js first letter capital

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03 Apr 2017
1//capitalize only the first letter of the string. 
2function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
3    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
5//capitalize all words of a string. 
6function capitalizeWords(string) {
7    return string.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
21 Feb 2018
1function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
2  return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
5console.log(capitalizeFirstLetter('foo')); // Foo
30 Jul 2017
1search function
3<ion-input [(ngModel)]="keyword" (ngModelChange)="toTitleCase($event)"  class="input-container" placeholder="Enter Input"></ion-input>
6function capital_letter(str) 
8    str = str.split(" ");
10    for (var i = 0, x = str.length; i < x; i++) {
11        str[i] = str[i][0].toUpperCase() + str[i].substr(1);
12    }
14    return str.join(" ");
17console.log(capital_letter("Write a JavaScript program to capitalize the first letter of each word of a given string."));
11 Feb 2020
1String.prototype.capitalize = function() {
2    return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
queries leading to this page
keep the all letter except first letter lowercase in javascriptmake first letter capital in a string and the rest to uppercase in javascript filter 28 29javascript capitalize wordsuppercaqe on first letter jsprint capital letter jsmake first letter lowercase javascriptjavascript uppercase first letter of stringcaptialize first letter jsjavascript make specific character in string uppercasejavascript capitalize wordsecharat uppercase javascriptlowercase first letter jsfirst lette of string to uppercase jscapitalize a word javascripthow to convert first character of string to uppercase in jscapitalise character in a string in javascriptconvert all uppercase to first letter uppercase jscapitalise first letter of the word javascriptcapitalize each first later of a word in jses6 first letter uppercasecapitalize first letter first word javascriptuppercase first letter javascriptfirst name capital letter javascriptmaking first letter capital in jssjavascript make first letter uppercase rest 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uppercasecapitalize sentence javascriptstring auto capitalize javascriptjavascript separate words by capital lettercapital letter string javascriptall capitalize letter in javascriptjs first word letter uppercasejavascript make the first letter of a string uppercasejs capitalize charwrite a javascript function to capitalize the first letter of each words of a string javascript change uppercase to sentence casecapitalize javascrpthow to make the first letter of a word capital in javascripthow to uppercase only first letter of a string in jsjavascript convert first letter to uppercasefirst letter capitalized jschange first letter to uppercase in javascriptjs capitalisze first lettercapitalize 28 29 jshow to capitalize a letter based on numbers in an array in javascriptcapitalise first letter jsjavascript upper first letterjavascrip capitalize first lettercapatalize first letter jslowercase first letter of string jsjs to capitaliall text only first letter capital the rest small jsjavascript capitalize first letter of each word in setcheck if the first letter of a string is uppercase in javascripthow to force capitalize first letter javascripthow to convert string in capital in jsjs set first character to upercasejs capitalize first letter of stringjavascript string upper first letteruppercase first letter only jscapitalize text jsjavascript capitalize every wordcapitalise strings javascripthow to make first letter of string uppercase in jswhy there is no capitalize in javascriptmake text capital in jsnodejs uppercase first letterjs uppercase first letters from arrayhow to capitalize first letters in word javascriptfind a substring in a string and change it to uppercase in javascript es6captialize first letter in string jshow to make all letter capitalized in jsstring to capitalize jsjavascript convert text to capitalizeinput first letter capitalize js exampleletter to uppercase javascriptcreate a string with 5 6 words all small letters write code to convert 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letter uppercasepost data first letter to uppercase javascriptcapitalize the first letter of a word javascriptcapital every word jscapitalise javascriptcapitalize the first letter javascriptconvert first letter to capital javascripthow to change a character to uppercase in a string in javascriptenter small letter to capital javascriptjavascript uppercase a stringfirst character of string to uppercase javascriptonly show the first letter of word in javascript capitalize from stringcapitalize first letter of every word in string javascriptfirst letter uppercase 24string capitalize in javascriptjavascript word capitalizejavascript to first letter uppercasejs value uppercase first lettercapitalize words in java scriptcapitalize string jsjavascript first letter lowercasestring capitalize first letter javascriptfirst letter capital function jsjavascript capatialize first lettercapitalize all words in a string jsjavascript string first character to uppercasehow to change first letter to 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capitalize wordljavascript capitalizing only first letterjavascript only capitalize first letteruppercase word jscapitalize in java scriptcapitalizing the first of a word javascriptjs first letter in uppercasehow to uppercase first letter of stringhow to capitalize a sstring in js without using built in functionsjavascript string capitalize letterjavascript capitalize javascripthow to lowercase after first letter in jscapitalise first letter of string jshow to uppercase first letter in jsjavascript first character uppercase all other lowercasehow to capitalize first letter in name in javascripthow to start a first letter alone always in capital letters in input fieldhow to capitalize the first character of a string in javascripthow to get first leter capital in javascriptfor letter in word string javascriptto uppercase javascript first letter arraycheck if first character of a string is uppercase javascriptreturn string with first letter uppercase javascriptjs uppercase wordcharacter to uppercase javascriptjavascript first letter uppercase es6write a javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case touppercase the first two letterscapitalzie one char javbascriptjavascript first letter uppercase each wordjavascript first character uppercasejavascipr convert first setntence to uppercasecapital alphabet array javascripthow to make just the first letter of a word capital in javascripthow to make it a capital letter in javascriptconvert first letter top uppercasejs uppercase first letter in wordcapitaliaze javascriptcapitalization functions jsjavascript string fisrt textcapitalisation in javascriptcapitalize first letter of all word typescriptts uppercase first letterhow to make text the first letter of word uppercase javascriptcapitalize the first letter in a string jshow to properly captilise something in jsmake first word capital in javascriptcapitalize first 3 letters javascriptjavascript to capitalizejs string uppercase first charcapitalize letter of words longer than 3 letters javascriptfirst letter capitalizedmethod to capitalize a string in javascriptjavascript first character to upperjavascript 27 input capitalize first letter of each wordjavascript capitalize first letters of words in array of wordsjavascript text capitalize each word first lettercapitalize first letter in nodeconvert element to capital string javascriptjavascript uppercase first letter stringcovert first letter in string to captalize jshow to make specific letters in a string captialized javascript lowercase after first letter in jsjavascript capitalizuppercase first letter javascript mdnfirst letter should be capital condition in javascriptcapitalize first carater jshow to get the first symbol get uppercase in javascriptconvert small to capital in jscapitalize frist letter jsset capitalize jshow to make capitalize in javascriptjavascript capital lettercapatalise first letter jscap first letter of stringjavascript uppercase all wordsconverts the first letter of each word of the string in uppercase in javascriptcapitalizar texto javascriptcapitalize the first letter of each word in a string using javascriptcapitaliza first letter of string jsreturn string with first characcter capitalized javascriptjavascript capitalise every word in stringcaptalize first letter in stringcapatalize all words in string jsjavascript capitalize only first letter of each wordconvert first character of string to uppercasehow to capitalize first letter of each word in a string javascriptjs capital letterwrite a js function that takes one argument 3a a sentence 28string 29 this function returns a string with only the first