascriptvuejs string capitalize first letterreturn first letter in string to uppercasecapitalize the first letter of every word javascriptfind first capital letter in stringupper case first letter jsfirst letter upper case textmake only the first letter uppercase javascriptjs string uppercase first letterconvert first letter to uppercase using javascriptuc uppper javascritcapital letter to small letter javascriptjs how to capitalize first letter of every word in a stringauto capitalize first 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letter of every word caps jsjavascript string contains capital small in any orderfirst letter uppercase other lowercase typescript javascript capitalize first letter of a wordget the capital letter in javascriptcapital leters jshow to capitalize first letter in name in javascriptcapitalize the first letter in a string jsmethod to capitalize all letters of string jshow to account for first name uppercase in javascripty first charcter needs to upper casehow to capitalize first letter in javascript 5cstring first letter uppercasehow to capitalize a string in jshow to capitalize in javascripthow to replace first letter of string to cappital jsdo we have capitalise method in javascripthow to uppercase 1st letter jsjavascript convert to capital casejavascript make capital letter first letter of first wordmethod to capitalize the first letter of string javascripthow to chenge only first letter in uppercasecapitalize using jsjavscript capitalizecapitalization function javascriptfunction for converting string to upper casein jscapitalize middle letter of string javascriptmake first letter of string aray uppercasestring first letter uppercase in nodejs when you name things first letter uppercaseuppercase only firs letter jsjavascript only the first uppercaseletcode javascript make the first letter capitaljavascript capitalize first letter of each word in arrayfirst caps in javascriptmake one character uppercase in javascripthow to alternate capitalization in jscapitalize string each word javascriptjavascript 2c uppercase first lettercapitilize words jsuppercase a character in jshow to make only first character of string uppercase javascriptjs capitile each wordfirst letter lowercase in jscapitalize the first letter in jsjs lowercase first letterjavascript make specific character in string uppercaseslice uppercasemake first letter of string uppercase javascriptjs capitalize a wordhow to set first letter in string to upper case and return the whole string js write a function that accepts a string the function should 2f 2f capitalize the first letter of each word in the string then 2f 2f return the capitalized string jstl capitalize stringhow to capitalize first letter in typescriptjavascript first upperjavascript lowercase first char iuppercasecapitalizing first letter of every word in a string asd a functioncapitaliz string jscapitilize a letter in javascriptjavascript string to case with first letter uppercasejavascript capitalize name or notjavascript uncaptilizeconvert capital letters to small letters in javascript first letter capital of s string javascriptuppercase just first letter jsjs upper case first letter of each itemts uppercase first lettercapitalize first letter of stringhow to make text capital letter in jsmake first letter of word capital jsnodejs first letter capitalchange first letter to lowercase javascriptjavascript capitconvert all string to capital jsjavascript capitalize first letter and lowercase restmake first char capitalize jsmake first letter caps in jscapitalize the first char of a string ksmake a string 27s first character uppercasejavascript first char to uppercasereplace first letter with capitol letter jsfirst letter uppercase 24first character capital in jshow to make upper case the first letter in javascripthow to capitalize the first character of a string in javascriptjs string first letters of word uppercasehow to capitalize every leter of a stringnodejs uppercase a letter in a stringfirstname uppervase javascriptcapitalcase in javascipthow to first letter capital in javascriptcapitzize first word of string jsfirst letter touppercasejavascript lowercase first letterjavascript capital lettercapitalize first letter of each sentence in javascript capitalise first letter of string jsfor letter in word string javascriptwrite a javascript function to capitalize the first letter of each words of a string how to set only first letter capital in javascriptenter small letter to capital javascriptconverting first letter of string to upper casewhy javascript doesn 27t capitalizeformat capital case strings javascriptchange first letter of string to uppercase javascripthow to convert the first letter in uppercase in javascriptjavascript make capital letterjavascript capitalize first letter of every word except andcapital case only first letter javascriptfisrt letter capitalise in jscapitalize text in javascriptjavascript first letter to upper casefirst capital letterhow to change a character to uppercase in a string in javascriptfunction for converting first letter to uppercasejavascript capitalize only first letter of each wordhow to make capital letter in front for two words using javascripthow to convert a lowercase string to first letter capitalize string in jsjavascript method capitalize first letteris there any js build in function in js that capitalize first letter of each wordfirst letter capital in javascript directhow to uppercase a word in javascrituppercase a string javascriptcapatalize all words in string jshow to make first character of string uppercasejavascript upper firstconvert first let of string to uppercase jshow to convert the first letter of a string to uppercase in javascripthow to automatically uppercase in node js first letter if not how to make first letter capital in javascriptcapitialised first letter in js capitalize jsget a paragraph all uppercase javascriptcaptialise javascriptfirst letter in uppercase jscapitalize all words string javascriptmake a letter in a string upper casehow to capitalize all letters in javascriptcapitalize first letter of a word jshow to change the first wordto uppercase in javascripthow to capitalize first letter of a word in javascriptfirst letter of string uppercase jsjavascript convert to capitalhow to capitalize first letter of each word in a string in javascriptcapitalize the first char of a string jscapitalize first letter of word in jslowercase a string and make first letter capitalmake first letter caps jsjavascript first letter is uppercasenode capitalizrcapitalize word in javascriptconvert first letter to uppercase jsjavascript capitalize first from uppercasehow to capitalise i jsjavascript first character of string uppercasejavascript capitalize