php get part of string

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showing results for - "php get part of string"
10 May 2019
1$result = substr("Hello How are you", 0, 5); //first 5 chars "Hello"
17 Jul 2019
3echo substr('abcdef'1);     // bcdef
4echo substr('abcdef'13);  // bcd
5echo substr('abcdef'04);  // abcd
6echo substr('abcdef'08);  // abcdef
7echo substr('abcdef', -11); // f
9// Accessing single characters in a string
10// can also be achieved using "square brackets"
11$string 'abcdef';
12echo $string[0];                 // a
13echo $string[3];                 // d
14echo $string[strlen($string)-1]; // f
18//substr() function returns certain bits of a string 
22 Jan 2016
1$newstring = substr($dynamicstring, -7);
11 Mar 2019
1substr ( $string , $start , $length  );
3/**Returns the extracted part of string;
4  *or FALSE on failure, or an empty string
5  */
04 Jan 2020
2$str = "Africa Beautiful!";
3echo substr($str, 0, 6);  // Outputs: Africa
4echo substr($str, 0, -10); // Outputs: Beautiful
5echo substr($str, 0);     // Outputs: Africa Beautiful!
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take first n characters stringtake string from index to index phpselect character next cama with phpphp string first 5 charactersphp substr get first letterhow to extract part of a string in phpget first n characters of string phpget first 4 letters of string phpsub str in phpphp first n characters of stringget the first two characters in a string phpget first characters of string phpstring slice function in phpphp substring last 2get1st 0char fro string phpshow first 3 letters phpsubstr from endphp from parameter get first 4 charsget first 100 characters string phpphp substr first 10 characterssubsring phphow to get first 10 characters from string in phpphp get substring from stringphp string last 3 charactersget first letter of string phpphp string substrthree first letters in string phpphp first 10 chars of stringget the first 4 letters of a string in phpget first two characters of a string in phpphp first character of a stringsubchars phpphp get first few characters of stringget last n characters of string phpcharacter at phpget portion of string phpphp substructionstring cut phpsubstring php stringsubstr from the beginningphp read string from behindsubstring phpharray values substring phpphp get first character of paragraphget first charctor in php php str spliceshow content only first 7 length in phpphp substring first 5 characterssubstring get first character phpreturn first 2 chars get last 4 string phpshow only first 5 characters laravelphp select part of stringhow to use substr phpphp cut string from positionphp get first 200 characters from stringphp substr w3php truncate stringphp get first four characters of stringphp right of stringphp subsytrphp first string charactershow 3 characters after in phpuses of substr in phphow to get the first 2 letters of a string in phpphp get first character of string every wordphp het the first 2 characters in a stringphp get the first 3 characters in a stringphp get first 2 words stringphp make string to certain 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phpsub str in laravel stringsunstr phpread the charector from position in phpget first 5 digits of num phpsubsutring phpfetch first 3 characters in string phpphp substring of a stringphp string substringget first 5 of stringphp get first character phpphp how to get part of string starting at some stringsubstri phpphp string slice from endmatch first character phpphp get first 3 words of stringkeep first 6 phpphp substring stringget specific part of string in phpsubstr string phpget the first 10 characters of a string in phpsubscting phpphp only show first letterhow to slice string phpget part od string phpget first occurrence of character in string phpphp select from stringphp substr 28 29php get characters in stringphp take substring from stringphp get first 2 character of stringwhat is substring in phpget segment of string using positions pgptake first 5 values of string in phpget first two characters in phpphp get first chars of stringsubstrac string phptake first character string phpphp get las letter in stringphp string leftphp take part of stringphp get the first letter of a stringphp right substringfirst n characters of string phpphp substr from endstring slice in phpget the first 5 letters in laravelphp get aprt of stringstr to substrphp substget first character from string phphow to get substring from string in phpget a substring in phpsubstr first 4 characters phpwhat is substr in phpphp show first 100 characters of stringphp first 5 chars of stringphp take first 5 characters from stringfirst character from string phpsbsrr phptake first 10 characters from string phpphp get first 10 characters of a stringphp get string first charactercut a value str in phpget fist chars from string phpphp array substrsubstr explained phpphp detect if last 3 charactershow to show substring in phpphp get first letter of a stringphp substr from position to endsubstr last 3 char phpget first 2 chars of string phpget the first n letter of