php mail

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showing results for - "php mail"
27 Apr 2020
2$to = $_POST['email'];
3$subject = "Email Subject";
5$message = 'Dear '.$_POST['name'].',<br>';
6$message .= "We welcome you to be part of family<br><br>";
7$message .= "Regards,<br>";
9// Always set content-type when sending HTML email
10$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
11$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
13// More headers
14$headers .= 'From: <>' . "\r\n";
15$headers .= 'Cc:' . "\r\n";
10 May 2017
2$to      = '';
3$subject = 'the subject';
4$message = 'hello';
5$headers = 'From: Jack Sparrow <>' . PHP_EOL .
6    'Reply-To: Jack Sparrow <>' . PHP_EOL .
7    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
9mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
08 Jul 2020
1// use this library ->
4use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
5use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP;
6use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;
7function sendEmail(){
8  	require 'phpmailer/vendor/autoload.php';	
10    //Create an instance; passing `true` enables exceptions
11    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);
12    $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
13  try {
14      $receiver = '';
15      $name = 'Name';
17      //Server settings
18      $mail->SMTPDebug = 1;                      //Enable verbose debug output
19      $mail->isSMTP();                                            //Send using SMTP
20      $mail->Host       = 'tls://';                     //Set the SMTP server to send through
21      $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;                                   //Enable SMTP authentication
22      $mail->Username   = '';                     //SMTP username
23      $mail->Password   = 'PASSWORD';                               //SMTP password
24      $mail->SMTPSecure = tls;            //Enable implicit TLS encryption
25      $mail->Port       = 587;                                    //TCP port to connect to; use 587 if you have set `SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS`
27      //Recipients
28      $mail->From = '';
29      $mail->setFrom('', 'Name');
30      $mail->addAddress($receiver, $name);     //Add a recipient
32      //Content
33      $mail->isHTML(true);                                  //Set email format to HTML
34      $mail->Subject = 'Subject';
35      $mail->Body    = 'Body';
37      $mail->send();
38      echo 'Message has been sent';
39  } catch (Exception $e) {
40      echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}";
41  }
06 Jul 2017
2// Multiple recipients
3$to = ','; // note the comma
5// Subject
6$subject = 'Birthday Reminders for August';
8// Message
9$message = '
12  <title>Birthday Reminders for August</title>
15  <p>Here are the birthdays upcoming in August!</p>
16  <table>
17    <tr>
18      <th>Person</th><th>Day</th><th>Month</th><th>Year</th>
19    </tr>
20    <tr>
21      <td>Johny</td><td>10th</td><td>August</td><td>1970</td>
22    </tr>
23    <tr>
24      <td>Sally</td><td>17th</td><td>August</td><td>1973</td>
25    </tr>
26  </table>
31// To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
32$headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0';
33$headers[] = 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1';
35// Additional headers
36$headers[] = 'To: Mary <>, Kelly <>';
37$headers[] = 'From: Birthday Reminder <>';
38$headers[] = 'Cc:';
39$headers[] = 'Bcc:';
41// Mail it
42if(mail($to, $subject, $message, implode("\r\n", $headers))){
43  echo "success";
45  echo "Echec send email";
26 Jul 2019
11 Mar 2018
1$mailtext = '<html>
3    <title>HTML-E-Mail mit PHP erstellen</title>
12$empfaenger = "";  // Mailadresse
13$absender   = "";
14$betreff    = "Mail-Test - HTML-E-Mail mit PHP erstellen";
15$antwortan  = "";
17$header  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
18$header .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n";
20$header .= "From: $absender\r\n";
21$header .= "Reply-To: $antwortan\r\n";
22// $header .= "Cc: $cc\r\n";  // falls an CC gesendet werden soll
23$header .= "X-Mailer: PHP ". phpversion();
25mail( $empfaenger,
26      $betreff,
27      $mailtext,
28      $header);
30echo "Mail wurde gesendet!";
queries leading to this page
