only display part of string php

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showing results for - "only display part of string php"
25 Jan 2017
3echo substr('abcdef'1);     // bcdef
4echo substr('abcdef'13);  // bcd
5echo substr('abcdef'04);  // abcd
6echo substr('abcdef'08);  // abcdef
7echo substr('abcdef', -11); // f
9// Accessing single characters in a string
10// can also be achieved using "square brackets"
11$string 'abcdef';
12echo $string[0];                 // a
13echo $string[3];                 // d
14echo $string[strlen($string)-1]; // f
18//substr() function returns certain bits of a string 
09 Mar 2017
1$firstStringCharacter = substr("hello", 0, 1);
21 Apr 2019
1substr('abcdef', 1);     // bcdef
2substr('abcdef', 1, 3);  // bcd
3substr('abcdef', 0, 8);  // abcdef
4substr('abcdef', -1, 1); // f
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string in php3 firts letters phgpphp string leftget the first two characters in a string phparray substring javascript in phpcut string from character laravel php substrfirst leter ok a string in phpget symbole in string in phpreturn just 3 letter substring phptake first 10 characters string phpphp get substring from specific intervalphp slice stringsubstr offsethow to select only the first 2 characters of a string in phplaravel first character of stringhow to get the first character of a string in phphow to use 3 characters of a string in phpsubstr from the beginningphp get first letterget substring without knowing value phpphp subscrintstring sub phpfirst 4 chars of a string phpphp leftnette get first letterphp get from string partphp substr from end of stringphp get last 2 characters of stringlimit string phpphp get char index leftphp subtstrphpreturn first 8 characters of a stringphp right of stringphp cut textsubstr get start two 2f in phpplace variable after certain characters in phphow to substring in phpget left of string phpsubstr php examplessubstr meaning in phpselect first and secound character in phpsubstr string phpsubstring first letter phpriht string phpphp identify first charactersubstr function in phpwhat is the first character of a php variable 3ffirst charactersa of a string phphow to only show 8 character in phpsubstr 28 29phpphp get substringget first 30 characters string phpphp substring from stringphp get first letter of namestrpos and substr in phpphp get 5 first characters of stringphp first string caracterestring get first character phpphp last charactersof stringphp get last x characters of stringreturn first half of string phpsubstr length 20 char maxsubstring get first character phplaravel get first letter on stringphp get first letter of wordmatch first character phpphp get string from symbol to symbolsubstring from string phpphp get first 3 characters of stringphp get the first n characters of a stringsub string phgpsubstr phpsubstring at character phpphp cut string to certain number of charsphp substring using arrayhow to get first letter of string in laravelprint out a two letter string in phpfirst name of string phphow to get first letter of string in phpphp trim string from positionsubstring 28 29 phpfind first position of character in string phpstring slice in php onlinephp char from stringphp show first 10 characters stringsubstring of string phpphp only show first letterget first char of string phpphp substr arrayget only a part of string phpphp get first char of stringecho substr phpget first letter of work phpsubstr word phpphp complete truncate year stringphp get first 3 charsphp string get substringget first x characters of string php laraveget the first caracter phpkeep only a part of a string phpphp get last 3 characters of stringphp str substrphp first part of the stringphp cut stringphp return substring from index 23 to end minus 4 charactersphp first 10 chars of stringphp substr by characterget string from start end string phpcompare two first letters phphow to return the first character of a string in phptwo word first character in php getfirst character of string usig phpphp 2b string slicesubstr php stringphp get string substring from backsubstring from start end phpget a range of chacters from a string in phpcode take first two characters of string phpsubstring pgpchars in string phptruncate string phpcharat phpcheck first character of string phpecho part of string phpfirst character in string phpphp subhourend of string phpphp subdtr php string trim lengthfirst to letter phpphp cut string from charphp subposphp trim string to lengthget first two characters of string in phpcharacter at phpsubstr character ignore phpphp trim string to max lengthreadline a 2cb phpphp take first character of stringphp find first time in stringphp subtrsphp first length of stringdisplay only part of string phpwhat does it mean substr 28 24key 2c 0 2c 5 29 3c 3e 27http 27get the first cracter of string in phpget first char of string phphhow to take the first letter of strings in phpsubbstr phpphp char at indexget first character in array in phpreturn substring phpsplice string path before last 2f phpcheck first character of string in phpphp get the first 5 words from stringphp only pick first letter from stringget first 3 chracters of string phpfirst letter string phptake substring from string in phpextract first 4 characters from a string in phpphp get first cphp substr 28time 28 29 2c6 29string slice by substring phpphp make string to certain amount of characterssub str in laravel stringselect a particular part of string in phpphp subscript textphp string second characterphp the substr examplewho to substring from 5b to 5d in phpsubstrt phpphp substr in javascriptphp get first lettersdiviser des string phpget first char phpstrstring phphow to cut string in phpsub string phpsub str phpget first 2 letters from string phpsubstsr phpget first character in a string phpphp get 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characters of string phpphp string select partslice php stringphp select partial string with 5b 5dsubstr 27 28 27 phpphp slice from charsubstr 28 29 phpget right x characters phpsubstring right in phpphp print first character of stringphp get substring from stringtake first character to word in string phpphp