letter from each word of the sentencejavascript get first symbol end uppercasejs capitalize wordsjs make all letter capitalcaptitalize jscapitalize all words jsjs code to convert capital string into samall lettershow to mkae fisrt letter of each inputted word capitalized javascript user enterscapitalizing js stringfirst letter of every name should be capital javascriptjs first character to uppercasehow to capitalize string in javascriptchange first letter to capital in array javascriptjavascript text capitalize style for first character in stringfirst letter capitalhow to convert first letter of string to uppercase and all the others lowercase in javascriptjs make first char of string capitalfirst string upper jsjavascript capitalizer first letter of stringwhat function to use in javascript to capitalizecapitalize first character javascriptjs string capitalize first charjavascript string uppercase only first wordmaking first letter of every word capital in javascriptjs uppercase stringchange the first letter to uppercase javascriptjs uppercase first string letterjs lower first letterlowercase capitalize letter in a string javascriptcapitalize each word javascriptcapitalize all letters in string javascriptmake first elements capital letter in jsupper first jshow to force 1st letter to be capital in jshow to capitalize first letter of sentence javascriptreplace each first word in array with capital letter in javascriptarray first element to uppercase javascripthow to capitalize first letter in string if not capitalized javascriptfirst letter of string uppercase javascriptjs caps firstfirst letter to lowercase javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of each wordjavascript by ankur on may 01 2020 donatecheck capital letter in javascriptcapitalize the first letter of every word in an array javascriptconvert to capital letters javascriptjavascirpt toupper first leterjavascript function to capitalize stringhow to make my string the first letter to be upper casehow to check first letter of input text is uppercase or lowercase javascriptcapitalize the first letter of each word jstwo word capital in jscapitalize the starting letter of each word in a sentence in javascript 22capitalize sentence 22 jsjavascript make uppercase first letteruppercase for first letter javascriptcapitalize in javariptcapitalize letters javascriptjavascript how to alternate text capitalisationjavascript uppercase first letter es6invert capitalize javascriptcapitalize first letter javascript mdnjavascript capitalize first letter of a sentence of a stringjavascript only first letter uppercaseseparate words by capital letter javascriptcapitalzie function javascriptjavascript capitalize all lettercapitalize second letter of string jsstring find capital in jsjs set first letter string uppercasejavascript each word first letter lowercasecapitalize first letter all words string javascriptjavascript convert string to capital lettersto capital in jshow to change first letter to capital in javascriptjavascript 1 letter touppercasejavascript how to capitalize the first letteruppercase the first letter jscapitalize every first letter javascriptcapitalize first letter os stringconvert letter to uppercase javascriptstring function to capitalize javascriptto upper 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convert string to first letter uppercasehow to convert first letter of string into capital in javascripthow to create a function that takes a string as an argument and converts the first character of each word to uppercase javascriptcapetalize jshow do zou make alo of the first alphabet capital in javascriptjavascript first letter uppercase functioncapitalize all first letters javascriptfirst letter of a string into uppercasejavascript string first char lowercasechange the first letter of string to capital in jsjavascript string replace uppercase lowercase capitalise the first letter of a word jsuppercase first letter in paragrph javascriptonly first letter to capsjavascript capitalizewordjavascript method capitalize first letterhow to type first letter capital in javascriptfirst character string uppercase javascriptfirst word uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize all first in stringcapitalizeing first letter of a stringsplit in javascript capitalise first letter of stringone letter capitalize jshow to make capitalize in jsfirst upper case in a string djshow to capitalize all letters in a string jsfirst letter should capitalize in javascript prefunctionhow to capital in javascriptfunction for converting first letter to uppercasehow to make 1st letter capital in vuehow to uppercase string in javascriptcapitalize all words in string jsjavascript capitalize first lettersjavascript capital lettersjs upper first casestring 27s first character uppercasehow to capitalize only the first letter in javascripthow to capitalize a sentence in javascriptjavascript string uppercase first letter and lowercase restcapital letter variables jsjavascript uppercase firsuppercase 1st letter jsto capitalize javascriptfirstletter is capital in jscapitalize word javascriptmake first letter capital and rest small in javascriptjs uppercase substringcapitaliz string jsjs is capital letterstring uppercase first letter javascriptmake first letter of each word capital in jsuppercase firstjs full name first letter capitalizejavascript capituppercase string javascriptcapitalize typing javascriptcapitalize the first letter of a word in node jsjavascript capitalize one letterturn text to capitalize jschange words from uppercase to lowercase javascriptjavascript name first letter to uppercase and rest letter to lowercasemdn capitalize first lettercapitalize first letter of every word jshow to change first letter only caps in jsjavascript to capital lettersjavascript capitalize first letter of every word in a string functionhow to capitalize javascriptjs uppercase firstmake every word uppercase jstypescript capitalize each wordhowt to capitalize every first letter in string javascripthow to make every first letter capital in javascriptreplace capital letters in string javascripthow to conver all uppercase to first letter upercasechar to upper case javascriptjs string to uppercasechange first letter to uppercase nodejshow to capitalize all words in a string javascriptcaseupper javascript firstjavascript lowercase all but first lettermake all first letter capital javascripthow to first word caps with javascriptto all caps javascriptturn every first character to uppercase in javascriptjavascript to capitalize wordschange text to upper case in javascriptcapitalize a word in javascriptfind the capital letters javascriptauto capitalize first letter in javascriptfirst word upper jshow to make upper case first letter in javascriptjavascript convert each first character to uppercase and othres to lowercasefirst letter uppercaseturn first letter uppercase jsjs first word uppercaseupper case for first chart in jshow to uppercase a string in javascriptjs first letter upercasejavascript capitalize wordstcapitalize javascript stringconvert capital to small letter in javascriptto uppercase javascript first lettertouppercase 28 29 first letter capitaljs string change first character lowercaseupper csing specific letter javascriptconvert first letter to uppercase javascriptjs make first letter capital alwayshow to uppercase 1st letter jsreplace 1st letter caps javascript 27how to capitalize first letter in a variable in jsjavascript word first letter uppercasejs capitalize all letterssmall case first letter in jscapitalize in javascriptjavascript upper case first letterfirst capital lettercapitalize text in javascriptfirst letter big in node javascriptcapitalize words in title javascriptjs capitalise first letter of stringprogram to convert first character uppercase in a sentence in javascripthow to javascript text first letter to uppercasejavascript upper firsthow to uppercase first letter in javascripthow capitalize in js first alphabet caps jscapitalize input javascriptcapital each word in jsjs upper the first letterfirst letter big javascriptstring start capital letter in javascriptwhat are capitalized functions javascriptconvert first letter of string to uppercase javascripthow to ignore uppercase or lowercase in 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capitalhow to capitalize every word javascriptfirst latter to uppercasechange first letter to lowercase javascripthow to convert first letter in word to uppercase in node jsfirst character javascript uppercsaejavascript capitalize the first letterhow to make only the first letter capital in jsjavascript convert letters in capitalcapitalize all words javascriptcapital a string first letter javascripthow to make capital jshow to convert capital to small in jscapitalise everything in jstext capitalize javascriptjavascript make capital letter first letter of first worddisplay with first letter capital jsfirst uppercase javascriptcapitilize a letter in javascriptfirst