a string phpcut string in phpstr substring phphow to get the first character of string phpphp get first 2 characters of stringphp to get first character of a stringget the first three characters from a string in phphow to get a part of a string in phpphp get first 3 string character of stringstring substr in phpsubstr 280 2c 100 29 3bget only first 2 hcahcter from string in phpsubstr bring string 7 with one character phpphp how to grab one part of a stringphp get 2 first lettersphp 5bull out substringsubstring in string phpfind part string on string phpsubstr trong phpget only a part of string phpphp get string last characterphp substring last 3 charactersphp get first two characters of stringphp left functioncheck first character of string phpfind part of string phpphp get two last charactersget two character from string phpphp get first five characters stringreturn first two chare in string phphow to get the first words of letters in phpphp substring with charactertake last 4 digits from a string phpget a part of text in phpphp first charactergrab first two characters of string phplast 4 values of a string in phpphp end stringphp get first 30 characters stringget last four characters string phpget substring of string phpphp get first 4 character of stringphp get first n chars of stringphp string subphp substring first 3 charactersphp cut stringphp take away part of stringsubstr word phpphp return first 5charsphp first 5 charactersphp only first 4 charactersphp sub listphp get first n characters get first five characters string phpphp to get first character from stringphp substr first 4 charactershow to get the last three charters of a string in phpphp get string afterphp first 3 letters of a variblephp string first 2 charsphp get the last 2 characters of a stringphp last 2 characters of stringphp get first letter of stringsubstr php functiongt 3rd letter from word phpphp strleftsubstromg phpsubstr first character phpphp show part of stringget first 100 character of string in phplaravel take two last char on variablecut strget string character by index phpget first 3 letters of string phpsubstr php meaningget first 2 character of string phphow to take the first characters before the a certain character in phpget 5 last character of string phpphp get first 2 stringphp keep x first 10 charactersphp get last 3 characters of stringphp get first 10 words of stringphp substring textphp substring positionleft 28 29 right 28 29 phpphp string lsubfirst character of string phphow to get first two characters from string in phpphp substring array returnget the first characater of a string phpsbstr last digits phpprint first letter of string phpphp last three letters of a stringfirst character phpsubstr 28 29 in php explanationhow to get first 3 letter of a string in phpphp truncate after amount of characterphp string get first characterget first 5 characters of string phpphp character atphp get first 25 charactersphp show only part of stringcompare first 4 characters of sgtring in phpphp get only x first characterecho 28 29 vs substring in php keep only a part of a string phpphp get parts of stringget only first character of second word phpphp get last right stringextract characters from string in phpphp substr in jsget substring from string phpsubstr php variablehow show only 5 first characters phpphp get the first 2 characters of a stringget first character in a string in phpphp select first 5 characters stringphp display first 100 characters of stringsubstring last 4 characters phpsubstr index phpphp get first 8 charssubstring php laravel first 250 charactershow to get first 3 characters after character in phpfirst character of a string phpphp string keeping 22 27substr get first character phpgetfive char from sting phpstr subtract phpphp substring first 2 characterssubstr php all 2cphp take end of stringget first two characters of string phpphp limit string lengthwhat is substr phpphp left first character of stringselect first characters of string phpfirst char of a string is phpprint only first 30 character of string in phpphp substring using arraytake first 6 letters of string phpfirst chars of string phpphp keep first 5 charactersphp get first character from stringphp substr stringphp substr last 4get string from php string how to get string first character in phphow to get the character for or in phpphp argbphp substr functionsubstr array phpget last 7 charactersphp select first 3 characterssubstring in phpsubstring of variable in phpphp get the 4th char of stringphp show first 10 characters stringsubstrt phpphp string get substringhow to cut string in ohpsub str php 27php get the first x char of a sentenceextract part of a string phpsubstr php 7substr to take 6 charssubstr get last 4 characters phpsubstr get after position phpget symbole in string in phpphp string first two charactersphp cut string after lengthpphp get first 10 chars of stirngphp get char index leftlaravel get last two digitit of a stringphp get first two characters of stringphp get first character of stringextract first character from string in phpsubstr inphpphp get 20 characters