python sort algorithm

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showing results for - "python sort algorithm"
02 Mar 2019
1>>> student_tuples = [
2...     ('john', 'A', 15),
3...     ('jane', 'B', 12),
4...     ('dave', 'B', 10),
5... ]
6>>> sorted(student_tuples, key=lambda student: student[2])   # sort by age
7[('dave', 'B', 10), ('jane', 'B', 12), ('john', 'A', 15)]
02 Jul 2016
1>>> x = [1 ,11, 2, 3]
2>>> y = sorted(x)
3>>> x
4[1, 11, 2, 3]
5>>> y
6[1, 2, 3, 11]
21 Jan 2016
1a = [1, 2, 0, 8, 4, 5, 3, 7, 6]
26 Sep 2018
1nums = [4,8,5,2,1]
2#1 sorted() (Returns sorted list)
3sorted_nums = sorted(nums)
7#2 .sort() (Changes original list)
08 May 2016
1gList = [ "Rocket League", "Valorant", "Grand Theft Autu 5"]
3# OUTPUT --> ['Grand Theft Auto 5', 'Rocket League', 'Valorant']
4# It sorts the list according to their names
18 Mar 2020
1arr = [1,4,2,7,5,6]
2#sort in ascending order
3arr = arr.sort() 
5#sort in descending order
6arr = arr.sort(reverse = True)
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sort function pythonsort or sorted in python3key lambda ifhow does the python array sort method worksorted python3 keylist sort key lambdapython sort wth keypython list sort keysimple sorting pythonpython list sort 28 29how does list sort work pythonbest sorting algorithm pythonsorted 28 29 pythonpython array sort methodsort 28 29 in python sorting python listssort algorithm in pythonhow to do sorting in pythonlambda list python sortsort 28 29 keys pythonlambda and keywrite sorting algorithm in pythonpython sort list based on functionsort 28key 3dlambdapython sort key functionspython sorter algorithmpython sortspython sort on keysorting method in pythonpython sort impelmentationsorting a list in pythonsort list by value pythonsort using key 3d lamdapython sortpython sort list in placesort array desv python sort funcyion pythontypes of sorting pythonpython sort reverseesort from high to low pythonpython sorting with lambdasorting algorithm python programizpython sort sorted 3fhow to sort a list by value in pythonpython array sort 28key 3dlambda x 29sort list in pythonhwo does pythons soritng algorithm worksort python arrpython sorted key lambda 3fwhat a sort of python usebest sorting algorithm in pythonorder pythonfunction python sort valuespython sort listsort function in python for listpython sorted key lambdamethod sort python sort 28key 3dlambda tup tup 1 29smth sort 28 29 in pythonpython sortinglibraryhow to sort with pythonsort 28 29 and sorted 28 29 functions of pythonwhat sorting algorithm does python sort usesounting sort in pythonwhat sort is used in pythonsort list lambda pythonsorted function python class argumentarray sort python3python sort bywhat sort is used in python sort built in functionsorting a list in python 3python sort by custom functionbest sort list pythonsort given list lst according to the algorithm described in the pseudocode make sure that the given list does not change 2c but return a new 2c sorted variant of the list sorting 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examplepython sort 28 29 in functionssort a fucntion in pythonsorting starting from x pythonsort in python in which modulewhich sorting algorithm does python usepython sort function keypython condition key lambda sortwhat is order sort in pythonsorted function pythoncan we sort items in place within a python list but not within a python dictionary 3fsorted function python key lambdamake a sort function pythonpython sorting ordersort 28 29 pythonwhat sorting function is used by python sortmethods for sort in pythonpython code to balance items in list steps takenordered list pythonhwo to sort in ascending order in pythonarray sorting algorithm pythonsorting algorithms pyhow to sort in pythonlambda sort key pythonpython array sorting mechanismshow to sort python listshow to make a sorting algorithm in pythonlambda sorting functions pythonpython sort according functionpytho sortedsort 28 29 python 3sort based on pythonhow does the python sort function workhow to sort an array in pythonsorting algorithms in pythonsort function with key pythonkey 3dlambda in sort function pythonsecondary sort specify ascending descending pythonsort key dictionary in pythonsorted with key in pythonsorted array pythonpython 2asortedwhat sort in python is usedlist sorted order in pythonpython implementation of sortpython sort by list of keywordswhat is sort function in pythonkey lambda what if equalwhat is sorting algorithm in pythonsort list python with keysort python using keyhow to use the sort function in pythonwhat sorting does python use for sort functionhow to pass a function to sort in pythonwhich sorting algorithm is ised in python sort 28 29python sorting algorithmspython list sort reverseorder by pythonsorted python key 3dlambdapython sort by keypython how to use sortsort and sorted python algorithmhow to sort the list in decreasing order in pythonwhat does sort do in pythonsort lambda pythonitemgetter list of keys pythhonpython sort lambvdalist algorithms pythonsort 28 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available in pythonpy sort a listpython sort a listtpython sorted list lambda key python sorted lsitsorted key function pythonsorted pythonsort in pythonlist sort python 2out to use sort func in list pythonwhat the algorithm for sort pythonsorted lambda key pythonpython implementation of sorting python sort list first att max sec att minpython lambda sort dictionary xdesimal sorting pythonsort dictionary using lambdasorted 28 29 pythonsorted key 3dlambda pythonwhich sorting algorithm does sort 28 29 method use in pythonsort a python listsort 28key 3d lambdabuilt in sort methods in pythonmake sort function in pythonsorting in python with sort functionpython list in ordersort with pythonpython sorted listpython sort arrarypython array sort with functionkey 3ditemgetter 281 29python sorted keyword argumentssort listsort method modifies list in placepython sorted and lambdapython sort usepython sort list key lambdapython list sort valueswhich algorithm python used in its sort 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inpythonsorted list in python3fast sort pythonpython list sortsort by function pythonpython sort by listin place sort algorithm pythonpython custum sort examplesorting an array in pythonarray sort pythondescending order in sorted pythonlist sort methodarray sort algorithm python 5b 3centity 7b 7d 3e 5d sort pythonlist 28 29 sortnumbers sort 3d sorted 28enumerate 28conteo combi 29 2c key 3ditemgetter 281 29 2c reverse 3dtrue 29 index 2c value 3d numbers sort 5bcon 5dwhich sort does the sort 28 29 function do in pythonarray sort 28 29 pythonpython list sort lambdasort according to function pythonpython list sort sorting methodsort array pythonbuilt in sort function pythonwhat is sorting in pythonsort list by key list in pythonsort in place python listpython sorted modulepython sort 28 29 uses sorting methodpython revere sorted list pythonorder 3d pythonfuction to sort in pythonsort python lambdasort python algorithmsort lambda function pythonpython sort with functionhow does python sort method worksort func pythonpython sort methodpython object sortpython sort list according to keyhow to sort an array p ypython sort list with lambda keykey 3dlambda sortedsort en pythonpython sort algorithm