smtp in php mail function

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14 Apr 2018
2$to = $_POST['email'];
3$subject = "Email Subject";
5$message = 'Dear '.$_POST['name'].',<br>';
6$message .= "We welcome you to be part of family<br><br>";
7$message .= "Regards,<br>";
9// Always set content-type when sending HTML email
10$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
11$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
13// More headers
14$headers .= 'From: <>' . "\r\n";
15$headers .= 'Cc:' . "\r\n";
27 Mar 2017
3error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_STRICT);
5require_once "Mail.php";
7$host = "ssl://";
8$username = "";
9$password = "your email password";
10$port = "465";
11$to = "";
12$email_from = "";
13$email_subject = "Subject Line Here:" ;
14$email_body = "whatever you like" ;
15$email_address = "";
17$headers = array ('From' => $email_from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $email_subject, 'Reply-To' => $email_address);
18$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array ('host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'auth' => true, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password));
19$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $email_body);
21if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
22echo("<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>");
23} else {
24echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");
14 Sep 2016
1mail ( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, mixed $additional_headers [, string $additional_parameters ]] ) : bool
25 Feb 2018
2I migrated an application to a platform without a local transport agent (MTA). I did not want to configure an MTA, so I wrote this xxmail function to replace mail() with calls to a remote SMTP server. Hopefully it is of some use.
4function xxmail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)
6 $smtp = stream_socket_client('tcp://', $eno, $estr, 30);
8 $B = 8192;
9 $c = "\r\n";
10 $s = '';
12 fwrite($smtp, 'helo ' . $_ENV['HOSTNAME'] . $c);
13  $junk = fgets($smtp, $B);
15 // Envelope
16 fwrite($smtp, 'mail from: ' . $s . $c);
17  $junk = fgets($smtp, $B);
18 fwrite($smtp, 'rcpt to: ' . $to . $c);
19  $junk = fgets($smtp, $B);
20 fwrite($smtp, 'data' . $c);
21  $junk = fgets($smtp, $B);
23 // Header 
24 fwrite($smtp, 'To: ' . $to . $c); 
25 if(strlen($subject)) fwrite($smtp, 'Subject: ' . $subject . $c); 
26 if(strlen($headers)) fwrite($smtp, $headers); // Must be \r\n (delimited)
27 fwrite($smtp, $headers . $c); 
29 // Body
30 if(strlen($body)) fwrite($smtp, $body . $c); 
31 fwrite($smtp, $c . '.' . $c);
32  $junk = fgets($smtp, $B);
34 // Close
35 fwrite($smtp, 'quit' . $c);
36  $junk = fgets($smtp, $B);
37 fclose($smtp);
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email by phpphp mailer example phpadd smtp php mailemail format phpphp mail smtp send htmlhtml email phphow to create php mail responsephp mail cc examplephp smtp email sendingphp send to email php send mail using local smtp servermail php with htmlsmtp send mail phpphp email using smtpphp mail 28 28 29 set from msimple email send phpphp7 mail smtphow to connect to mail server in php using smtp prtocolphp script to send email via smtpmail sending in phpphp send email smtp linuxhow does php mail use smtpsend mail woth phpmailer smtpwcp php mail functionphp mail porthow to send email by php mailerphp 3d new mail 28mail method in phpsend mail using phpsend html mail in phpphp email send codephp email pagesend email via smtp server in php using phpmailerphp mail how it workshow send email by php mailerhow to send a email from phphow to use mail 28 29 in phpget email response using php mailermail with smtp phphtml in mail phpphp smtp mailerweb mail in phpphp x mailer defaultphpmailer html mailphp mail 28 29 smtp settingsphp email hostphp email send mailer typeemailing phpusing phpmailer with smtpphp mailer tutoriaphp to send mailsmtp email configuration in phpsimple smtp php email formphp email send smtp gmailphp email sitephp mail funtionalityphp send mail with usphp mail from address toread email using smtp phphow to mail using phpbasic of php mailcall php mail function in a page php insert user email into headerexample for php mail sendsend an email in phpsend email php smtpphp email clientsend mail with php without smtpsend email using php smtpmail php filemail php 7php email loginhow to send email in php w3schoolsphp function send mailphp mail 28 29 function html email examplesend mail php codephp types of mailerhow to send email from a website using phpsmtp creating phpmail message in phpphp smtp mailer filephp mailjet examplehow to send a emai with phpsend email