from the beginning of the textget first 2 letters from a string phpphp substr 28 2c 0 2c 29get only first 30 characters phphow to get the first 3 letters on a word using phpgetting a substring phpsubstring of string phpsubstring from string phpsubtring in phpsubstring php exampleslice text in phpphp get first 3 characters of namephp copy part of stringget last 4 digits of number phpphp print first n characters of stringget get first character of string phpget string from second character phpsubstrac phpstr splice in phpphp check first 3 characters of stringdisplay only n char phpget first 5 characters string phpphp string last 2 charactersget first 20 characters string phpextract string from string php php string rangesubstring en phphow to use substring in phpphp find out last scring after slassphp display first 20 charactersget the first 5 letter from a string in phpget part string from string phpfirst two characters of string phpphp get first charsubset char phpphp portionsubstr character in string phparray substring php 5cprint first characters of words in string phpend of string phpphp get substring from string with characterphp cutstr substr phplaravel get first two characters of stringtake a part of a string phpphp print first 3 characters phpshow first 50 characters phpget first two letter of string phpfirst 3 letters of a string phpphp get x characters from stringstrpos and substr in phpphp rightsubstr om phpphp subscfirst 10 characters phpstring substring phpphp get 2 first characters of stringget first character of string phpshorten string and add phpwhat is string sub in phpcheck the first character of a string phpphp get 5 characters after stringget 1st character of string phpphp substr php cut after character lengthphp find first number in stringget string first character phpphp search and extract substringphp get the first 3 letters of a stringphp get first n characters from stringphp select stringphp substring 24get only the first caracter string phphow to get substring from back in phpretrieve first 3 char phpget last 6 characters string phpphp get only first letter of stringsubstr php and put php get first index of char of stringphp get last 2 character of stringdisplay only 10 characters in phphow to cut middle part of text phpsubstring n phpselect first character of a string phphow to get last 10 digit from string in phpphp get the first 5 characters of a stringget 2b string phpphp first 2 letters of string are get substr in phpsubstring using phpphp string cut from end 7 charphp get first 100 characters of stringget left of string phphow to get first character of a string in phpphp limit to 5 charactershow to get first letter of string phpget substring position laravelsub array from a array phpget the first 2 characters of a string phpphp if first 3 charactersphp get chars in specific charactersphp get last 4 digits of stringsub stre php get first ten char from string phpget first characters of a string phpget first character in phpsubstrings php end of string phptake the first 30 words in a string phpphp get the first char of strphp select only first character of string php substrphp first 5 characters of stringhow to get a substring in phpriht string phpphp return letter from string by indexphp extract characters from stringsubstring right in phptake a part of the string phpphp substrinbgstr to substr phpsubstring in phphsubstr php showing empty in some indexcut string from right phphow to get first 30 words from string in phpshow upto 6 characters in phpsubtring phpcheck first 3 characters of string are letters phpget first 255 char phptake first 3 characters from stringphpphp substroinglast two character of a string phpget the first 2 characters of string in array phpphp get a sub stringget first char in phpphp extract stringwhat would the substr do in php 3fphp cut string from stringhow to check at first place string comes in phpget first char string phpphp check first 5 characters stringphp substr get last 2 charactersphp sub stingsubstr php examplesget first 10 characters string phpchake first later in string phpfirst to characters phpcut text in phpselect first character of string phpphp grab two characters 4 characters form end of stringget string from a string phpphp substr from startname 4 charecter in phpphp possible sub arrayphp first character of stringtake part of a string phpshow starting with first 2 letters in phpstring substr phpphp substring from rightphp get last 6 characters in stringtruncate string phptake first 2 characters string phpstring get first 10 characters phpphp character 2b1take first character of string phpshort text in php substrphp get first characters of stringhow to get first 4 characters of a string in phpextracting text from within a string phplast 3 characters phpsubstr last 2 characters phpphp get the first four characterssubstrhow to get first few characters from string in phptake first 10 characters string phphow to slice a string in phpdisplay first letter phphow to get first 2 character of string in phphow to print the first two items in a string in phpfirst char string phpphp