letter uppercase javascript for each wordonly first letter capital jsjavascript first uppercase all lowercasetouppercase first letter javascriptcapitalized 3a javascriptupper case first letter in sentence in javascripthow to get the first character of a string capitalized in javascriptcapital letters javascripthow to change string to upper in javascriptuppercase first letter nodeksfunction capitalize all words javascriptjs first letter uppercase 5cuppercase first letter of the string javascriptuppercase string jsjavascript touppercase of first letteruppercase words javascriptcapitalize all words string javascripthow to convert first letter of string to uppercase in javascriopthow to convert uppercase to capitalize in javascriptuppercase character in jsjs practice when you name things first letter uppercasecapitalize first letter of each word in jeavascriptsjs uppercase first letterfirst char captalize jsjavascript string first letter of array uppercasejavascript first letter of string uppercasehow to capitalize all letterrs in a string javascriptcapitalize letter of string javascriptjavascript first letter of a stringjavascript string captilizefirst letter caps javascriptcaps first letter javascripttouppercase but not first letterhow to capitalize entire word in javascriptcapitalise the first letter in a string without using a function in javascriptjavascript string first latter capitalhow to change first letter of a word in a string to capital javascriptcapitalize first letter of each sentence javascriptparse and capitalize name javascripthow to capitalize text in jsjavascript capitalize first letter in a stringjs make string start with upper casefirst letter uppercase javascript w3schoolshow to set the first letter to uppercase in jshow to capitalize the first letter in string jsconverts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case js without toupperjs capitalise first characterjs tocapitalizehow to make the first letter of each word in the string capitalized in javascriptjs uppercase first letter onlyword first letter capital javascriptjs how to capitalize first letterjs string capitalize each wordmake first letter of first word uppercase javascriptfirst character upper case javascriptarray capitalize first letterhow do you capitalize the first letter of every word in javascript 3f 22function capitalizevowels 22 javascriptsentence converter into capitalization javascriptcapitalise injavascriptmake only first letter capital javascripthow to capitalize the first word in a string javascriptcapitalise string javascriptstring function to capitalizejavascript replace first character to lowercasestring uppercase first letter jshow to make the first letter of a string uppercase nodejsfirst later capital in jsmake first letter caps in jsauto capitalize in javascriptcapital string javascriptfunction capitalize javascriptcapitalize onliy forst letter in string jsfirst char uppercase javascriptgiven word in a sentence to its uppercase in pythonjavascript text check is capitalizejavascript ucfirsthow to decaptilize in jsfirst letter of each word capital nodejavascript make all words capsto uppercase javascript only first letterhow to make uppercase only first lettermake word capitalize first letter javascriptcapitalise 28 29 javascriptjs uppercase first letermake first letter of word capital jscapitalize first letter elements in an array javascriptcapitalize first letter of each word in javascript with for loopjs parse text string first letter capitalonly uppercase first latercapital letter move to first position in jscapitalize the first char of a string jsall words begins with uppercase javascriptjs return uppercase lettercapitalize string in javascriptjavascript capitalize firest letterfirst char uppercase in jshow to capitalize a string in jsjs capitlize first letterconvert first letter to uppercase using javascriptjavascript capitalize lettersjs first character uppercasejavascript capitalize first etterjavascript uppercase first letter of all words capitalize jscapitalize word 28string 5bi 5d javascript how to make the first character of array uppercase jsjavascript first letter is uppercase1st letter capital in jsonly first letter capital in jsupper case first letter js regexone line to uppercase first letter javascriptmake first letter capsjavascript array every first letter uppercasehow to make every new letter a capital in jshow to access the first letter of a string in js combine to uppercaseconvert small letters to capital letters in javascriptprint the first letter capital javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of each word in stringjs make first char uppercasestring first letter uppercase javascripthow to make first letter of a word capital in java and htmlcapitalize letter in string javascriptjavascript string capitalize first letter of each wordcapatalize the first letter in a string jshow to make all caps word in javascriptjs text capilizecapitalisation in jswrite a js program to convert fitst letter uppercase in sentence in jsjs function for first leter uppercasehow to make evry first letterof string capital in jswrite a javascript function that takes a paragraph or sentence from an input field to perform the following 3a i make the string 27s first character of all the words to uppercase ii print each word 27s position and its lengthjavascript capitalise first letterhow to make a sentence uppercase in javascriptfirst letter capitalize in evey word javascriptjavascript to capitalize stringjavascript capitalize first letter of variablenodejs string into capitalizecapital letter first letter of string jsuppercase the first letter in javascriptjs capitalise first letterhow to set first letter capital in javascriptjs capitalize each word of stringconvert first letter capital in a frase javascriptcapitalizes first letter in javascripthow to captilize first letter of word jswhy we write s capital in javascriptjoin javascript all letters capitalizedhow to uppercase the first letter of a stringcapitalize first letter first word of sentence javascriptjavascript functions should begin with capital letters 3ffunction for capitalize in javascriptconvert first letter to upper and rest all small without user for loop java scriptstring method capitalize first letterstring first letter uppercase jsfirst letter in capital in javascriptcaptitalize first letter js stringsplit string capital letter capital first letter jsjavascript charat uppercasecapitalzize jsjs capitalize first letter 2cand allcapitalizeword 28 29 method javascriptmake first character to uppercase in string in jshow to make all letters capital in js 3f making every first letter uppercase in an array javascripthow to find capital letter in an string javascriptjs first letter capitalextjs capitalize first letterjavascript capitalizefirstletterjavascript uppercase first letterjavascript lowercase first char iuppercase cssuppercase only first letterjavascript capitalize first letter every wordstring first uppercase javascriptlettercapitalize jswrite a javascript function to capitalize the first letter of each word in a stringset first letter of every word to uppercase javascriptcapitalize first word in string javascriptfirst letterin in array to capitalize jscaptalize first letter jsmake the string 27s first character uppercase javascript convert string to first letter uppercasecapital letter to small letter javascriptuppercase the first letter of a string using javascript 2fcapitalize first letter for string jshow to make first letter in caps in jscapitialize jsjavascript capitalize name or notcapitalizeword method javascriptunity capitalize first lettertocapitalize jsjs method to capitalizejavascript find first capital lettercapilise the first letter in a string jsfirst letter upper case in jshow to write first word capital in javascriptset all words in string to lowercase with upper case first letter jswirst letter capital jsjavascript function to capitalize first letter of each word in a stringcapitalize a text in jsjavascript first word in string uppercasejavascipt capitalise letterhow to return a sentences with first letter of each word capitalized javascriptis the a function to capitalize a letter in javascriptjavascript capitalizationshould javascript functions be capitalizedcapitalize string js methodhow to make the first chr uppercase javascriptuppercase entire string jsmake first letter of each word capital in javascriptcapitalize something in jsuppercase first letter of each element of an array in javascriptuppercase first jsfirst letter on name capitalize in javascriptcapitalizing the first character in a string javascrpitjavascript capatalise first letter of stringconvert string to first letter capital javascriptjavascript every first letter uppercasejs capitalize first letter in stringmake capital first latter in jscapitalize first letter of string jshow to convert string to capitalize in javascriptjs upper first letterchange to capital in jscapitalize text javascriptjs