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included when posting to the mailing list 3fhow to call function in php mailphp mail serviceemail integration in phpphp mailer from html formhow to send a email from phphow to add php mailerhow to link to write an email in htmlphp mail 2 email addresseshow to use mail function in phpphp mail system scriptuse php mail in simple phpemail send using phpcode php pour mailhow to send email by php mailerphp email headers htmlphp send mail stmpphp artisn make 3amailemail in phpphp send functionsending html email phpphp hear mail sentwhat does 24r 3esend 28 29 do in phpmail content in mailer phpmail in php mail functionhow to send email from html page using phpphp script for sending emailhtml email linksending emails with phpsendmail php ccsending mail usingh phpmail fucntio phpcheck html for mailhow to set mail sunject in phpset php send emailmail 28 29 supported php versionmail to function in phpcontent tpe mail phpsend a mail with smtp phpphp mailer import phpphp mail smtpsending email in php7php mail headeremail phpmailerphp mail function htmlentitiesfucntion send emailsend mail par lots phphow to send mail as queable php mailphp send mail with mail functionhow to send mails in phpphp mail function parametershow to send email using phptheader in mail function in phpmail php with htmlphp mail explainedphp show emailsending mail using php mailer site pointphp how to send an emaildoes php mail 28 29 work on php 7 1standard php mail logs 60phpphp r mailmail php 7sending mail through phpusing php to send emailemail field in htmlhow does php mailer worksend email without php mail 28 29 function in phpphp mail appphp mail mautphp email scriptphp mail function ccphp mail with htmlfunction sendmail phpsend email phphinvio mail phpphpmailer send html emailphp mailer classphp send mailsphp mail funtionalityphp mail exampleshow does php mailer worksweb mail phpsubject with 22 27 22 in email phpemail htm form using phpmailto in phpphp mail function with different body partphp ini mail functioncheck php mail function workingsend mail with mail 28 29 function inphphow to write html emailsemailer in htmlhow to do mail to phpphp email to syntaxbasic php email scriptphp email functionphp email systemmail header in phpphp emailsphp script send emailsend an email in phpgive mail with php stmt email script phpphp mail function sendmailsending an email in phphtml email w3php simple mail heasers viahow to send email using mailchimp in phphow send mail in phpphp send email mailtohow to make a email attrbute in htmlhtml 5 emailsend html page as email phpwhat is the use of mail 28 29 function in php 3fmail to sender phpemailer phpsend mail php mailermail php htmlphp create php mailemail class phphow to send html mail with phpphp main sentphp mailer nediremail html example w3schoolshow to send mail through phphow to email in htmluse 40mail phphow to make a php email serverhtml for mailhtml format emailphp mailing servicesphp email functionsphp mail reply tophp mail function explainedphp mail functionalitysent mail using phpuse mailjet php mailphp mail function sending mail to spamphp mailer phpmanualphp simple mailphp email headershow to send a mail phpmail sent using php phpmailerphp mail sendphp smtp mail examplehow to send email with phpemail php scriptphp mail function headdersphp send mail with htmldifferent method to send mail using phpsend mail using phphtml5 email linkphp mail function html bodyscript php send mailphp mail showing html tagsphp mail function using formexample for php mail sendmail 28 29 functionmailbox in php 40mail function in phpemail system phpmail function in phplink to email in htmlwhat is a php mail settingssend mail using phpmailer in phpsimple mail send in phpsend email with html style in phphow to send email in php with html formatphp sendmail php how to send mail using phpmailerreceive mail in phphow to change from parameter php mail functionmail function parameters in phpmail phpmailersimple html php mailhow to mail using phpmail for send mail phpmailjet phpmaileremail funtion in phpmail 3a 3ato 28 29 3esend in phpemail field tag htmlsend email php phpmailerphp mail 28 29 examplemail in phpsending emmail using phphtml mail with phpphp mailer 24mail 3emailersend an email html phpinclude email html phpphp mail send codehow to call email function within function in phpsubject mail phpsenting information througth php using mailhow to link email in htmlemail to htmlmail script phpemail to phpphp