get 3 char from tringtwo chracaters in phpsplice string phpphp string get first x charactersecho print first 5 letter in string in phppart of string phpphp get first 3 chars of stringphp get string substringfirst 20 char of text phpphp function to get first character of a stringphp first 2 letters of stringget substring without knowing value phpphp char from stringhow to get first two character in string phpget 3 first char phpcompare two first letters phpstring get first 4 characters in phpphp sub stringsubstring 28 29 phpsubstring first character phpphp first 4 characters of stringhow to get first letter of string in phpphp get string after number of characterschup off a link from a certain charecter in phpextract first 4 characters from a string in phphow to bring a string in 2 in phpget last 2 digit php stringphp left of stringlaravel get first n chars of stringhow to use substr function in phpget substring in phphow to get numbrs of letters from line phpextract characters from string laravelphp subsringphp first 3 characters of a stringget the first letter of a string phpphp get the first character of a stringget first character in string phpphp get first character of a stringget only 3 number of string phpextract a string from a string in phphow to get first 2 digits of string phpget first few characters of string phpsubstr from end of string phphow to check first character of a string in phpget a range of chacters from a string in phpphp only first letter of stringphp print first character of stringfirst 2 letters string in phpphp keep first characterget first 5 char string phpkeep the firs 25 character phpget first x chars of string phpget the first two character from string in phpsubsub phpget first charachter of string phpget first 6 characters of string phpcut length of string phpget string from start end string phpget the first 4 characters of a string phpcharat phpphp string first charphp retirer 5 first characters in stringphp get first two characters of string phpget first 3 chracters of string phpphp substr 23 php string first 4 characterssub arrays in phpphp get last 2 characters of stringphp substr 28time 28 29 2c6 29php echo text offset and lengthphp subscript textphp take first 3 characters of stringphp first character in stringphp substringmmphp first 10 characters of stringphp sting slicesubstr de phponly take first characters in a string phpphp grab section of a stringphp substr 5dphp extract string from x to y positionphp start a string with a specific lettersubstr php variable 26substr by size phpget the last two caracter of the srintg phpphp pull certain charactersphp first few char from stringphp get first cstrpos substr phpphp extract last 9 digitssubstrw3 phpget all character of string php after first 5php subsractsubstr startfrom left phpphp get first 10 words from stringphp take the first 8 characters of a stringhow to get numbers after first character of a string in phpkeep first letters string phpget first 4 character in phplast 5 digits 2fcharacters phphow to cut string in phpphp get n first caractersphp get last char of stringtring substring phpget first charctor in string phpgetting first character of string in phpget all first letter of a string php 8how to print the first ten letters of a string phpphp string slicefirst leter ok a string in phpphp check first 2 characters stringtake first few characters in phpthe php substr function php substr exampleshow to set length of character in phphow to make substring in phpphp substr first characterphp last 3 characters of stringcheck first 3 characters of string phpphp get only first 10 characters from string end with textphp extract string from stringphp string first x charactershow get part of the string in phpget part of string phpfirst 4 characters phpstring slice in php afterget 1st 6 char of stringpick first letter of string phptrim up to character length phpphp get first 20 characters of stringphp take only first 3 characterssubsr phpget first amount of characters ins ttring phpget string from specific character in phpphp subget 2 chracters from a string phphow to find first character in a string in phpphp get last two characters of stringphp first 6 characters stringtake part of string phpphp subdtr sub str phpphp get 1 character from stringslicing string in phpget first x characters of string phpsubtrect in phpphp lefetphp cut string to certain number of charsphp word substrtake the first x letter phpphp substr by characterphpreturn first 8 characters of a stringphp substruing 280 2c2 29get the last fourth character from a string phpget 4 last text phpsubstring phphow to return first 50 char of a text in phpphp get substring in stringstringsub in phpphp substr max lengthsubstr with trim phphow tom use substring in phpphp first 2 characters of stringphp get character from stringphp get first char of stringphp get part of a stringphp get first twi caractersphp first three characters of stringphp first characters of stringstring sub phpphp string char atget only first 50 characters string phptake first two characters of string phpphp crop stringget first 