worddhow to mkae fisrt letter of each inputted word capitalized javascript user enterscapitalizeword jsjavascript capitalize first letter of wordjavascrpt capitalizejavascript replace first character to uppercaseuppercase the first letter of array jshow to make string first letter capital in javascriptjs make text first letter capshow to capitalize first letter of word jsjavascript check if first letter uppercaseupper case letter jscapitalize only first letter of uppercase stringsplit string with capital letters javascriptjavascript make string to capitalizehow to make a string capitalized in javascripthow to put the first letter of each word in upper case javascriptmake each word a text start with a capital java 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wordhow to convert first letter to upperc case jsfirst character javascript uppercsaejavascript convert first letter to uppercasecapitalise first letter jsjs check if first letter is capitoluppercase first character jsjs capitalizestringjavascript uppercase first letter every wordcapitalise first letter of the word javascriptconverts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case jstypescript first case uppercasechange first letter to capital in string jscapitalize every word javascriptjs capital first letter stringjavascript make first character of string uppercasewrite a javascript function that accept a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper casemake first letter capitalized in javascriptcaps word first letter in javascriptjavascript make first letter of each word uppercase except prepositionsjs check if the first letteruppercasejavascript capitalize first letter of each wordjavascript by ankur on may 01 2020 donatecapitalize the first letter jshow to find and replace capital letters in word in jswrite a javascript function to capitalize the first letter of each word in a stringjs 5cfirst character uppercasecapitallize string jsjs capitalise first charactercapitalize built in function javascriptcapitalize first letter in a string javascriptset first letter to uppercase javascriptfistletter big rest small jsconvert string to first letter capital javascriptset all words in string to lowercase with upper case first letter jstypescript make first letter capitaluppercase first jsjs capitalize functionhow to give first letter uppercase jshow to capitalize all letters in word javascriptwhen to use capital letters in javascripthow to capitalize string first letter in js and return whole stringjs transform first letter to lowercasehow to make first character return uppercase and the rest lowercase jqueryjs cap first letterinbuilt function to capitalize the text in javascriptjs uppercasemake word first letter capital 2b javascriptjaavscript upper to sentence casecapitalize a string in node jscapitalize first character jscapitalize each letter javascriptstring capitalize first letterfirst letter of every name should be capital javascriptjavascript capitalize first lettershow to uppercase the first character of a string in javascripthow to make the first letter big in word javascripthow to convert first letter of string to uppercase in javascriptcapitalize first letter in js capitalize javascriptcapitalize all letters in string javascripthow to make every first letter capital in javascriptcapitalize first char javascriptuppercase to capitalize javascriptreplace 1st letter in string with uppercase javascriptuppercase first in node jscapitalization in javascripthow to make the first word in a string capitalize javascripthow to capitalize words in jsmake beginning of word capital letter javascripthow to change name capital in javascriptwrite a javasccriipt function that coverts the first letter to uppercasefirst letter upper case in jsjs capitalize first letter of stringuppercase first letterinicial capital convert string into javascriptcapital letter value in javascriptuppercaqe on first letter jshow to capitalize all word in jsjavascript capitalize character from stringfirst letter capitalize function in jsuppercase only first letter javascriptjavascript capitalize wordstjs capitalize stringjavascript string functions capitalize first lettermake a word first letter uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalizfirst later capitalize for jshow to capitalize first letter in string jsfirst caps case in javascriptjs capitalize 28 29string capitalze jshow to uppercase 1 character in javascriptjavascript get first symbol end uppercasematch small and capital letters javascriptcapitalize first letter of string in array javascriptcapitalizes first letter in javascriptjs first letter upercasefind the capital letters javascriptcapitalize first letter of a word in jscaseupper javascript firsthow to make the first letter of each word in the string capitalized in javascriptjavascript capitalize first cahrjs capitalize first letter in stringconvert first letter of each word to a capital javascriptcapitalizes the first letter jsjs see if first letter of string is capitalfirst case upper javascriptjs format text capital first letterhow to make all letters uppercase in javascripttoupper first letter javascriptfirst letter capitalize string javascriptjavascript text capital casejavascript string value to first letter uppercasejavascript first letter uppercase es6convert first letter capitalize rest small javascriptfirst character string uppercase javascripthow to make uppercase first letter in javascriptchange every first letter in the word to uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of each word mapcapitalize first letter of each word in a string javascriptfirst letter of a string into uppercasejquery uppercase first letter of variablecapital each word in javascriptjavascript word first letter uppercase javascriptcapitalize on first letter of uppercase stringjavascript 27 27 3b 2f 2f capitalize first letter of each wordjs string to capital casecapitalize first character javascriptmake first word capital in javascriptstring function to capitalize first letterhow to make the first letter of a string uppercase nodejsselect a word and capitilize its first letter javascriptcapitalise word jsjavascript first char capitaljs first letter to upperhow to make first letter big jsjs make a string start with a capital letterjavascript capsizeto uppercase only the first letter jscapital first name in javascriptjavascript capitalization of nameuppercase first letter in string jshow to capitalize first letter jsjavascript to capital first lettercapatlize in jshow to capitalize the first letter of every word in a string in javascriptstring function to capitalize javascriptcapatelize each word es6uppercase word javascripthow to capitalize a 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