pyhon sort a list of tuples

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showing results for - "pyhon sort a list of tuples"
22 Feb 2016
1sorted([('abc', 121),('abc', 231),('abc', 148), ('abc',221)], key=lambda x: x[1])
11 Feb 2019
1# Python program to sort a list of tuples by the second Item 
3# Function to sort the list of tuples by its second item 
4def Sort_Tuple(tup):
5    # Getting length of list of tuples
6    lst = len(tup)
7    for i in range(0, lst):
8        for j in range(0, lst-i-1):
9            if (tup[j][1] > tup[j + 1][1]):
10                temp = tup[j]
11                tup[j]= tup[j + 1]
12                tup[j + 1]= temp
13    return tup
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