delivered 28 29 functionhow to create email form html and phpemail link html 5 codephp mail portsend mail using smtp in php examplephp mailer works on server 3fclass php mailerphp mailing systemform send to email phpphp mail bccsend email usb phpmail configuration phpsend invoice email phpphp send email by smtpphp 22mail 3a 3ato 28 29 3aphp mail at 5cphp send emailcreate an email sequence with phpbeantownthemes php emailsphp send email phpmailerphp mail 28 29w3 shc0ools phphp emailreceive email with phpmail function in php examplehow to change from email using php html mailphp mail confighow to add an email in htmlsend email with php and htmlemail tag htmlphp fake mail set upmail in php codehow to call mail function phphow to send email from phpphp mail configurationphp mailer with htmlphp form email scriptphp code for sending emailphp how to send emailwhat causes the email to reach its desnation in phpsend somethimh to someone using phphtml linking emailphp forms emailhtml form email phpphp mail service do i need a domain 3fphp local how to send emailmail html in phphow to write email link in htmlsend email with attachment in php using phpmailerphp mail header fromhow to send simple email in phpphp send mail with classphp mail bodyphp mail transportemail php send 3chttp 3a 2f 2fwww php net 2fmail 3ephp mail fundtionssimple email send in phpsend to phpsent email by php how to mail through phpphp mail command linephp mail porphp mail function parameters to send namesend email php htmlfrom mailer in phpmail library phpmail php headersphp mailing functionphp send to the emailmail to in phphow to make an email from phpphp mialphp mail form examplehtml5 emailphp mail an arraysending email headers phpphp mail 28 29 function freeinstall mail 28 29 phpphp sending mailphp mail democustom emailadsdress on gmail php mailmail fucntion php h 2cmail 3bseverphp send email 27mail command phpsendmail php functionphp email methodmail syntax in phpwhat is mail in phpphp print html in emailhow to connect to mailbox phphow to use mail 28 29 in phpcc in mail phpnovi php mailersimple php mailer scriptphp mail sent htmlsimple mail php functionenvoyer email htmlsenmail function phpi send email via php code then showing me be careful with this messagemail 3a 3asend phphtml email frameworkphp maile how do you send and receive emails using php 3fheader php mailsend mail from database in phpemail send htmlsimple php mail filehow to send php email in phpphp send email 5cphp define from name in mailmail send in php codehow to send mail using phpmailer in phphow to code on send a emailin phpphp mail example with headershtml php emailphp 40mail functionemail logo htmlhtml mail phpsimple send mail phpphp mailer php 7php types of mailedphp send mail packagesend html link in email phpphp mail 28 29 functionusing php mailer on html examplehtml email template phphow to send email in php w3schoolsphp mail body message 24mailphp 3d new mail 28how to send email in phpuse php mail functionphpmail examplehow to send email by phphow to mail from phphow to send email using smp in phpphp email send html formathow to send an email vi phpphp include mailphp mail 28 29 sendmail pathphp mail operatorshow to send php emailsphp 40mailhow to use html tags in email in php echohtml email formatophp ini mail 28 29script php for sending mailphp email template htmlhow to send an email using phpmail php manualmailed by php mailerhtml email marketing uksend mail in php using sendmailhow send email by phpmailerphp mail withemailer in phphtml as email body phpphp mail 28 29 smtpphp mail funcitonhow can we send email in php 7 4simple html and php mail scriptphp mail client packagephp code for mail sendinghow to add different emails to headers in phphow to send a email phpsend html mail using phpphp email format htmlhow to create a email sender in html and phpphp send emailsphp mail 28 29php mail installphp 24mail 3email send function in phphtml mailsend email via my server phpphp sendmail examplephp code to send email using phpmailerphp script email senderfrom email set in phpphp send mail simplesimple php mailname with email id for mail function in php 26 23039 3b subject email phphtml php send emailcreate mail server phpsend mail in php examplesend email from localhost in phpphp 5 3 mail functionphp send html mailphp email html and plain textphp mail bcc headerhow to make a php mail listsend mail with phpphp mailcow send emailsend email