using php via smtpsimple php mailphp mail function with htmlhow to send mails with phpphp email formathow to make email headers in phpemail php urlmail using phpmailerwhat return mail function in phphow to send mail through phpsend emails with phpphp faktoryjob bccmail setup phpmail smtp phpphp send email messagephp simple email sendmail function script phpsending mails with phpphp mail function connect to smtpsending email using smtp phpphp email library smtpphp smtp mail send examplehow to send a email through phpcharacter in header send mail phpsend email with php and smtp phpzagphp mailer works on server 3fwhich is correct syntax for sending email 28simple text 29 in phpphp email headersphp mailer new library for phpsmtp php mail works bettersetting smtp to send mails in phpcc in mail phpphp code email sendingphp 40mailsend email php examplehow to mail through phphow to use php mailer functionphp mail function on fromconfigure smtp for php mailmail phphow to mail from phpmail send in php using smtpsend php emailemail settings in phpbbsending mail php smtpphp mail use own mail serverphp html emailphp to send emailmailigen php emailget mail response phphow to code an email in phphow to include recipient name in email in php scriptmail fuction php 7what is mail function in phpphp mail codemail function phpis the mail function php securephp send emailssend email from php without smtpphp send mail simplefrom header mail phphow to send email in php using smtp serverphp emailercc php mailsend email from from phpemail key phpphp mail versendensend simple email by phpphp send mail using smtp serverphp scrpit for mailcreate smtp phpphp how to send mailphp mail phpmail php classset up smtp for php mail 28 29how to send emails with phpmail syntax in phpphp row smtp mailerphp mailerssend email with mail in phphow to send emails from regular mailbox from phphow to send html email with php mailsimple php email formsendmail php function subject with 27 in email phpphp mailsmtp email function phpemail phpmailerphp smtp email use mail function in phpsimple php mail scriptphp email sendensend email using php mailermail php from mail addresshow to sned mails in phpsend email from smtp phphow to send mail with phpphp mail function bosyhow use mail 28 29 in phpphp simple emailmail php codesend mail php smtp google ubuntusmtp mail in phpmail lib phpmail 28 phpsenda data in mail phpphp is email addresssend mail package phpphp email bodyphp mail to functionphp send email 27send mail in php using phpmailerphp automailphp mail samplephp custom email interfacecore php email sendphp mengirim php mailer atau mail 28 29send smtp phpphp maiphp email checkeine email mit php versendenhow to send mails in phpcode mail phpphp set email functionphp mail sentphp mail functionmail using smtp in phpsend mail with html content in php smtpphp mail function use sendmailphp mail 28 29 functionsend mail using mail function in phpmethods of sending mail using phpmail function php explainsmtp mailbox php opensimple mailer php php read emailbeste way to send smtp email with phpmailtrap connect in phphow to setup php mailer smtpphp send email using smtp authenticationhow 3bto use mail function in phpphp send an emailphp mailerephp send email smtp source codehow to use phpmailer in phpmailing phpphp sendmail with smtp serveremail using php w3php mailer send mail smtp starttlsphp send via smtpphp mail cmdwhat is the use of mail 28 29 function in php 3fphp does mail function uses smtpmail function return false in phpphp send mail smtp localhostmail sent code in phpphp insert email into headersmtp mail phpmailermailserver phpsend emails phpphp mail ccphp sendingphp mailer 24mail 3emailercode php pour mailphp fonction emailx mailer php 2f 27 phpversion 28 29 22mailslurper 22 with php mail 28 29sending email in php7how to send a mail using php 3f mail for phprow php smtp mailersend mail phpphpmailer from mailphp fake mail set uphow to send email in php with html formatphp code send mail using smtpphp code to send email using smtp servermail function in phpdo i need smtp server to send mail 2bphpsending email in phpsmtp server phpmailersmtp email function in phpphp mail funcrionchange php mail sender smtp ubuntuphp email hadersmailto phpmail function in core phpphp mailer for smtp relywhat causes the email to reach its desnation in phpsent php mailmail php mysqlphp mailer formsendmail in phpmail php content typehow to send email using mail 28 29 in phpphp mail send htmlhow to send a email phpsimple way to send email phpphp main function for emailhow to add content in email php 24mil 3esubjectphp mail systemmailed by php mailerphp send mail packagetrick to send email through php smtphow