5 characters from a string phpphp return substring from index 23 to end minus 4 charactersphp get left part of stringextracting text from a string in phpto pick first 3 characters of a string in phpphp substring to set wordget all characters of string php after first 5how to capture letter in phpsubstr last 3 characters phpphp stop string stringphp get last three characters of stringhow to take the first letter of a string in phpphp function substrphp get last x characters of a stringget last four digits of string phpget the rest of the characters after the forst 2 in phpsubstring with phpslice a string in phpttake fist pat of string with 2c phpstring substring in phphow to slice string in phpphp trim string to lengthphp get last 4 of stringget first x characters from sting phpphp left part of stringphp character at 2substr minus 5 string from phptake first character to word in string php10 letter get in phpget only first 2 characters of string phpphp substr arraysubstr php substr using words phpphp str cutsubstrin in phpphp substr characterjava get first 5 characters string phpphp first string letterstring is same as end of string php from stringget first 3 letter phptake the first letter of a string phpget first char of string in phpsubstring of a string in phpphp char atphp get part of the stringphp cut off stringsubstring length phpstring slice phpphp sub strget first character string phpget middle letter of phpphp get last four characters of stringphp only take the first 10 characterssubstr 28 29 in php w3show only first 5 characters phpphp midstrfirst three characters of string phphow to get first caracter phpphp only print first n characters of stringget sub string from string phpphp extract first characters from stringphp get first character of leter in wordhow to cut 5b 5d in phpcut string from substring phpphp substring fromget 3rd value in string phpget first letters of string phptake last 3 digit in phpget first four characters of string phpphp subsdtfind 5 letter next to string phpphp get last 3 digits of anumberphp subtstrsubst in phpphp trim string from positionphp subscrintphp first 9 characters of a stringphp select first two letters of post valuephp echo first 10 characters of a stringphp select a part of string fromecho part of string phplast 4 digit from time in phpphp return first character of stringphp get first x words of stringfirst 3 letter phpphp substring characterget first 10 chars of string in phpphp only show first caharcextract stirng phpphp get three first characters of stringfirst letter of string in phphow to only show 8 character in phpgetting first character form string phpphp substring from the end to the startphp get 2 last characters of stringphp get first 6 characters of string and last 6 character of a stingphp get the first 4 characters of a stringsubstr meaning in phpget first three characters of string in phpphp only show first charactercheck the first four character of string phphow to get the first character of a string in phpfind part of a string phphow to only show the first 8 character in phpphp get first four charachters in stringtruncate a string phpselect string in phpsubstr php examplephp first 3 charactersget the first character of a string phpphp get first letter from stringget characters in string phptake the first n characters in a php stringphp substr in stringget piece of string phpcut string php lengthsplit last 4 digits in phptake string part out phpsubstsr phpget first 2 character from string phpdisplay only 5 characters in phpget substring based on character in phpphp substr in modelget first 5 char of string phpphp find first character in stringget first character of word phpsubstr string in phpphp get only first 2 letters of stringphp copy into string at offsetget specific part of string phpphp right stringget first char in string phpsubstr from right phpphp get first x characters of stringsub phpstr cut 100 charter in php stringfirst characters php 24 get 2b character in phphow to truncate string in phpextract first four characters from string in phpdisplay only first 10 characters phpget last 2 characters of string phpsubstrinf phphow to get only first letter from string in phpget string part phptake 10 character from string using phphow to get first character of string in phpsubst phpshow only first charcetr of the string phpphp string first 2 characterssubstr of a particular word in phpget first character from array phpphp subsget only first 6 characters of any sentence in phpfirst 3 letters of string phphow to check first 3 characters of string phpsubstr with charactar phpcut string from a point phpphp subposphp substringsphp get first 16 characterswhat does it mean substr 28 24key 2c 0 2c 5 29 3c 3e 27http 27get 3 first letter phpphp select first character of stringphp substring examplephp substring first 4 charactersphp get string 2b get first 4 characters of a string in phpphp check first two characters of stringphp first letterget first 3 char of string phpget first 2 stringphp echo first 3 characters phpwhat is the first character of any php variable 3fcheck is at first