method to return first letter uppercaseuppercase jscapitalize first letter function hshow to do first letter capital in jsuppercase the first letter namejs first letter uppercase es6how to cap first letter in javascriptstring capitalize javascriptcapitaliza jsfirst letter is capitalized jscapitalize first letter jshow to make first word capital of string javascripthow to make first sentence capital jsjavascript uppercase first letter arrayreturn first letter of string javascript in uppercasecapitalize each word to uppercase in using jsreturn first letter in string to uppercasecapitalize each word of a string javascripthow to convert capital letters to small letters in javascripthow to select a small letter from a capital letter from a string in javascriptjs capitalise start of every wordcapitalize each word in string javascriptcaptalize the first letter in jscap first letter jsall lowercase 2c except for upper case first letter in javascripthow to check if a string is a upper case javascripthow to capitalize each word in jsjavascript capitalize first letter of a wordmdn uppercase first letterstring javascript force first letter to uppercasehow to capitalize all first letter in string jsjs give string leading captialconvert all 1st letter of word to uppercase in javascriptjs change first letter to lowercasees6 capitalize first letter of each wordauto capitalize first letter javascriptupperfirst jsjs first char uppercasejavascript uppercase first letter turkishcapitalize the words in the text in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of sentence don 27t change otherfirst letter of each word uppercase javascriptcapitalize the first letter nodejsjs give letter capitalcapitalize javascript functionjavascript string function uppercase first lettertouppercase 28 29 only the first lettermake string to lowercase with first capitalizedjavascript capital first letterget the string that starts with upper letter javascripthow to convert first letter to lowercase in javascriptupper words in jsjavascript string to capital casejavascript how to capitalize letterjs capitalize first letterjavascript capitalize first letter of every wordall characters to capital in jslowecasee string first letter jscheck capitalize letter in a string javascriptdecapitalize first letter in javascriptto firstletter uppercasehow to convert first letter of string to uppercase in jsupper case letter jsjs het first leter to capscamelcase with first letter uppercasehow to lowercase the first letter in javascripthow to capilize the first letter in jscapitalizeword jschange first letter of string to uppercase javascriptjavascript lowercase uppercase lettercapitalize each word string javascripthow to convert just first letter in uppercase in javascriptjavascript capitalize first character of stringjs first to uppercasehow to capitalize first letter of every word in string jshow to make sentence capital jsstring first letter to smallcase javascriptjavascript capitalize first letteres6 function to capitalize lettersfirst letter in uppercase javascriptcapitalize a paragraph in jsjavascript make first character capitalcaplital first letter jslowercase first letter of word javascriptjs string set first leter uppercapitalize each word in javascriptjavascript capital letter functioncapitalize first letter in string jsjs capital first letter stringjs capitalize namehow to make the first character in uppercase in javascriptjavascrpt capitalize stringjs make capital casecapatlize javascriptconvert string first letter capital javascriptjs check if 1st letter is capitalall capitalcases in javascriptmake first letter capital of string in javascriptcapitalize first letter in a string javascriptjavascript first letter capitaljs capitalize 28 29capitalize the first letter of every word javascripthow to find capital letters jsuppercase first character jshow to convert first letter in word to uppercase in nodejscapitalize first letter javascript regexstring capitalize jsjavascript capitalize all lettersjs capitalizhow to make first letter capital in jscapitalize all words in string javascriptcapitalise string in javascriptcapitalize letters in javascriptcapitalize all words in a string javascriptjavascript caps first letterfirst character uppercase in javascript inbuiltfirst letter of word uppercase javascriptnodejs capitalize codehow to capitalize first letter of word jsfirst 10 character of string should be capital alphabets using jshow to capitalized 1st word in javascriptcapitalize the first letter of every word in javascriptfirst letter of string uppercase jshow to check if the first letter of a string is uppercase in jscapitalize js stringjavascript replace first letter uppercasechange one letter of a string to uppercase javascriptconvert capital first word in jsjavascript first word uppercasefirst letter capital in jsmake first letter uppercase typescriptjs set first character to uppercasecapitalize first letter javascript in one linecapitalize first letter and last letter javascripthow to make the first letter of a string uppercase in htmlcapitalize first character of string javascriptcovert the first letter to uppercase jsfunction to capitalize first letter in javascriptmake first char capital jsjavascript is capital letterhow to alternate capitalization in jscapatalize string jsfirst letter from a word uppercase in jschange first letter in string to upper casefirst letter to upercase jscapitalize in javascrihow to capitalize each word in javascriptjavascript set first letter lowercasehow to capitalize the first letter of a string in jscapitalize each word first letter with javascriptcheck if first letter is capital javascriptcaptalize first letter in jsjs capitalise first charactedcapitalize a word in jsjsstring capitalisedhow to make first letter capital javascriptjs to capitalizehow to make the first letter capitalcapitalization function javascriptmake string first character small string jshow to make the first letter big in javacriptjs function to capitalize textput first letter uppercase jsstring first char uppercase javascriptjavascript regex uppercase first letterjs first letter capitcalcapitalize all letters javascriptto capital letters javascriptjs string capitalize first letterhow to uppercase a letter in jsjs string to capital lettersconvert all string to capital jshow to make string capitalize in javascriptjs string capitall leterconvert to capital letters jsjavascript first letter uppermake eary word start with cpital jsfirst cap and then lowercase javascriptjavascript string to case with first letter uppercasefirst case upper javascriptstring first letter uppercase in nodecan we add capital letters in javscript finctionsjavascript first letter upper casehow to make uppercase first letter in javascriptreturn every capital word in string javascriptchange first letter to capital javascriptjs check first letter uppercasehow make the letter in a word upper case in jscapitalize words jsupper case every word capitals jsjavascript string first letter lowercasehow to uppercase first letter in an array in javascriptjavascript text capital casestr capitalize jshow to capitalize first letter of every word in a sentence in jshow to change name capital in javascriptfirst letter in each word capitalized javascriptjs string automatically capitalize first letterchange first letter to capital in jshow to make the first letter of string uppercasehow to capitalise first letter of word node jsstring first letter to uppercase javascripttext capitalization in javascriptfirst character upper caseupper first letterjavascript automatic capitalizationfind first uppercase letter string javascriptnodejs capitalize first lettercap first letter javascriptcapitalize only first letter of string javascript 5cfirst letter of name jsjavascript capitalize wordihow to make string capital in jsstring capitalize first lettercapitalize first letter array javascriptupper first character javascriptjavascript uppercase first letter of each wordhow to make first letter to capital case in jsfisrst character capitalconvert the first letter to uppercase javascriptjs firstcaseuppercase first letter string javascriptfirst letter of each word capitalized javascriptchange the first letter to capital javascriptcapitalize function in javascriptstring first letter uppercase in jschange letter to uppercase in jsjs capital first letterreturn string charat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 2b string slice 281 29 3bmake string capital jsfind all elements in array with capital letter word javascriptset all letters to capital javascriptletter case upper on firstfirst letter in capitalhow to capitalize letters in javascriptfirst letter of string after space jsuppper case first lettersentence capitalization algorithem in javascriptjs cap first letterjavascript first letters upper case stringfirst letter of string is capital in jscapitalize words javascirpcapitalize the first letter of every word in a string javascriptcapalize first letter