online demo in phpphp mail funciont send emailhow 3bto use mail function in phpphp send mail in inboxemail form html phpsending mail using phpmailing library for phpphp send mail 28 29perimeter of php mail functionhow to send mail from phpwp mail from function phpphp ailfuncion php mailcc mail phphow to add php email functionality to html formmail send in phpemail trigger php scriptphp mail send email in spamheader from mail phpphp mail functoinsend mail from website using phpemail portal in phphow to send a emai with phpcreate email phpsimple php email formphp net mailsend mail from script phpsend html in emailhow mail 28 29 send in phphow to trigger mail in phpsend php mail configurationsend html to email php maileremail form phpphp email examplecreate email and receive emails phpsending html email with phpmail with phpin mail phpphp mail htmlphp main function for emailemail through phpphp mailer scriptphp mail set from namesend html php emailusing sendmail in phpphp mail get responseuse php e2 80 99s built in mail 28 29 function to send an email message from your email id to your own email id the subject field should have daisy how sen mail from phpphp send email to usersend email php codemake email with 2a phpphp mail function scriptmail send in core phphow to create php mailerphp send mail html formatsend html email with phpsending mail php mailerphphtml emailphp mailerephp open mailsetup mail in phpsend mail in php using smtpphp send email in html formathtml email designusing php mail 28 29 with smtpphp mail html formatmail send function messagephp script for email formsend html emailmail from with name phpsend a email using phpmailerhow to do a email number htmlhow to embed email in htmlmailheaders php mailmail html formatingemail sender name header simple phpsend emails using php 27s mail functionphpmailer phphow to use email phpemail format in htmlphp send email ajaxsend email through phpphp mail classhow to add html code in mail phpsimple mail function ppsendenmail php scripthow to send email in php using mail functionfonction mail 28 29 phpemail tag in html5how to get the email message object in phpmailun php send requestphp send email messagephp send email wpphp mail a linkhow to sent email using phpsending email using phpphp mail from any serveremail format htmlrequired headers for php mailphp email fromphp web mailhtml in mail phpsend text and html email using phpexample php emailsend html email in phpnote mail 28 29 in phphow to send a mail with phphtml php mailmail for phpemail sending php code 40mail 28 24to 2c 24mail subject 2c 24message 2c 24headers 29 with filehow to use an email in url in phpphp mail headerssend email ajax phphow to lay out email htmlwhat is needed to send a email trhough mail 28 29 function phphow to create email with htmlmail 28 29 in phphow to add from address in php mail functionemail library phpwhy am i getting mails from php mailermailing in phpmail sent in phpwhat does php mail function returncode to send mail in phpphp mailer apphow to send email table through phphow to create php mail responsephp mail headers examplehow to sendt mail in phphow to email format in phpto email in phpmail 3ato in phpsend mail via php codephp mailer ccphpmailer to emailmail handler phpemail systen phpsimple email php formphp mailer ovhhtml emailin phphow to send email from localhost in phpfunction to set off email notification phpemail inbox phpsend mail using php smtphow to send html email using php mail functionphp send mail functionhtml emailye mail using php w3php 8 mail functionphp function send mailsend html email php ruleshow to setup email in phphow to send emailusing the sendmail function in phpsendinblue ssend email from phphandle email with php scriptsend a mail using phpmail fuction php 7how to get html of emailphp mail commandphp email with html mail php localhosthow to send mails from php 24email a phpsend html with php mailhosw to use php mailmailer phpphp email form in htmlsend email to user in phpphp mail toosend mail by phpemail using phpwhat does the mail function return in phpphp send mail htmlusing php mailphp mail function send email to mail in weekendphp mail html designsend email through phpphp simple mail utility classhow to make html page for emailphp maill 3a 3asend 28 29 3bhtml email vorlagemail funciton phpphp mail in htmlphp insert emailcustom from php mail functioncall php mail function in a page how to send a