php stringwhat is the first character of a php variable 3fsubstr phpphp get 4 last charsget substring of string from point till end in phpfirst 5 character substring phpphp string limithow can get part of string in phpget first 4 letter from string phponly display part of string phphow to get first 4 chracter from a string in phpsubnets phpphp get first index of stringsubstr n phpstring first letter phpget first letter of string in phpphp get the first n characters of a stringcutting a string in phpphp sub strphp string cuthow to use 3 characters of a string in phpphp pull out substringphp get string offsetfetch the first 4 letters only phpphp get last 4 stringsphp left stringhow to take a char from php stingphp cut string lengthphp substring from stringget first value from string phpphp substring arrayphp string get last 3 charactersshow first char of string phpfirts letterof a string phpget first 4 characters of value phpget substring of phpfunction to get the substring in phpstr cut phplast right string check in phpphp get substring from tophp get first character stringphp get first n characters of stringphp echo first 10 charactersphp get first 5 letters of stringsubstring from specific character phphow to substring a string in phpchar at phpphp truncate strint to 20 characterssubstr en phpphp return first 10 words from a stringget first x characters of string php laravephp array search part of stringhow to get first 4 characters in phpphp only keep first 10 words of stringhow to get specific character from string in phpphp subhourphp get first char in all strings in araysubsrt phpphp string select partcut first 5 characters string laravelphp get first 3 characterssubbstring in phpget first char of string phpphp slice string by characterphp select first 3 characters phpget 3 end char phpphp the substr examplesubstr php variable 5cfirst 3 characters phpphp get substring from specific intervalsubstr com phphow to get first three characters from a string in phpsubstr html code phpphp strsubphp get first string characterget first 2 character phpphp get first three characters of stringphp subset a string based on characterphp first 3 cha of sringsubstring char phpshow just part of text phpphp string first characteronly show first characters of string phptake first x chars phpstring range in phpsubstring php characterphp string splice from beginning and endget right x characters phpphp get a part of stringphp get the last 4 characters of a stringwho to substring from 5b to 5d in phpget last three characters of string phpsubstr 28 29 in phpfirst three letter in string phpphp display string first 2 charactersphp grab first character of stringhow to get first 3 characters of a string in phpget first char phpfetch last 6 number of var in phpphp first charachterphp only show first 20 charactersget last 2 digits of string phpsubstring from string in phptake last 12 characters phpphp last 10 charet first 10 characters of a string in phpphp get 1st character of a stringphp cut from stringget first 30 characters string phpfirst char of string phphow cut string in phpphp get first 4 characters of stringphp subsatrphp get first 3 charsphp sub str until endphp part of stringfirst 3 characters of string phpsubstr bring 7 with one character phpphp sub strinfsubtr phpphp first 3 letter of dateget first 9 cahr of string phpphp substr exampleget substring in string phpphp part of a stringget the right and left characters of a string phpphp take th 5 last charextract part of string phpget first character phpphp substr strposphp trim minusphp last charactersof stringsubstring function in phpphp last 3 charaters of stringreturns a part of a string in phpsubstr function phptake the last two numbers from a php stringphp get first x charactersstring function to reduce a string phpget first charcter javascriptphp sub functionextracting substring from position to position phpphp first three charstr sub phpphp get certain part of stringphp get first to lettersphp substirngstring last 4 characters phpgenerate substring in phpget partial of string up specific character phpubstring phpprint first 6 letters of string in phpget string 3 firts character phpsubstring in phpget part string phpphp array and substringsphp get first 100 chars of stringphp get get string first 4 carachteregetting a part of string phphow show the first part of stringphp string parthow to get first three characters from a date in laravel bladeget string from 0 to index in phpget 2 first characters of string phphow to take first character from string in phpphp last character of stringsubstring php last 4 characterssubstring in php stringphp how to select first 3 characters of a stringphp get first 2 char of a stringtake substring from string in phpsustr in phpmcrypt decrypt php 7 2how to take first character in php stringreturn first half of string phpsubstr last 2 characters php substringet only 7 charcter of string substrphp get 1 character from string in c 23 netphp substriphp get first 5 and last 5 stringphp complete truncate year stringget only 5 characters of string phpget first 5 character php