with js javascript string to capitalizeset capitalize in jsfrom uppercase to first letter big jsjavascript uppercase first letter in stringsub uppercase javascriptjavascript make the first letter capitalmake first letter capital jscapitalized javascriptupper case firs letter stringjs capitalize first letter of each word in stringconvert small letter to capital in javascriptjs str to capitalizejavascript capitalize first charjavascript de capitalizehow to change text to uppercase with javascriptone upper case javascripthow to put the letter of words in uppercase javascriptjavascript first letter uppercasejavascript capitalization of nameconvert first letter of each word to a capital javascriptfunction return first letter capitalizedhow to make first letter of string uppercase in javascriptjavascript function to convert first letter to uppercasecapitalize entire string javascriptjs uppercase first letter of stringto uppercase js the first letterupppercae first letter jshow to chenge only first letter in uppercasefirst letter lowercase in jsjs make letter into stringhow to capitalize all letters in jshow to convert first letter of a string to uppercase in javascriptjavascript extract capital lettersjavascript 2c uppercase first letterfisrt upper case jsput first letter to capital javascriptfirst letter uppercasejsjavascript scan first upper characterjavacript uppercase first letters of stringcapital j in scripyjavascript make first char upper casejavascript turn first letter uppercaseset first character uppercase javascriptjs transform first letter to lowercasecaptitalize first letter javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of a stringhow to capitalize all words in javascripthow to capitalize a variable in javascriptcapitlize first letter of word jsjavascript convert to capitalcapitalize 28 29 javascriptjavascript capitalise letterhow to make the first letter of a string capital in javascriptjs string uppercase first letterreplace first word letter to capital in javascriptcapitalize first letter javaxcriptnode js capitalize stringsentence capitalization jshow to make the first letter capital of a string in javascriptcapitalze javascriptletter uppercase en jsjavascript capitalize first letter prototypecapitalise jscapitilize injscapitaliza text in javascriptjavascript first luppercasejs uppercase firdst letterfirst letter uppecase jsjavascript uppercase first letter of each word in stringlowercase first character javascriptjs function to take a sentence and capitalise first lettershow can i capitalize the first letter of each word in a string using javascript 3fuppercase firstletter of sentence jshow to mkae fisrt letter of each inputted word capitalized javascripthow to create a function that takes a string as an argument and converts the first character of each word to uppercase in javascripthow to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string in javascriptjs how to check the string first letter capitalizationhow to capitalize a text in javascripthow to make capital letters from any case in javascriptcapital in javascripthow to capitalize a word in jsjavascript string word to uppercase first letterjs captial first letterturn first letter of an array element to uppercase in javascriptjavascript first letter uppercase rest lowercasejavascript string capitalize first letterjs make a string start with a capital lettercheck if first letter is uppercase javascripttouppercase just the first letterjavascript capitalize first letter of each wordhow to make first word uppercase string javacriptcapitalize first letter and last javascriptnodejs first char uppercasemake first letters capital in javascriptjs string to uppercase first letterjs auto capitalizejs capitalizejavascript make first letter capitalfirst letter with capitalstring capitalized javascriptcapitalize only first letter of uppercase stringcapitalize non capital letters javascriptmake first character of every word uppercase javascriptupercase first javacsriptjavascript to capital first letterjavascript turn every word first letter to capital letterhow to make capital letter in front for two words using javascriptlowercase with first letter capital javascriptjs first letter lowercasejavascript function with firct letter caputaljavascript convert string to first letter capitalhow to capitalize first word to uppercase in javascriptjavascript return first letter capitalsubstring the string that starts with upper letter javascriptcapitalizing first letter of every word jshow to make 1st letter of all the words in the sentence in uppercase iin javascriptjs capitalize all wordsjavascript string capitalizeuppercase first letter of string javascriptjs convert first letter fo string to uppercasejavascript change first character to uppercasehow to create function for string make uppercase javascriptjavascript method to capitalize first letter of string examplecapitalize each first letter javascriptcapitalization method javascriptjavascript check capital letter in stringconvert string to capitalize javascriptjavascript regex capitalize first lettertypescript index capitalize ijs capitalize wordto capital letters jscapitalize first letter in jshow to convert a string to case in which first letter capital in jsjs first letter to capsjs how to capitalize the first letter in a string of wordsjs capitilize first letter of each wordconvert first letter of text to uppercase javascriptjs put first letter to capitalregex first letter capital jscapitalize first letter of words in string javascript regexcapitalized sentence string javascript uppercase first letter of each word javascriptmake string capital javascriptwrite a javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper casecapitilize words jshow to only capitalize the first letter in a java script of a stringhow to make small letters into capital letters and capital into small letters jsevery word in a string with uppercase javascriptmaking first letter of string uppercase javascriptfunction for converting string to uppercase in jsjavascript string return first character uppercaseconvert text into capitalize in js capitalize words in jscapitalize with jsjs capitalize and uppercaseconvert string to normal first capital javascriptjavascript camel case first letter uppercasestring in caps jsjs make string capitaljavascript how to capitalize first letterfirst letter capital in javascript directcapitalize first char jsjs uppercase all lettersjs how to have first letter capitalfirst letter upper in javascriptarray of string first letter to capitalize javascriptconvert to capitalize string in jshow to check first character of a string is uppercase in javascriptmethod that changes first letter to lower case tsjavascript string first letter uppercasehow to make its first letter capital in javascriptjs string start with capitalcapitalize first letter of first word javascriptmake first word capital jsuppercase to capitalize jscapital letters words javascriptjavascript 1st letter uppercasejavascript code to capitalize first lettercapitalize firast letter of each string in an arraystring capitalise jscapitalize first letter of returned datafunction uppercase first letter javascriptcapitalize first letter in sentence javascriptfirst letter of string to uppercase javascriptjavascript convert first letter uppercaseuppercas first char in jsget first character of string in caps in typescripttypescript string first letter uppercasecapitalise first jshow to make capital case in jslowercase first letter of a string javascriptjs capitalze first letterconvert first letter of string to uppercasecapitalize a capitalizewords in jshow to do uppercars first letter in javascriptwrite a javascript function to capitalize the first letter of a string how to convert capital string in sentence case in jshow to convert all letter in capital in jshow to uppercase first letter in string in javascriptjavascript string uppercase first characterfirst letter uppercase nodejsto uppercase first letter javascriptjavascript capitalize all stringjavascript capitalize 3rh letterhow to capitalize only first letter of a string javasciptwhy do we capitalize things in javascriptro upercase only the first letter jsuppercase string first char js js vanilla first letter uppercasejs how to make capital casecapitalize letter in javascriptfind capitalword in jsjs change letter to capitaljavascript set first character to uppercasecapitalize every word javascriptcapitalize every other letter javascriptjs see if first letter of string is capitalto just first uppercase javascript and rest lowercasefirst uppercase jsjavascript set only first letter uppercasecapitalize en javascriptfirst letter capcital in javascriptcapital letters in javascriptcapatlize in jsjs lowercase first letterhow to allow small capital word search in javascriptuppercase letter jsin js 2c the first letter of the text is capitalizedhow to convert a first character of every string into capital in jstypescript string capitalize first