string get first namesubstr with charactar phpfirst letter php stringsubtring in phpselect first characters of string phpminus in php substrget sub string from string phpselect first char in string phpphp get first element in stringstring cut in phpphp sub strsubstring php stringphp get character at positiontake a spefic part of a string phpsubstring modifiers phpsubstr character in string phpcopy substring from string phpsubstr in phpsubstr pghphow to find first character in a string in phpsubchars phpphp cutphp get first letter in stringget only first character string phpsubstr by size phpphp only show first characterphp substr in stringdisplay first letters phpget only the first name from a string in phpthe php substr function php cut string to characterstring substring phpphp str first number of characterslaravel get first character of stringget first four characters in string phpphp get only x first characterphp substring left from charactershort string phpsubstrinf phpphp get first x characters of stringphp check first letter of stringget letters in phpphp chart atfind first letter of string array phpsubnets phpphp sustringphp getting substringphp get character from string at positioncheck first char in string phpphp get first charreturn middle letter of word in phpget first chrctor in phpphp echo first letter of stringselect string in phpphp get first char on stringdisplay full name of first charcter in phpphp copy the first two characters of a stringget partial of string up specific character phpstr substr phpphp sub str until endphp get first letter od string in variablefirts letterof a string phpphp give string the first 10 characters of stringphp 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characterslice text phpsubstring php rightfind first letter of string in array phpget string from php string php substr with strposphp string lsubphp get first character of each wordphpl slice string valuephp first letter stringaccess first letter of string phpphp right substringstring take first n characters phpphp get first character of firstname and first of last namephp get the last 4 characters of a stringphp substingphp substr first letterphp str cutphp pop one character from stringget two character from string phpsplce string phparray substr phpsubstr from endhow to slice a string in phpsubscting phpphp short stringphp trim minussubstr 28display only part of string php7get string first character phphow to get the first character of a string phpsubstring php endmatch first two wletters of a word phpread character string phpget the first element of string phpstr to substr phpget kwyword string up to character phpphp truncate string php7 end of string phpphp in sub stringphp 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word in stringfirst 3 characters phpget first letter of string phpcharacters in string in phpphp 8 get first character of stringphp get first word of stringphp first word of stringget first element of string phpphp first part of string substrget string which substradted using substr in laravelget first character of each word in string phpphp get first x words of stringphp get string without first characterphp cut string by lengthstring left phpsubstr bring string 7 with one character phpphp subtract stringlaravel string check string first characterslice string phpphp subsrationselect first letter of string phpphp substr intphp string get first x characterssubstr mtehod in phphow to check the first character of a string in phpfirst letter of string phpget first amount of characters ins ttring phpphp str spliceshow just part of text phpphp string find firstsubstring with phpsubset char phpget first two characters of string phpstring substring in phpphp shorten stringright in phpphp string slice php 7take first 3 characters from string phpsubstring in php stringsubstr in html text phpphp get 100 first characterphp substr 5dget first characters of a string phpsubst phpphp trim to amount of charactersphp check first characterfind first letter of string phpwhen will substr 28 29 php return flasehow to get the character for or in phpget substring of string from point till end in phpphp check if first x characters of a string is equalphp get first 10 chars of stringfirst string php 5cphp subsgtringphp get only first 10 characters from stringsub string in phpget the first string phpphp pull certain charactershow to take the first characters before the a certain character in phpphp last character of stringstring without part of string phpsubstr in php function exampletake first 10 characters from string phpsubstr manual phpphp get first charicter phpsub string only show first character in stringcut string php lengthphp substr function with negative lengthphp grab first character of stringsubstr get after position phpsubstr com phpstr cut phpphp to get first character of a stringsubstring php characterphp substring from rightget first 4 characters of a string in phpphp get first letter of stringphp get the first 3 characters in a stringphp string charatstring get first 4 characters in phpstring cut by substring phpphp get first element of stringonly show first x characters string phpsubstring html phphow to get a substring in phphow to bring a string in 2 in phpsubstr phpphp substring example 3 varibleget remainder of substr 28 29 phpstr subtract phpphp left of stringstr positon sub strphp substr last characterget substring phpcut string from text phpphp substring arrayphp substring stringdisplay full name of first character of a word in phpphp clip string to lengthget the rest of the characters after the forst 2 in phpphp trim string lengthphp string character at positionphp het the first 2 characters in a stringget first 5 char string phpsubtraction in phpget first three characters of string phpget first string value in phpphp get first char of array valuewhat is substr phpphp strsubphp get string onlye from stringsubstring of a string in phpget first two characters of a string in phpphp select first character of stringphp substring first charselect string 1 in phpstring splice phpreturn 10 strings phpsubstr last character phpphp cutoff stringfirst charatere phpphp match first character of stringmodal recieves