string left phpphp substring in stringsubstr php with wordsphp get the first 3 of stringphp string substringsubstr length any php php string cut substringselect only first 10 characters from string phppfp substrphp get 5 first letters of string get first 2 letters from string phpstring cutter in phpget string range phpphp get 100 first characterphp how to get the first two letters of a stringget first char from stirng phpget first 4 letters phpget character from string phpphp select first 2 characters stringget the first character of a string in phpphp cut string to lengthhow to get first 2 single char from given string using phpphp how to extract a part from a stringcontrol first 3 character phpchecki php string first valuemid phpphp substr with strposphp trim to amount of charactersphp return the 10 first charsphp substr comphp substringphp substr 5cphp get first charicter phphow to get last 5 characters of a string in phpget last 3 char strinh phpphp get chars from stringsubstr in phpgetting first characters of a variable phpphp substring read by endphp get from string partfirst 4 characters in phponly show first x characters string phpsubstr string 1 phptruncate string php charhow to get first two characters of a string in php 2f 2f start text phpget part of string from letter phpphp first 3 characters of stringselect part of string phpphp get first charc of paramterephp substring at string endphp subsrthow to get certain part from within string in phpphp get 1 character from string in c 23get the first chars of string phphow to get last 10 digit from number in phpcopy substring from string phpdispaly certain part of a string phpget character from string in phpget par t of text phpetract part of a string phpphp substring from character to charactersubstr brackets phpphp reduce string length to 20 charactersphp get last 3 character of stringsubstr in php function examplesub str phpwhat does substr mean in phpsub string in string phpphp get first 8 letter of stringphp get 4 first charactersphp substtrsubstring php from endget first 7 characters in string phpget the first 10 characters of a tring phpright text phpsubstr 281 29 phpphp get first 50 characters stringselect first char in string phpphp function to cut stringphp take sub string of a stringhow to get last 4 digits of number phpphp get shows only first 10 charactersphp string characterssubstring to string phpfind 1st character in strung using phpreduce string length phpphp string first 10 characterssubstring character phpget first n cahractes of a stsing in phpstring 3a 3asubstr 28 29 phpget first 4 characters of a string phpget first 25 word of string phpsubstr 28 29 phpphp check if first x characters of a string is equalget 2 character from string php extract first letter in phpslice string phpphp get first 25 charactershow 4 5 characters of a stringsubstring from certain character phpcompare sub string in php without substr functionphp get firest character from filephp in particular part in string showselect only a particular part of a string phpphp get rest of characters aafter first findsubstring phpphp get first 6 characters of stringphp substr nedirphp subsrsubcash in phpsubstr 28php get string substring from backphp slice stringsubstr phpfirst 3 characters in phpstring cut by substring phpget part from string phpget first 5 characters php3 firts letters phgpsub array from array phpget first 10 string phpsubstr word phpphp extract portion of stringonly take the first 4 characters phpleft phpget substring phpphp firtyst lett of stringcheck first two characters of string phpfind first character in string explode phpsubstri 28 29 phpcut string phpsubstring in php post variablefind first three characters of string x in phphow to sub str in phpsub string in phpget string portion phpreturn just 3 letter substring phpphp first 3 letters of stringphp get first character of firstname and first of last namephp substrcthow to get specific amount of string in phpphp cut characters from stringtake last 4 characters php from stringtake last 2 characters phpfuncion substr phpphp find a string in a string and select 4 charcsters after the stringhow to get first letter from string in phpphp substring from end of stringget first 4 chars of string phpget only part of string phpreturn part of string in phpshow first and last 3 characters in phpcut a data from string phpstring get only first 7 characters in phpsubstr phphget first n character of string phpphp string first letter of a stringget first 12 character of string phplast 3 chars of string phpsubstring from start end phpphp mid string functionsubtraction in phpsubstr in a specific word phphow to substr in phpphp text first 10 characterssubstring en phphphp first 5 chasr from stringget some parts of the string phpphp get first 3 characters of stringphp get first 10 characters of stringphp cut off string after x charactersphp get only last 3 from stringphp first 50 characters of stringget the first char in a word phpstr slice phpget string first 2 letters phpphp char at indexget part of string in phpsusbstring method in phpphp get part of string