lettermake first letter of string uppercasejavascript capitalize first character in stringjavascript first uppercasefirst letter in uppercase in javascriptjs string capitalizationhow to capitalize letter in javascriptjavascript capitalize each stringhow to turn to uppercase js exampleuppercase in word javascriptjavascript capitalize first from uppercasecapitalize a uppercase string javascriptjavascript uppercase lettercapitaliz jshow to extract capital letters in javascriptget string with capital letters jsfind capital letter in string javascriptfirst letter upper case textcapitalize first letter of string javascriptcapitalize each word in jscapitalized jshow to make 1st letter uppercase in javascriptmake first letter of word uppercase javascriptjavascript how to turn the first letter of a string into a capitaluppercase to capitalize javascript tolowercasehow can i capitalize the first letter 3f in javascriptcapitalize first letter of string in javascriptget capital letters javascriptonly first letter capital in javascripthow to make first letter uppercase in javascriptcapitalize method injshow to convert first 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itemcapitalize first jsjavascript capitalize textsentence each first word capital in javascriptfirst letter capitalized javascriptmake first letter caps javascripthow to capitalise first letter in javascriptcapitalize a string javascriptsentence case capitalization jscapitalize first char javascripthow to make first letterof string capital in jscapitalize first letter of each word js 5dto capitalise in jsucfirst jsjs fiest word capital rest smallset first letter uppercase javascripthow to get all uppercase words from a string in jsconvert a string to uppercase in jsjavascript first letter to capitaljavascript capitalize first letter of sentence dont change otherjs create capital case of evry word in a stringfirst letter of an array to uppercase javascripthow to capital in js pure first letter of wordever first letter uppercase jsjavascript ucfirst equivalentonly uppercash first letter tyepscriptjavascript make first letter capsncapitalize first letter of word javascriptjavascript setting first letter to lowercasejavascript text capitalizer style for first character in stringhtml first string uppercasefirst letter capital letterstring first letter capsupdatecase first letter javascriptget the first capital alphabet in javascriptconvert first let of string to uppercase jshow to make first letter lowercase in javascripttouppercase fist letter javascriptjavascript capitalize wordtjs make first 3 letter uppercasemake one character uppercase jsfirst caps in javascriptjavascript first letter of string to uppercasecapitalize first letter of each word in a string javascriptcapatelize each word es6js capitalize 1st letterjavascript uppercase first letter javascriptfirst char in string uppercase jsfirst capital letter in jsfirst to uppercase javascriptcapitalize word string javascriptlowercase uppercase first javascripthot to make only first lettcapital in jsjavascript first letter is capital other lowercasejs check capital letter and small letterwrite javascript function6 09that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case javascript capitalize first letter of each sentencehow to capitalize the first letter of a variable in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter es6javascript first sentense uppercasefirst letter in capital jschange first letter to uppercase javascriptmake each first letter capital javascriptupper first element array javascripthow to make all first letter capital in jsgive first letter capital javascriptjavascipt string capitalizeconvert first letter to uppercase in javascriptcapitalization in javascriptjavascript capitalizacapitalize words in sentence javascriptmake char capital javascriptcapitalize the first letter in a string javascriptjavascript first letter uppercase sentenceconvert first letter to uppercase in typescript without using touppercasejavascript capitilize first letterjs capitalise stringcapitalize the first letter and lowercase others in jsfirst capital in sentence jstypescript first letter uppercasecapitalise in javascriptuppercase first letter jjavascript uppercase first letter or stringuppercase first char javascriptcapitalize all paragraphs javascriptuppercase only first letter javascripthow to turn 1 letter into caps javascriptcapitalize first letter in stirng jsjavascript convert every first letter of a string in a sentence to uppercasejavascript capitalize wordzmdn capitalize first letter jsjs copy capitalizecapitalize case jshow to capitalize word in javascriptjavascript capitalize first cahrcapitalize words in javascriptuppercase first letter in word javascriptfirst letter uppercase of a sentence in javascriptcapitalize first leter of every word jsjavascript capitalize the first letter of each wordfirst letter capital in string javascriptstring to capital javascriptjavascript capitalize wordgjs capitalizestringfind in a string a capital letter in javascriptsplit string with capital letters javascriptjs uppercase first letterschange first character to uppercase in javascriptcapitalize javascritpset first letter to uppercase javascriptfirst letter uppercase jsjavascript capitalize wordjfirst char capitalize jsjavascript function capitalize all words in a stringjs capitalize first letter of wordsevery other letter capitalized javascriptjavascript function capitalize first letterhow to make the first letter of every word capital in javascripthow to capitalize a javascript string sentencejavascript function capitalize first letter or notjavascript capitalize first letter w3cjs find first uppercase letteruppercase javascript first letter classjavascript capitalstring with no capitalize javascripthow to upper case first letter in each word javascriptcapitalizes the first letter jshow to make firs letter of word uppercase in jshow to capitalize first letter in word in javascripthow to make the first character of array uppercasejavascript capitalize methodstring to uppercase first lettercapitalise function jscapitalize first letter in word javascripthow to make all letters uppercase in javascriptis there any js build in function in js that capitalize first letter of each wordnode js first letter uppercasestring first letter make capital 22sentence case 22 capitalization jshow to capitalize all word in jshtmluppercase first letterhow to make the first letter capital in javascriptjavascript string get first letter to capitaljs letter caselowercase a string and make first letter capitaljavascript string to lowercase and the first characterfirst letter uppercase in jscapitalise text nodecheck capital letters javascriptcapitalice jsuppercase string in javascriptjs first char in string upper es6javascript first latter capitaljs firs letter uppercasejs choose letter in string to capitalizejavascript string first character uppercasestreing to upper case jsmake a word first letter capitalized jsjavascript function to uppercase first letterhow to capitalize string in jsucfirst in javascriptjavascript uppercase first characterconvert uppercase to capitalize and remove 27 27 in javascriptall uppercase letters jscapitalize first letter tsnodejs uppercase a letter in a stringjavascript char to uppercasees6 uppercase first letterjs capitalize first lettercapitalized first letter javascripthow to make only first character of string uppercase javascriptcapitalize fist letter in a paragaraph in jshow to change the first word to uppercase in javascriptword first character uppercase in js first letter of each word capitalized in j scapitalize first letter of each word in paragraph in javascriptstring first character to uppercase javascriptconvert small letter to capital in jsstart a letter with capital in jswrite first letter at uppercase javascripthow to capitalize all letters in word javascripttoupper first letter javascriptlowercase with first letter capitaljs text capitalizejavacscript capitalizejs uppercase wordsjs string first caractere uppercasewrite a javasccriipt function that coverts the first letter to uppercasecapitalized string in javascriptmake each element of array with first letter capital in javascript 6capitalize letters jscapitalize from jsnode js first character of string to uppercasejavascript capitalise all lettersjs lower case first letterchange first letter to capital jshow to capitalise the first letter of each word in javascriptcapitalize string javascriptfind which letter is a letter in string pythoncapitalizing jsfind words in string js and make them uppercasehow to capliazed first letter jscapitalise string in jshow to capitalize first letter in string jshow to capitalize first letter in each word in javascriptjavascript capitalize wordoletter capitalize jsfirst letter uppercase other lowercase typescript js first leter upmaking everyword first letter capitalized javascripthow to convert first letter of string to uppercaseexcel function returns first letter