mail using phpphpmailer set header to text 2fxmlphp mail set from emailphp mail 3a 3asen 28 29how to send an html emailphp email with different from an headerconfigure external mail server for php mail 28functionphp email inboxmail send phphow to send email using the sendmail function in phpsend email from phpmailerhow to use html in php mail functionhow to enable php mail function on serverdevelop html emailsend simple email by phpphp mailerbrphp send mail set fromhtml email contentsend mail using smtp phpsending a mail with phpphp mail scriptphp mail to header parameterssendmail php examplesend mail in php using phpmailersend email to webmail phpemail id insert at dot php funtionmail cc phpphp email send emailhow to send email by using phpphp mailing dunction 40mail or mail phpmail header phpmail html phpphp default mailerphpmailer send mailphp send email githubphp to send emailemailing using phpmailing code phpphphp mail 28 29php mail 28 29 function code to send emails from a formemail using php w3php mailer in phpphp mail outputsend email via php smtpsending email with phpphp smtp email sender 5bmail function 5dhtml email campaignheader mail phpmail function format in phpphp mailler 22mailslurper 22 with php mail 28 29php mail phpsend html email phpphp send mail customphp mail function loghow to email in phpsend mail php mailer phpphp to emailwhat is php mail forms html emailadd email htmlphp how to send mailscript to send mail phpphp mail sendersend email using php smtpphp 5 3 at mail functionemail html tegotp sender in jquery w3schoolssend email php smtpmail integration in phphow to send emails on server with phpmail 28 29 function in phpphp simple email scriptmail 28 29php send mail with ussend mail in plain phphow to send email import html in phphow to send a mail in phpphp 24this 3esend 28 27 27 2c 27email 27 2c 27 27 29 3bemail html tagmail php codeview html of emailsimple html mail phpsimple php html mail check on server 40mail in phpphp envoi mailgetting email phphtml mail in php 22php email form 22 librarysend email using phpsend mail using php wordpress mail send with phpsimple mail library for phphow to send mails using php mail sending email in phpmail function php explainmailto function in phpemail in php smtp 40mail phpphp html mail sendmail function script phpphp form to emailwhat is php syntax 25email 25html mail header manualsend php mail using phpmailersmtp in php mail functionphp email headerphp mailsphp e mailphp to send mailicon html emailphp mailer msgxmlemail message htmlsend mail php scripthtml for email onlinemail 28 29 php docshow to give sending mail to php mail functionmail php php8mail 28 29 in phpphp mail function w3schoolssend to email phpsend html in php mailmailfrom phpphp mail send as quesend email php using phpmailerphp send email codephp amil smtpphp mengirim php mailer atau mail 28 29php mail from headerdoes php mail work inphp mail 5dsimple mailer php sending mail in php using phpmailersending mail from phpphp send email smtpphp mailer htmlembed php to send emailsend html email php mail functionphp html email source codephp mail demophp email valuephp mail sender namephp send email w3php mail post emailsendmail function phpmail 28 29 php definitionphp mail send using smtphow to include html tags in mail using phphow to send emails in phpsend an email using phpmail function automatically reader phpphp mail exampalmail funktion phpphp html emailemail sending in php msgcc sendmail phpx mailer phpphp mail 6 1tutorial php mailphp mail function showing example in subjectmailbox php mail sending using phpphp maill addccmail function in core phpphp generate emailphp send email clasemail tag in htmlphp faktoryjob bccphp email with html bodymail php cccc php mailhtml email phpphp html email phpconfigure mail in phpphp is mailhow to send html file as email with php mail functionsend html code in email phpsee mails in html site phpemail html declarationphp mail function inboxmail php with namewcp php mail functionphp html email documentation 24mail function phpphp mailer funcphp mailer from httpsend email with php valuessetup php mailphp at mail functionform email htmlsend email using php mail functionemail php scriptshtml email lolsexamplephp emailphp mail function header fromphp mail reply to header parametersrequirements to send email using php mail functionmail using smtp in phphtml email supporthtml email code examplesend mail path phpweb