to add smtp details for email in phpphpmailer 24mailtomailheaders php mailhow to send mail using smtp in phpemail sending using phpphp code for mail sendinghow write own mailer phpphp mail 28 29html mail with phpphp mail send 28 29 functionsend somethimh to someone using phpphp smtp mail script examplesending mail in php using phpmailer 40mail in phpheader email in phpphp email headerhow to send email using phphow to send email phpmaileremail from php mail 28 29 functionphp send email with examplemail from with name phpmail function php how it workshow to send email in php using mail functionsent mail using phphow to use php mailermail by phpphp get smtp inboxsend email php 2asend mail 28 29 phphow to use in php string mailphp mail sender exampleemail send phpphp mail fundtionsphp email functionsphp mail 28 29 ccphp mailer nedirphp 2fmail phpphp to mailphp mailer script 22php mailer 22 ext 3aphpdo i need smtp server installed to send email in phpphpmailer mail function smtpmail send phpmail function in php inimail 28 29 phpphp main sentemail headers in phpemail coding in phpend mail with phpphp is mailemail php htmlsmtp mail script in phpphp mailingphp is emailhow to send email from website using phpfunction to set off email notification phpcore php send emailuse mail function in php linuxmail function php headersphp mail function explainedemail sending function phpsend php mail using php mailhow to send mail as queable php mailsend an email phpphp mail web pagephp mail funciont send emailmail 28 29 supported php versionphp email fromphp mail set from emailsend email from smtp serverhow to setup php mailerphp mail formatphp at mail functionsend mail using php mail functionsend smtp mail from phpphp envoi mail smtpphp mail 28 29 3bhow to call function in php mailsend html smtp email phpemail lib phpphp smtp mailerphp send mail exampleform php send email smtpphp mail simplefastest way to send mail in phpmail 28 29 basic code in phpphp mail function for inboxphp mail function linuxsending emails phpphp types of mailedsend email with stmt phpmailerphp mailer smtp in php with formphp include mailhow to write a mail function phpmail command phpphp send smtp emailsend a mail in phpmail php functionphp mail function ccmail sent using php phpmailerphpmailer to emailphp mail settings smtpphp send email smtsend an email using phpphp mail bcchow do i send php mail via smtp 3fphp generate emailsend email using phphtml mail header manualsimple php mail classphp send email beginnerphp smtp email sendersmtp mail in php demophpmailphp mailtrapphp how to send emailphp email functionhow to send a email via phphow to set mail sunject in phpphp mail function vs smtpphp mail helperphp mail sender documentationsend email in localhost php smtpsend mail through smtp in phpphp mail appphp send email functionphp mail function examplephp mail ad mailwhat is php syntax 25email 25send mails via phpemail function in phpmail php parametershow to setup php mail smtp serverphp sendmail smtpsend email using phpmailermail php file handlinghow to send mail using phpmailer in phpphp mail is mail server required forstyle php mailsimple php mail senderhow to send email from my mail in phpbeyouknow 2fhome 2fbeyodrko 2fphpmail 2fmail phphow to connect to mailbox phphow send mail in php email w3schoolslinux smtp send mail from phpphp send email from websitephp mail configurationsmtp mail form phpphp mail serveruse sandmail in php programphp email sending server 2fmail phphow to send simple email in phpmail service phpsend mail smtp complete code phpwp mail smtp get send email via phpphp 24this 3esend 28 27 27 2c 27email 27 2c 27 27 29 3bemail send code in php w3schoolssmtp with php mailerphp email settingssend email via gmail smtp server php without using php mailerhow to use php mail functionmail 28 29 functionhow to send email phphow to remove in mailto function in phpemail with phphow to send mail in php using smtpemail in phpphp mail form examplemail function example in phphow to send smtp email using phphow to send an email via phpphp mail c3 82php mail file 3chttp 3a 2f 2fwww php net 2fmail 3ephp 24mailphp mail send using smtpmail header phpnormal php mail functionphp mail fromsmtp php mailphp mailsphp 24this 3esend 28 27 27 2c 27php html email documentationphp mailer ovhphp mailsend mail php without smtpphp sending emailsend mail in php using phpmailer usimg html codemail function from email 3email phpsending email using phpmail send using phpsend email php mailersimple php code send emailemail name mail 28 29 phpsend email with phpmailerhow can we send email in php 7 4php hear mail sentcan you send mail from user with phphow to send php emailssmtp in php mail function