of each wordjs convert string to only first capitalcharat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 js uppercase first letter rest in lowercaseuppercase first letter in javascripthow to change the first character to uppercase and rest lowercase in javascriptcapitalize initial letter jsupper case first letter nodecapitalize the first letter of paragraph jschange every first letter in the word to uppercase javascriptupperacase first letter jshow to ignore capital letters in javascriptjavasript capitalize all vords stringmake every 2 letters capital jscapitalize jshow to create first letter capitalhow to make first letter capital from a string in jsmake first letter capital in array javascriptjs alternative upper and lower case letterscapitalize letter on type javascriptconverting first letter to capital in string in jsto capitalize in javascriptjs uppercase first letter of wordjavascript all string first letter uppercasehow to capitalize every first letter in a word with javascriptjavascript uppercase first letter every wordhow to make a function in javascript that capitalizes the first word of every wordcapitaize first letter of a string in jsjavascript first character to uppercasehow to first letter capital in jscapitalise a word in jsjs uppercase only first lettertouppercase only on first letterhow to capitalize first letter for in loop javascriptjavascript first word character to uppercasecapitalizing the first letter of a string in javascriptcss uppercase first letternode js capitalize first letterfirst letter captial jsfirst char uppercase javascript buronly first letter uppercase javascriptcapitalize text and put together jsconvert first letter of every word string to uppercase jscapitalize for strings in javascriptcapitalize equivalent jsjs uppercaselower case all words and capitalize first letter all words javascriptfirst word upper case jswhy do we capitalize the first letter in an elementjavascript capitalize first characterfirst half string uppercase javascriptreplace first letter with capital javascriptjs make first letter capitalstart with capital letter jsjavascript 27 27 3b 2f 2f capitalize first letter of each wordto upper first letter jsconvert text to capital javascriptwrite a javascript program to capitalize the first letter of each word of a given stringcapitalize the first letter in a stringcapital letters in javascript string sentenceto capitalize in jsjavascript string first capscapitalize first letter of javascript stringin node js make first chractor capitalcapitalise first alphabet jshow to select the first letter in javascriptmaking string capitalized javascriptjaavscript upper to sentence casehow to set only first letter capital in javascriptfirst letter to uppercase javascripthow to check if the first character of a string is uppercase javascriptcapitalize method in javascriptjs str capitalizecapitalize javascirptcapitalize a letter in js2 write a javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case javascript first capital letterconvert first letter of string to capital javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of each word regexstring first letter lowercase jsmake the first letter capital in javascriptcapitalize first javascriptjs first letter to uppercaseput first letter capital jscapitalize word in java scriptjavascript auto capitalizefirst letter capatalize jsbuilt in function find uppercase javascripthow to look over capital words in javascripthow to capitalize first letter of string javascirptonly show the first letter of word in javascript capitalizees6 capitalize first letter of words in stringhow to capitalize first letter in javascript of each word in a stringjs captlize stringconvert first letter of each word to uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize wordsucapitalize js functionhow to make the first letter to uppercase in javascriptjavascript string first letter uppercase other lowercasejs capitalize first letter stringmake first text capitalize jsjs capitalize each wordfirst letter capital in js mapregex first letter uppercasecapitalize everry other letter javascriptconverts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case jscapitalize each string in a word javascripthow do i make the first letter of a each substring in string uppercase in javascript 3fhow to capitalize a word in javascripthow to capitalize the first letter in a string javascripttouppercasecapitalize first letter es6js only first letter uppercasematch small and capital letters javascripthow to make letter capital in jsbest way to make first letter capital in javascripthow to convert a variable to uppercase in javascript for first letterfirst letter lower case in jsfrist letter capitalize jswhat javascript method capitaizesjavascript function return string in capitalizejavascript first letter of word uppercaseuppercase first letterjs uppercase the first letteruppercase a string in jshow to capitalize first letter of a word in javascriptuppercase letters javascripthow cpitalize first letter jsjs first char in string upperjs function to upper case first lettertouppercase only first letterjs capitalise the first lettercapitalize first litter javascriptuppercase letter first jsmaking first letter for sentence capital in javascriptjavascript first character uppercase mdnmakefirstlettercapitalizedcapitaliza first leter sentence javascripthow to make first word capital of each sentence in javascriptonly first uppercase javascriptall words in string first capital jscapitalize first letter of words javascriptjs word to uppercasejs capitalize first letter of a stringcapitalize first letter of each word javascript with complexcapitalize first letter of string javascritsubstring the first word that starts with upper letter javascriptcapitalize first letter in each word javascriptmake the first sentence uppercase javascriptreplace first character in string javascript with uppercasehow to capitlaze first letter jsfirst word capital jsdo we have capitalise method in javascriptnodejs string capitalizeevery first letter capital in text using javascriptcapitalize in javscriptuppercase letters words javascriptjava script turn the first letter to uppercasejs first capital lettercapital first letter in jsfirst letter capital jscapitalize on first letter of uppercase stringcreate and all caps string javascripthow to put uppercase in the first letter javascriptjavascript how to capitalize first letter of each wordfirst character capital in javascripthow to make 1st letter capital in javascriptcapitalize first letter nodejs method for capital each wordcapitalize every new word in string jsjs capitalziewhat does it mean when first letter of function is capitalized javascriptcaptalise fucntion in jscapitalize all javascripthow to capitalise the first letter of a word in javascripthtml tag first letter uppercasejavascript capitalize first letter of words in stringhow to make 1st letter capital in vuejschange first letter of each word to uppercase javascriptcapital letter jscapitalize the first letter of the stringuppercase first letter each word javascripthow to make text capital letter in jsfirst letter of word capital javascript lowercasecapitalise all words using javascriptjs put first letter of a string to uppercasejs transform first letter to uppercasejavascript capitalize first letter in arrayjavascript capitalize letterbuild in js function to capitalize first lettercapitalize value in javascriptconvert all letter to uppercase in javascriptjs string make first letter uppercasehow to capitalize first letter of a string in javascripthow to find the first capital letter and last small letter in a string in jstypescript uppercase one ofhow to convert character to uppercase in javascriptget all capitalized words jsuppercase first letter of a stringupper case string jsjavascript text capitalizejavascript how to make the first letter of each word in a string capitalizedmake each word a text start with a capital java scripttext capitalize in jsjs uppercase first characterfunction make a string 27s first character to uppercase first letter capitalize json first letter uppercase jscapitalize first word jscapitalise first letter in word javascriptjavascript uppercase wordscapitalize all letters in stringjsjavascript capitalize only the first letter of a stringcapitalize a string in jsjs capitalizacapatilise string in jsconvert all uppercase to first letter uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize wordsyhow capitalize every first word in javascripthow to capital first letter in for of loop in javascriptmake the first letter oin a string capitallised jsjs first letter capital tsto uppercase only first letter jsmake all first characters uppercase jsjavascript capitalize each wordif we want first letter capital and others are small what we use in jsuppercase the first character jsmake capital in first letter jscapital letter in jscapitalize string in javascropcapitalize using jscapitalize first letter of each word in a