op in sequelize

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02 Oct 2019
1//Sequelize provides several operators.
3const { Op } = require("sequelize");
5  where: {
6    [Op.and]: [{ a: 5 }, { b: 6 }],            // (a = 5) AND (b = 6)
7    [Op.or]: [{ a: 5 }, { b: 6 }],             // (a = 5) OR (b = 6)
8    someAttribute: {
9      // Basics
10      [Op.eq]: 3,                              // = 3
11      [Op.ne]: 20,                             // != 20
12      [Op.is]: null,                           // IS NULL
13      [Op.not]: true,                          // IS NOT TRUE
14      [Op.or]: [5, 6],                         // (someAttribute = 5) OR (someAttribute = 6)
16      // Using dialect specific column identifiers (PG in the following example):
17      [Op.col]: 'user.organization_id',        // = "user"."organization_id"
19      // Number comparisons
20      [Op.gt]: 6,                              // > 6
21      [Op.gte]: 6,                             // >= 6
22      [Op.lt]: 10,                             // < 10
23      [Op.lte]: 10,                            // <= 10
24      [Op.between]: [6, 10],                   // BETWEEN 6 AND 10
25      [Op.notBetween]: [11, 15],               // NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15
27      // Other operators
29      [Op.all]: sequelize.literal('SELECT 1'), // > ALL (SELECT 1)
31      [Op.in]: [1, 2],                         // IN [1, 2]
32      [Op.notIn]: [1, 2],                      // NOT IN [1, 2]
34      [Op.like]: '%hat',                       // LIKE '%hat'
35      [Op.notLike]: '%hat',                    // NOT LIKE '%hat'
36      [Op.startsWith]: 'hat',                  // LIKE 'hat%'
37      [Op.endsWith]: 'hat',                    // LIKE '%hat'
38      [Op.substring]: 'hat',                   // LIKE '%hat%'
39      [Op.iLike]: '%hat',                      // ILIKE '%hat' (case insensitive) (PG only)
40      [Op.notILike]: '%hat',                   // NOT ILIKE '%hat'  (PG only)
41      [Op.regexp]: '^[h|a|t]',                 // REGEXP/~ '^[h|a|t]' (MySQL/PG only)
42      [Op.notRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]',              // NOT REGEXP/!~ '^[h|a|t]' (MySQL/PG only)
43      [Op.iRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]',                // ~* '^[h|a|t]' (PG only)
44      [Op.notIRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]',             // !~* '^[h|a|t]' (PG only)
46      [Op.any]: [2, 3],                        // ANY ARRAY[2, 3]::INTEGER (PG only)
48      // In Postgres, Op.like/Op.iLike/Op.notLike can be combined to Op.any:
49      [Op.like]: { [Op.any]: ['cat', 'hat'] }  // LIKE ANY ARRAY['cat', 'hat']
51      // There are more postgres-only range operators, see below
52    }
53  }
27 Apr 2018
1//First method
2// selecting authorityId :12 or 13
4  where: {
5    [Op.or]: [
6      { authorId: 12 },
7      { authorId: 13 }
8    ]
9  }
19 Nov 2016
1// second method
2// selecting authorityId :12 or 13
4  where: {
5    authorId: {
6      [Op.or]: [12, 13]
7    }
8  }
queries leading to this page
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objectsequelize or operator in where clauseop and sequelize examplewhere statement sequelizesequelize andwhere or wheresequelize where equalsequelize operatorsquery with or in sequelize sequelize sequel odssequelize findall with where conditionsequalize where inseqlize fine many postgresadd where clause in included model sequelizesequelize where querysequelize where condition with andsequelize findall with where clauseoptions where sequelizesequelize where clause associationfindall sequelizesequelize where includeop or sequelize 3 itemssequelize include with where conditionsequelize where association clauseor in where condition in sequelizesequelize in operatorsequelize select where op orsequelize where anyoffset sequelizesequelize find fieldswhere with find in sequelizenode js sequelize sequelize op notsequelize query find this wheresequelize where or includesequelize where conditioninclude in a where statement sequelizesequelize set where clause in fnoperators in sequelizesequelize where op or op andsequelize find query orsequelize findall fromsequelize like querysequelize finall query attributeswhere op is not sequelizesequelize js order byfindall sequelize where or examplewhere with or sequelizedb sequelize wheresequelize findall wheresequelize between thanfind all where sequelizeattributes in sequelize attributessequelize findall find one or where in node js sequelizehow to use sequelize wheresequelize include clauseselect where sequelizesequelize op and operatorsequelize how to say select 2a where condition insequelize org select whereinhow do i filter a get item query with or operator in sequelizesequelize where functionsequelize where selectselect property in sequelizesequalize find bysequelize 22with 22 clausewhere in sequelizesequelize findsequelize where 28sequelize query orquery find anything sequelizewhere or condition in sequelizesequelize get wheresequelize findall from tosequelize where insequelize find all wherelist of sequelize methodssequelize 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sequelizesequelize include wheresequilize limitoperators sequelizeop in sequelize