mail in phpsend email function in phphow to add email in htmlcreate email html send mail 28 29 phpphp email layoutphp mail funcrionphp mailablephp scrpit for mail 24r 3esend 28 29 do in phpsend email from from phpsend mail phpphp mailer congif php inifunction mail phpcreate html emailsend email htmlhow to use in php string mailphp code to send email by posthow to send email using mail 28 29 in phpphp how to send email from localhostmail email sending phpsend html email via phpfrom parameter php mail functionmail server phpmail php appmailto phpphp info 40company send mailsend an email phpphp mailing scriptuse mail function in phpphp mail server receiveemail from php mail 28 29 functionsend mail with ajax phpphp mail timerphp mail 28 28 29 set from mhtml to php email converterphp script to send emailsend a mail from phphtml email frameworkssend emails with phpsend mail localhost phpsend mail including from phpphph code to send emailphp mailer example phpfrom header mail phpphp mail function examplephp mail 2frphp mail 28 29 script to send emailhow to make a mail system in phpmail using phpsuccessfully mail sent add in array phpemail to link htmlphp mail function source codephp mail doesnt send htmlsend mail in php 7 4 full php mailer optionshow to add format content in email php 24mil 3esubjectphp mail functionphp send email sitesend simple email in phphow to send a email via phpphp mailtrap php iniphp mail how it worksmaili in phpphp sendmialphp email 3bphp sending an emailmail smtp phpphp send mail configwhich is best mail function or mail class in phphtml send emailphp mail function bosyphp mail php ini php mailphp mail function with html contentwhat phpmailer send 28 29 returns 3fphp email form exploit how to setup php mailerphp mail serversimple php mail libraryphp mail phpshow signed by in php email headerssend email php with from name and emailread my mail phpphp mail moduleshow to implement the date email was sent phpformat an error email phpemail list html codephp mail formatphpmailer html emailphp mail doesn 27t go when i add headersinbox php mailerphp mailer send mailfunction mail php iniemail key phpemail header to send html emailsend mail in php localhostphp mail 3a 3ato 28 29php mailjet send emailphp mailer format emailsendmail 28 29 phpexample email sender phpphp mail name sendermail php iniis mail phpsend email php w3php mail header array samplephp email pageemail function in phphow to setup php mail with mail functionformat email htmlphp send mail using smtphow to send mail to someone in phpsending an email with phpemail form htmlsmtp mailer phpsend email con phpphp mail headers arrayphp mail is mail server required formailgun phpsend a html email in phpphp mail function if it is sentsend php mailsend email on website with php mailersend email html code and phpmailclient phpmail sent code in phpphp mail sendingphp send html emailhow write own mailer phpinclude 28 27mail php 27 29 3bmail from in phpsend mail from php wordpressphp mail propertysend html email with phpmailersend email using phpmailer in phpmail using phpmailersend email php examplephpmailerhow to send smtp email using phpemail in php filephp input emailhow to send email from my mail in phpmail system in phpemail html tagssend php emailset smtp php mailerphp mail with smtphow to send custom mail in using php scriptphp7 send emailsend html page when sending mail w3schoolsemailing phpis email in phpmail php format htmlsample html email via phpmail header sender nameemail php fromattribute email in htmlphp form emailphp mailer phpsend mail in php ccphp mail header adding email serverphp email notification scritphp mail html emailphp send mail smtphow to send email php from my mailphp mailer code in phpmail 28 29 add to cc phpphp mail fromphp mail 3a 3aphp mail edit textarian before sendphp send mailemail support htmlphp mail function with htmlsend email post phpform php mailphp mail function linuxsending mail phpemail code for phpphp mail function set htmlmail 28 29 in php configsend mail with phpmailersend email with phphtml in an email phphtml email body send email using phpmaileremail page content phpphp mailer send email send mail phpto mail in phpsending emails in php using mail 28 29 functionphp mailelrsend mail using php mail functionphp types of mailersend php variable in emailmail sender scripts phpsend html page as email by phpemail format phpmail php html formatmails php htmlphp mail