sentence javascriptconvert in capital letters jsjavascript string first letter small and middle latter capital lettershow to capitalize first work on string in javascripthow to capitalize the first letter in each word in a string using recursion javascripthow to make first letter capital in es6javascript capitalizr first latermethod to capitalize all letters of string jshow to make first letter capital in javasceriptword capitalize first letter in jscapitalized function in jsjavascript uppercase one letternodejs make first letter uppercasejavascript string starts with uppercasejavascript capitalize first letter and lowercase restjavascript capitalize wordkget a paragraph all uppercase javascriptconvert first char of a string to upper case jscapitalize letter jshow to make all letter capital jsjavascript change first letter of word to uppercasejs first cahar capitalcapitalize first letter after space javascriptcapitalize each word in a string javascriptjavascript function to make first letter capitalcapitalize first letter with hypehn javascriptjs language capitalize first letter es6js capitalizationinput first letter capitalize jscapitalize first let of word javascriptjavascript capitalizewords mapcreate a function that capitalizes all characters in a string javascriptjs split string to capital lettercapitalize every word js js function capital lettermake first letter of string aray uppercasehow to change letter of word to capital in javascriptcapital leters jshow can javascript change the characters in a string to contain only uppercase letters 3fnode first letter uppercasecapitalise 28 29 jsformat string first letter uppercase javascriptuppercase all letters javascriptjs capitlaize first lettermake first letter capital javascript inbuildhow to capitalize a letter in jsjavascript change first letter to lowercasefirst letter into uppercasechange to uppercase in jsjavascript first letter capitalizescript capitalize stringhow to make only first letter capital in javascriptjavascript capitalize character from stringformat string by changing capital letters in jshow to capitalize every first letter of words in a string javascriptcheck capital letter javascriptcapitalize first letter javascript methodget the capital letter in javascriptturn all caps to only first letter cap jsjavascript capitalziejs convert first letter to uppercasejs upper case first letterjavascript first char capitaladd uppercase to first letter nodejsts first letter uppercasewhen to use capital letters in javascriptjavascript function capitalize every word in stringhow to make first letter big jscan words be capitalized in an array javacriptreplace method on each word to capitalize first letter in jsjavascript find first letter is capitalizedmake only the first letter uppercase javascriptjs string first character uppercasehow to first letter capital in javascripthow to capitalize string first letter in js and return whole stringnode js capitalize all lettersjavascrcript create first word of sentence upperconverting first letter of string to upper casehow to change text to uppercase in jshow to make a uppercase text just capitalize in jsjavascript capitalize first letter of string dont change otherupper csae first letter javascripthow to convert string to first letter capital in javascriptcapitalise first letter in strings in jsconvert first letter to uppercase javascript es6javascript uppercase 1st letterhow to make a character upercase in nodejsto uppercase only the first letter jscapitalize strings with javascriptuppercase js stringmake first letter of string uppercase javascriptjavascript string uppercase only first letter of each wordfirst letter capital of paragraph jsjavascript uppercase first wordcapitalize the first letter of each word in a string using javascript using recursionjavascript capitalize first charachterto upper case only first lettercapitalize a string in javascriptjs capitalize a wordjavascript make capital letterfunction in javascript to make the first letter uppercase onlyfirst letter capital function in jsjavascript set first letter uppercasejavascript statement which helps you to capitalize the first letter of a string that is stored in a variabledetect a capital letters jscount uppercase letters in string javascriptjs capital textgow to change the first letter of the word in to uppercase in javascriptcheck 1st letter if uppercase javascriptcaptalize all first letters jsfind each capital letter javascripthow to set first charactor capital in jsmake first letter capital javascriptcapitalize letter javascriptjavascript lowercase first char iuppercasedoes uppercase change the string in javascriptjavascript turn first character into uppercasefirst letter array javascript uppercasecapitalise in jsjavascript capitalize first letter of sentencecapitlize first letter of word javascriptfirst letter in uppercase jsjavascript capitalize string methodcapitalize the first letter jsjstl capitalize stringhow to capitalize first letter in javascript 5cjs first character capitalcapitalise work javascripttolowercase for first letter only javascriptcapitalize string jvascriptcapitalize a string in node jsslice uppercasejs capitalizing the first letter in a stringjavascript capitalize a wordhow to make a first letter capital of a string in javascriptjs string capital sjavascript first char for uppercaseuppercase first letter of string jshow to change a text to capital letter in javascript capitalize 28 29 javascripthow to capitalize in javascriptcapitalize jasjavascript uppercase first letter of wordcapitalize only first letterin string javascript regexuppercase javascript first letterhow to uppercase first letter jsfirst character to uppercase javascripttotal capital letters in javascriptjs cap first letter in a stringjs capitelize the first letterfirst letter of a line capital in javascriptcheck capital letter jscapitalize the first letter of a string javascriptjavascript show huppercase every first letercapitalize first letter in each word in string javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of a word neardisplay the text in all caps javascriptmethod to capitalize a letter javascripthow to capitalize the first letter of a word in javascriptcapitalize all letters jsfunction name will capitalize in jshow to make first letter wirht capital jsjavascript uppercase to capitalizejavascript first leter of string uppercasefirst char caps jscapitalize a string in javascript htmltranform string to capitalize in viewmake first letter uppercase javascripthow to capitalize 1st letter in jsfirst letter upper case jscapitalize method in jsjs fits laetter capshow to capitalize the first lettercapitalie first letter in javascriptuppercase every first letter javascriptconverting first letter of a string to uppercase in javascripthow to capitalize first letter in javascript regixuppercase first letter of word javascriptjavascript capitalize first from all uppercase lettersjavascript capitalize wordsomake first character upper casejs first uppercaseto make all character to uppercase in jsjs make first later capshow to make string capital only first letter in javascriptkep the first letter uppercase in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of first wordfirst letter of sentence capital javascriptcapitalize first letter in input javascriptjavascript make first letter uppercasejs first letter to uppercapitalize built in function javascriptjavascipt alphabetical lower case upper caseinicial capital convert string into javascriptjs acronym capitalizationuppercase letter javascriptcapitalize first latter jsmethod to capitalize the first letter of string javascriptfunction in js to extract first letter of every word npm packagejavascript set string first character lowercasecapitalize first letter of stringjavascript capitalize only first letterhow touppercase juste first characteruppercase first characterjs capitalize lettersjs capitalize the first charactercapital letters uppercase javascriptcapitalize sring jsjs uc firstucfirst javascriptjavascript capitalizehow to uppercase letter in a string javascriptjavascript uppercase first character of each wordsmall caps first letter jscapitalise text javascripthow to change first letter to uppercase in jsstring capitalize in jstypescript first case uppercaseletcode javascript make the first letter capitalcapitalize a string jsfirst letter uppercase in javascripthow to change the first letter of a string to uppercase in javascriptupper case words in jsjs capitalize first letter each wordnode js camalecase first letter of each wordjavascript check if first letter uppercasecapitalize first letter of each word in a stringjavascript capitalizecapitalize first letter in string javascripttypescript capitalize first letterjavascript convert first letter to lowercasejs capitalize firstcapitalize first word of sentence jsconvert to lowercase with first letter capitalized javascripttouppercase javascript first 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