only first character of string phpphp substr examplephp substr return falsephp first symbol in stringfirst characters phpphp get the first 3 letters of a stringsubstr array phptruncate string php charget firt letter in string pphphp return substring from index 23 to endphp keep first characterphp string first 5 charactersget first ten char from string phpphp string first 4 charactersphp substr first 2 charactersreturn string partphp take first word from stringsubstr en phpphp get 4 first charactersshow only part of string phpfirst 3 characters of string phphow to cut middle part of text phpright string phpfind first character in phpsubstrphpphp string first 10 charactersphp get chars in specific charactersfirst two characters of string phpsubstr inphpphp echo text offset and lengthphp get string first characterhow to cut 5b 5d in phpphp string splice from beginning and endcompare first 4 characters of sgtring in phpget the first character of a string in phpstring show only 2 char in phpsubstr of a particular word in phpphp get first character of paragraphget first letter of word in string phpget first element of a string phpphp cut string from stringphp check first character of stringslice text in phpleft string phpstring slice php 7php first 5 characters of stringsubstrw3 phpget first 6 characters of string phpsubstring from string in phpsubstr php 3fhow to slice string in phpphp get first 8 characters of stringphp get first char of each wordcut string php characterstring substr phpsubbstrphp midstrphp get first word of the stringphp subsrtsubsrt phpstring slicing phpkeep first letters string phpphp first letter in stringphp get first 20 characters of stringcheck first char of string phpchecki php string first valuestr substring phphow to print the first two items in a string in phpphp get char index roghtsubstr using words phpextract characters from string in phpslice 1 letter and remaining left phpget substring from string phpphp string only n charactersphp mid string functionphp get first 16 characters of stringphp subsdthow to show substring in phpget i in string phpphp 2b return the first part of the stringfirst 2 letters of string phpcut characters off phpphp get the first 5 characters of a stringstring first character phpget substring of string phpfirst 2 part of text in pgpphp end stringhow to check first character of a string in phpphp show first 100 characters of stringphp substr from startpfp substrhow to get substring in phpget the first 10 characters of a string in phpphp get only first 10 characters from string end with texttake string from index to index phpphp cut string from stringsubhour phpsubstring phpget first part of string phpcheck first 2 characters string phpphp get stringcheck first character on string phpphp get character from stringphp stop string stringphp get the first letter of a stringphp return letter from string by indextake first letter phpget first x chars of string phpphp string cutget substring in string phpphp left functionphp substroingcheck the first letter of string phpphp first 9 characters of a stringphp first n character of stringget string first letters phpcheck first letter of string phpphp take substring from stringsubstirng in phpphp get first 10 words from stringphp display stringsphp string characterssubstring phphphp first n characters of stringhow to get the first letter phpphp substtake last 2 characters phpreturn n number of string phptwo chracaters in phpphp get first sentence of stringphp substr 28 29php cut string after x charactersget 7 no letter into string phpextract first letter in phparray values substring phpfrom string get he first value phpsubstr last 3 characters phpphp get first character of a stringget first 4 characters of string phphow to get numbrs of letters from line phpget the first 2 characters of a string phpphp substr w3php substring array returnphp take the first 8 characters of a stringphp if field is certain number charactersphp show only first character stringphp str get part of stringphp first 3 letters of a variblephp get first from rightsubstring n phpphp subset a string based on characterstr splice in phpphp first letter of string 5cfirst letter of string in phpget integer before character phplast 3 characters phptake first 3 characters of string phpget first 3 letters from string phpphp first 6 characters stringsubstr get first character phpphp now 28 29 substringhow can get firstr caractewr in string using phphow to select first letter of string in phpsubsutring phpsubstr last 4 digits in phpright text phphow to display only a part of a string in phpname of function to display portion of string in phpsubstr on second dot phpextract characters from string laravelcheck first caracter phpphp find a word with first letter in stringsplice string phpsub str phpget segment of string using positions pgpsubtring phpphp first string charphp string rangecut string from a point phpsubsring phpsubstar phpphp character at 2find first letter in string phpget part of string phpfirst letter phpphp first letter from stringget the first element of a string phpphp echo first 3 characterstruncate a string phphow to get first 4 chracter from a string in phpphp subsstringselect right letter phpget first letter string phphow to get the first four letters in a string in phpphp cut string to lengthselect character next cama with phpphp get first twi caractersphp get string after number of charactersget first 255 char phpget string first word character phpget string portion phpget first letter phphow to get first 7 string from a long string variable in phpphp get last three characters of stringretrieve first 3 char phpphp slice string dphp subsphp string get first 10 characterssubstrwords phpget first character in string phpphp read string from behindphp get 1st char of stringphp cut off string after x characterssubstring using phpphp string firstfirst 16 characters phpphp array substrget first letter of a string phpphp first charactertrim string php at indexget string range phpget the first word of a string phpleft 28 29 right 28 29 phpsubstring to string phpphp substring exampleselect 8th character from the end of a string in phponly display part of string php